// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Internal Editor (IE), part 1. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "geedit.h" #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Globals Line* Edit__killbuf = NULL; Line* Edit__pastebuf = NULL; Path Edit__exportfilename = {""}; UndoItem** UndoItem::last_item; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef NDEBUG void IEclass::debugtest(char* __test, int __a, int __b, char* __file, int __line, int __values) { #if defined(GFTRK_ENABLE) int _tmp = __gftrk_on; __gftrk_on = false; #endif savefile(MODE_UPDATE); #if defined(GFTRK_ENABLE) __gftrk_on = _tmp; #endif if(__values) w_infof(" Range check: (%s) <%i,%i> [%s,%u] ", __test, __a, __b, __file, __line); else w_infof(" Range check: (%s) [%s,%u] ", __test, __file, __line); update_statusline(LNG->EscOrContinue); SayBibi(); while(kbxhit()) kbxget(); gkey _key = kbxget(); w_info(NULL); if(_key == Key_Esc) { LOG.errtest(__file, __line); LOG.printf("! An internal editor range check failed."); if(__values) LOG.printf(": Details: (%s) <%i,%i>.", __test, __a, __b); else { LOG.printf(": Details: (%s).", __test); LOG.printf(": Details: r%u,c%u,mr%u,mc%u,i%u,dm%u,qm%u,eqm%u.", row, col, maxrow, maxcol, insert, CFG->dispmargin, CFG->quotemargin, EDIT->QuoteMargin()); } LOG.printf("+ Advice: Report to the Author."); TestErrorExit(); } } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Make sure line type is correct void IEclass::setlinetype(Line* __line) { _test_halt(__line == NULL); __line->type &= ~(GLINE_ALL|GLINE_TEAR|GLINE_ORIG|GLINE_TAGL); __line->type |= is_quote(__line->txt.c_str()) ? GLINE_QUOT : (__line->txt[0] == CTRL_A) ? GLINE_HIDD : 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Insert character in string at position // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based int IEclass::dispchar(vchar __ch, int attr) { if(__ch == NUL) // possible if line empty __ch = ' '; if(__ch == '\n') { __ch = EDIT->CharPara(); } else if(__ch == ' ') { __ch = EDIT->CharSpace(); } int atr; vchar chr; editwin.getc(crow, ccol, &atr, &chr); editwin.printc(crow, ccol, attr == -1 ? atr : attr, __ch); return atr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::cursoroff() { vcurhide(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::cursoron() { vcurshow(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::scrollup(int __scol, int __srow, int __ecol, int __erow, int __lines) { editwin.scroll_box_up(__srow, __scol, __erow, __ecol, __lines); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::scrolldown(int __scol, int __srow, int __ecol, int __erow, int __lines) { editwin.scroll_box_down(__srow, __scol, __erow, __ecol, __lines); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::prints(int wrow, int wcol, int atr, const char* str) { editwin.prints(wrow, wcol, atr, str); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line* IEclass::findfirstline() { GFTRK("Editfindfirstline"); if(not currline) return NULL; // Rewind to the first line Line* _firstline = currline; while(_firstline->prev) _firstline = _firstline->prev; GFTRK(NULL); return _firstline; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find out what number the current line is and put it in "thisrow" void IEclass::getthisrow(Line* __currline) { GFTRK("Editgetthisrow"); Line* _templine = findfirstline(); thisrow = 0; while((_templine != __currline) and _templine->next) { _templine = _templine->next; thisrow++; } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::gotorowcol(uint __col, uint __row) { GFTRK("Editgotorowcol"); _test_haltab(__col > maxcol, __col, maxcol); _test_haltab(__row > maxrow, __row, maxrow); editwin.move_cursor(__row, __col); ccol = __col; crow = __row; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::dispstring(const char* __string, uint __row, int attr, Line* line) { GFTRK("Editdispstring"); _test_halt(__string == NULL); _test_haltab(__row > maxrow, __row, maxrow); // Get string length uint _length = strlen(__string); // String longer than window width? _test_haltab(_length > (maxcol+1), _length, (maxcol+1)); _length = MinV(_length, (maxcol+1)); // Buffer for translation to visual representation char _buf[EDIT_BUFLEN]; // Space-pad and nul-terminate the buffer memset(_buf, ' ', maxcol+1); _buf[maxcol+1] = NUL; // Copy/translate string into buffer if(attr == -1) { char* _bufptr = _buf; uint _position = 0; const char* __str = __string; while(_position < _length) { switch(*__str) { case ' ': *_bufptr = EDIT->CharSpace(); break; case '\n': *_bufptr = EDIT->CharPara(); break; default: *_bufptr = *__str; } _position++; _bufptr++; __str++; } } else { if(_length) memcpy(_buf, __string, _length); } // mark selected block if(line and (blockcol != -1)) { int selected = 0; for(Line *ln = findfirstline(); ln and ln != line; ln = ln->next) { if(ln == currline) selected ^= 1; if(ln->type & GLINE_BLOK) selected ^= 1; } if((line->type & GLINE_BLOK) and (line == currline)) { int begblock = ((col < blockcol) ? col : blockcol) - mincol; int endblock = ((col > blockcol) ? col : blockcol) - mincol; char savechar = _buf[begblock]; _buf[begblock] = NUL; StyleCodeHighlight(_buf, __row, mincol, false, attr); _buf[begblock] = savechar; savechar = _buf[endblock]; _buf[endblock] = NUL; bool oldusestylies = CFG->usestylies; bool oldhighlighturls = CFG->highlighturls; CFG->usestylies = false; CFG->highlighturls = false; StyleCodeHighlight(_buf+begblock, __row, mincol+begblock, false, C_READA); CFG->usestylies = oldusestylies; CFG->highlighturls = oldhighlighturls; _buf[endblock] = savechar; StyleCodeHighlight(_buf+endblock, __row, mincol+endblock, false, attr); } else if((line->type & GLINE_BLOK) or (line == currline)) { int blockmark = ((line->type & GLINE_BLOK) ? blockcol : col) - mincol; char savechar = _buf[blockmark]; _buf[blockmark] = NUL; bool oldusestylies = CFG->usestylies; bool oldhighlighturls = CFG->highlighturls; if(selected) { CFG->usestylies = false; CFG->highlighturls = false; } StyleCodeHighlight(_buf, __row, mincol, false, selected ? C_READA : attr); CFG->usestylies = oldusestylies; _buf[blockmark] = savechar; if(not selected) { CFG->usestylies = false; CFG->highlighturls = false; } StyleCodeHighlight(_buf+blockmark, __row, mincol+blockmark, false, selected ? attr : C_READA); CFG->usestylies = oldusestylies; CFG->highlighturls = oldhighlighturls; } else { bool oldusestylies = CFG->usestylies; bool oldhighlighturls = CFG->highlighturls; if(selected) { CFG->usestylies = false; CFG->highlighturls = false; } StyleCodeHighlight(_buf, __row, mincol, false, selected ? C_READA : attr); CFG->usestylies = oldusestylies; CFG->highlighturls = oldhighlighturls; } } else StyleCodeHighlight(_buf, __row, mincol, false, attr); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::setcolor(Line* __line) { // Set window attribute if(__line->type & GLINE_HIDD) editwin.text_color(C_READKH); else if(__line->type & GLINE_KLUD) editwin.text_color(C_READK); else if(__line->type & GLINE_TAGL) editwin.text_color(C_READG); else if(__line->type & GLINE_TEAR) editwin.text_color(C_READT); else if(__line->type & GLINE_ORIG) editwin.text_color(C_READO); else