// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Based on CXL by Mike Smedley. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // wmenubeg() starts a menu definition // wmenuitem() defines a menu item // wmenuend() ends a menu definition // wmenuget() processes the defined menu // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) #include #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int _overtagid; int _finaltagid; int gmnudropthrough = NO; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // prototypes for local functions static _item_t* down_item(_item_t *curr); static _item_t* left_item(_item_t *curr); static _item_t* right_item(_item_t *curr); static _item_t* up_item(_item_t *curr); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // menu item movement definitions #define ITM_LT 0 #define ITM_RT 1 #define ITM_UP 2 #define ITM_DN 3 #define ITM_FR 4 #define ITM_LS 5 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // array of function pointers to some of the item movement functions static _item_t *(*mnu_funcs[4])(_item_t *) = { left_item, right_item, up_item, down_item }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // flag used for initial display of menu selections static int dispdesc=YES; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will calculate the width of the selection bar static int calc_bar_width(_menu_t *wmenu,_item_t *witem) { register int width; width=strlen(witem->str); if(wmenu->barwidth) width=wmenu->barwidth; return(width); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will calculate the window column // at the center of the given menu item static int calc_center_item(_item_t *item) { return( ((int)item->wcol) + (strlen(item->str)/2) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will hide the mouse cursor // if mouse cursor mode is on static void hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(void) { #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE if(gmou.FreeCursor()) gmou.HideCursor(); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will display the mouse // cursor if mouse cursor mode is on static void show_mouse_cursor_mnu(void) { #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE if(gmou.FreeCursor()) { gmou.ShowCursor(); gmou.SetCursor(0,0xFFFF,((LGREY_|_LGREY)<<8)); } #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function calls the given function static void mnu_call_func(VfvCP func) { _menu_t *menu; int w; int err; hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(); menu=gwin.cmenu; w=whandle(); err=whelpush(); (*func)(); wactiv(w); if(!err) whelpop(); gwin.cmenu=menu; show_mouse_cursor_mnu(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will call a menu item's "after" function if it exists static void call_after(_item_t *citem) { if(citem->after!=NULL) mnu_call_func(citem->after); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will call a menu item's "before" function if it exists static void call_before(_item_t *citem) { if(citem->before!=NULL) mnu_call_func(citem->before); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function closes the current menu's window and reactivates // the menu window open prior to opening the current menu window static void close_window(int w) { if(!gwin.cmenu->usecurr) { hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(); wclose(); wactiv(w); show_mouse_cursor_mnu(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function displays a menu selection, using selection bar if specified static void disp_item(_item_t *witem,int bar) { #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) char *buf = (char *)alloca(sizeof(vatch)*gvid->numcols); #else __extension__ char buf[sizeof(vatch)*gvid->numcols]; #endif char ch; vattr chattr; _wrec_t* whp; register const char* p; register vatch* ptr=(vatch*)buf; int i, textend,width,wcol,found=NO; // if mouse cursor is on, temporarily hide it hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(); // initialize width of output and end of text p = witem->str; width = calc_bar_width(gwin.cmenu,witem); textend = gwin.cmenu->textpos+strlen(p)-1; wgotoxy(witem->wrow,wcol=witem->wcol); if (width > (gvid->numcols-2)) width = gvid->numcols - 2; // display separators if (witem->fmask & M_SEPAR) { const int &border = gwin.active->border; const int &btype = gwin.active->btype; const vattr &attr = gwin.active->loattr; vatch line = vcatch(_box_table(btype, 1), attr); if (border) *ptr++ = vcatch(_box_table(btype, 