// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read areas from InterMail 2.26+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #undef GCFG_NOINTERMAIL #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gareafile::ReadInterMail(char* tag) { Path _path; char options[80]; *_path = NUL; strcpy(options, tag); char* ptr = strtok(tag, " \t"); while(ptr) { if(*ptr != '-') { AddBackslash(strcpy(_path, ptr)); break; } ptr = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } if(*_path == NUL) { ptr = getenv("IM"); if(ptr) PathCopy(_path, ptr); } if(*_path == NUL) strcpy(_path, areapath); const char* _file = AddPath(_path, "fd.sys"); gfile fp; fp.fopen(_file, "rb"); if(fp.isopen()) { _ctl* ctl = (_ctl*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(_ctl)); if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Reading " << _file << std::endl; fp.fread(ctl, sizeof(_ctl)); if(not memcmp(ctl->fingerprint, "JoHo", 5) and (ctl->sysrev == IM_THISREV)) { fp.fclose(); CfgHudsonpath(ctl->e.qbase); AreaCfg aa; aa.reset(); aa.aka = CAST(ftn_addr, ctl->t.newaka[0]); aa.type = GMB_NET; aa.msgbase = GMB_OPUS; aa.attr.pvt(ctl->e.msgbits & MSGPRIVATE); aa.attr.cra(ctl->e.msgbits & MSGCRASH); aa.attr.k_s(ctl->e.msgbits & MSGKILL); aa.attr.r_o(ctl->e.netfolderflags & EDREADONLY); aa.setpath(ctl->s.mailpath); aa.setdesc("InterMail Netmail"); aa.setautoid("NETMAIL"); AddNewArea(aa); aa.reset(); aa.aka = CAST(ftn_addr, ctl->t.newaka[ctl->e.dupes.useaka]); aa.type = GMB_ECHO; switch(ctl->e.dupes.ftype) { case F_MSG: aa.msgbase = GMB_OPUS; break; case F_HUDSON: aa.msgbase = GMB_HUDSON; break; case F_PCB15: aa.msgbase = GMB_PCBOARD; break; case F_JAM: aa.msgbase = GMB_JAM; break; } aa.attr.r_o(ctl->e.dupes.behave & EDREADONLY); aa.board = ctl->e.dupes.board; aa.setpath(ctl->e.dupes.path); aa.setdesc(ctl->e.dupes.title); aa.setechoid(ctl->e.dupes.areatag); aa.setorigin(ctl->e.origin[ctl->e.dupes.origin]); AddNewArea(aa); aa.reset(); aa.aka = CAST(ftn_addr, ctl->t.newaka[ctl->e.badecho.useaka]); aa.type = GMB_ECHO; switch(ctl->e.badecho.ftype) { case F_MSG: aa.msgbase = GMB_OPUS; break; case F_HUDSON: aa.msgbase = GMB_HUDSON; break; case F_PCB15: aa.msgbase = GMB_PCBOARD; break; case F_JAM: aa.msgbase = GMB_JAM; break; } aa.attr.r_o(ctl->e.badecho.behave & EDREADONLY); aa.board = ctl->e.badecho.board; aa.setpath(ctl->e.badecho.path); aa.setdesc(ctl->e.badecho.title); aa.setechoid(ctl->e.badecho.areatag); aa.setorigin(ctl->e.origin[ctl->e.badecho.origin]); AddNewArea(aa); _file = AddPath(ctl->s.systempath, "imfolder.cfg"); if(fexist(_file)) { _file = AddPath(ctl->s.systempath, "imfolder.cfg"); fp.fopen(_file, "rb"); if(fp.isopen()) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Reading " << _file << std::endl; FOLDER* _folder = (FOLDER*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(FOLDER)); while(fp.fread(_folder, sizeof(FOLDER)) == 1) { aa.reset(); switch(_folder->ftype) { case F_MSG: aa.msgbase = GMB_OPUS; break; case F_HUDSON: aa.msgbase = GMB_HUDSON; break; case F_PCB15: aa.msgbase = GMB_PCBOARD; break; case F_JAM: aa.msgbase = GMB_JAM; break; default: continue; } long _behave = _folder->behave; if(not (DELETED & _behave)) { aa.aka = CAST(ftn_addr, ctl->t.newaka[_folder->useaka]); if(_behave & F_NETMAIL) aa.type = GMB_NET; else if(_behave & LOCAL) aa.type = GMB_LOCAL; else if(_behave & ECHOMAIL) aa.type = GMB_ECHO; aa.board = _folder->board; aa.setpath(_folder->path); aa.attr.pvt(_behave & PRIVATE); aa.attr.r_o(_behave & READONLY); aa.setechoid(_folder->areatag); aa.setdesc(_folder->title); aa.setorigin(ctl->e.origin[_folder->origin]); AddNewArea(aa); } } throw_free(_folder); fp.fclose(); } } else { _file = AddPath(ctl->s.systempath, "folder.cfg"); fp.fopen(_file, "rb"); if(fp.isopen()) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Reading " << _file << std::endl; OLDFOLDER* _folder = (OLDFOLDER*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(OLDFOLDER)); while(fp.fread(_folder, sizeof(OLDFOLDER)) == 1) { long _behave = _folder->behave; if(not (DELETED & _behave)) { aa.reset(); aa.aka = CAST(ftn_addr, ctl->t.newaka[_folder->useaka]); if(_behave & F_NETMAIL) aa.type = GMB_NET; else if(_behave & LOCAL) aa.type = GMB_LOCAL; else if(_behave & ECHOMAIL) aa.type = GMB_ECHO; aa.msgbase = (_behave & BOARDTYPE) ? GMB_HUDSON : GMB_OPUS; if(aa.msgbase == GMB_HUDSON) aa.board = _folder->board; else aa.setpath(_folder->path); aa.attr.pvt(_behave & PRIVATE); aa.attr.r_o(_behave & READONLY); aa.setdesc(_folder->title); aa.setorigin(ctl->e.origin[_folder->origin]); AddNewArea(aa); } } throw_free(_folder); fp.fclose(); } } } else { std::cout << "* Error: InterMail revision " << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << std::hex << ctl->sysrev << "h is not supported - Skipping." << std::endl; } throw_free(ctl); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------