if(__line->type & GLINE_QUOT) editwin.text_color(quotecolor(__line->txt.c_str())); else if(__line->type & GLINE_SIGN) editwin.text_color(C_READS); else editwin.text_color(C_READW); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::displine(Line* __line, uint __row) { GFTRK("Editdispline"); _test_halt(__line == NULL); _test_haltab(__row > maxrow, __row, maxrow); // Display line setcolor(__line); dispstring(__line->txt.c_str(), __row, -1, __line); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::clreol(int __col, int __row) { GFTRK("Editclreol"); if(__col == -1) __col = ccol; if(__row == -1) __row = crow; if((uint)__col <= maxcol) editwin.fill(__row, __col, __row, maxcol, ' ', C_READW); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based void IEclass::refresh(Line* __currline, uint __row) { GFTRK("Editrefresh"); _test_halt(__currline == NULL); cursoroff(); // Display as many lines as we can while(__currline and (__row <= maxrow)) { displine(__currline, __row++); __currline = __currline->next; } // If we ran out of lines, blank the rest if(__row <= maxrow) { vchar vbuf[256]; for(int c = 0; c < maxcol+1; c++) vbuf[c] = _box_table(W_BREAD, 1); vbuf[maxcol+1] = NUL; wprintvs(__row++, mincol, C_READB|ACSET, vbuf); while(__row <= maxrow) dispstring("", __row++); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line* IEclass::insertlinebelow(Line* __currline, const char* __text, long __batch_mode) { GFTRK("Editinsertlinebelow"); Line* _nextline = new Line(__text ? __text : ""); throw_xnew(_nextline); if(__currline) { _nextline->prev = __currline; _nextline->next = __currline->next; if(_nextline->next) _nextline->next->prev = _nextline; __currline->next = _nextline; } Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_NEW_LINE|batch_mode|__batch_mode, _nextline); GFTRK(NULL); return _nextline; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zero-based int IEclass::downoneline(uint __row) { GFTRK("Editdownoneline"); _test_haltab(__row > maxrow, __row, maxrow); thisrow++; if(__row == maxrow) scrollup(mincol, minrow, maxcol, maxrow); else __row++; gotorowcol(mincol, __row); GFTRK(NULL); return __row; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoEOL() { GFTRK("EditGoEOL"); // Move cursor to the last char on the line col = currline->txt.length(); if((currline->txt[col-1] == '\n') or ((col != mincol) and (currline->txt[col-1] == ' '))) --col; // String must not be longer than the window width _test_haltab(col > maxcol, col, maxcol); if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline, row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoUp() { GFTRK("EditGoUp"); _test_haltab(row < minrow, row, minrow); if(currline->prev) { currline = currline->prev; thisrow--; if(row == minrow) { scrolldown(mincol, row, maxcol, maxrow); if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline->next, row+1); displine(currline, row); } else { row--; if(blockcol != -1) { displine(currline->next, row+1); displine(currline, row); } } if((col+1) > currline->txt.length()) GoEOL(); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoDown() { GFTRK("EditGoDown"); _test_haltab(row > maxrow, row, maxrow); if(currline->next) { currline = currline->next; thisrow++; if(row == maxrow) { scrollup(mincol, minrow, maxcol, maxrow); if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline->prev, row-1); displine(currline,row); } else { row++; if(blockcol != -1) { displine(currline->prev, row-1); displine(currline, row); } } if((col+1) > currline->txt.length()) GoEOL(); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoLeft() { GFTRK("EditGoLeft"); _test_haltab(col < mincol, col, mincol); if(col == mincol) { if(currline->prev) { GoUp(); GoEOL(); if((col != mincol) and (currline->txt.c_str()[col] == NUL)) col--; } } else col--; if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline, row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoRight() { GFTRK("EditGoRight"); _test_haltab(col > maxcol, col, maxcol); if((col == maxcol) or ((col+1) >= currline->txt.length())) { if(currline->next != NULL) { GoDown(); col = mincol; } } else col++; if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline, row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line* IEclass::wrapit(Line** __currline, uint* __curr_col, uint* __curr_row, bool __display) { _test_halt(__currline == NULL); _test_halt(*__currline == NULL); int scroll = 0; uint _quotelen; char _quotebuf[MAXQUOTELEN]; *_quotebuf = NUL; uint _curscol = *__curr_col; uint _cursrow = *__curr_row; uint _thisrow = *__curr_row; Line* _thisline = *__currline; Line* _lastadded = _thisline; bool _wrapped_above = false; // Start wrapping from the current line onwards while(_thisline) { // Length of this line uint _thislen = _thisline->txt.length(); uint _wrapmargin = (_thisline->type & GLINE_QUOT) ? marginquotes : margintext; // Does this line need wrapping? if((_thislen > _wrapmargin) or ((_thislen == _wrapmargin) and not ((_thisline->txt[_thislen-1] == ' ') or (_thisline->txt[_thislen-1] == '\n')))) { // Reset quote string length _quotelen = 0; // Is this line quoted? if(_thisline->type & GLINE_QUOT) { // Get quote string and length GetQuotestr(_thisline->txt.c_str(), _quotebuf, &_quotelen); } // wrapmargin = 40 // 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444 // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 // -------------------------------------------------- // v- wrapptr // Case 1: this is another test with a bit of text to wrap. // Case 2: this is a test with a line that need wrapping. // Case 3: thisxisxaxtestxwithxaxlinexthatxneedxwrapping. // Case 4: >thisxisxaxtestxwithxaxlinexthatxneedxwrapping. // Point to the last char inside the margin int _wrappos = _wrapmargin - 1; // Locate the word to be wrapped // Did we find a space? if(_thisline->txt[_wrappos] == ' ') { // Case 1: A space was found as the last char inside the margin // // Now we must locate the first word outside the margin. // NOTE: Leading spaces to this word will be nulled out! // Begin at the first char outside the margin if(_wrappos <= maxcol) _wrappos++; } else { // Case 2: A non-space was found as the last char inside the margin // // Now we must locate the beginning of the word we found. // Keep copy of original pointer int _atmargin = _wrappos; // Search backwards until a space or the beginning of the line is found while((_wrappos > _quotelen) and (_thisline->txt[_wrappos-1] != ' ')) _wrappos--; // Check if we hit leading spaces int _spacepos = _wrappos; while(_spacepos > 0) { _spacepos--; if(_thisline->txt[_spacepos] != ' ') break; } // Did we search all the way back to the beginning of the line? if((_wrappos == _quotelen) or (_thisline->txt[_spacepos] == ' ')) { // Case 3: There are no spaces within the margin or we hit leading spaces // We have to break it up at the margin _wrappos = _atmargin; } } // The wrappos now points to the location to be wrapped or NUL // Is the line hard-terminated? if(_thisline->txt.find('\n', _wrappos) != _thisline->txt.npos) { // The line is hard-terminated. // Copy the quote string, if any, to the new line first std::string _wrapbuf = _quotebuf; // Copy/append the wrapped part to the new line _wrapbuf += _thisline->txt.substr(_wrappos); // The wrapped part must be placed on a new line below. Line* _wrapline = _lastadded = insertlinebelow(_thisline, _wrapbuf.c_str(), BATCH_MODE); // Saves pointer to a line where from the wrapped part was copied, its begining // and length. While in Undo, appends the copied part to previous line and deletes // it on current, moving the rest over deleted. Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, _thisline, _quotelen, _wrapbuf.length() - _quotelen); _wrapline->type = _thisline->type; // Make sure the type of the line is correct setlinetype(_wrapline); if(__display) { // Is there at least one line below this one? if(_thisrow < maxrow) { // Scroll the lines below to make room for the new line --scroll; // Display the new line if(_wrapline->txt.length() <= (maxcol+1)) displine(_wrapline, _thisrow+1); } } } else { // The line is not hard-terminated // // The wrapped part must be inserted into the next line // Indicate that one or more lines were wrapped in this way _wrapped_above = true; // Pointer to the next line Line* _nextline = _thisline->next; // Copy the quote string, if any, to the new line first std::string _wrapbuf = _quotebuf; // Copy/append the wrapped part to the new line _wrapbuf += _thisline->txt.substr(_wrappos); // Flag to indicate if a new line was added below bool _line_added_below = false; // Is there no next line or is the next line quoted? if((_nextline == NULL) or (_nextline->type & GLINE_QUOT)) { // The wrapped part must be placed on a new line below _lastadded = _nextline = insertlinebelow(_thisline, _wrapbuf.c_str(), BATCH_MODE); _line_added_below = true; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, _thisline, _quotelen, _wrapbuf.length() - _quotelen); } else { _nextline->txt.insert(0, _wrapbuf); if(_quotelen) Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_INS_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, _nextline, 0, _quotelen); Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, _thisline, _quotelen, _wrapbuf.length() - _quotelen); } // Make sure the type of the line is correct setlinetype(_nextline); if(__display) { // Is there at least one line below this one? if(_line_added_below and (_thisrow < maxrow)) { // Scroll the lines below to make room for the new line --scroll; } // Display the new/wrapped line if((_thisrow+1) <= maxrow and _nextline->txt.length() <= (maxcol+1)) displine(_nextline, _thisrow+1); } } // Was this line truncated at space? bool truncated_at_space = isspace(_thisline->txt[_wrappos]); // Truncate at the wrapping location _thisline->txt.erase(_wrappos); // Was this line quoted? if(_quotelen) { // Trim spaces off the end of the line int _trimpos = _wrappos - 1; if(isspace(_thisline->txt[_trimpos])) { while(_trimpos > 0 and isspace(_thisline->txt[_trimpos-1])) _trimpos--; if(_quotelen and (_trimpos < _quotelen)) _trimpos++; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR|BATCH_MODE, _thisline, _trimpos); _thisline->txt.erase(_trimpos); } Undo->PushItem((truncated_at_space?EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR:EDIT_UNDO_INS_CHAR)|BATCH_MODE, _thisline, _trimpos+1); // Append a new linefeed _thisline->txt += "\n"; } // Make sure the line type still is correct setlinetype(_thisline); if(__display) { // Display this line after wrapping if(_thisrow <= maxrow) displine(_thisline, _thisrow); } _thislen = _thisline->txt.length(); // If we are on the cursor line, check if the cursor char was wrapped if((_thisrow == _cursrow) and (_thislen <= _curscol)) { _curscol = _quotelen + ((_curscol > _wrappos) ? _curscol-_wrappos : 0); _cursrow++; UndoItem* i = Undo->last_item; do { i = i->prev; } while(i->action & BATCH_MODE); if(i->col.num >= i->line->txt.length()) { i->action |= PREV_LINE; i->col.sav = i->col.num; i->col.num = _curscol; } } } // If this line is hard-terminated, we have finished wrapping // Unless the next line has grown too large if(_thisline->txt.find('\n') != _thisline->txt.npos) { if(_thisline->next == NULL) break; _wrapmargin = (_thisline->next->type & GLINE_QUOT) ? marginquotes : margintext; if(_thisline->next->txt.length() <= _wrapmargin) break; } else if(_thisline->type & GLINE_QUOT) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_INS_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, _thisline, _thisline->txt.length(), 1); _thisline->txt += '\n'; } // Go to the next line _thisline = _thisline->next; _thisrow++; } if(__display) { // Display the current line after wrapping if(*__curr_row <= maxrow) displine(*__currline, *__curr_row); // Was the line or lines above wrapped? if(_wrapped_above) { // Display the last line in the paragraph if((_thisrow <= maxrow) and _thisline) displine(_thisline, _thisrow); } } // Move to the next line if the cursor was wrapped if(_cursrow != *__curr_row) { int i = *__curr_row; while ((i++ != _cursrow) and (__currline != NULL)) *__currline = (*__currline)->next; if(_cursrow > maxrow) { _cursrow = maxrow; if(__display) { ++scroll; if(scroll > 0) { scrollup(mincol, minrow, maxcol, maxrow); scroll = 0; } displine(*__currline, *__curr_row); } } } if(__display and (scroll != 0)) { if((*__currline)->next != NULL) refresh((*__currline)->next, _cursrow+1); else refresh(*__currline, _cursrow); } // Update cursor position *__curr_row = _cursrow; *__curr_col = _curscol; GFTRK(NULL); return _lastadded; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line* IEclass::wrapdel(Line** __currline, uint* __curr_col, uint* __curr_row, bool __display) { GFTRK("Editwrapdel"); Line *tmp = wrapit(__currline, __curr_col, __curr_row, __display); GFTRK(NULL); return tmp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line* IEclass::wrapins(Line** __currline, uint* __curr_col, uint* __curr_row, bool __display) { GFTRK("Editwrapins"); Line *tmp = wrapit(__currline, __curr_col, __curr_row, __display); GFTRK(NULL); return tmp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::insertchar(char __ch) { GFTRK("Editinsertchar"); uint _currline_len = currline->txt.length(); #ifndef NDEBUG _test_haltab(col > _currline_len, col, _currline_len); #endif // Insert or overwrite the char, replacing the block if any if((selecting ? (BlockCut(true), batch_mode = BATCH_MODE) : false) or (col >= _currline_len) or (currline->txt[col] == '\n') or insert) { if(not isspace(__ch) and (col == mincol)) { // if previous line was wrapped on non-space character if(currline->prev and not currline->prev->txt.empty() and (currline->prev->txt.find('\n') == currline->prev->txt.npos) and not isspace(currline->prev->txt[currline->prev->txt.length()-1])) { if(not batch_mode) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } GoUp(); GoEOL(); } } Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_INS_CHAR|batch_mode); currline->txt.insert(col, 1, __ch); } else { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR|batch_mode); currline->txt[col] = __ch; } batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; // Make sure the line type still is correct setlinetype(currline); // Move cursor col++; wrapins(&currline, &col, &row); // Adjust