9), attr); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) *ptr++ = line; if (border) *ptr = vcatch(_box_table(btype, 10), attr); int row = gwin.active->srow + witem->wrow + border; int col = gwin.active->scol + wcol; vputws(row, col, (vatch*)buf, width+2); } else { // display menu item including selection bar for(i=0; itextpos) or (i>textend)) ? ' ' : (*p++); // select attribute of character to be displayed based upon if // selection bar was specified, if the menu item is non-selectable, // if the character is a tag character, or none of the above. if(bar) chattr = gwin.cmenu->barattr; else if(witem->fmask&M_NOSEL) chattr = gwin.cmenu->noselattr; else if((ch==witem->schar) and not found) { found = YES; chattr = gwin.cmenu->scharattr; } else chattr = gwin.cmenu->textattr; // display character in selected attribute //wprintc(witem->wrow,wcol++,chattr,ch); // Build menu line buffer *ptr++ = vcatch(ch,chattr); } // Display complete buffer wprintws(witem->wrow, wcol, (vatch*)buf, width); } // display text description, if one exists if((witem->desc!=NULL) and dispdesc) { whp = wfindrec(witem->dwhdl); i = (1 + whp->ecol - whp->scol) - (whp->border ? 2 : 0); sprintf(buf, "%-*.*s", i, i, witem->desc); wwprints(witem->dwhdl, witem->dwrow, witem->dwcol, witem->dattr, buf); } // if mouse cursor is hidden, unhide it show_mouse_cursor_mnu(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function finds the next menu selection down static _item_t * down_item(_item_t *curr) { _item_t *best,*temp; int brow,bcol,tcol,trow,crow,ccol,tdist,bdist; // initialize best record to NULL best=NULL; brow=bcol=32767; // calculate window column at center of current item crow=(int)curr->wrow; ccol=calc_center_item(curr); // search backwards through linked list, testing each item for(temp=gwin.cmenu->item;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->prev) { // calculate window column at center of test item trow=(int)temp->wrow; tcol=calc_center_item(temp); if(trow>crow) { tdist=abs((ccol-tcol)); bdist=abs((ccol-bcol)); if((trowwrow=-1; best=down_item(temp); throw_free(temp); } } else // see if menu selection is non-selectable if(best->fmask&M_NOSEL) best=down_item(best); // return best record return(best); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function finds the upper-leftmost menu selection static _item_t * first_item(void) { _item_t *best,*temp; // initialize best record to highest record in linked list best=gwin.cmenu->item; // search backwards through linked list, testing each item for(temp=best->prev;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->prev) { if((temp->wrowwrow) or ((temp->wrow==best->wrow) and (temp->wcolwcol))) best=temp; } // see if menu selection is non-selectable if(best->fmask&M_NOSEL) best=right_item(best); // return best record return(best); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this is a recursive function that frees a menu and all of its submenus static void free_menu(_menu_t *wmenu) { _item_t *witem; // free all items in menu, including sub-menus while(wmenu->item!=NULL) { if(wmenu->item->child!=NULL) free_menu((_menu_t*)wmenu->item->child); witem=wmenu->item->prev; throw_free(wmenu->item); wmenu->item=witem; if(wmenu->item!=NULL) wmenu->item->next=NULL; } // free the menu itself throw_free(wmenu); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will find the bottom-rightmost menu selection static _item_t * last_item(void) { _item_t *best,*temp; int bcol; // initialize best record to highest record in linked list best=gwin.cmenu->item; bcol=best->wcol; // search backwards through linked list, testing each item for(temp=best->prev;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->prev) { if((temp->wrow>best->wrow) or ((temp->wrow==best->wrow) and (temp->wcol>bcol))) { best=temp; bcol=best->wcol; } } // see if menu selection is non-selectable if(best->fmask&M_NOSEL) best=left_item(best); // return best record return(best); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function is called after a menu bar move static void post_move(_item_t *citem) { gwin.cmenu->citem=citem; gwin.help=citem->help; disp_item(citem,1); call_before(citem); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function prepares for a menu bar move static void pre_move(_item_t *citem) { disp_item(citem,0); call_after(citem); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function moves the selection bar to another menu item, // automatically taking care of necessary pre/post move actions static _item_t * goto_item(_item_t *citem,int which) { _item_t *item; if(which==ITM_FR) item=first_item(); else if(which==ITM_LS) item=last_item(); else item=(*mnu_funcs[which])(citem); if(item!