// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Internet SOUP packet handling. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void KludgeDATE(GMsg* msg, const char* ptr); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* CvtMessageIDtoMSGID(const char* mptr, char* msgidbuf, const char* echoid, char* kludge) { sprintf(msgidbuf, "\x1""%s: ", kludge); char* bptr = msgidbuf + strlen(msgidbuf); if(strnieql(mptr, "isemail()) { vector::iterator z; for(z = CFG->mailinglist.begin(); z != CFG->mailinglist.end(); z++) if(z->sender_is_pattern) { golded_search_manager srchmgr; srchmgr.prepare_from_string(z->sender, GFIND_HDRTXT); bool success = srchmgr.search(msg, true, true); if(srchmgr.reverse ? not success : success) { int areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(z->echoid); if(areano != -1) return AL.AreaNoToId(areano); } } } return current; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int CheckMailinglists(const char* what, int current) { if(AA->isemail()) { vector::iterator z; for(z = CFG->mailinglist.begin(); z != CFG->mailinglist.end(); z++) if(not z->sender_is_pattern and strieql(what, z->sender)) { int areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(z->echoid); if(areano != -1) return AL.AreaNoToId(areano); } } return current; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool MatchRFC(char*& p, const char* what) { bool match = strnieql(p, what, strlen(what)); if(match) p = strskip_wht(p + strlen(what) - 1); return match; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ProcessSoupMsg(char* lbuf, GMsg* msg, int& msgs, char* areaname, int tosstobadmsgs) { int entryCurrArea = CurrArea; if(msg->txt) { msgs++; msg->orig = msg->oorig = CFG->internetgate.addr.net ? CFG->internetgate.addr : AA->aka(); msg->dest = msg->odest = AA->aka(); time_t a = time(NULL); struct tm *tp = gmtime(&a); tp->tm_isdst = -1; time_t b = mktime(tp); msg->arrived = a + a - b; Line* line = NULL; Line* fline = NULL; int lineno = 0; int inhdr = true; char* mptr = msg->txt; char smsgid[2010]; *smsgid = NUL; char sreply[2010]; *sreply= NUL; if(tosstobadmsgs) AddLineF(line, "AREA:%s", areaname); while(*mptr) { char* eptr = mptr; do { eptr = strskip_to(eptr, '\n'); if(*eptr) { char lwsp = eptr[1]; if(inhdr and (mptr != eptr) and ((lwsp == ' ') or (lwsp == '\t'))) { *eptr = lwsp; } else { *eptr++ = NUL; break; } } } while(*eptr); strchg(mptr, '\t', ' '); if(inhdr) { if(*mptr == NUL) { inhdr = false; CurrArea = CheckMailinglists(msg, CurrArea); const char* echo_id = AL.AreaIdToPtr(CurrArea)->echoid(); fline = FirstLine(line); char buf[2010]; if(*smsgid) { CvtMessageIDtoMSGID(smsgid, buf, echo_id, "MSGID"); fline = AddKludge(fline, buf); } if(*sreply) { CvtMessageIDtoMSGID(sreply, buf, echo_id, "REPLY"); fline = AddKludge(fline, buf); } } else { int addkludge = true; *lbuf = CTRL_A; strcpy(lbuf+1, mptr); if(MatchRFC(mptr, "From: ")) { INam fromname; IAdr fromaddr; ParseInternetAddr(mptr, fromname, fromaddr); strxcpy(msg->by, *fromname ? fromname : fromaddr, sizeof(msg->by)); if(AA->Internetgate().addr.net) { char abuf[40]; char kbuf[2048]; sprintf(kbuf, "\x1""REPLYTO %s %s", AA->Internetgate().addr.make_string(abuf), *AA->Internetgate().name ? AA->Internetgate().name : "UUCP" ); line = AddKludge(line, kbuf); sprintf(kbuf, "\x1""REPLYADDR %s", fromaddr); line = AddKludge(line, kbuf); } CurrArea = CheckMailinglists(fromaddr, CurrArea); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "To: ")) { strxcpy(msg->ito, mptr, sizeof(msg->ito)); INam toname; IAdr