Process packet seenby/path/via lines when saving echomail/netmail
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator as ValidatorResult;
use App\Classes\FTN as FTNBase;
use App\Http\Controllers\DomainController;
use App\Models\{Address,Domain,System,Zone};
use App\Models\{Address,Domain,Zone};
use App\Rules\{TwoByteInteger,TwoByteIntegerWithZero};
use App\Traits\EncodeUTF8;
@ -138,10 +137,7 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
private Collection $rescanned; // Message was created as a result of a rescan
private Collection $path; // FTS-0004.001 The message PATH lines
private Collection $pathaddress; // Collection of Addresses after parsing seenby
private Collection $rogue_seenby; // Collection of FTNs in the Seen-by that are not defined
private Collection $seenby; // FTS-0004.001 The message SEEN-BY lines
private Collection $seenaddress; // Collection of Addresses after parsing seenby
private Collection $via; // The path the message has gone using Via lines (Netmail)
private Collection $unknown; // Temporarily hold attributes we have no logic for.
@ -224,10 +220,7 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
$this->kludge = collect();
$this->rescanned = collect();
$this->path = collect();
$this->rogue_seenby = collect();
$this->seenby = collect();
$this->seenaddress = collect();
$this->pathaddress = collect();
$this->via = collect();
$this->unknown = collect();
@ -364,9 +357,6 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
case 'rescanned':
case 'path':
case 'seenby':
case 'pathaddress':
case 'rogue_seenby':
case 'seenaddress':
case 'unknown':
case 'via':
@ -556,6 +546,7 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
$ptr = 0;
// To User
$o->user_to = strstr(substr($msg,self::HEADER_LEN+$ptr),"\x00",TRUE);
$ptr += strlen($o->user_to)+1;
@ -670,77 +661,6 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
return ($this->flags & $flag);
* Parse the Seenby/path lines and return a collection of addresses
* @param string $type Type of address, ie: seenby/path
* @param Collection $addresses
* @param Collection $rogue
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
private function parseAddresses(string $type,Collection $addresses,Collection &$rogue): Collection
$nodes = collect();
$net = NULL;
foreach ($addresses as $line) {
foreach (explode(' ',$line) as $item) {
if (($x=strpos($item,'/')) !== FALSE) {
$net = (int)substr($item,0,$x);
$node = (int)substr($item,$x+1);
} else {
$node = (int)$item;
$aoid = NULL;
// If domain should be flattened, look for node regardless of zone (within the list of zones for the domain)
if ($this->fdomain && $this->fdomain->flatten) {
$ao = Address::findZone($this->fdomain,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,0);
$ftn = sprintf('%d:%d/%d@%s',$this->fz,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$this->fdomain->name);
$aoid = $ao?->id;
} elseif ($this->fdomain) {
$ftn = sprintf('%d:%d/%d@%s',$this->fz,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$this->fdomain->name);
} else {
$ftn = sprintf('%d:%d/%d',$this->fz,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX);
if (! $aoid) {
if (! ($ao=Address::findFTN($ftn))) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Undefined Node [%s] in [%s] - auto created.',self::LOGKEY,$ftn,$type));
$ao = Address::createFTN($ftn,System::createUnknownSystem());
$aoid = $ao?->id;
switch ($type) {
case 'seenby':
if (! $ao) {
continue 2;
case 'path':
if (! $aoid)
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Didnt get an address for [%s]',$ftn));
return $nodes;
* Process the data after the ORIGIN
* There may be kludge lines after the origin - notably SEEN-BY
@ -785,48 +705,6 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
* Parse the via address and return a collection of addresses
* <FTN Address> @YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS[.Precise][.Time Zone] <Program Name> <Version> [Serial Number]
* @param Collection $via
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
private function parseVia(Collection $via): Collection
$nodes = collect();
foreach ($via as $line) {
$m = [];
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+:[0-9]+\/[0-9]+(\..*)?)\s+@([0-9.a-zA-Z]+)\s+(.*)$/',$line,$m)) {
// Address
$ao = Address::findFTN($m[1]);
// Time
$t = [];
$datetime = '';
if (! preg_match('/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(\.?(.*))?$/',$m[3],$t))
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Unable to determine time from [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$m[3]));
$datetime = Carbon::createFromFormat('Ymd.His',$t[1],$t[3] ?? '');
if (! $ao) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Undefined Node [%s] for Netmail.',self::LOGKEY,$m[1]));
} else {
return $nodes;
* Extract information out of the message text.