=citem) { pre_move(citem); post_move(citem=item); } return(citem); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will find the menu selection to the left of current static _item_t * left_item(_item_t *curr) { _item_t *best,*temp; int wwidth,bpos,tpos,cpos; // calculate window width and current position wwidth=gwin.cmenu->ecol - gwin.cmenu->scol + 1; cpos=(curr->wrow * wwidth) + curr->wcol; // initialize best record to NULL, and best position to -1 best=NULL; bpos=-1; // search backwards through linked list, testing each item for(temp=gwin.cmenu->item;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->prev) { // calculate position of test each item tpos=(temp->wrow*wwidth) + temp->wcol; // compare position of test item with best item, current item if((tpos>bpos) and (tposfmask&M_NOSEL) best=left_item(best); // return best record return(best); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function determines if the mouse cursor is on a menu item #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE static _item_t *mouse_on_item(_menu_t *menu,int mcrow,int mccol) { int srow,scol,border,start,end; _item_t *item,*found; found = NULL; srow = menu->srow; scol = menu->scol; border = menu->btype==5?0:1; for(item=menu->item;item!=NULL;item=item->prev) { if(mcrow==(srow+border+item->wrow)) { start = scol+border+item->wcol; end = start+calc_bar_width(menu,item)-1; if((mccol>=start) and (mccol<=end)) { found=item; break; } } } return(found); } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void pre_exit(int w,int close) { _menu_t *wmenu; hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(); // if not using current window for menu, then close it if(close) close_window(w); // if at highest menu then free the whole menu structure if(gwin.cmenu==gwin.menu) { wmenu=gwin.menu->prev; if(gwin.cmenu!=NULL) free_menu(gwin.cmenu); gwin.menu=wmenu; if(gwin.menu!=NULL) gwin.menu->next=NULL; gwin.cmenu=gwin.menu; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function reads the mouse for input static gkey read_mouse(_item_t* citem) { #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE register _item_t *item; // if free-floating mouse cursor support is on if(gmou.FreeCursor()) { // clear mouse button queue gmou.ClearEvents(); // loop until a key is pressed while(!kbxhit() and gkbd.kbuf==NULL) { // call the keyboard loop function //if(gkbd.kbloop!=NULL) //(*gkbd.kbloop)(); // if left button was pressed, and mouse cursor is on // a selectable menu item, then move selection bar to // that item, and select it. If mouse cursor is on // a main menu item of a pull-down menu system, then // stuff that item's selection character into the CXL // keyboard buffer and return Esc to close the current // pull-down menu. gmou.GetLeftRelease(); if(gmou.Count()) { item = mouse_on_item(gwin.cmenu,gmou.Row(),gmou.Column()); if(item == NULL) { if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_PD) { item = mouse_on_item(gwin.cmenu->parent,gmou.Row(),gmou.Column()); if(item and (!(item->fmask&M_NOSEL))) { kbput(item->schar); return Key_Esc; } } } else { if(!(item->fmask&M_NOSEL)) { if(citem != item) { pre_move(citem); gwin.cmenu->citem = citem = item; post_move(item); } return Key_Ent; } } } // if right button was pressed, simulate pressing the Esc key gmou.GetRightRelease(); if(gmou.Count()) return Key_Esc; } } #endif // return zero - it means a key was pressed return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will find the menu selection to the right of current static _item_t * right_item(_item_t *curr) { _item_t *best,*temp; int wwidth,bpos,tpos,cpos; // calculate window width and current position wwidth=gwin.cmenu->ecol - gwin.cmenu->scol + 1; cpos=(curr->wrow * wwidth) + curr->wcol; // initialize best record to NULL, and best position to 32767 best=NULL; bpos=32767; // search backwards through linked list, testing items for(temp=gwin.cmenu->item;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->prev) { // calculate position of test item tpos=(temp->wrow*wwidth) + temp->wcol; // compare position of test item with best item, current item if((tposcpos)) { best=temp; bpos=tpos; } } // if there wasn't a item to the right, then wrap around if(best==NULL) best=first_item(); else // see if menu selection is non-selectable if(best->fmask&M_NOSEL) best=right_item(best); // return