toaddr; ParseInternetAddr(mptr, toname, toaddr); strxcpy(msg->to, *toname ? toname : toaddr, sizeof(msg->to)); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "Cc: ")) { char* ccbuf = (char*)throw_malloc(strlen(msg->icc) + strlen(mptr) + 3); strcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(ccbuf, msg->icc), *msg->icc ? ", " : ""), mptr); strxcpy(msg->icc, ccbuf, sizeof(msg->icc)); throw_free(ccbuf); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "Bcc: ")) { char* bccbuf = (char*)throw_malloc(strlen(msg->ibcc) + strlen(mptr) + 3); strcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(bccbuf, msg->ibcc), *msg->ibcc ? ", " : ""), mptr); strxcpy(msg->ibcc, bccbuf, sizeof(msg->ibcc)); throw_free(bccbuf); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "X-To: ")) { INam toname; IAdr toaddr; ParseInternetAddr(mptr, toname, toaddr); strxcpy(msg->to, *toname ? toname : toaddr, sizeof(msg->to)); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "Subject: ")) { strxcpy(msg->re, mptr, sizeof(msg->re)); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "Date: ")) { KludgeDATE(msg, mptr); } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "Organization: ")) { // not used } else if(MatchRFC(mptr, "Message-ID: ")) { if(not strnieql(mptr, "to) strcpy(msg->to, "All"); msg->lin = FirstLine(line); if(OrigArea != CurrArea) { AA->Unlock(); AA->Close(); AL.SetActiveAreaId(CurrArea); OrigArea = CurrArea; AA->Open(); AA->Lock(); AA->RandomizeData(); } if(lineno) { AA->istossed = true; update_statuslinef("%s: %u", AA->echoid(), msgs); msg->LinesToText(); AA->SaveMsg(GMSG_NEW, msg); } ResetMsg(msg); CurrArea = entryCurrArea; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ dword swapendian(dword n) { byte* c = (byte*)&n; n = ((c[0]*256 + c[1])*256 + c[2])*256 + c[3]; return n; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ImportSOUP() { int imported = 0; if(*CFG->soupimportpath) { const int MBUF_SIZE = 65535; const int LBUF_SIZE = 65535; gfile fpa; // For AREAS file gfile fpm; // For *.MSG files int importedmsgs = 0; Path areasfile; strcpy(areasfile, AddPath(CFG->soupimportpath, "AREAS")); fpa.fopen(areasfile, "rt"); if(fpa.isopen()) { char buf[2048]; LoadCharset("N/A", "N/A"); char* mbuf = (char*)throw_malloc(MBUF_SIZE); char* lbuf = (char*)throw_malloc(LBUF_SIZE); GMsg* msg = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); while(fpa.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char* delim = "\t\n"; char* prefix = strtok(buf, delim); char* areaname = strtok(NULL, delim); char* encoding = strtok(NULL, delim); char msgfmt = *encoding++; char idxfmt = (char)(*encoding ? *encoding++ : 0); char kind = (char)(*encoding ? *encoding : 0); int isemail = false; int isnews = false; switch(msgfmt) { case 'M': // not supported yet break; case 'm': case 'b': isemail = true; break; case 'u': if(kind == 'm') { isemail = true; break; } case 'B': isnews = true; break; } Path msgfile, idxfile; strcpy(stpcpy(msgfile, prefix), ".msg"); strcpy(msgfile, AddPath(CFG->soupimportpath, msgfile)); if(idxfmt) { strcpy(stpcpy(idxfile, prefix), ".idx"); strcpy(idxfile, AddPath(CFG->soupimportpath, idxfile)); } strupr(areaname); int tosstobadmsgs = false; if(isemail) areaname = CFG->soupemail; int areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(areaname); if(areano == -1) { areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(CFG->soupbadmsgs); tosstobadmsgs = true; } if((areano != -1) and (isemail or isnews)) { AL.SetActiveAreaNo(areano); OrigArea = CurrArea; fpm.fopen(msgfile, "rb"); if(fpm.isopen()) { imported++; int msgs = 0; AA->Open(); AA->Lock(); AA->RandomizeData(); uint txtlen = 0; char* txtptr = NULL; uint allocated_len = 0; if((msgfmt == 'b') or (msgfmt == 'B')) { // Get binary formats dword msglen = 0; while(fpm.fread(&msglen, 4) == 1) { msglen = swapendian(msglen); uint msglensz = (uint)msglen; if(msglen != msglensz) msglensz--; msg->txt = (char*)throw_calloc(1, msglensz+1); fpm.fread(msg->txt, msglensz); if(msglen != msglensz) fpm.fseek(msglen-msglensz, SEEK_CUR); ProcessSoupMsg(lbuf, msg, msgs, areaname, tosstobadmsgs); } } else { // Get non-binary formats while(fpm.fgets(mbuf, MBUF_SIZE)) { if(msgfmt == 'u') { if(strneql(mbuf, "#! rnews ", 9)) { dword msglen = atol(mbuf+9); uint msglensz = (uint)msglen; if(msglen != msglensz) msglensz--; msg->txt = (char*)throw_calloc(1, msglensz+1); fpm.fread(msg->txt, msglensz); if(msglen != msglensz) fpm.fseek(msglen-msglensz, SEEK_CUR); ProcessSoupMsg(lbuf, msg, msgs, areaname, tosstobadmsgs); } else { w_infof(LNG->ErrorInSoup, msgfile); waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); break; } } else if(msgfmt == 'm') { if(strneql(mbuf, "From ", 5)) { msg->txt = txtptr; txtptr = NULL; txtlen = 0; allocated_len = 0; ProcessSoupMsg(lbuf, msg, msgs, areaname, tosstobadmsgs); } uint len = strlen(mbuf); if((txtlen+len+1) > allocated_len) { if(allocated_len) allocated_len *= 2; else allocated_len = (txtlen+len+1) * 100; txtptr = (char*)throw_realloc(txtptr, allocated_len); } strcpy(txtptr+txtlen, mbuf); txtlen += len; } else if(msgfmt == 'M') { // Not supported yet } } if(msgfmt == 'm') { if(txtptr) { msg->txt = txtptr; txtptr = NULL; ProcessSoupMsg(lbuf, msg, msgs, areaname, tosstobadmsgs); } } } throw_free(txtptr); AA->Unlock(); AA->Close(); if(msgs) importedmsgs += msgs; fpm.fclose(); } } remove(msgfile); if(idxfmt) remove(idxfile); } ResetMsg(msg); throw_free(msg); throw_free(lbuf); throw_free(mbuf); fpa.fclose(); remove(areasfile); if(*CFG->souptosslog) fpa.fopen(CFG->souptosslog, "at"); for(uint na = 0; na < AL.size(); na++) { if(AL[na]->istossed) { AL[na]->istossed = false; AL[na]->isunreadchg = true; if(fpa.isopen()) fpa.printf("%s\n", AL[na]->echoid()); } } if(fpa.isopen()) fpa.fclose(); if(importedmsgs and *CFG->soupreplylinker) { sprintf(buf, LNG->Replylinker, CFG->soupreplylinker); ShellToDos(CFG->soupreplylinker, buf, LGREY|_BLACK, YES); } } } if(imported) startupscan_success = true; return imported; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ExportSoupMsg(GMsg* msg, char* msgfile, gfile& fp, int ismail) { NW(ismail); if(not fp.isopen()) { fp.open(AddPath(CFG->soupexportpath, msgfile), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, "rb+"); if(fp.isopen()) fp.fseek(0, SEEK_END); } if(fp.isopen()) { int level = 0; if(CharTable) level = CharTable->level ? CharTable->level : 2; char mbuf[1030]; // Write placeholder for message length dword msglen = 0xFFFFFFFFL; fp.fwrite(&msglen, 4); msglen = 0; bool qp = false; if(msg->charsetencoding & GCHENC_MNE) { if(not CharTable or not striinc("MNEMONIC", CharTable->exp)) LoadCharset(CFG->xlatlocalset, "MNEMONIC"); } else if(IsQuotedPrintable(msg->charset)) { qp = true; LoadCharset(CFG->xlatlocalset, ExtractPlainCharset(msg->charset)); } else { LoadCharset(CFG->xlatlocalset, msg->charset); } // Process kludges and write header lines Line* line = msg->lin; while(line) { if(line->type & GLINE_KLUDGE) { if((line->kludge == GKLUD_RFC) or (line->kludge == 0)) { strcpy(mbuf, (*line->txt.c_str() == CTRL_A) ? line->txt.c_str()+1 : line->txt.c_str()); msglen += fp.printf("%s%s", mbuf, (line->type & GLINE_WRAP) ? "" : "\n"); } else if(line->type & GLINE_WRAP) { while(line->next and (line->type & GLINE_WRAP)) line = line->next; } } line = line->next; } // Write blank line after header lines msglen += fp.printf("\n"); // Write all message lines line = msg->lin; while(line) { if(not (line->type & (GLINE_KLUDGE|GLINE_TEAR|GLINE_ORIG))) { XlatStr(mbuf, line->txt.c_str(), level, CharTable); char* mptr = mbuf; if(qp and strlen(mptr) > 76) { // 12345v7890 // =FF - back one // =FF - back two // =FF - okay do { char* mbeg = mptr; mptr += 75; if(*(mptr-2) == '=') mptr -= 2; else if(*(mptr-1) == '=') mptr--; int mlen = (int)(mptr - mbeg); msglen += fp.printf("%*.*s=\n", mlen, mlen, mbeg); } while(strlen(mptr) > 76); } msglen += fp.printf("%s\n", mptr); } line = line->next; } // Re-write the correct message length fp.fseek(-(msglen+4), SEEK_CUR); dword be_msglen = swapendian(msglen); fp.fwrite(&be_msglen, 4); fp.fseek(msglen, SEEK_CUR); msg->attr.snt1(); msg->attr.scn1(); msg->attr.uns0(); time_t a = time(NULL); struct tm *tp = gmtime(&a); tp->tm_isdst = -1; time_t b = mktime(tp); msg->arrived = a + a - b; AA->SaveHdr(GMSG_UPDATE, msg); if(msg->attr.k_s()) AA->DeleteMsg(msg, DIR_NEXT); return 1; } return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ExportSoupArea(int areano, char* msgfile, gfile& fp, int ismail) { int exported = 0; AL.SetActiveAreaNo(areano); AA->Open(); AA->Lock(); AA->RandomizeData(); GMsg* msg = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); for(uint n=0; nExpo.Count(); n++) { if(AA->LoadMsg(msg, AA->Expo[n], CFG->soupexportmargin)) { if(msg->attr.uns() and not (msg->attr.del() or msg->attr.lok())) { exported += ExportSoupMsg(msg, msgfile, fp, ismail); update_statuslinef("%s: %u", AA->echoid(), exported); } } } ResetMsg(msg); throw_free(msg); AA->Unlock(); AA->Close(); AA->Expo.ResetAll(); return exported; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ExportSOUP() { int mailexported = 0; int newsexported = 0; if(*CFG->soupexportpath) { Path scanfile; gfile fp, mfp, nfp; // Get the scan list strcpy(scanfile, AddPath(CFG->goldpath, "goldsoup.lst")); fp.fopen(scanfile, "rt"); if(fp.isopen()) { char buf[256]; while(fp.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char* ptr = strchr(buf, ' '); if(ptr) { *ptr++ = NUL; int a = AL.AreaEchoToNo(buf); if(a != -1) AL[a]->Expo.Add(atol(ptr)); } } fp.fclose(); } // Export from the e-mail and newsgroup areas for(uint na = 0; na < AL.size(); na++) { Area* ap = AL[na]; if(ap->isemail() and ap->Expo.Count()) mailexported += ExportSoupArea(na, "GOLDMAIL.MSG", mfp, true); else if(ap->isnewsgroup() and ap->Expo.Count()) newsexported += ExportSoupArea(na, "GOLDNEWS.MSG", nfp, false); } // Close any open SOUP files if(mfp.isopen()) mfp.fclose(); if(nfp.isopen()) nfp.fclose(); // Update the REPLIES file fp.open(AddPath(CFG->soupexportpath, "REPLIES"), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, "rb+"); if(fp.isopen()) { char buf[512]; int hasmail = false; int hasnews = false; while(fp.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { strtok(buf, "\t\n"); if(strieql(buf, "GOLDMAIL")) hasmail = true; else if(strieql(buf, "GOLDNEWS")) hasnews = true; } if(mailexported and not hasmail) fp.printf("GOLDMAIL\tmail\tbn\n"); if(newsexported and not hasnews) fp.printf("GOLDNEWS\tnews\tBn\n"); fp.fclose(); } // Delete the scanfile remove(scanfile); } return mailexported + newsexported; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------