@ -1009,19 +887,6 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
} elseif ($this->zone) {
$this->src = Address::parseFTN(sprintf('%d:%d/%d.%d@%s',$this->zone->zone_id,$this->fn,$this->ff,$this->fp,$this->zone->domain->name));
// Parse SEEN-BY
if ($this->seenby->count())
$this->seenaddress = $this->parseAddresses('seenby',$this->seenby,$this->rogue_seenby);
$dummy = collect();
// Parse PATH
if ($this->path->count())
$this->pathaddress = $this->parseAddresses('path',$this->path,$dummy);
// Parse VIA
if ($this->via->count())
$this->pathaddress = $this->parseVia($this->via);
@ -1061,6 +926,15 @@ class Message extends FTNBase
$validator->after(function($validator) {
if ($this->zone->domain->flatten) {
if (! $this->zone->domain->zones->pluck('zone_id')->contains($this->fz))
$validator->errors()->add('invalid-zone',sprintf('Message zone [%d] doesnt match any zone in domain for packet zone [%d].',$this->fz,$this->zone->zone_id));
} else {
if ($this->zone->zone_id !== $this->fz)
$validator->errors()->add('invalid-zone',sprintf('Message zone [%d] doesnt match packet zone [%d].',$this->fz,$this->zone->zone_id));
if (! $this->fboss_o)
$validator->errors()->add('from',sprintf('Undefined Node [%s] sent message.',$this->fboss));
if (! $this->tboss_o)
@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ namespace App\Classes\FTN;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File;
use App\Classes\FTN as FTNBase;
use App\Models\{Address,Software,System,Zone};
use App\Models\{Address,Domain,Software,System,Zone};
use App\Notifications\Netmails\EchomailBadAddress;
* Represents a Fidonet Packet, that contains an array of messages.
@ -172,11 +173,11 @@ class Packet extends FTNBase implements \Iterator, \Countable
* @param mixed $f
* @param string $name
* @param int $size
* @param System|null $system
* @param Domain|null $domain
* @return Packet
* @throws InvalidPacketException
public static function process(mixed $f,string $name,int $size,System $system=NULL): self
public static function process(mixed $f,string $name,int $size,Domain $domain=NULL): self
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:+ Opening Packet [%s] with size [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$name,$size));
@ -223,11 +224,29 @@ class Packet extends FTNBase implements \Iterator, \Countable
else if (! strlen($x))
throw new InvalidPacketException('No message in packet: '.bin2hex($x));
$o->zone = $system?->zones->firstWhere('zone_id',$o->fz);
// Work out the packet zone
if ($o->fz && ($o->fd || $domain)) {
$o->zone = Zone::select('zones.*')
->where('name',$o->fd ?: $domain->name)
// If zone is null, we'll take the zone from the packet
if (! $o->zone)
$o->zone = Zone::where('zone_id',$o->fz)->where('default',TRUE)->single();
// We need not knowing the domain, we use the default zone
} else {
$o->zone = Zone::where('zone_id',$o->fz)
// If zone is not set, then we need to use a default zone - the messages may not be from this zone.