best record return(best); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function finds the previous menu selection upwards static _item_t * up_item(_item_t *curr) { _item_t *best,*temp; int brow,bcol,tcol,crow,trow,ccol,tdist,bdist; // initialize best record to NULL best = NULL; brow = -1; bcol = 32767; // calculate window column at center of current item crow=(int)curr->wrow; ccol=calc_center_item(curr); // search backwards through linked list, testing items for(temp=gwin.cmenu->item;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->prev) { // calculate window column at center of test item trow=(int)temp->wrow; tcol=calc_center_item(temp); if(trowbrow) or ((trow==brow) and (tdistwrow=255; best=up_item(temp); throw_free(temp); } } else // see if menu selection is non-selectable if(best->fmask&M_NOSEL) best=up_item(best); // return best record return(best); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenubeg(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, vattr battr, vattr wattr, VfvCP open, int menutype) { _menu_t* wmenu; // if this is a submenu, then make sure that it is under a menu item if(gwin.mlevel>gwin.ilevel) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOITMDEF); // allocate memory for new menu record if((wmenu=(_menu_t*)throw_malloc(sizeof(_menu_t)))==NULL) return(gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR); // if menu is not a submenu, make it a new base menu record if(!gwin.mlevel) { if(gwin.menu!=NULL) gwin.menu->next=wmenu; wmenu->prev=gwin.menu; wmenu->next=NULL; wmenu->parent=NULL; gwin.menu=gwin.cmenu=wmenu; } else { if(menutype & M_PD) gwin.cmenu->item->fmask |= M_HASPD; // Has a pull-down menu gwin.cmenu->item->fmask &= ~M_CLOSE; // Don't close parent menu wmenu->parent=gwin.cmenu; gwin.cmenu = (_menu_t*)(gwin.cmenu->item->child = wmenu); } // save info in menu record wmenu->srow=srow; wmenu->scol=scol; wmenu->erow=erow; wmenu->ecol=ecol; wmenu->btype=btype; wmenu->battr=battr; wmenu->loattr=battr; wmenu->sbattr=battr; wmenu->wattr=wattr; wmenu->menutype=menutype; wmenu->open=open; wmenu->usecurr=NO; wmenu->item=NULL; wmenu->title = ""; wmenu->titlepos = -1; wmenu->titleattr = BLACK_|_BLACK; wmenu->shadattr = DEFATTR; wmenu->items = 0; // increment menu level gwin.mlevel++; // return normally return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuitem(int wrow, int wcol, const char* str, char schar, int tagid, int fmask, VfvCP select, gkey hotkey, int help) { _item_t* witem; // make sure that wmenubeg() or wmenubegc() has been called if(!gwin.mlevel) return (gwin.werrno=W_NOMNUBEG); // allocate memory for new item record witem = (_item_t*)throw_malloc(sizeof(_item_t)); if(witem==NULL) return (gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR); // add new menu item record to linked list if(gwin.cmenu->item) gwin.cmenu->item->next = witem; witem->prev = gwin.cmenu->item; witem->next = NULL; gwin.cmenu->item = witem; // save info in item record witem->wrow = wrow; witem->wcol = wcol; witem->str = str; witem->schar = schar; witem->tagid = tagid; witem->fmask = fmask; witem->select = select; witem->hotkey = hotkey; witem->desc = NULL; witem->dwhdl = -1; witem->dwrow = 0; witem->dwcol = 0; witem->dattr = BLACK_|_BLACK; witem->redisp = NO; witem->help = help; witem->child = NULL; witem->before = NULL; witem->after = NULL; gwin.cmenu->items++; int border = (gwin.cmenu->btype == 5) ? 0 : 1; int width = 1 + (gwin.cmenu->ecol-border) - (gwin.cmenu->scol+border); size_t _titlen = gwin.cmenu->title ? strlen(gwin.cmenu->title) : 0; size_t _strlen = strlen(str); size_t length = maximum_of_two(_strlen, _titlen); if((int)length > width) gwin.cmenu->ecol += length - width; if(gwin.cmenu->menutype & M_VERT) { int height = 1 + (gwin.cmenu->erow-border) - (gwin.cmenu->srow+border); if(gwin.cmenu->items > height) gwin.cmenu->erow += gwin.cmenu->items - height; } // set item level == menu level gwin.ilevel = gwin.mlevel; // return normally return (gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuend(int taginit, int menutype, int barwidth, int textpos, vattr textattr, vattr scharattr, vattr noselattr, vattr barattr) { _item_t* item; int w_width, border, found; // make sure at least 1 menu item has been defined if(not gwin.mlevel or (gwin.mlevel>gwin.ilevel)) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOITMDEF); // make sure that the specified initial tagid matches the // tagid of one of the defined menu items in this menu for(found=NO,item=gwin.cmenu->item;item!