<?php namespace App\Classes\File; use Exception; use Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\FileNotFoundException; use League\Flysystem\UnreadableFileException; /** * A file we are sending or receiving * * @property string $name * @property string $recvas * @property int $size */ class Item { private const LOGKEY = 'I--'; protected const IS_PKT = (1<<1); protected const IS_ARC = (1<<2); protected const IS_FILE = (1<<3); protected const IS_FLO = (1<<4); protected const IS_REQ = (1<<5); protected const I_RECV = (1<<6); protected const I_SEND = (1<<7); protected string $file_name = ''; protected int $file_size = 0; protected int $file_mtime = 0; protected int $file_type = 0; protected int $action = 0; public bool $sent = FALSE; public bool $received = FALSE; public bool $incomplete = FALSE; /** * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws UnreadableFileException * @throws Exception */ public function __construct($file,int $action) { $this->action |= $action; switch ($action) { case self::I_SEND: if (! is_string($file)) throw new Exception('Invalid object creation - file should be a string'); if (! file_exists($file)) throw new FileNotFoundException('Item doesnt exist: '.$file); if (! is_readable($file)) throw new UnreadableFileException('Item cannot be read: '.$file); $this->file_name = $file; $x = stat($file); $this->file_size = $x['size']; $this->file_mtime = $x['mtime']; break; case self::I_RECV; $keys = ['name','mtime','size']; if (! is_array($file) || array_diff(array_keys($file),$keys)) throw new Exception('Invalid object creation - file is not a valid array :'.serialize(array_diff(array_keys($file),$keys))); $this->file_name = $file['name']; $this->file_size = $file['size']; $this->file_mtime = $file['mtime']; break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown action: '.$action); } $this->file_type |= $this->whatType(); } /** * @throws Exception */ public function __get($key) { switch($key) { case 'mtime': case 'name': case 'size': if ($this->action & self::I_RECV) return $this->{'file_'.$key}; throw new Exception('Invalid request for key: '.$key); case 'recvas': return $this->file_name; case 'sendas': return basename($this->file_name); default: throw new Exception('Unknown key: '.$key); } } protected function isType(int $type): bool { return $this->file_type & $type; } private function whatType(): int { static $ext = ['su','mo','tu','we','th','fr','sa','req']; $x = strrchr($this->file_name,'.'); if (! $x || (strlen(substr($x,1)) != 3)) return self::IS_FILE; if (strcasecmp(substr($x,2),'lo') == 0) return self::IS_FLO; if (strcasecmp(substr($x,1),'pkt') == 0) return self::IS_PKT; if (strcasecmp(substr($x,1),'req') == 0) return self::IS_REQ; for ($i=0;$i<count($ext);$i++) if (! strncasecmp($x,'.'.$ext[$i],strlen($ext[$i])) && (preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]/',strtolower(substr($x,3,1))))) return self::IS_ARC; return self::IS_FILE; } }