Deon George 35d9e5a5d5
All checks were successful
Create Docker Image / Build Docker Image (x86_64) (push) Successful in 39s
Create Docker Image / Build Docker Image (arm64) (push) Successful in 1m41s
Create Docker Image / Final Docker Image Manifest (push) Successful in 12s
Automatically mark idle nodes HOLD/DOWN/DE-LIST. Automatically validate presented addresses.
2024-05-25 22:25:57 +10:00

54 lines
1.8 KiB

namespace App\Notifications\Emails;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use App\Models\Address;
class NodeMarkedDown extends Notification //implements ShouldQueue
use Queueable;
* Create a new notification instance.
public function __construct(private Address $ao)
* Get the notification's delivery channels.
* @return array<int, string>
public function via(object $notifiable): array
return ['mail'];
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
public function toMail(object $notifiable): MailMessage
$now = Carbon::now();
return (new MailMessage)
->subject(sprintf('ACTION REQUIRED: Your system will be delisted on %s',$now->format('Y-m-d')))
->line(sprintf('Your system has been marked **DOWN**, because it hasnt polled **%s** since **%s** (%d days).',$this->ao->zone->domain->name,$this->ao->system->last_session->format('Y-m-d'),$this->ao->system->last_session->diffInDays($now)))
->line('You have (waiting for collection):')
->lineIf($this->ao->uncollected_netmail,sprintf('* %s Netmails',number_format($this->ao->uncollected_netmail)))
->lineIf($this->ao->uncollected_echomail,sprintf('* %s Echomails',number_format($this->ao->uncollected_echomail)))
->lineIf($this->ao->uncollected_files,sprintf('* %s Files',number_format($this->ao->uncollected_files)))
->line(sprintf('Your system will automatically be **DE-LISTED** if your system hasnt polled to collected your mail/file(s) by **%s**',$now->addDays(7)->format('Y-m-d')))
->line('If you think you\'ve received this email by mistake or need help, please let me know.');