=NULL;item=item->prev) { if(item->tagid==taginit) { found=YES; break; } } if(!found) return(gwin.werrno=W_INVTAGID); // if bar width > window width, then bar width = window width border=(gwin.cmenu->btype==5)?0:1; w_width=(gwin.cmenu->ecol-border)-(gwin.cmenu->scol+border)+1; if(barwidth>w_width) barwidth=w_width; // add rest of menu information to menu record gwin.cmenu->citem = NULL; gwin.cmenu->tagcurr = taginit; gwin.cmenu->menutype |= menutype; gwin.cmenu->barwidth = barwidth; gwin.cmenu->textpos = barwidth?textpos:0; gwin.cmenu->textattr = textattr; gwin.cmenu->scharattr = scharattr; gwin.cmenu->noselattr = noselattr; gwin.cmenu->barattr = barattr; // set current menu pointer to parent menu if((gwin.cmenu=gwin.cmenu->parent)==NULL) gwin.cmenu=gwin.menu; // decrement menu and item levels gwin.mlevel--; gwin.ilevel--; // return with no error return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuget() { int valid, pulldown=NO, menuerr, winerr, err; _item_t* citem; _item_t* item; int w = -1; gkey xch; char ch; static int _depth = 0; if (_depth == 0) { _overtagid = -1; _finaltagid = -1; } // make sure we have a defined menu if(gwin.cmenu==NULL) { gwin.werrno=W_NOMNUDEF; return(-1); } // make sure that wmenuend() was called if(gwin.mlevel or gwin.ilevel) { gwin.werrno=W_NOMNUEND; return(-1); } // open menu's window (unless menu is to use current window) if(!gwin.cmenu->usecurr) { w=whandle(); hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(); if(!wopen(gwin.cmenu->srow,gwin.cmenu->scol,gwin.cmenu->erow,gwin.cmenu->ecol,gwin.cmenu->btype,gwin.cmenu->battr,gwin.cmenu->wattr,gwin.cmenu->sbattr,gwin.cmenu->loattr)) return -1; if(gwin.cmenu->shadattr != DEFATTR) wshadow(gwin.cmenu->shadattr); if(gwin.cmenu->title and *gwin.cmenu->title) wtitle(gwin.cmenu->title, gwin.cmenu->titlepos, gwin.cmenu->titleattr); show_mouse_cursor_mnu(); // save environment info, call menu open // function, then restore environment info if(gwin.cmenu->open!=NULL) mnu_call_func(gwin.cmenu->open); } // if mouse cursor mode is on, show cursor show_mouse_cursor_mnu(); // find first item in linked list if((item=gwin.cmenu->item)!=NULL) for(;item->prev!=NULL;item=item->prev); // display all menu items dispdesc=NO; valid=NO; while(item!=NULL) { disp_item(item,0); if(!(item->fmask&M_NOSEL)) valid=YES; item=item->next; } dispdesc=YES; // make sure there is at least 1 selectable menu item if(!valid) { pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=W_NOSELECT; return(-1); } // search linked list of item records for the item matching // the last item. If there was no last item, search for // the initial tag ID position. If no initial tag ID position // was specified, then find the upper-leftmost menu item. citem=NULL; if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_SAVE) { for(citem=gwin.cmenu->item;citem!=NULL;citem=citem->prev) { if((gwin.cmenu->citem==citem) and not (citem->fmask&M_NOSEL)) break; } } if(citem==NULL) { citem=wmenuifind(gwin.cmenu->tagcurr); if((citem==NULL) or (citem->fmask&M_NOSEL)) citem=first_item(); } // call the current menu item's 'before' // function and display current menu item post_move(citem); // main process of function for(;;) { // update current menu item and help category gwin.cmenu->citem=citem; gwin.help=citem->help; // read mouse/keyboard for keypress, then test the keypress gwin.menu->hotkey = false; gkbd.inmenu=true; xch = read_mouse(citem); citem=gwin.cmenu->citem; if(!xch) { xch = getxch(); } gkbd.inmenu=false; _overtagid = citem->tagid; switch(xch) { case Key_Esc: // if Esc checking is on, erase selection bar, // free menu records and return to caller if(gwin.esc or (gwin.cmenu!=gwin.menu)) { ESCAPE_KEY: pre_move(citem); pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=W_ESCPRESS; return(-1); } break; case Key_Home: // hide selection bar and find upper-leftmost menu item citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_FR); break; case Key_Lft: // if current menu is a pull-down menu, // then erase selection bar, free menu records, // and return special code to caller if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_PD) { pre_move(citem); pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; return(M_PREVPD); } // if current menu is a horizontal menu, then hide // selection bar and find menu item to the left if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_HORZ) citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_LT); // if pull-down menu flag is set, select this item if(pulldown and (citem->child!