// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // WildCat! 4.x messagebase engine. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::lock() { GFTRK("WCatLock"); if(not data->islocked) { if(WideCanLock) { long _tries = 0; while(::lock(data->fhix, 0, 1) == -1) { if(PopupLocked(++_tries, true, real_path()) == false) { WideLog->ErrLock(); raw_close(); WideLog->printf("! A WildCat! msgbase file could not be locked."); WideLog->printf(": %s.ix.", real_path()); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); LockErrorExit(); } } if(_tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); } refresh(); data->islocked = true; } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::unlock() { GFTRK("WCatUnlock"); if(WideCanLock and data->islocked) ::unlock(data->fhix, 0, 1); data->islocked = false; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::save_message(int __mode, gmsg* __msg, WCatHdr& __hdr) { int _was_locked = data->islocked; if(not _was_locked) lock(); memset(&__hdr, 0, sizeof(WCatHdr)); if(__mode & GMSG_NEW) { data->base.active++; __msg->msgno = data->base.nextmsgno++; Msgn->Append(__msg->msgno); data->idx = (WCatIdx*)throw_realloc(data->idx, data->base.active*sizeof(WCatIdx)); __hdr.mflags |= mfReceiveable; lseekset(data->fhix, 0); write(data->fhix, &data->base, sizeof(WCatBase)); } else if(__mode & GMSG_DELETE) { __hdr.mflags |= mfDeleted; } __hdr.magicnumber = MagicHeaderActive; __hdr.msgno = (word)__msg->msgno; strc2p(strupr(strxcpy(__hdr.from, __msg->by, sizeof(__hdr.from)))); strc2p(strcpy(__hdr.fromtitle, __msg->wildcat.from_title)); __hdr.fromuserid = __msg->wildcat.from_userid; strc2p(strupr(strxcpy(__hdr.to, __msg->to, sizeof(__hdr.to)))); strc2p(strcpy(__hdr.totitle, __msg->wildcat.to_title)); __hdr.touserid = __msg->wildcat.to_userid; strc2p(strxcpy(__hdr.subject, __msg->re, sizeof(__hdr.subject))); if(not *__msg->wildcat.network and (isnet() or isecho())) strcpy(__msg->wildcat.network, "FTSC"); strc2p(strcpy(__hdr.network, __msg->wildcat.network)); if(__msg->written) { struct tm* _tm = gmtime(&__msg->written); __hdr.msgdate = (word)(YMD2JDN(1900+_tm->tm_year, _tm->tm_mon+1, _tm->tm_mday)-1); __hdr.msgtime = ((_tm->tm_hour*3600L)+(_tm->tm_min*60L)+_tm->tm_sec)+1; } if(__msg->received) { struct tm* _tm = gmtime(&__msg->received); __hdr.readdate = (word)YMD2JDN(1900+_tm->tm_year, _tm->tm_mon+1, _tm->tm_mday); __hdr.readtime = ((_tm->tm_hour*3600L)+(_tm->tm_min*60L)+_tm->tm_sec)+1; } __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.pvt() ? mfPrivate : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rab() ? mfReceiveable : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rcv() ? mfReceived : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rrc() ? mfReceipt : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.car() ? mfCarboned : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.fwd() ? mfForwarded : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.efl() ? mfEchoFlag : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.hrp() ? mfHasReplies : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.del() ? mfDeleted : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.tag() ? mfTagged : 0); __hdr.mflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.snt() ? mfSent : 0); if(__msg->link.first()) __hdr.mflags |= mfHasReplies; __hdr.reference = (word)__msg->link.to(); __hdr.origaddr = __msg->orig; __hdr.destaddr = __msg->dest; __hdr.msgbytes = (word)__msg->txtlength; strc2p(strcpy(__hdr.internalattach, __msg->wildcat.internal_attach)); strc2p(strcpy(__hdr.externalattach, __msg->wildcat.external_attach)); __hdr.prevunread = (word)__msg->wildcat.prev_unread; __hdr.nextunread = (word)__msg->wildcat.next_unread; __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.pvt() ? FIDO_PVT : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.cra() ? FIDO_CRASH : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rcv() ? FIDO_RECEIVED : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.snt() ? FIDO_SENT : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.att() ? FIDO_ATTACH : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.trs() ? FIDO_TRANSIT : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.orp() ? FIDO_ORPHAN : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.k_s() ? FIDO_KILLSENT : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.loc() ? FIDO_LOCAL : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.hld() ? FIDO_HOLD : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rsv() ? FIDO_RESERVED : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.frq() ? FIDO_FREQ : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rrq() ? FIDO_RETRECREQ : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.rrc() ? FIDO_RETREC : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.arq() ? FIDO_AUDITREQ : 0); __hdr.fidoflags |= (word)(__msg->attr.urq() ? FIDO_UPDREQ : 0); __hdr.cost = __msg->cost; memcpy(__hdr.reserved, __msg->wildcat.reserved, 20); char* _txt = NULL; uint _reln = Msgn->ToReln(__msg->msgno)-1; int32_t _datstart = data->idx[_reln].offset; if(__mode & GMSG_TXT) { _txt = throw_strdup(__msg->txt); word _size = (word)strlen(_txt); __hdr.msgbytes = _size; word n = 0; char* ptr = _txt; while(n < _size) { if(*ptr == CTRL_A) *ptr = NUL; ptr++; n++; } if((__mode & GMSG_NEW) or (_size > __hdr.msgbytes)) { if(_size > __hdr.msgbytes) { uint32_t _magic = MagicHeaderInactive; lseekset(data->fhdat, data->idx[_reln].offset); write(data->fhdat, &_magic, 4); } _datstart = filelength(data->fhdat); data->idx[_reln].msgno = __hdr.msgno; data->idx[_reln].offset = _datstart; lseekset(data->fhix, sizeof(WCatBase)+(_reln*sizeof(WCatIdx))); write(data->fhix, &data->idx[_reln], sizeof(WCatIdx)); } __hdr.msgbytes = _size; } lseekset(data->fhdat, _datstart); write(data->fhdat, &__hdr, sizeof(WCatHdr)); if(_txt) { write(data->fhdat, _txt, __hdr.msgbytes); throw_free(_txt); } if(not _was_locked) unlock(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::save_hdr(int __mode, gmsg* __msg) { GFTRK("WCatSaveHdr"); WCatHdr _hdr; save_message(__mode|GMSG_HDR, __msg, _hdr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::save_msg(int __mode, gmsg* __msg) { GFTRK("WCatSaveMsg"); WCatHdr _hdr; save_message(__mode|GMSG_HDRTXT, __msg, _hdr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::del_msg(gmsg* __msg) { GFTRK("WCatDelMsg"); WCatHdr _hdr; save_message(GMSG_HDR | GMSG_DELETE, __msg, _hdr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::new_msgno(gmsg* __msg) { GFTRK("WCatNewMsgno"); __msg->msgno = data->base.nextmsgno; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WCatArea::update_timesread(gmsg*) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------