2024-05-24 16:57:49 +10:00
< ? php
namespace App\Classes\Dynamic ;
use Carbon\Carbon ;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log ;
use App\Classes\Dynamic ;
use App\Models\ { Address , System };
* This method will generate a nodelist for an upstream Host / RC / ZC / NC
* // @todo Only generate if nodes have been updated, added or removed
class NodelistSegment extends Dynamic
private const LOGKEY = 'DNL' ;
private string $name = '' ;
private Address $our_address ;
private Carbon $now ;
public function __construct ( Address $ao , Collection $arg )
$this -> our_address = our_address ( $ao -> zone -> domain ) -> first ();
$this -> now = Carbon :: now ();
$this -> name = sprintf ( 'z%dn%d.%d' ,
$this -> our_address -> zone -> zone_id ,
$this -> our_address -> host_id ,
$this -> now -> format ( 'z' ),
Log :: debug ( sprintf ( '%s:- Generating Nodelist for [%s] from [%s] as [%s] with arguments' , self :: LOGKEY , $ao -> ftn , $this -> our_address -> ftn , $this -> our_address -> role_name ),[ 'args' => $arg ]);
public function __toString () : string
return $this -> crc ( $this -> generate ( $this -> our_address ));
private function crc ( string $text ) : string
return sprintf ( " ;A %s Nodelist for %s -- Day number %d : %s \r \n " ,
$this -> our_address -> role_name ,
$this -> now -> format ( 'l, M d, Y' ),
$this -> now -> format ( 'z' ),
crc16 ( $text )
) . $text ;
private function flags ( Address $ao ) : Collection
$result = collect ();
if (( $ao -> system -> pollmode === TRUE ) || in_array ( $ao -> role_name ,[ 'ZC' , 'RC' , 'NC' , 'HC' ]))
$result -> push ( 'CM' );
if ( $ao -> system -> address ) {
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$result -> push ( sprintf ( 'INA:%s' , our_address ( $ao -> domain ) -> contains ( $ao -> id ) ? our_hostname ( $ao ) : $ao -> system -> address ));
2024-05-24 16:57:49 +10:00
if (( $x = $ao -> system -> mailers -> pluck ( 'name' ) -> search ( 'BINKP' )) !== FALSE )
$result -> push ( sprintf ( 'IBN%s' ,(( $y = $ao -> system -> mailers -> get ( $x ) -> pivot -> port ) !== 24554 ) ? ':' . $y : '' ));
if (( $x = $ao -> system -> mailers -> pluck ( 'name' ) -> search ( 'EMSI' )) !== FALSE )
$result -> push ( sprintf ( 'ITN%s' ,(( $y = $ao -> system -> mailers -> get ( $x ) -> pivot -> port ) !== 23 ) ? ':' . $y : '' ));
return $result ;
private function entry ( Address $ao ) : string
$format = '%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,300' ;
$prefix = '' ;
$address = $ao -> node_id ;
if (( ! $ao -> system -> address ) || $ao -> isPrivate ) {
$prefix = 'Pvt' ;
} elseif ( $ao -> isHold ) {
$prefix = 'Hold' ;
} elseif ( $ao -> isDown ) {
$prefix = 'Down' ;
} else
switch ( $ao -> role_id ) {
case Address :: NODE_ZC :
$prefix = 'Zone' ;
$address = $ao -> zone -> zone_id ;
break ;
case Address :: NODE_RC :
$prefix = 'Region' ;
$address = $ao -> region_id ;
break ;
case Address :: NODE_NC :
$prefix = 'Host' ;
$address = $ao -> host_id ;
break ;
case Address :: NODE_HC :
$prefix = 'Hub' ;
break ;
case Address :: NODE_NN :
break ;
case Address :: NODE_POINT :
throw new \Exception ( sprintf ( 'We have no method to include points in the nodelist [%s]' , $ao -> ftn ));
default :
throw new \Exception ( sprintf ( 'Unknown role [%d] for [%s]' , $ao -> role , $ao -> ftn ));
return sprintf ( $format ,
$prefix ,
$address ,
$this -> format ( $ao -> system -> name ),
$this -> format ( $ao -> system -> location ),
$this -> format ( $ao -> system -> sysop ),
$ao -> system -> phone ? : '-Unpublished-' ,
) . (( $x = $this -> flags ( $ao ) -> join ( ',' )) ? sprintf ( ',%s' , $x ) : '' );
private function format ( string $string ) : string
return str_replace ( ' ' , '_' , str_replace ( ',' , '' , $string ));
private function generate ( Address $ao ) : string
$result = collect ();
$so = System :: createUnknownSystem ();
$result -> push ( $this -> entry ( $ao ));
foreach ( $ao -> children () as $oo ) {
// We dont include points in the ndoelist
if ( $oo -> point_id )
continue ;
// We exclude discovered systems
if ( $oo -> system_id == $so -> id )
continue ;
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$result -> push ( $this -> entry ( $oo ));
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return $result -> join ( " \n " );
public function getName () : string
return $this -> name ;