cursor position and display if necessary if(col > maxcol) { if(currline->next) { currline = currline->next; col = mincol; row++; if(row > maxrow) { row = maxrow; scrollup(mincol, minrow, maxcol, maxrow); displine(currline, row); } } else { col = maxcol; } } gotorowcol(col, row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::DelChar() { GFTRK("EditDelChar"); Line* _thisline = currline; Line* _nextline = currline->next; uint _thislen = _thisline->txt.length(); // Cannot delete at or beyond the nul-terminator if(col < _thislen) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_DEL_CHAR|batch_mode); _thisline->txt.erase(col, 1); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } else if(col and (col == _thislen) and _nextline) { GFTRK(NULL); if(not batch_mode) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } GoRight(); DelChar(); return; } // Did we delete the last char on the line or // was the cursor at or beyond the nul-terminator? // And is there a next line at all? if(((col+1) >= _thislen) and _nextline) { // Join the next line to this line // Is the next line quoted? // And is the cursor column non-zero? uint _quotelen = 0; if((_nextline->type & GLINE_QUOT) and col) { // Get quote string length char _quotebuf[MAXQUOTELEN]; GetQuotestr(_nextline->txt.c_str(), _quotebuf, &_quotelen); } // Copy the next line's text to this line without quote string const char *_nexttext = _nextline->txt.c_str()+_quotelen; _thisline->txt += _nexttext + (col ? strspn(_nexttext, " ") : 0); Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_CUT_TEXT|batch_mode, _thisline, col); // Relink this line _thisline->next = _nextline->next; if(_thisline->next) _thisline->next->prev = _thisline; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_DEL_LINE|BATCH_MODE, _nextline); } else if((_thislen > 1) and (_thisline->txt.c_str()[_thislen-2] != '\n') and _nextline and not (_nextline->type & GLINE_QUOT)) { _thisline->txt += _nextline->txt.c_str(); Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_CUT_TEXT|batch_mode, _thisline, _thislen-1); // Relink this line _thisline->next = _nextline->next; if(_thisline->next) _thisline->next->prev = _thisline; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_DEL_LINE|BATCH_MODE, _nextline); } batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; // Make sure the line type still is correct setlinetype(_thisline); // Rewrap this line bool display = (row > maxrow / 2) ? false : true; wrapdel(&currline, &col, &row, display); if(display) { refresh(currline, row); } else { // Refresh the display Line* _topline = findtopline(); refresh(_topline, minrow); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::DelLeft() { GFTRK("EditDelLeft"); // Cannot backspace from the first column on the first line in the msg if(currline->prev == NULL) if(col == mincol) { GFTRK(NULL); return; } // Go left(/up) and delete the character there if(not batch_mode) { if(col == mincol) Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID|PREV_LINE, currline->prev); else Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } GoLeft(); DelChar(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoWordLeft() { GFTRK("EditGoWordLeft"); if(col == 0) { if(currline->prev) { GoUp(); GoEOL(); } } else { col--; if(not isxalnum(currline->txt[col])) { while(not isxalnum(currline->txt[col]) and (col > 0)) col--; while(isxalnum(currline->txt[col]) and (col > 0)) col--; } else { while(isxalnum(currline->txt[col]) and (col > 0)) col--; } if(col != 0) col++; if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline, row); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::GoWordRight() { GFTRK("EditGoWordRight"); if((col >= currline->txt.length()) or (currline->txt[col] == '\n')) { if(currline->next) { GoDown(); col = 0; } } else { size_t len = currline->txt.length(); if(not isxalnum(currline->txt[col])) { while(not isxalnum(currline->txt[col]) and ((col+1) <= len)) col++; } else { while(isxalnum(currline->txt[col]) and ((col+1) <= len)) col++; while(not isxalnum(currline->txt[col]) and ((col+1) <= len)) col++; } if(currline->txt[col-1] == '\n') col--; if(len == col) { if(currline->next) { GoDown(); col = 0; } else col--; } if(blockcol != -1) displine(currline, row); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::Newline() { GFTRK("EditNewline"); // Pointer to the split position int _splitpos = col; // Buffer for the second part of the split line std::string _splitbuf; // If the split line was quoted, get the quotestring // But do not get it if the cursor points to a linefeed or is uint _quotelen; char _quotebuf[MAXQUOTELEN]; GetQuotestr(currline->txt.c_str(), _quotebuf, &_quotelen); // Eliminate the quotestring if // - the cursor points to a linefeed or // - the cursor is located inside the quotestring if(_quotelen and ((currline->txt.length() == col) or (currline->txt[_splitpos] == '\n') or (col < _quotelen))) { *_quotebuf = NUL; _quotelen = 0; } // Append the second part to the split buffer _splitbuf = _quotebuf; _splitbuf += currline->txt.substr(_splitpos); Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_INS_TEXT|batch_mode, currline, col, 1); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; // Copy linefeed+nul to the split position currline->txt.erase(_splitpos); currline->txt += "\n"; // Re-type and display the split line setlinetype(currline); displine(currline, row); uint _quotelen1 = 0; char _quotebuf1[MAXQUOTELEN] = ""; if(currline->next != NULL) { GetQuotestr(currline->next->txt.c_str(), _quotebuf1, &_quotelen1); } if((_splitbuf.find('\n') != _splitbuf.npos) or (currline->next == NULL) or not strieql(_quotebuf, _quotebuf1)) { // Insert a new line below, set the line text to the split-off part currline = insertlinebelow(currline, _splitbuf.c_str()); // --v-- // This line would be wrapped // This line would be // wrapped Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, currline->prev, _quotelen, _splitbuf.length() - _quotelen); } else { currline = currline->next; currline->txt.insert(_quotelen1, _splitbuf.substr(_quotelen1)); Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT|BATCH_MODE, currline->prev, _quotelen1, _splitbuf.length() - _quotelen1); } setlinetype(currline); // Move down the cursor col = 0; row = downoneline(row); // Scroll the remaining lines if necessary if(row < maxrow) scrolldown(mincol, row, maxcol, maxrow); // Rewrap the split-off line wrapdel(&currline, &col, &row, true); refresh(currline, row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::CopyAboveChar() { GFTRK("EditCopyAboveChar"); char _ch = ' '; if(currline->prev) { uint _len = currline->prev->txt.length(); if(_len and _len > col) _ch = currline->prev->txt[col]; if(_ch == '\n') _ch = ' '; } insertchar(_ch); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::DupLine() { GFTRK("EditDupLine"); Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; Line* _nextline = insertlinebelow(currline, currline->txt.c_str(), batch_mode); _nextline->type = currline->type & ~GLINE_BLOK; _nextline->color = currline->color; _nextline->kludge = currline->kludge; refresh(currline, row); GoDown(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // PageUp