if (! $o->zone) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! We couldnt work out the packet zone, so we have fallen back to the default for [%d]',self::LOGKEY,$o->fz));
$o->zone = Zone::where('zone_id',$o->fz)
$buf_ptr = 0;
$message = '';
@ -415,15 +434,27 @@ class Packet extends FTNBase implements \Iterator, \Countable
private function parseMessage(string $message): void
Log::info(sprintf('%s:+ Processing message [%d] bytes',self::LOGKEY,strlen($message)));
Log::info(sprintf('%s:+ Processing packet message [%d] bytes',self::LOGKEY,strlen($message)));
$msg = Message::parseMessage($message,$this->zone);
// If the message from domain is different to the packet address domain, we'll skip this message
// If the message is invalid, we'll ignore it
if ($msg->errors) {
Log::info(sprintf('%s:- Message [%s] has errors',self::LOGKEY,$msg->msgid));
// If the from address doenst exist, we'll create a new entry
// If the messages is not for the right zone, we'll ignore it
if ($msg->errors->messages()->has('invalid-zone')) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Message is from an invalid zone [%s], packet is from [%s] - ignoring it',self::LOGKEY,$msg->fftn,$msg->zone->domain->name));
if (! $msg->rescanned->count())
Notification::route('netmail',$this->fftn_o)->notify(new EchomailBadAddress($msg));
// If the to address doenst exist, we'll create a new entry
if ($msg->errors->messages()->has('to') && $msg->tzone) {
try {
// @todo Need to work out the correct region for the host_id
@ -450,15 +481,13 @@ class Packet extends FTNBase implements \Iterator, \Countable
$ao->role = Address::NODE_UNKNOWN;
$so = System::createUnknownSystem();
// @todo Remove this debugging line
if ($so->id !== 443)
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:? Just created Discovered System for MSGID [%s] A',self::LOGKEY,$msg->msgid));
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:- To FTN is not defined, creating new entry for [%s] (%d)',self::LOGKEY,$msg->tboss,$ao->id));
// If the from address doenst exist, we'll create a new entry
if ($msg->errors->messages()->has('from') && $msg->tzone) {
try {
// @todo Need to work out the correct region for the host_id
@ -485,9 +514,6 @@ class Packet extends FTNBase implements \Iterator, \Countable
$ao->role = Address::NODE_UNKNOWN;
$so = System::createUnknownSystem();
// @todo Remvoe this debugging line
if ($so->id !== 443)
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:? Just created Discovered System for MSGID [%s] B',self::LOGKEY,$msg->msgid));
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Classes\File;
use App\Classes\FTN\Packet;
use App\Models\System;
use App\Models\Address;
class PacketInfo extends Command
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class PacketInfo extends Command
protected $signature = 'packet:info'
.' {file : Packet to process}'
.' {system? : System the packet is from}';
.' {ftn? : FTN the packet is from}';
* The console command description.
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ class PacketInfo extends Command
public function handle()
$f = new File($this->argument('file'));
$s = $this->argument('system') ? System::where('name',$this->argument('system'))->singleOrFail() : NULL;
$a = $this->argument('ftn') ? Address::findFTN($this->argument('ftn')) : NULL;
foreach ($f as $packet) {
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$x=$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$s);
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$x=$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$a->zone->domain);
$this->alert(sprintf('File Name: %s',$x));
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class PacketProcess extends Command
* @return mixed
* @throws \App\Classes\FTN\InvalidPacketException
* @todo Should this just call PacketProcess instead?
public function handle()
@ -41,14 +42,12 @@ class PacketProcess extends Command
$a = Address::findFTN($this->argument('ftn'));
foreach ($f as $packet) {
foreach (Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$a->system) as $msg) {
foreach ($pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$a->zone->domain) as $msg) {
// @todo Quick check that the packet should be processed by us.
// @todo validate that the packet's zone is in the domain.
$this->info(sprintf('Processing message from [%s] with msgid [%s] in (%s)',$msg->fboss,$msg->msgid,$f->pktName()));
// Dispatch job.
