collection('netmails')->cursor() as $o) { $o['mid'] = (string)$o['_id']; foreach([ 'reply'=>'replyid', 'packet'=>'sent_pkt', ] as $key => $newkey) { if (array_key_exists($key,$o)) { $o[$newkey] = $o[$key]; unset($o[$key]); } } unset($o['_id'],$o['sent'],$o['reply']); foreach (['created_at','updated_at','sent_at','datetime','deleted_at'] as $key) { if (Arr::get($o,$key)) $o[$key] = Carbon::create($o[$key]->toDatetime()); } if (! Arr::get($o,'datetime')) $o['datetime'] = $o['created_at']; $oo = Netmail::withTrashed()->where('mid',$o['mid'])->firstOrNew(); $oo->forceFill($o); try { $oo->save(['timestamps' => false]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->warn(sprintf('Netmail didnt move over: %s (%s)',$o['mid'],$e->getMessage())); } } */ /**/ // Echomail $c = 0; foreach (DB::connection('mongodb')->collection('echomails')->cursor() as $o) { if (++$c < $this->argument('start')) continue; if (! ($c%100)) Log::debug(sprintf('Processed : %d Echomails',$c)); $o['mid'] = (string)$o['_id']; foreach([ 'reply'=>'replyid', 'rogue_seen'=>'rogue_seenby', ] as $key => $newkey) { if (array_key_exists($key,$o)) { $o[$newkey] = $o[$key]; unset($o[$key]); } } $path = (array_key_exists('path',$o) && $o['path']) ? $o['path'] : NULL; $seenby = (array_key_exists('seenby',$o) && $o['seenby']) ? $o['seenby'] : NULL; $packet = (array_key_exists('packet',$o) && $o['packet']) ? $o['packet'] : NULL; unset($o['_id'],$o['reply'],$o['path'],$o['seenby'],$o['toexport'],$o['sent_at'],$o['packet'],$o['sent']); foreach (['created_at','updated_at','datetime','deleted_at'] as $key) { if (Arr::get($o,$key)) $o[$key] = Carbon::create($o[$key]->toDatetime()); } if (! Arr::get($o,'datetime')) $o['datetime'] = $o['created_at']; if (Arr::get($o,'echoarea') && ! Arr::get($o,'echoarea_id')) { $ea = Echoarea::where('name',$o['echoarea'])->single(); $o['echoarea_id'] = $ea->id; unset($o['echoarea']); } if (! $o['echoarea_id']) { Log::error(sprintf('Echomail didnt move over: %s [%d] - has no echoarea_id',$o['mid'],$c)); continue; } if (Arr::get($o,'msg_src') && ! Arr::get($o,'msg_crc')) { $o['msg_crc'] = 'x'.md5($o['msg_src']); } $oo = Echomail::withTrashed()->where('mid',$o['mid'])->firstOrNew(); $oo->forceFill($o); $oo->set_path = $path ? array_filter($path) : []; $oo->set_seenby = $seenby ? array_filter($seenby): []; $oo->set_packet = $packet; $oo->no_export = TRUE; try { $oo->save(['timestamps'=>FALSE]); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error(sprintf('Echomail didnt move over: %s [%d] (%s@%d|%s)',$o['mid'],$c,$e->getFile(),$e->getLine(),$e->getMessage())); dd(['e'=>$e,'o'=>$o,'oo'=>$oo]); } DB::connection('mongodb')->collection('echomails')->delete($o['mid']); } /**/ // Update old MID seenby with proper ID foreach (DB::connection('cockroach')->table('echomail_seenby')->whereNotNull('mid')->whereNull('echomail_id')->cursor() as $o) { $eo = Echomail::where('mid',$o->mid)->get(); if ($eo->count() && $eo->count() == 1) { DB::update('UPDATE echomail_seenby set echomail_id = ?, mid=NULL where echomail_id IS NULL AND mid = ? ',[ $eo->first()->id, $o->mid, ]); } elseif ($eo->count() > 1) { Log::error(sprintf('Echomail [%s] has more than 1 record [%d] - skipped',$o->mid,$eo->count())); } } } }