2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
@ extends ( 'layouts.app' )
@ section ( 'htmlheader_title' )
@ if ( $o -> exists ) Update @ else Add @ endif System
@ endsection
@ section ( 'content' )
2021-06-25 11:31:57 +00:00
@ if ( $o -> exists )
2021-07-31 07:43:58 +00:00
< h1 > {{ $o -> name }} @ if ( $o -> setup ) < sup class = " success " style = " text-shadow: 0 0; font-size: 50%; top: -1em; " >*</ sup >@ endif </ h1 >
@ if ( $o -> setup ) < sup class = " success " style = " float:right;top:-2em; " >* This Host </ sup >@ endif
2021-06-25 11:31:57 +00:00
@ endif
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
< div class = " accordion accordion-flush " id = " accordion_homepage " >
@ if ( $o -> exists )
<!-- System -->
< div class = " accordion-item " >
< h3 class = " accordion-header " id = " system " data - bs - toggle = " collapse " data - bs - target = " #collapse_system " aria - expanded = " true " aria - controls = " collapse_system " > System </ h3 >
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
< div id = " collapse_system " class = " accordion-collapse collapse { { ((! session()->has('add_address')) && (! session()->has('add_session'))) ? 'show' : '' }} " aria - labelledby = " system " data - bs - parent = " #accordion_homepage " >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
< div class = " accordion-body " >
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
@ include ( 'system.form-system' )
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
</ div >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
@ if ( ! $o -> setup )
<!-- Authentication -->
< div class = " accordion-item " >
< h3 class = " accordion-header " id = " authentication " data - bs - toggle = " collapse " data - bs - target = " #collapse_auth " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse_auth " > System Authentication </ h3 >
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
< div id = " collapse_auth " class = " accordion-collapse collapse { { session()->has('add_session') ? 'show' : '' }} " aria - labelledby = " authentication " data - bs - parent = " #accordion_homepage " >
< div class = " accordion-body " >
@ if ( $o -> sessions -> count ())
< table class = " table monotable " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th >& nbsp ; </ th >
< th colspan = " 4 " class = " text-center " > Passwords </ th >
< th >& nbsp ; </ th >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th > Zone </ th >
< th > Session </ th >
< th > Packet </ th >
< th > TIC </ th >
< th > Areafix </ th >
< th >& nbsp ; </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
@ foreach ( $o -> sessions -> sortBy ( 'zone_id' ) as $oo )
< tr >
< td > {{ $oo -> zone_id }} < span >@</ span > {{ $oo -> domain -> name }} </ td >
< td > {{ $oo -> pivot -> sespass }} </ td >
< td > {{ $oo -> pivot -> pktpass }} </ td >
< td > {{ $oo -> pivot -> ticpass }} </ td >
< td > {{ $oo -> pivot -> fixpass }} </ td >
< td style = " width: 70px; " >
{{ --
< a href = " { { url('ftn/system/modsession',[ $oo->id ]) }} " title = " Modify Details " class = " modify " >< i class = " bi bi-pen-fill " ></ i ></ a >
-- }}
< a href = " { { url('ftn/system/delsession',[ $o->id , $oo->id ]) }} " title = " Delete Details " class = " delete " >< i class = " bi bi-trash-fill " ></ i ></ a >
</ td >
</ tr >
@ endforeach
</ tbody >
</ table >
@ else
< p > No session details exist </ p >
@ endif
@ include ( 'system.form-session' )
</ div >
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
</ div >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
</ div >
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
@ endif
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
<!-- Addresses -->
< div class = " accordion-item " >
< h3 class = " accordion-header " id = " addresses " data - bs - toggle = " collapse " data - bs - target = " #collapse_addresses " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse_addresses " > System AKAs </ h3 >
< div id = " collapse_addresses " class = " accordion-collapse collapse { { session()->has('add_address') ? 'show' : '' }} " aria - labelledby = " addresses " data - bs - parent = " #accordion_homepage " >
< div class = " accordion-body " >
< p > FidoNet addresses are constructed in the format < strong class = " highlight " > zone </ strong >:< strong class = " highlight " > net </ strong >/< strong class = " highlight " > node </ strong >.< strong class = " highlight " > point </ strong >< span >@</ span >< strong class = " highlight " > domain </ strong >.</ p >
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
< div class = " accordion accordion-flush " id = " accordion_ftnaddress " >
< h4 class = " accordion-header " id = " ftnaddress " data - bs - toggle = " collapse " data - bs - target = " #collapse_ftnaddresses " aria - expanded = " false " aria - controls = " collapse_addresses " > Fidonet Addressing </ h4 >
< div id = " collapse_ftnaddresses " class = " accordion-collapse collapse " aria - labelledby = " ftnaddress " data - bs - parent = " #accordion_ftnaddress " >
