orderBy('region_id') ->orderBy('host_id') ->orderBy('node_id') ->orderBy('point_id'); } /* RELATIONS */ public function system() { return $this->belongsTo(System::class); } public function zone() { return $this->belongsTo(Zone::class); } /* ATTRIBUTES */ /** * Render the node name in full 5D * * @return string */ public function getFTNAttribute() { return sprintf('%s@%s',$this->getFTN4DAttribute(),$this->zone->domain->name); } public function getFTN3DAttribute() { return sprintf('%d:%d/%d',$this->zone->zone_id,$this->host_id ?: $this->region_id,$this->node_id); } public function getFTN4DAttribute() { return sprintf('%s.%d',$this->getFTN3DAttribute(),$this->point_id); } public function getRoleAttribute($value) { switch ($value) { case DomainController::NODE_ZC; return 'Zone'; case DomainController::NODE_RC; return 'Region'; case DomainController::NODE_NC; return 'Host'; case DomainController::NODE_HC; return 'Hub'; case DomainController::NODE_PVT; return 'PVT'; case DomainController::NODE_DOWN; return 'DOWN'; case NULL: return 'Node'; default: return '?'; } } /* GENERAL METHODS */ /** * Find a record in the DB for a node string, eg: 10:1/1.0 * * @param string $ftn * @return Address|null * @throws Exception */ public static function findFTN(string $ftn): ?self { $ftn = self::parseFTN($ftn); $o = (new self)->active() ->select('addresses.*') ->where('zones.zone_id',$ftn['z']) ->where('host_id',$ftn['n']) ->join('zones',['zones.id'=>'addresses.zone_id']) ->join('domains',['domains.id'=>'zones.domain_id']) ->where('zones.active',TRUE) ->where('domains.active',TRUE) ->where('addresses.active',TRUE) ->where('node_id',$ftn['f']) ->where('point_id',$ftn['p']) ->when($ftn['d'],function($query,$domain) { $query->where('domains.name',$domain); }) ->when((! $ftn['d']),function($query) { $query->where('domains.default',TRUE); }) ->single(); return ($o && $o->system->active) ? $o : NULL; } /** * Parse a string and split it out as an FTN array * * @param string $ftn * @return array * @throws Exception */ public static function parseFTN(string $ftn): array { // http://ftsc.org/docs/frl-1028.002 if (! preg_match('#^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+))?(@([a-z0-9\-_~]{0,8}))?$#',strtolower($ftn),$matches)) throw new Exception('Invalid FTN: '.$ftn); // Check our numbers are correct. foreach ([1,2,3] as $i) { if ((! is_numeric($matches[$i])) || ($matches[$i] > DomainController::NUMBER_MAX)) throw new Exception('Invalid FTN: '.$ftn); } if (isset($matches[5]) AND ((! is_numeric($matches[$i])) || ($matches[5] > DomainController::NUMBER_MAX))) throw new Exception('Invalid FTN: '.$ftn); return [ 'z'=>(int)$matches[1], 'n'=>(int)$matches[2], 'f'=>(int)$matches[3], 'p'=>isset($matches[5]) && $matches[5] ? (int)$matches[5] : 0, 'd'=>$matches[7] ?? NULL ]; } /** * Retrieve the address session details/passwords * * @param string $type * @return string|null */ public function session(string $type): ?string { static $session = NULL; if (is_null($session)) { $session = (new AddressZone) ->where('zone_id',$this->zone_id) ->where('system_id',$this->system_id) ->single(); } return $session ? $session->{$type} : NULL; } }