behavior: // // ... The top line becomes the bottom line. // ... Always remain at cursor row, except if we can't page up. // ... If we can't page up, move the cursor row to the top line. void IEclass::GoPgUp() { GFTRK("EditGoPgUp"); // Not at the first line in msg? if(currline->prev) { // Count lines int _count = row; // Move to the top line currently displayed Line* _topline = currline; while(_count and _topline->prev) { _topline = _topline->prev; _count--; } // The count must be zero at this point! _test_haltab(_count, _count, _count); // At we already fully at the top? if(_topline->prev == NULL) { // Yes, so move the cursor row to the top line row = minrow; currline = _topline; if(blockcol != -1) refresh(currline, row); } else { // We are not at the top, so continue with paging // Move a full page of lines, if possible _count = maxrow; while(_count and _topline->prev) { _topline = _topline->prev; _count--; } // Set the current line _count = row; currline = _topline; while(_count--) currline = currline->next; // Refresh display refresh(_topline, minrow); } } else { GoTopMsg(); } if(col+1 > currline->txt.length()) GoEOL(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // PageDown behavior: // // ... The bottom line becomes the top line. // ... Always remain at cursor row, except if at the last line. // ... If at the last line, move cursor to the last window line and // display the lines above. // ... If there are too few lines to display after the page down, the // rest are displayed blank. void IEclass::GoPgDn() { GFTRK("EditGoPgDn"); // Not at the last line in the msg? if(currline->next) { // Go down to the last displayed line in the window uint _newrow = row, _oldrow = row; Line *oldcurrline = currline; while((_newrow < maxrow) and currline->next) { currline = currline->next; _newrow++; } // If there are more lines after the last line, start displaying from the top if(currline->next) { Line *_topline = currline; // Set current line _newrow = 0; while((_newrow < row) and currline->next) { currline = currline->next; _newrow++; } // Move cursor row if necessary if(_newrow < row) row = _newrow; refresh(_topline, minrow); } else { row = _newrow; refresh(oldcurrline, _oldrow); } } else { GoBotMsg(); } if(col+1 > currline->txt.length()) GoEOL(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::Tab() { GFTRK("EditTab"); int tabsz = CFG->disptabsize ? CFG->disptabsize : 1; // Move to the next tab position do { if(insert) insertchar(' '); else if(currline->txt[col] != '\n') GoRight(); else break; } while(col % tabsz); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::ReTab() { GFTRK("EditTabReverse") int tabsz = CFG->disptabsize ? CFG->disptabsize : 1; // Move to the next tab position do { if(not col) break; if(insert) DelLeft(); else GoLeft(); } while(col % tabsz); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::DeleteEOL() { GFTRK("EditDeleteEOL"); bool _has_linefeed = (currline->txt.find('\n') != currline->txt.npos) ? true : false; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_DEL_TEXT, currline); currline->txt.erase(col); if(_has_linefeed) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_INS_CHAR|BATCH_MODE); currline->txt += "\n"; } clreol(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::DeleteSOL() { GFTRK("EditDeleteSOL"); if(col == 0) { GFTRK(NULL); return; } int _oldcol = col; col = 0; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_DEL_TEXT, currline, col, _oldcol); currline->txt.erase(col, _oldcol); wrapdel(&currline, &col, &row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::deleteline(bool zapquotesbelow) { GFTRK("Editdeleteline"); bool done = false; do { // Break if need to zap quotes, but the current line is not quote and is not empty if(zapquotesbelow and not ((currline->type & GLINE_QUOT) or isempty(currline))) break; // Pointer to the deleted line Line* _deletedline = currline; // If last line to be deleted delete to EOL and exit if(currline->next == NULL) { if(isempty(currline)) break; insertlinebelow(currline, "", batch_mode); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; done = true; } // Pointers to the previous and next lines Line* _prevline = currline->prev; Line* _nextline = currline->next; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_PUSH_LINE|batch_mode); // Set the new current line to the next line (which may be NULL!) currline = _nextline; if(currline == NULL) { currline = _prevline; currline->next = NULL; _prevline = _prevline ? _prevline->prev : NULL; } // Link the new current line to the previous line currline->prev = _prevline; // Link the previous line to this line if(_prevline) _prevline->next = currline; if(_deletedline->type & GLINE_BLOK) { blockcol = -1; _deletedline->type &= ~GLINE_BLOK; } // Link the deleted line to the killbuffer if(Edit__killbuf) { Edit__killbuf->next = _deletedline; _deletedline->prev = Edit__killbuf; Edit__killbuf = _deletedline; } else { Edit__killbuf = _deletedline; Edit__killbuf->prev = NULL; } Edit__killbuf->next = NULL; // Move the cursor to EOL if necessary if(col+1 > currline->txt.length()) GoEOL(); if(not zapquotesbelow) break; batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } while(not done); // Refresh display from cursor row refresh(currline, row); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::UnDelete(bool before) { GFTRK("EditUnDelete"); // If there are deleted lines if(Edit__killbuf) { Line* _prevline = Edit__killbuf->prev; bool down = false; if(before) { Edit__killbuf->prev = currline ? currline->prev : NULL; Edit__killbuf->next = currline; } else { Edit__killbuf->prev = currline; Edit__killbuf->next = currline ? currline->next : NULL; if(row == maxrow) down = true; else if((row < maxrow) and currline) row++; } if(Edit__killbuf->prev) Edit__killbuf->prev->next = Edit__killbuf; if(Edit__killbuf->next) Edit__killbuf->next->prev = Edit__killbuf; currline = Edit__killbuf; Edit__killbuf = _prevline; if(Edit__killbuf) Edit__killbuf->next = NULL; Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_POP_LINE); // Move the cursor to EOL if necessary if(col+1 > currline->txt.length()) GoEOL(); if(down) GoDown(); else refresh(currline, row); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::ZapQuoteBelow() { GFTRK("ZapQuoteBelow"); if(currline->prev) Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID|PREV_LINE|batch_mode, currline->prev); else Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID|batch_mode, currline); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; UndoItem* item_to_fix = Undo->last_item; deleteline(true); if(row == 0) { item_to_fix->line = currline; } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line* IEclass::findtopline() { GFTRK("Editfindtopline"); uint _toprow = row; Line* _topline = currline; while(_topline->prev and (_toprow > minrow)) { _topline = _topline->prev; _toprow--; } GFTRK(NULL); return _topline; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::savefile(int __status) { Subj statbak; GFTRK("Editsavefile"); // Turn off cursor and put up a wait window int wascursoron = not