------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Recommendations for using Golded+ and other VIO-Applications ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Falls Du an einer deutschen Version interessiert bist, melde dich und ich werde es "=FCbersetzen".. ;)] The aim of this textfile is to give a suggestion on running Golded (and other VIO-apps) in a very useful and aesthetic way. Give it a try and after getting used to it you will love it that way. I am using the great OS/2 Warp 4 on my system and so this text is mainly directed to OS/2 users, but the main message should also be useful for all other operating systems. To get the mentioned programs just take a look at the end of this text. ------------------------------------ the right size ------------------------------------ This is my batch in which Golded+ is started on my system (by using an hotkey assigned through PC/2 - it is really great btw to switch to tasks that you use often by just typing ctrl-alt-g or something similar): ------------------------ -+--[golded2.cmd]------- ------------------------ @echo off rem ** change window size to 100 columns, 50 rows. mode CON1 CO100,50 rem ** maximize window and make the borders thinner (3 pixel). console -or+ -b3,3 rem ** center the window on the desktop. simply calls 'winto.cmd hcenter top', rem ** where winto.cmd is a batch file which comes along with console (see rem ** above). call center cd\utils\golded gedemx.exe ------------------------ -+--[/golded2.cmd]------ ------------------------ I use the 14x8-font for my VIO-windows with a graphic resolution of 1024x768. To set the font of textwindows in OS/2 select the system menu of a window, chose 'font size', change it to your needs and then 'save' it. All windows will now use the new size. In winto.cmd (from console) which is called by center.cmd I made the following settings: ------------------------ -+--[winto.cmd]--------- ------------------------ [...] /* modify this depending on your settings */ ScreenW =3D 1024 /*800*/; ScreenH =3D 742 /*600*/; /*'742' because of WarpCenter*/ [...] ------------------------ -+--[/winto.cmd]-------- ------------------------ With this you get a VIO-window which gives me as many informations as it could (100*50=3D5000 characters, 80*25=3D2000 chars) and looks as great as it could. All mentioned files can be frequested via FTN on my system at 2:2432/337 (V34+, X75). CONSO010.ZIP 147K 24.10.97 Console Version 0.1.0 by Andrew Pavel Zabolotny, Copyright (C) 1997 by FRIENDS software. This utility addresses a problem IBM is ignoring since first release of OS/2. The problem is, you can define the default size and position for *ALL* console win Should be also on http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/ PC2V219C.ZIP 863K 15.11.99 PROGRAM COMMANDER/2 V2.20 for OS/2 Copyright (C) by Roman Stangl November, 1999 PC/2 is a WPS enhancement or replacement, that features a program launcher, Virtual Desktops, Hotkey support, Sliding focus, Advanced Marking, Dynamic Menu Selection, Environment Spaces, WIN95 key support, QuickSwitch and SessionBar window, Hardware Panning support, TitleBar Smarticons, Lockup and Password protection support, Scheduler, WPS extraction and a Spooler Control Window (which enables spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS replacement). Running PC/2 as the WPS replacement can save about 4 MB precious RAM, even on well equipped machines you can notice decreased swapper size and activity giving you a performance boost compared to running the WPS (due to the much smaller memory requirements compared with the WPS). For those of you who want to know the "tricks" used in PC/2, the full source (requires long filename support) is included, however it can be The authors page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/PC2/ ------------------------------------ written by daniel hahler, 20.01.2000 FidoNet: 2:2432/337 email: tq@thequod.krysius.com url: http://thequod.de (german)