@ -8,18 +8,20 @@ use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use App\Classes\FTN\Message;
use App\Models\{Address,Echoarea,Echomail,Netmail,Setup,User};
use App\Notifications\Netmails\{EchoareaNotExist,EchoareaNotSubscribed,EchoareaNoWrite,NetmailForward,Reject};
use App\Traits\ParseAddresses;
class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
private const LOGKEY = 'JMP';
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
use Dispatchable,InteractsWithQueue,Queueable,SerializesModels,ParseAddresses;
private Address $sender;
private Message $msg;
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
$o->set_pkt = $this->packet;
$o->set_sender = $this->sender;
$o->set_path = $this->msg->pathaddress;
$o->set_path = $this->msg->via;
$o->set_recvtime = $this->recvtime;
// Strip any local/transit flags
$o->flags &= ~(Message::FLAG_LOCAL|Message::FLAG_INTRANSIT);
@ -245,11 +247,13 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:- Processing echomail [%s] in [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$this->msg->msgid,$this->msg->echoarea));
if (! $this->pktsrc->zone->domain->zones->pluck('zone_id')->contains($this->msg->fboss_o->zone->zone_id)) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! The message [%s] is from a different zone [%d] than the packet sender [%d]',
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! The message [%s] is from a different zone [%d] than the packet sender [%d] - not importing',
// Check for duplicate messages
@ -257,7 +261,8 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
if ($this->msg->msgid) {
$o = Echomail::where('msgid',$this->msg->msgid)
->where('fftn_id',($x=$this->msg->fboss_o) ? $x->id : NULL)
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:- Checking for duplicate from host id [%d].',self::LOGKEY,($x=$this->msg->fboss_o) ? $x->id : NULL));
@ -276,12 +281,32 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
// If the path is empty, then its probably because of the previous bug, we'll replace it.
// @todo This duplicate message may have gone via a different path, be nice to record it.
// If we didnt get the path on the original message, we'll override it
if (! $o->path->count()) {
$dummy = collect();
$path = $this->parseAddresses('path',$this->msg->path,$this->pktsrc->zone,$dummy);
$ppoid = NULL;
foreach ($path as $aoid) {
$po = DB::select('INSERT INTO echomail_path (echomail_id,address_id,parent_id) VALUES (?,?,?) RETURNING id',[
$ppoid = $po[0]->id;
// @todo if we have an export for any of the seenby addresses, remove it
// @todo add received packet details
$seenby = $this->parseAddresses('seenby',$this->msg->seenby,$this->pktsrc->zone,$o->rogue_seenby);
$x = $o->seenby()->syncWithoutDetaching($seenby);
// In case our rogue_seenby changed
if ($o->getDirty())
@ -305,7 +330,7 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
// @todo Can the sender create it if it doesnt exist?
// Can the system send messages to this area?
if (! $ea->sec_write || ($this->pktsrc->security < $ea->sec_write)) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! FTN [%s] is not allowed to post [%s] to [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$this->pktsrc,$this->msg->msgid,$ea->name));
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! FTN [%s] is not allowed to post [%s] to [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$this->pktsrc->ftn,$this->msg->msgid,$ea->name));
if (! $this->msg->rescanned->count())
Notification::route('netmail',$this->pktsrc)->notify(new EchoareaNoWrite($this->msg));
@ -314,7 +339,7 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
// If the node is not subscribed
if ($this->pktsrc->echoareas->search(function($item) use ($ea) { return $item->id === $ea->id; }) === FALSE) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! FTN [%s] is not subscribed to [%s] for [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$this->pktsrc,$ea->name,$this->msg->msgid));
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! FTN [%s] is not subscribed to [%s] for [%s].',self::LOGKEY,$this->pktsrc->ftn,$ea->name,$this->msg->msgid));