vcurhidden(); cursoroff(); strcpy(statbak, information); update_statusline(LNG->Wait+1); // Open the save file const char* editorfile = AddPath(CFG->goldpath, EDIT->File()); remove(editorfile); FILE* _fp = fsopen(editorfile, "wb", CFG->sharemode); if(_fp) { // Find the first line Line* _saveline = findfirstline(); // First save the "unfinished" identifier if(__status == MODE_UPDATE) { fputs(unfinished, _fp); fputs("\r\n", _fp); } // Save as whole paragraphs while(_saveline) { // Copy the line to a buffer char _buf[EDIT_BUFLEN]; strcpy(_buf, _saveline->txt.c_str()); // If a LF was found, replace it with a CR/LF combo char* _lfptr = strchr(_buf, '\n'); if(_lfptr) strcpy(_lfptr, "\r\n"); // Save the line fputs(_buf, _fp); // Continue with the next line _saveline = _saveline->next; } // Close save file and remove wait window fclose(_fp); } update_statusline(statbak); if(wascursoron) cursoron(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::SaveFile() { GFTRK("EditSaveFile"); savefile(MODE_UPDATE); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::SaveMsg() { GFTRK("EditSaveMsg"); done = MODE_SAVE; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int IEclass::isempty(Line* __line) { if(__line == NULL) __line = currline; return (__line->txt.empty() or __line->txt[0] == '\n'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int IEclass::reflowok(char* __qstr) { // Stop reflow if there is no next line if(currline->next == NULL) return false; // Stop reflow if the next line is empty if(isempty(currline->next)) return false; // Stop reflow if the next line is a control line if(currline->next->type & (GLINE_KLUDGE|GLINE_TEAR|GLINE_ORIG|GLINE_TAGL)) return false; // Stop reflow if the quotestring on the next line is not the same uint _qlen2; char _qstr2[MAXQUOTELEN]; GetQuotestr(currline->next->txt.c_str(), _qstr2, &_qlen2); if(not cmp_quotes(__qstr, _qstr2)) return false; return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::Reflow() { GFTRK("EditReflow"); // Skip empty lines while(isempty()) { if(currline->next) { if(not batch_mode) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_VOID); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } GoDown(); } else { GFTRK(NULL); return; } } // Get the first quotestring uint _qlen1; char _qstr1[MAXQUOTELEN]; GetQuotestr(currline->txt.c_str(), _qstr1, &_qlen1); const char* _qlenptr = currline->txt.c_str() + _qlen1; // Strip leading spaces from the first line const char* ptr = _qlenptr; while(*ptr and isspace(*ptr) and (*ptr != '\n')) ptr++; if(ptr != _qlenptr) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_DEL_TEXT|batch_mode, currline, _qlen1, ptr-_qlenptr); currline->txt.erase(_qlen1, ptr-_qlenptr); } // Perform the reflow while(reflowok(_qstr1)) { // Work on the current line until it is done Line* _thisline = currline; while(_thisline == currline) { // Stop reflow? if(not reflowok(_qstr1)) break; // Go to the EOL, insert a space and delete the LF GoEOL(); if(col+1 < maxcol) { insertchar(' '); DelChar(); } else { GoDown(); col = mincol; } } } // Go to the next line displine(currline,row); GoDown(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::ExitMsg() { GFTRK("EditExitMsg"); done = MODE_QUIT; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::DelLine() { GFTRK("EditDelLine"); cursoroff(); deleteline(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::ToUpper() { GFTRK("EditToUpper"); if(col < currline->txt.length()) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR); currline->txt[col] = toupper(currline->txt[col]); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::ToLower() { GFTRK("EditToLower"); if(col < currline->txt.length()) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR); currline->txt[col] = tolower(currline->txt[col]); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::ToggleCase() { GFTRK("EditToggleCase"); if(col < currline->txt.length()) { Undo->PushItem(EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR); if(toupper(currline->txt[col]) == currline->txt[col]) currline->txt[col] = tolower(currline->txt[col]); else currline->txt[col] = toupper(currline->txt[col]); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::LookupCursor() { GFTRK("EditLookupCursor"); LookupNode(msgptr, currline->txt.c_str()+col, LOOK_NAME); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::LookupDest() { GFTRK("EditLookupDest"); LookupNode(msgptr, "", LOOK_DEST); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::LookupOrig() { GFTRK("EditLookupOrig"); LookupNode(msgptr, "", LOOK_ORIG); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::Soundkill() { HandleGEvent(EVTT_STOPVOICE); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void IEclass::statusline() { if(chartyped) { if(EDIT->Completion.First()) { do { const char* trig = EDIT->Completion.Trigger(); uint tlen = strlen(trig); if(col >= tlen) { if(strneql(trig, currline->txt.c_str()+col-tlen, tlen)) { int saved_insert = insert; insert = true; batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; uint n; for(n=0; nCompletion.Text(); uint clen = strlen(cptr); for(n=0; nCompletion.Next()); } } char _buf[EDIT_BUFLEN]; *_buf = NUL; if(EDIT->Comment.First()) { do { const char* trig = EDIT->Comment.Trigger(); uint tlen = strlen(trig); if(col >= tlen) { if(strnieql(trig, currline->txt.c_str()+col-tlen, tlen)) { strcpy(_buf, EDIT->Comment.Text()); break; } } } while(EDIT->Comment.Next()); } update_statuslinef(LNG->EditStatus, 1+thisrow, 1+col, _buf); if(*_buf and CFG->switches.get(beepcomment)) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_EDITCOMMENT); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int IEclass::handlekey(gkey __key) { int rc = true; switch(__key) { case KK_EditBlockRight: __key = KK_EditGoRight; break; case KK_EditBlockLeft: __key = KK_EditGoLeft; break; case KK_EditBlockUp: __key = KK_EditGoUp; break; case KK_EditBlockDown: __key = KK_EditGoDown; break; case KK_EditBlockHome: __key = KK_EditGoBegLine; break; case KK_EditBlockEnd: __key = KK_EditGoEOL; break; case KK_EditBlockPgDn: __key = KK_EditGoPgDn; break; case KK_EditBlockPgUp: __key = KK_EditGoPgUp; break; case KK_EditCopy: case KK_EditCut: case KK_EditDelete: goto noselecting; case KK_EditDelChar: case KK_EditDelLeft: if(selecting) { __key = KK_EditUndefine; } // fall through case KK_EditPaste: case KK_EditNewline: if(selecting) { BlockCut(true); batch_mode = BATCH_MODE; } goto noselecting; break; default: rc = PlayMacro(__key, KT_E); if(rc == true) return rc; rc = true; if(selecting) { Line *_line; selecting = NO; blockcol = -1; for(_line = findfirstline(); _line; _line = _line->next) _line->type &= ~GLINE_BLOK; // refresh screen int r = row; for(_line = currline; _line and r; _line = _line->prev) r--; refresh(_line, minrow); } goto noselecting; } if(not selecting) { Line *_line; for(_line = findfirstline(); _line; _line = _line->next) _line->type &= ~GLINE_BLOK; currline->type |= GLINE_BLOK; selecting = YES; blockcol = col; // refresh screen int r = row; for(_line = currline; _line and r; _line = _line->prev) r--; refresh(_line, minrow); } noselecting: switch(__key) { case KK_EditAbort: Abort(); break; case KK_EditAskExit: AskExit(); break; case