=NULL)) goto ENTER; break; case Key_Up: // if current menu is a vertical menu, then hide // selection bar and find menu item upwards if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&(M_VERT|M_PD)) citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_UP); break; case Key_Rgt: // if current menu is a pull-down menu, // then erase selection bar, free menu records, // and return special code to caller if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_PD) { pre_move(citem); pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; return(M_NEXTPD); } // if current menu is a horizontal menu, then hide // selection bar and find menu item to the right if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_HORZ) citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_RT); // if pulldown flag is set, then select this item if(pulldown and (citem->child!=NULL)) goto ENTER; break; case Key_Dwn: // if current item has a pull-down menu, select it if(citem->fmask&M_HASPD) goto ENTER; // if current menu is a vertical menu, then hide // selection bar and find menu item downwards if(gwin.cmenu->menutype&(M_VERT|M_PD)) citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_DN); break; case Key_End: // hide selection bar and find // lower-rightmost menu item citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_LS); break; case Key_Ent: ENTER: // if current menu item has a pull-down menu // attached, then set the pulldown flag if(citem->fmask&M_HASPD) pulldown=YES; // display menu item with selection bar disp_item(citem,1); menuerr=0; // if current menu item has a child menu if(citem->child!=NULL) { // save environment info, process child // menu, then restore environment info gwin.cmenu=(_menu_t*)citem->child; hide_mouse_cursor_mnu(); err=whelpush(); _depth++; menuerr=wmenuget(); _depth--; winerr=gwin.werrno; if(!err) whelpop(); show_mouse_cursor_mnu(); gwin.cmenu=gwin.cmenu->parent; // if an error was returned by // child menu, free menu records // and pass error code to caller if((menuerr==-1) and (winerr!=W_ESCPRESS)) { call_after(citem); menuerr=winerr; pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=menuerr; return(-1); } } // if the M_CLOSB feature is on, then close the menu's // window before the selection function is called. if(citem->fmask&M_CLOSB) close_window(w); // this is used as a flag to see if the selection bar's // position has been changed by the select function. gwin.cmenu->tagcurr=-1; // if current menu item has a select function, call it if(citem->select!=NULL) mnu_call_func(citem->select); // if the M_CLOSB feature is on, then free the current // menu a before the selection function is called. if(citem->fmask&M_CLOSB) { call_after(citem); _finaltagid = citem->tagid; pre_exit(w,NO); gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; return _finaltagid; } // check all menu items in current menu to // see if their redisplay flag has been set for(item=gwin.cmenu->item;item!=NULL;item=item->prev) { if(item->redisp) { disp_item(item,(item==citem)); item->redisp=NO; } } // see if selection bar position was changed by select // function. if so, then move selection bar to new item if(gwin.cmenu->tagcurr!=-1) { item=wmenuifind(gwin.cmenu->tagcurr); if((item!=NULL) and not (item->fmask&M_NOSEL)) { pre_move(citem); post_move(gwin.cmenu->citem=citem=item); break; } } // if current menu item has a pull-down attached if(citem->fmask&M_HASPD) { // if child menu returned previous pull-down menu // flag, find menu item to the left and select it if(menuerr==M_PREVPD) { citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_LT); if(citem->fmask&M_HASPD) goto ENTER; break; } // if child menu returned next pull-down menu // flag, find menu item to the right and select it if(menuerr==M_NEXTPD) { citem=goto_item(citem,ITM_RT); if(citem->fmask&M_HASPD) goto ENTER; break; } } // turn off pulldown flag pulldown=NO; // if child menu returned an exit-all-menus flag, // then free menu records and pass exit-all-menus // flag onto caller if((menuerr==M_EXITALL) or (citem->fmask&M_CLALL)) { disp_item(citem,1); call_after(citem); if(citem->fmask&M_CLALL) if(_finaltagid == -1) _finaltagid = citem->tagid; pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; return M_EXITALL; } // unless an exit-this-menu flag was returned by the // child menu, or current item has close-menu // specified, free menu records, and return tag // identifier of current menu item if((citem->child!=NULL) or (citem->select!=NULL)) if((menuerr!