if (! $this->msg->rescanned->count())
Notification::route('netmail',$this->pktsrc)->notify(new EchoareaNotSubscribed($this->msg));
@ -338,9 +363,8 @@ class MessageProcess implements ShouldQueue
$o->msg = $this->msg->message_src."\r";
$o->msg_src = $this->msg->message_src;
$o->msg_crc = md5($this->msg->message);
$o->rogue_seenby = $this->msg->rogue_seenby;
$o->set_path = $this->msg->pathaddress;
$o->set_seenby = $this->msg->seenaddress;
$o->set_path = $this->msg->path;
$o->set_seenby = $this->msg->seenby;
$o->set_recvtime = $this->recvtime;
// Record receiving packet and sender
$o->set_pkt = $this->packet;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class PacketProcess implements ShouldQueue
$processed = FALSE;
foreach ($f as $packet) {
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,Arr::get(stream_get_meta_data($packet),'uri'),$f->itemSize(),$this->ao->system);
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,Arr::get(stream_get_meta_data($packet),'uri'),$f->itemSize(),$this->ao->zone->domain);
// Check the messages are from the uplink
if ($this->ao->system->addresses->search(function($item) use ($pkt) { return $item->id === $pkt->fftn_o->id; }) === FALSE) {
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ use Rennokki\QueryCache\Traits\QueryCacheable;
use App\Casts\{CollectionOrNull,CompressedString};
use App\Classes\FTN\Message;
use App\Interfaces\Packet;
use App\Traits\{EncodeUTF8,MsgID};
use App\Traits\{EncodeUTF8,MsgID,ParseAddresses};
final class Echomail extends Model implements Packet
use SoftDeletes,EncodeUTF8,MsgID,QueryCacheable;
use SoftDeletes,EncodeUTF8,MsgID,QueryCacheable,ParseAddresses;
private const LOGKEY = 'ME-';
private Collection $set_seenby;
@ -68,17 +68,17 @@ final class Echomail extends Model implements Packet
// @todo if the message is updated with new SEEN-BY's from another route, we'll delete the pending export for systems (if there is one)
static::created(function($model) {
if (! $model->echoarea_id) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:- Message has no echoarea, not exporting',self::LOGKEY,$model->id));
$rogue = collect();
$seenby = NULL;
$path = [];
// Save the seenby
// Parse PATH
if ($model->set_path->count())
$path = self::parseAddresses('path',$model->set_path,$model->fftn->zone,$rogue);
// Save the Path
$ppoid = NULL;
foreach ($model->set_path as $aoid) {
foreach ($path as $aoid) {
$po = DB::select('INSERT INTO echomail_path (echomail_id,address_id,parent_id) VALUES (?,?,?) RETURNING id',[
@ -88,12 +88,26 @@ final class Echomail extends Model implements Packet
$ppoid = $po[0]->id;
$rogue = collect();
// Parse SEEN-BY
if ($model->set_seenby->count())
$seenby = self::parseAddresses('seenby',$model->set_seenby,$model->fftn->zone,$rogue);
if (count($rogue)) {
$model->rogue_seenby = $rogue;
if ($seenby)
// Our last node in the path is our sender
if (isset($model->set_pkt) && isset($model->set_recvtime)) {
DB::update('UPDATE echomail_path set recv_pkt=?,recv_at=? where address_id=? and echomail_id=?',[
@ -105,7 +119,7 @@ final class Echomail extends Model implements Packet
->filter(function($item) use ($model) { return $item->security >= $model->echoarea->sec_read; }))
if ($exportto->count()) {
if ($model->no_export) {
@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ use App\Classes\FTN\Message;
use App\Interfaces\Packet;
use App\Traits\{EncodeUTF8,MsgID};
// @deprecated recv_pkt now in netmail_path
// @deprecated local - use flags
final class Netmail extends Model implements Packet
private const LOGKEY = 'MN-';
@ -66,16 +64,48 @@ final class Netmail extends Model implements Packet
static::created(function($model) {
$nodes = collect();
// Parse PATH
// <FTN Address> @YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS[.Precise][.Time Zone] <Program Name> <Version> [Serial Number]
if (isset($model->set_path)) {
if ($model->set_path->count()) {
foreach ($model->set_path as $line) {
$m = [];
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+:[0-9]+\/[0-9]+(\..*)?)\s+@([0-9.a-zA-Z]+)\s+(.*)$/',$line,$m)) {
// Address
$ao = Address::findFTN($m[1]);