KK_EditClearDeleteBuf: ClearDeleteBuf(); break; case KK_EditClearPasteBuf: ClearPasteBuf(); break; case KK_EditCopyAboveChar: CopyAboveChar(); break; case KK_EditDelChar: DelChar(); break; case KK_EditDeleteEOL: DeleteEOL(); break; case KK_EditDeleteSOL: DeleteSOL(); break; case KK_EditDelLeft: DelLeft(); break; case KK_EditDelLine: DelLine(); break; case KK_EditDelLtWord: DelLtWord(); break; case KK_EditDelRtWord: DelRtWord(); break; case KK_EditDosShell: DosShell(); break; case KK_EditDupLine: DupLine(); break; case KK_EditExitMsg: ExitMsg(); break; case KK_EditExportText: ExportText(); break; case KK_EditGoBegLine: GoBegLine(); break; case KK_EditGoBotLine: GoBotLine(); break; case KK_EditGoBotMsg: GoBotMsg(); break; case KK_EditGoDown: GoDown(); break; case KK_EditGoEOL: GoEOL(); break; case KK_EditGoLeft: GoLeft(); break; case KK_EditGoPgDn: GoPgDn(); break; case KK_EditGoPgUp: GoPgUp(); break; case KK_EditGoRight: GoRight(); break; case KK_EditGoTopLine: GoTopLine(); break; case KK_EditGoTopMsg: GoTopMsg(); break; case KK_EditGoUp: GoUp(); break; case KK_EditGoWordLeft: GoWordLeft(); break; case KK_EditGoWordRight: GoWordRight(); break; case KK_EditHeader: Header(); break; case KK_EditImportQuotebuf: ImportQuotebuf(); break; case KK_EditImportText: ImportText(); break; case KK_EditLoadFile: LoadFile(); break; case KK_EditLookupCursor: LookupCursor(); break; case KK_EditLookupDest: LookupDest(); break; case KK_EditLookupOrig: LookupOrig(); break; case KK_EditNewline: Newline(); break; case KK_EditQuitNow: QuitNow(); break; case KK_EditReflow: Reflow(); break; case KK_EditSaveFile: SaveFile(); break; case KK_EditSaveMsg: SaveMsg(); break; case KK_EditSoundkill: Soundkill(); break; case KK_EditSpellCheck: SpellCheck(); break; case KK_EditTab: Tab(); break; case KK_EditTabReverse: ReTab(); break; case KK_EditToggleCase: ToggleCase(); break; case KK_EditToggleInsert: ToggleInsert(); break; case KK_EditToLower: ToLower(); break; case KK_EditToUpper: ToUpper(); break; case KK_EditUndefine: break; case KK_EditUnDelete: UnDelete(); break; case KK_EditUndo: Undo->PlayItem(); break; case KK_EditZapQuoteBelow: ZapQuoteBelow(); break; // Block functions case KK_EditAnchor: BlockAnchor(); break; case KK_EditCopy: BlockCopy(); break; case KK_EditCut: BlockCut(); break; case KK_EditDelete: BlockCut(true); break; case KK_EditPaste: BlockPaste(); break; default: rc = false; break; } if(__key != KK_EditUndo) undo_ready = NO; return rc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int IEclass::Start(int __mode, uint* __position, GMsg* __msg) { GFTRK("EditStart"); thisrow = 0; quitnow = NO; col = mincol; row = minrow; msgptr = __msg; msgmode = __mode; currline = __msg->lin; if(AA->isinternet() and (CFG->soupexportmargin <= CFG->dispmargin)) margintext = CFG->soupexportmargin; else margintext = CFG->dispmargin; marginquotes = EDIT->QuoteMargin() + 1; // Add one for CR if(marginquotes > margintext) marginquotes = margintext; if(currline == NULL) { currline = new Line("\n"); throw_xnew(currline); } // Check if there is an unfinished backup message FILE* _fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, EDIT->File()), "rt", CFG->sharemode); if(_fp) { char _buf[EDIT_BUFLEN]; fgets(_buf, sizeof(_buf), _fp); fclose(_fp); if(striinc(unfinished, _buf)) { w_info(LNG->UnfinishedMsg); update_statusline(LNG->LoadUnfinished); HandleGEvent(EVTT_ATTENTION); gkey _ch = getxch(); w_info(NULL); if(_ch != Key_Esc) { LoadFile(); *__position = 0; remove(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, EDIT->File())); } } } if(*__position) { for(uint _posrow=0; _posrow < *__position; _posrow++) { if(currline->next) { currline = currline->next; row++; } } thisrow = row; } done = NO; // If the starting line is outside the first screenful if(*__position >= (maxrow+1)) { refresh(currline->prev, minrow); row = 1; } else { refresh(findfirstline(), minrow); } gotorowcol(mincol, minrow); dispins(); time_t _lasttime = time(NULL); while(not done) { statusline(); gotorowcol(col, row); batch_mode = 0; int backattr = 0; if(blockcol == -1) { backattr = dispchar(currline->txt.c_str()[col], C_READC); gotorowcol(col, row); } cursoron(); if(insert) vcursmall(); else vcurlarge(); gkey _ch; do { _ch = getxchtick(); if(EDIT->AutoSave()) { time_t _thistime = time(NULL); if(_thistime >= (_lasttime+EDIT->AutoSave())) { _lasttime = _thistime; SaveFile(); } } if(_ch == Key_Tick) CheckTick(KK_EditQuitNow); } while(_ch == Key_Tick); pcol = col; getthisrow(currline); prow = thisrow; int ismacro = false; gkey _kk = SearchKey(_ch, EditKey, EditKeys); if(_kk) { _ch = _kk; } else { ismacro = IsMacro(_ch, KT_E); } if(blockcol == -1) dispchar(currline->txt.c_str()[col], backattr); chartyped = false; if((_ch < KK_Commands) and (_ch & 0xFF) and not ismacro) { chartyped = true; _ch &= 0xFF; insertchar((char)_ch); undo_ready = YES; } else if(handlekey(_ch)) { getthisrow(currline); } } cursoroff(); msgptr->lin = findfirstline(); savefile(quitnow ? MODE_UPDATE : MODE_SAVE); // Prune killbuffer if(Edit__killbuf) { Line *__line = Edit__killbuf; int _count = EDIT->UnDelete(); while(__line and _count--) __line = __line->prev; if(__line) if(__line->next) __line->next->prev = NULL; while(__line) { if(Undo->FixPushLine(__line)) { if(__line->prev) { __line = __line->prev; __line->next = NULL; } else { __line = NULL; } } else { if(__line->prev) { __line = __line->prev; throw_xdelete(__line->next); } else throw_xdelete(__line); } } } *__position = 1 + thisrow; GFTRK(NULL); return done; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ UndoStack::UndoStack(IEclass* this_editor) : editor(this_editor), row(editor->row), col(editor->col), pcol(editor->pcol), prow(editor->prow), minrow(editor->minrow), maxrow(editor->maxrow), thisrow(editor->thisrow), currline(editor->currline), undo_ready(editor->undo_ready) { UndoItem::last_item = &last_item; last_item = NULL; undo_enabled = YES; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ UndoStack::~UndoStack() { while(last_item) { switch(last_item->action & EDIT_UNDO_ACTION) { case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_TEXT: case EDIT_UNDO_INS_TEXT: case EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT: throw_delete(last_item->data.text_ptr); break; case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_LINE: throw_xdelete(last_item->data.line_ptr); } delete last_item; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool UndoStack::FixPushLine(Line* __line) { UndoItem* item = last_item; while(item) { if(((item->action & EDIT_UNDO_ACTION) == EDIT_UNDO_PUSH_LINE) and (item->data.line_ptr == __line)) { item->action &= ~EDIT_UNDO_ACTION; item->action |= EDIT_UNDO_ORPHAN_LINE; return true; } item = item->prev; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void UndoStack::PushItem(uint action, Line* __line, uint __col, uint __len) { GFTRK("PushItem"); if(undo_enabled) { throw_new(last_item = new UndoItem); last_item->col.num = (__col != NO_VALUE) ? __col : col; last_item->col.sav = 0; last_item->action = action; last_item->pcol = pcol; last_item->prow = prow; switch(action & EDIT_UNDO_ACTION) { case EDIT_UNDO_VOID: case EDIT_UNDO_INS_CHAR: last_item->line = __line ? __line : currline; last_item->data.char_int = NUL; break; case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_CHAR: case EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR: last_item->line = __line ? __line : currline; last_item->data.char_int = last_item->line->txt[last_item->col.num]; break; case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_TEXT: last_item->line = __line; __col = last_item->col.num; if(__len == NO_VALUE) __len = __line->txt.length() - __col; throw_new(last_item->data.text_ptr = new(__len) text_item(__col, __len)); memcpy(last_item->data.text_ptr->text, __line->txt.c_str() + __col, __len); break; case EDIT_UNDO_CUT_TEXT: last_item->line = __line; last_item->data.text_ptr = NULL; break; case EDIT_UNDO_INS_TEXT: case EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT: last_item->line = __line; if(__len == NO_VALUE) __len = __line->txt.length() - __col; throw_new(last_item->data.text_ptr = new text_item(__col, __len)); break; case EDIT_UNDO_NEW_LINE: last_item->line = last_item->data.line_ptr = __line; break; case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_LINE: last_item->line = __line->prev ? __line->prev : __line->next; last_item->data.line_ptr = __line; break; case EDIT_UNDO_PUSH_LINE: if(currline->next) last_item->line = currline->next; else { last_item->action |= LAST_LINE; last_item->line = currline->prev; } last_item->data.line_ptr = currline; break; case EDIT_UNDO_POP_LINE: last_item->line = currline; last_item->data.line_ptr = NULL; break; } } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void UndoStack::PlayItem() { GFTRK("PlayItem"); if(last_item) { UndoItem* item; // Don't save any new items while in Undo function undo_enabled = NO; // Find first of the batch items for(item = last_item; item->action & BATCH_MODE; item = item->prev); uint curr_row_num = thisrow; uint curr_col_num = col; if((item->action & PREV_LINE) and item->line->next) currline = item->line->next; else currline = item->line; editor->getthisrow(currline); int _maxrow = maxrow; if((item->action & PREV_LINE) and not item->line->next) _maxrow--; col = item->col.num; if(curr_row_num != thisrow) { // Let user to see the position before performing Undo, unless it's a // neighbour line and the same column. undo_ready = ((abs(int(curr_row_num - thisrow)) < 2) and ((curr_col_num == col) or (col+1 > currline->txt.length()))); // Move cursor up or down depending on where the undo line is, // then refresh window if the line is invisible. do { if(curr_row_num > thisrow) { if(row > minrow) curr_row_num--, row--; else { editor->refresh(currline, row); break; } } else { if(row < _maxrow) curr_row_num++, row++; else { Line* l = currline; for(uint r = row; r; l = l->prev, r--) {} editor->refresh(l, minrow); break; } } } while(curr_row_num != thisrow); } else undo_ready = ((abs(int(curr_col_num - col)) < 2) or (col+1 > currline->txt.length())); uint _pcol = item->pcol; uint _prow = item->prow; if(undo_ready) { if((item->action & PREV_LINE) and not item->line->next) { row++; thisrow++; curr_row_num++; } bool in_batch; // Keep undoing until item with no BATCH_MODE flag is reached. do { uint undo_type = last_item->action & EDIT_UNDO_TYPE; uint undo_action = last_item->action & EDIT_UNDO_ACTION; in_batch = last_item->action & BATCH_MODE; currline = last_item->line; if(last_item->action & PREV_LINE) { col = last_item->col.num = last_item->col.sav; if(row > minrow) row--; } switch(undo_type) { case EDIT_UNDO_CHAR: switch(undo_action) { case EDIT_UNDO_INS_CHAR: currline->txt.erase(last_item->col.num, 1); break; case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_CHAR: currline->txt.insert(last_item->col.num, 1, last_item->data.char_int); break; case EDIT_UNDO_OVR_CHAR: currline->txt[last_item->col.num] = last_item->data.char_int; break; } editor->setlinetype(currline); break; case EDIT_UNDO_TEXT: { text_item* text_data = last_item->data.text_ptr; std::string *txt = &currline->txt; switch(undo_action) { case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_TEXT: txt->insert(text_data->col, text_data->text, text_data->len); throw_delete(text_data); break; case EDIT_UNDO_CUT_TEXT: txt->erase(last_item->col.num); break; case EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT: txt->append(currline->next->txt.c_str()+text_data->col, text_data->len); txt = &currline->next->txt; // fall through... case EDIT_UNDO_INS_TEXT: txt->erase(text_data->col, text_data->len); throw_delete(text_data); break; } editor->setlinetype((undo_action == EDIT_UNDO_WRAP_TEXT) ? currline->next : currline); break; } case EDIT_UNDO_LINE: { Line* thisline = last_item->data.line_ptr; switch(undo_action) { case EDIT_UNDO_NEW_LINE: if(thisline->next) thisline->next->prev = thisline->prev; if(thisline->prev) { thisline->prev->next = thisline->next; currline = thisline->prev; } else currline = thisline->next; throw_xdelete(thisline); break; case EDIT_UNDO_ORPHAN_LINE: if(last_item->action & LAST_LINE) { thisline->prev = currline; thisline->next = currline ? currline->next : NULL; if((row < maxrow) and currline) row++; } else { thisline->prev = currline ? currline->prev : NULL; thisline->next = currline; } // fall through... case EDIT_UNDO_DEL_LINE: if(thisline->prev) thisline->prev->next = thisline; if(thisline->next) thisline->next->prev = thisline; currline = thisline; break; case EDIT_UNDO_PUSH_LINE: editor->UnDelete((last_item->action & LAST_LINE) ? false : true); break; case EDIT_UNDO_POP_LINE: editor->DelLine(); break; } } } _pcol = last_item->pcol; _prow = last_item->prow; delete last_item; } while(last_item and in_batch); undo_enabled = YES; editor->getthisrow(currline); uint temprow = row; Line *templine = currline; Line *topline = editor->findfirstline(); int delta = _prow-thisrow; if(not in_range(row+delta, minrow, maxrow)) { // we need to fit thisrow into the screen boundaries if(delta > 0) { for(row += delta; row > maxrow; row--) { if(templine) // cause refresh() issue an error since templine should never be NULL templine = templine->prev; } temprow = maxrow; } else { for(row += delta; (int)row < (int)minrow; row++) { if(templine) // cause refresh() issue an error since templine should never be NULL templine = templine->next; } temprow = minrow; } // move pointer to the top of screen so we refresh scrolled area while (row != minrow) { if(templine) // cause refresh() issue an error since templine should never be NULL templine = templine->prev; --row; } } else { if(delta < 0) { templine = topline; for(thisrow=0; thisrow < _prow; thisrow++) if(templine) // cause refresh() issue an error if thisrow != _prow templine = templine->next; } temprow = row+delta; } // refresh screen editor->refresh(templine, row); // set cursor position thisrow = _prow; col = _pcol; row = temprow; // set currline according to thisrow currline = topline; for(thisrow=0; thisrow < _prow; thisrow++) if(currline) currline = currline->next; } // Move the cursor to EOL if necessary else if(col+1 > currline->txt.length()) editor->GoEOL(); undo_ready = YES; } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------