=M_EXIT) and (not (citem->fmask&M_CLOSE))) break; call_after(citem); _finaltagid = citem->tagid; pre_exit(w,YES); gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; return _finaltagid; default: // separate ASCII code from keypress code, if ASCII // code is zero, then it must be an extended key ch = char(xch & 0xFF); if (!ch and gmnudropthrough) { if((xch != Key_PgDn) and (xch != Key_PgUp)) kbput(xch); goto ESCAPE_KEY; } // scan through list of items for one that // has a tag identifier matching keypress valid=YES; item=citem->next; for(;;) { while(item!=NULL) { if ((g_toupper(ch)==g_toupper(item->schar)) && !(item->fmask & M_NOSEL)) { if (!gwin.menu->hotkey) _overtagid = item->tagid; goto FARBREAK; } if(citem==item) { valid=NO; goto FARBREAK; } item=item->next; } for(item=gwin.cmenu->item; item->prev!=NULL; item=item->prev) {} } FARBREAK: // if a matching tag identifier was found, // then hide selection bar, and if quick-key // selection is allowed, select the found menu item if(valid) { if(item!=citem) { pre_move(citem); post_move(gwin.cmenu->citem=citem=item); } if(!(gwin.cmenu->menutype&M_NOQS)) goto ENTER; } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Starts a menu definition in active window int wmenubegc() { // call wmenubeg() using current window parameters if(wmenubeg(gwin.active->srow, gwin.active->scol, gwin.active->erow, gwin.active->ecol, gwin.active->btype, gwin.active->battr, gwin.active->wattr, NULL)) { return gwin.werrno; } // turn on use-current-window flag gwin.cmenu->usecurr=YES; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static _item_t* search_menu(_menu_t* menu, int tagid) { _item_t *witem, *item; // do while more items in this menu for(witem=menu->item; witem!=NULL; witem=witem->prev) { // if tagid of found item matches item we're // searching for, then return that item's address if(witem->tagid==tagid) return witem; // if current item has a child menu, search it if(witem->child!=NULL) { item = search_menu((_menu_t*)witem->child,tagid); if(item!=NULL) return item; } } // return address of item found return witem; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Finds item record in a menu structure _item_t* wmenuifind(int tagid) { _item_t* item; // check for existance of a menu if(gwin.cmenu==NULL) { gwin.werrno=W_NOMNUDEF; return NULL; } // start search process at root of menu structure item = search_menu(gwin.menu,tagid); // return to caller gwin.werrno = (item==NULL) ? W_NOTFOUND : W_NOERROR; return item; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Adds a text description to menu item int wmenuitxt(int whdl, int wrow, int wcol, vattr attr, const char* str) { // make sure at least 1 menu item has been defined if(!gwin.mlevel or gwin.mlevel>gwin.ilevel) return gwin.werrno=W_NOITMDEF; // add description info to menu record _item_t* citem = gwin.cmenu->item; citem->dwhdl = whdl; citem->dwrow = wrow; citem->dwcol = wcol; citem->dattr = attr; citem->desc = str; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuiba(VfvCP before, VfvCP after) { // make sure at least 1 menu item has been defined if(!gwin.mlevel or gwin.mlevel > gwin.ilevel) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOITMDEF); // update menu item record gwin.cmenu->item->before = before; gwin.cmenu->item->after = after; // return normally return (gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuidsab(int tagid) { struct _item_t *item; // check for existance of a menu if(gwin.cmenu==NULL) return (gwin.werrno=W_NOMNUDEF); // find address of requested menu item if((item=wmenuifind(tagid))==NULL) return gwin.werrno; // disable menu item by making it nonselectable item->fmask |= M_NOSEL; // set menu item's redisplay flag item->redisp = true; // return normally return (gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuienab(int tagid) { struct _item_t *item; // check for existance of a menu if(gwin.cmenu==NULL) return (gwin.werrno=W_NOMNUDEF); // find address of requested menu item if((item=wmenuifind(tagid))==NULL) return gwin.werrno; // enable menu item by making it selectable item->fmask &= (~M_NOSEL); // set menu item's redisplay flag item->redisp = true; // return normally return (gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wmenuinext(int tagid) { // see if tagid is valid if(wmenuifind(tagid)==NULL) return gwin.werrno; // set current menu's current tagid to input tagid wmenumcurr()->tagcurr = tagid; // return normally return (gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------