// Time
$t = [];
$datetime = '';
if (! preg_match('/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(\.?(.*))?$/',$m[3],$t))
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Unable to determine time from [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$m[3]));
$datetime = Carbon::createFromFormat('Ymd.His',$t[1],$t[3] ?? '');
if (! $ao) {
Log::alert(sprintf('%s:! Undefined Node [%s] for Netmail.',self::LOGKEY,$m[1]));
} else {
// If there are no details (Mystic), we'll create a blank
} else {
// Save the Path
$ppoid = NULL;
if (isset($model->set_path)) {
// If there are no details (Mystic), we'll create a blank
if (! $model->set_path->count()) {
foreach ($model->set_path as $path) {
foreach ($nodes as $path) {
$po = DB::select('INSERT INTO netmail_path (netmail_id,address_id,parent_id,datetime,program) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING id',[
@ -88,16 +118,15 @@ final class Netmail extends Model implements Packet
// Our last node in the path is our sender
if (isset($model->set_pkt) && isset($model->set_sender) && isset($model->set_recvtime)) {
if ($nodes->count() && isset($model->set_pkt) && isset($model->set_sender) && isset($model->set_recvtime)) {
DB::update('UPDATE netmail_path set recv_pkt=?,recv_at=?,recv_id=? where address_id=? and netmail_id=?',[
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
namespace App\Notifications\Netmails;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use App\Classes\FTN\Message;
use App\Notifications\Netmails;
use App\Models\{Netmail,System};
use App\Traits\{MessagePath,PageTemplate};
class EchomailBadAddress extends Netmails
use MessagePath,PageTemplate;
private const LOGKEY = 'NBA';
private Message $mo;
* Send a sysop a message if they give us a message with a bad address in it.
* @param Message $mo
public function __construct(Message $mo)
$this->mo = $mo;
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* @param System $so
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return Netmail
* @throws \Exception
public function toNetmail(System $so,object $notifiable): Netmail
$o = $this->setupNetmail($so,$notifiable);
$ao = $notifiable->routeNotificationFor(static::via);
Log::info(sprintf('%s:+ Creating ECHOMAIL BAD ADDRESS netmail to [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$ao->ftn));
$o->subject = sprintf('Bad address in echomail [%s]',$this->mo->msgid);
// Message
$msg = $this->page(FALSE,'badmsg');
sprintf("Your echomail with ID [%s] to [%s] here was received here on [%s] and it looks like you sent it on [%s].\r\r",
$msg->addText(sprintf("The address in this echomail [%s] is the wrong address for this domain [%s].\r\r",$this->mo->fftn,$ao->zone->domain->name));
$msg->addText("This echomail has been rejected and not stored here - so no downstream nodes will receive it. If you think this is a mistake, please let me know.\r\r");
$o->msg = $msg->render();
$o->tagline = 'I enjoyed reading your message, even though nobody else will get it :)';
return $o;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
namespace App\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Http\Controllers\DomainController;
use App\Models\{Address,System,Zone};
trait ParseAddresses
* Parse the Seenby/path lines and return a collection of addresses
* @param string $type Type of address, ie: seenby/path
* @param Collection $addresses
* @param Zone $zone
* @param Collection $rogue
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
private static function parseAddresses(string $type,Collection $addresses,Zone $zone,Collection &$rogue): Collection
$nodes = collect();
$net = NULL;
foreach ($addresses as $line) {
foreach (explode(' ',$line) as $item) {
if (($x=strpos($item,'/')) !== FALSE) {
$net = (int)substr($item,0,$x);
$node = (int)substr($item,$x+1);
} else {
$node = (int)$item;
// If domain should be flattened, look for node regardless of zone (within the list of zones for the domain)
$ao = ($zone->domain->flatten)
? Address::findZone($zone->domain,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,0)