< div class = " accordion-body " >
2021-06-29 10:43:29 +00:00
< p > FidoNet system are also assigned some roles , and in some cases , those roles have a particular address format :</ p >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
< table class = " table monotable " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Role </ th >
< th > Address Format </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > Zone < small > ( optional ) </ small ></ td >
< td >
< strong class = " highlight " > ZONE </ strong >: 0 / 0.0 , where the net , node and point values are zero . Zones normally have 1 or more Regions and / or Hosts .< br >< br >
< small > ( Systems that do not configure other systems with a zone , assume that that other system is in the same zone as the system being configured . ) </ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Region < small > ( optional ) </ small ></ td >
< td >
zone :< strong class = " highlight " > REGION </ strong >/ 0.0 , where the zone indicates which zone the region is in . The node and point values are zero . Regions normally have 1 or more Hosts .< br >< br >
< small > Fidonet software normally doesnt configure the region address per - se . It is used by the mailer to receive packets destined to it by routing , in transition to the final destination . The region number must be unique with a zone .</ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Host < small > ( mandatory ) </ small ></ td >
< td >
zone :< strong class = " highlight " > HOST </ strong >/ 0.0 , where the zone indicates which zone the host is in . The node and point values are zero . The Host system is normally configured with an additional address , where the NET address is the same and the NODE number that is greater than zero . Hosts may may zero or more Hubs and 1 or more Nodes .< br >< br >
< small > The host number must be unique within a zone , which implies that it cannot be the same as a region , if regions are used .</ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Hub < small > ( optional ) </ small ></ td >
< td >
zone : net /< strong class = " highlight " > NODE </ strong >. 0 , where the zone / net indicates which zone / net the hub is in . The system ( s ) in the nodelist below a Hub are fed from that hub from a routing perspective .< br >< br >
< small > The node is unique within the net and point is zero .</ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Node < small > ( required ) </ small ></ td >
< td >
zone : net /< strong class = " highlight " > NODE </ strong >. 0 , where the zone / net indicates which zone / net the node is in .< br >< br >
< small > The node is unique within the net and point is zero .</ small >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
@ if ( $o -> addresses -> count ())
< p > This system has the following addresses assigned to it :</ p >
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
< table class = " table monotable " >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Address </ th >
< th > Active </ th >
2021-07-01 14:25:41 +00:00
< th colspan = " 2 " > Role </ th >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
@ foreach ( $o -> addresses -> sortBy ([ 'region_id' , 'host_id' ]) as $oo )
< tr >
2021-06-26 14:34:15 +00:00
< td > {{ $oo -> ftn }} </ td >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
< td > {{ $oo -> active ? 'YES' : 'NO' }} </ td >
< td > {{ $oo -> role }} </ td >
2021-07-01 14:25:41 +00:00
< td style = " width: 70px; " >
2021-07-02 13:19:50 +00:00
@ if ( ! $oo -> children )
2021-07-01 14:25:41 +00:00
@ can ( 'admin' , $oo )
< a href = " { { url('ftn/system/susaddress',[ $oo->id ]) }} " title = " @if( $oo->active )Pause @else Activate @endif Address " class = " suspend " >< i class = " bi @if( $oo->active )bi-pause-circle-fill @else bi-play-circle-fill @endif " ></ i ></ a >
{{ --
< a href = " { { url('ftn/system/modaddress',[ $oo->id ]) }} " title = " Modify Address " class = " modify " >< i class = " bi bi-pen-fill " ></ i ></ a >
< a href = " { { url('ftn/system/movaddress',[ $oo->id ]) }} " title = " Move Address to another System " class = " move " >< i class = " bi bi-arrow-right-square-fill " ></ i ></ a >
-- }}
< a href = " { { url('ftn/system/deladdress',[ $oo->id ]) }} " title = " Delete Address " class = " delete " >< i class = " bi bi-trash-fill " ></ i ></ a >
@ endcan
2021-07-02 13:19:50 +00:00
@ endif
2021-07-01 14:25:41 +00:00
</ td >
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
</ tr >
@ endforeach
</ tbody >
</ table >
@ endif
@ can ( 'admin' , $o )
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
@ include ( 'system.form-address' )
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
@ else
This system does not currently belong to any Fido networks . You ' ll need to ask an admin to assign addresses .
@ endcan
2021-06-18 13:01:41 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
@ else
@ include ( 'system.form-system' )
2021-06-20 13:03:20 +00:00
@ endif
</ div >
2021-07-01 14:25:41 +00:00
@ include ( 'widgets.modal_delete' )
2021-07-04 11:47:23 +00:00
@ endsection