ao = $ao->withoutRelations(); $this->fao = $fao->withoutRelations(); $this->days = $days; $this->rescan = $rescan; } public function __get(string $key): mixed { switch ($key) { case 'jobname': return sprintf('%s %s (%d)',$this->ao->ftn,$this->fao->name,$this->days); default: $this->fail('Unkown key:'.$key); return NULL; } } public function middleware(): array { return [ Skip::when(function(): bool { if ($this->fao->domain_id !== $this->ao->zone->domain_id) { Log::error(sprintf('%s:! File area [%s] is not in domain [%s] for FTN [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$this->fao->name,$this->ao->zone->domain->name,$this->ao->ftn)); return TRUE; // Check that the user is subscribed } elseif (! $this->ao->fileareas->contains($this->fao->id)) { Log::error(sprintf('%s:! FTN [%s] is not subscribed to [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$this->ao->ftn,$this->fao->name)); return TRUE; // Check that an FTN can read the area } elseif (! $this->fao->can_read($this->ao->security)) { Log::error(sprintf('%s:! FTN [%s] doesnt have permission to receive [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$this->ao->ftn,$this->fao->name)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }) ]; } public function handle(): void { $c = 0; $s = 0; $earliest = NULL; $latest = NULL; foreach (File::select(['id','datetime','name']) ->where('filearea_id',$this->fao->id) ->where('datetime','>=', Carbon::now() ->subDays($this->days) ->startOfDay() ) ->orderBy('datetime') ->cursor() as $fo) { // File hasnt been exported before if (! $fo->seenby->where('address_id',$this->ao->id)->count()) { $fo->seenby()->attach($this->ao->id,['export_at'=>Carbon::now()]); $c++; if (($fo->datetime < $earliest) || (! $earliest)) $earliest = $fo->datetime; if (($latest < $fo->datetime) || (! $latest)) $latest = $fo->datetime; Log::debug(sprintf('Exported [%d] FILE (%s) dated (%s) to [%s]',$fo->id,$fo->name,$fo->datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),$this->ao->ftn3d)); } else { $export = $fo->seenby->where('id',$this->ao->id)->pop(); if ($export) { // File is pending export if ($export->pivot->export_at && is_null($export->pivot->sent_at) && is_null($export->pivot->sent_pkt)) { $s++; Log::debug(sprintf('Not exporting [%d] FILE (%s) dated (%s) already queued for [%s]',$fo->id,$fo->name,$fo->datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),$this->ao->ftn3d)); // File has been exported } elseif ($this->rescan) { $fo->seenby()->updateExistingPivot($this->ao,['export_at'=>Carbon::now(),'sent_at'=>NULL]); $c++; if (($fo->datetime < $earliest) || (! $earliest)) $earliest = $fo->datetime; if (($latest < $fo->datetime) || (! $latest)) $latest = $fo->datetime; Log::debug(sprintf('Re-exported [%d] FILE (%s) dated (%s) to [%s]',$fo->id,$fo->name,$fo->datetime,$this->ao->ftn3d)); } else { $s++; Log::debug(sprintf('Not resending previously sent file [%d], FILE (%s) - sent on [%s]', $fo->id, $fo->name, $export->pivot->sent_at ?: '-', )); } // File has not been exported } else { $fo->seenby()->attach($this->ao,['export_at'=>Carbon::now(),'sent_at'=>NULL]); $c++; if (($fo->datetime < $earliest) || (! $earliest)) $earliest = $fo->datetime; if (($latest < $fo->datetime) || (! $latest)) $latest = $fo->datetime; Log::debug(sprintf('Exported [%d] to [%s]',$fo->id,$this->ao->ftn3d)); } } } Notification::route('netmail',$this->ao) ->notify(new Scan(collect([ 'area'=>$this->fao->name, 'queued'=>$c, 'skipped'=>$s, 'earliest'=>$earliest, 'latest'=>$latest, ]))); Log::info(sprintf('%s:= Queued [%d], Skipped [%d] files for [%s] in [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$c,$s,$this->ao->ftn,$this->fao->name)); } }