: Address::findFTN(sprintf('%d:%d/%d',$zone->zone_id,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX));
switch ($type) {
case 'seenby':
if (! $ao)
$rogue->push(sprintf('%d:%d/%d',$zone->domain->flatten ? 0 : $zone->zone_id,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX));
case 'path':
if (! $ao) {
$ftn = sprintf('%d:%d/%d@%s',$zone->zone_id,$net&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$node&DomainController::NUMBER_MAX,$zone->domain->name);
$ao = Address::createFTN($ftn,System::createUnknownSystem());
return $nodes;
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$this->do = Domain::firstOrCreate(['name'=>'packets','active'=>TRUE]);
* @todo This packet doesnt have an origin line, need a new one with nomsg and an origin line
public function test_nomsgid_origin()
@ -50,7 +52,10 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
* @todo We are not correctly setup to parse messages without an origin line
public function test_nomsgid_noorigin()
@ -60,10 +65,10 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$zo = Zone::firstOrCreate(['zone_id'=>10,'default'=>TRUE,'active'=>TRUE,'domain_id'=>$this->do->id,'system_id'=>$this->so->id]);
$src = Address::firstOrCreate(['zone_id'=>$zo->id,'region_id'=>0,'host_id'=>999,'node_id'=>1,'point_id'=>0,'role'=>Address::NODE_ACTIVE,'active'=>TRUE,'system_id'=>$this->so->id]);
// This packet has an incorrect zone in the Origin
// This packet has no Origin Line
$f = new File(__DIR__.'/data/test_nomsgid_noorigin.pkt');
foreach ($f as $packet) {
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$this->so);
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$this->do);
@ -71,15 +76,14 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
foreach ($pkt as $msg) {
$messages = TRUE;
$this->assertNotFalse($msg->path->search('1/1 999/1'));
$this->assertNotFalse($msg->seenby->search('1/1 4 3/0 999/1 999'));
public function test_msgid_origin()
@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
// This packet has an incorrect zone in the Origin
$f = new File(__DIR__.'/data/test_msgid_origin.pkt');
foreach ($f as $packet) {
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$this->so);
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$this->do);
@ -101,9 +105,7 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
foreach ($pkt as $msg) {
$messages = TRUE;
$this->assertNotFalse($msg->seenby->search('1/1 999/1 999'));
@ -112,10 +114,14 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
public function test_packet_parse()
$zo = Zone::firstOrCreate(['zone_id'=>21,'default'=>TRUE,'active'=>TRUE,'domain_id'=>$this->do->id,'system_id'=>$this->so->id]);
// This packet has a SOH<char>SOH sequence
$f = new File(__DIR__.'/data/test_binary_content-2.pkt');
foreach ($f as $packet) {
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize());
$pkt = Packet::process($packet,$f->itemName(),$f->itemSize(),$zo->domain);
@ -127,7 +133,6 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame('21:1/151 6189F64C',$msg->msgid);
$this->assertContains('3/2744 4/100 106 5/100',$msg->seenby);
$this->assertContains('1/151 100 3/100',$msg->path);
@ -152,7 +157,6 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame('21:1/126 eec6e958',$msg->msgid);
$this->assertContains('1/995 2/100 116 1202 3/100 105 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 117 119',$msg->seenby);
$this->assertContains('1/126 100 3/100',$msg->path);
@ -177,8 +181,6 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame('10:999/1 612aecda',$msg->msgid);
$this->assertContains('1/1 999/1 999',$msg->seenby);
@ -220,7 +222,6 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame('3:712/886 220da89f',$msg->msgid);
$this->assertContains('633/0 267 280 281 408 410 412 509 509 640/1384 712/114 550 620 848',$msg->seenby);
$this->assertContains('712/886 848 633/280',$msg->path);
@ -231,7 +232,6 @@ class PacketTest extends TestCase
$this->assertContains('633/267 280 281 384 408 410 412 418 420 509 509 712/848 770/1 100 330',$msg->seenby);
$this->assertContains('772/210 770/1 633/280',$msg->path);
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