@extends('layouts.app') @section('htmlheader_title') {{ $o->name }} @endsection @section('content')

{{ $o->name }} Last Update: {{ $o->updated_at->format('Y-m-d H:i') }}

Expand each heading for information about this FTN network


{!! \Illuminate\Mail\Markdown::parse($o->homepage) !!}

This network provides the following Echomail areas:

@foreach ($o->echoarea_stats()->groupBy('id') as $oo) @endforeach
Echoarea Description Last Message Area Active Day Week Month Total
{{ $x->name }} {{ $x->description }} {{ $x->last_message ? $x->last_message->format('Y-m-d H:i') : '-' }} {{ $x->active ? 'Active' : 'Archive' }} {{ number_format($oo->where('stats','day')->pop()?->count) }} {{ number_format($oo->where('stats','week')->pop()?->count) }} {{ number_format($oo->where('stats','month')->pop()?->count) }} {{ number_format($oo->sum('count')) }}
@else This network doesnt have any Echomail areas (yet). Perhaps you would like to create one? @endif

This network provides the following File areas:

@foreach ($o->fileareas->sortBy('name') as $oo) @endforeach
Filearea Description Last File Sent
{{ $oo->name }} {{ $oo->description }} -
@else This network doesnt have any File areas (yet). Perhaps you would like to create one? @endif

The following systems are members of this network.

@foreach ($o->zones->sortBy('zone_id') as $oz) @foreach ($oz->addresses as $ao) @endforeach @endforeach @auth @endauth
System Sysop Location Address Last Seen
{{ $ao->system->full_name($ao) }} @auth@if($ao->session('sespass')){{ $ao->session('default') ? '**' : '*' }}@elseif($ao->system->setup)+@endif[{{ $ao->system_id }}]@endauth {{ $ao->system->sysop }} {{ $ao->system->location }} {{ $ao->ftn4d }} {{ $ao->system->last_session ? $ao->system->last_session->format('Y-m-d H:i') : '-' }}
**Default route *System defined here +This system
@guest To start an application to join this network please login. @else @if($user->isMember($o)) @else This website is not ready to take applications yet, check back soon! @endif @endguest
@endsection @section('page-css') @css('datatables') @append @section('page-scripts') @js('datatables') @js('highcharts') @append