// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Ezycom msgbase handling // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ EzycWide* ezycomwide = NULL; EzycData* ezycomdata = NULL; int ezycomdatano = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::data_open() { wide = ezycomwide; data = ezycomdata + (ezycomdatano++); data->fhhdr = data->fhtxt = data->fhnow = -1; data->omode = O_RDONLY; data->smode = SH_DENYNO; data->timesposted = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::data_close() { ezycomdatano--; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* EzycomArea::ret_mess_xxx(char* __path, byte __type) { if(wide->ver >= 110) { sprintf(__path, "%sAREA%u\\M%c%05u.BBS", wide->msgbasepath, ((board()-1) / 100) + 1, (__type == 1) ? 'H' : 'T', board() ); } else { sprintf(__path, "%sAREA%u\\MSG%c%03u.BBS", wide->msgbasepath, ((board()-1) / 100) + 1, (__type == 1) ? 'H' : 'T', (board() > 999) ? board()/10 : board() ); } return __path; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* EzycomArea::ret_mess_area(char* __path) { sprintf(__path, "%sAREA%u", wide->msgbasepath, ((board()-1) / 100) + 1 ); return __path; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::raw_close() { GFTRK("EzycomRawClose"); if(data->fhhdr != -1) ::close(data->fhhdr); data->fhhdr = -1; if(data->fhtxt != -1) ::close(data->fhtxt); data->fhtxt = -1; if(data->fhnow != -1) ::close(data->fhnow); data->fhnow = -1; if(data->omode == O_WRONLY) remove(AddPath(wide->msgbasepath, "EZYMSG.NOW")); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int EzycomArea::test_open(const char* __file, int __mode, int __share) { GFTRK("EzycomTestOpen"); int _fh; long _tries = 0; Path _path; strcpy(_path, __file); do { _fh = ::sopen(_path, __mode, __share, S_STDRW); if(_fh == -1) { // Tell the world if((errno != EACCES) or (PopupLocked(++_tries, false, _path) == false)) { WideLog->ErrOpen(); raw_close(); WideLog->printf("! A Ezycom msgbase file could not be opened."); WideLog->printf(": %s.", _path); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } } } while(_fh == -1); // Remove the popup window if(_tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); GFTRK(NULL); return _fh; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int EzycomArea::raw_open() { GFTRK("EzycomRawOpen"); int _tryagain = 0; do { int _sopen_access = data->omode | O_BINARY; int _sopen_permit = 0; if(not fexist(ret_mess_xxx(data->ezyfile,1))) { _sopen_access |= O_CREAT; _sopen_permit = S_STDRW; } ret_mess_xxx(data->ezyfile, 1); data->fhhdr = ::sopen(data->ezyfile, _sopen_access, data->smode, _sopen_permit); if(data->fhhdr != -1) { ret_mess_xxx(data->ezyfile, 2); data->fhtxt = ::sopen(data->ezyfile, _sopen_access, data->smode, _sopen_permit); if(data->fhtxt != -1) { if(data->omode == O_WRONLY) { // Create semaphore file byte _sema = 0; data->fhnow = ::sopen(AddPath(wide->msgbasepath, "EZYMSG.NOW"), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, WideSharemode, S_STDRW); write(data->fhnow, &_sema, 1); // Write some dummy data } GFTRK(NULL); return true; } } raw_close(); if(fexist(AddPath(wide->msgbasepath, "EZYMSG.NOW"))) { errno = EACCES; break; } Path _path; if(not is_dir(ret_mess_area(_path))) { mkdir(ret_mess_area(_path), S_IWUSR); _tryagain++; } } while(_tryagain == 1); GFTRK(NULL); return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::test_raw_open(int __fileline) { GFTRK("EzycomTestRawOpen"); int _isopen; long _tries = 0; do { _isopen = raw_open(); if(not _isopen) { // Tell the world if((errno != EACCES) or PopupLocked(++_tries, false, data->ezyfile) == false) { // User requested to exit WideLog->erropen(__FILE__, __fileline); WideLog->printf("! A Ezycom msgbase file could not be opened."); WideLog->printf(": %s.", data->ezyfile); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } } } while(not _isopen); // Remove the popup window if(_tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomExit() { if(ezycomwide) delete ezycomwide->user; throw_xrelease(ezycomwide); throw_xrelease(ezycomdata); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomInit(const char* msgbasepath, const char* userbasepath, int userno) { ezycomdata = (EzycData*)throw_calloc(3, sizeof(EzycData)); ezycomwide = (EzycWide*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(EzycWide)); ezycomwide->msgbasepath = msgbasepath; ezycomwide->userbasepath = userbasepath; ezycomwide->userno = userno; Path _path; *_path = NUL; char* _ptr = getenv("EZY"); if(_ptr and *_ptr) { _ptr = strcpy(_path, _ptr); char* _ptr2 = strchr(_ptr, ' '); if(_ptr2) *_ptr2 = NUL; AddBackslash(_path); } const char* _file = ""; _ptr = getenv("TASK"); if(_ptr and *_ptr) { char _tmp[20]; sprintf(_tmp, "CONFIG.%u", atoi(_ptr)); _file = AddPath(_path, _tmp); } if(not fexist(_file)) _file = AddPath(_path, "CONFIG.EZY"); ezycomwide->ver = 102; ezycomwide->maxmess = EZYC_MAXMESS102; int _fh = ::sopen(_file, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, WideSharemode, S_STDRD); if(_fh != -1) { char _verstr[9]; read(_fh, _verstr, 9); close(_fh); strp2c(_verstr); if(strnicmp(_verstr, "1.10", 4) >= 0) { ezycomwide->ver = 110; ezycomwide->maxmess = EZYC_MAXMESS110; } } ezycomwide->user = new EzycomUser; throw_new(ezycomwide->user); const char* _username = WideUsername[0]; ezycomwide->user->ver = ezycomwide->ver; if(ezycomwide->userno == -1) { ezycomwide->user->fh = ::sopen(AddPath(ezycomwide->userbasepath, "USERS.BBS"), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, WideSharemode, S_STDRW); if(ezycomwide->user->fh != -1) { ezycomwide->user->extfh = ::sopen(AddPath(ezycomwide->userbasepath, "USERSEXT.BBS"), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, WideSharemode, S_STDRW); if(ezycomwide->user->extfh != -1) { ezycomwide->user->find(_username); if(not ezycomwide->user->found) { WideLog->printf("* User \"%s\" not found in %sUSERS.BBS.", _username, ezycomwide->userbasepath); ezycomwide->user->add(_username); WideLog->printf("* Now added with user number %u.", ezycomwide->user->index); } close(ezycomwide->user->extfh); } close(ezycomwide->user->fh); } ezycomwide->userno = ezycomwide->user->index; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::open() { GFTRK("EzycomOpen"); isopen++; if(isopen > 2) { WideLog->ErrTest(); WideLog->printf("! Trying to open a Ezycom msgbase more than twice."); WideLog->printf(": %s, board %u.", echoid(), board()); WideLog->printf("+ Info: This indicates a serious bug."); WideLog->printf("+ Advice: Report to the Author immediately."); TestErrorExit(); } if(isopen == 1) { if(ispacked()) { isopen--; const char* newpath = Unpack(path()); if(newpath == NULL) packed(false); set_real_path(newpath ? newpath : path()); isopen++; } data_open(); test_raw_open(__LINE__); scan(); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::save_lastread() { GFTRK("EzycomSaveLastread"); int _fh = test_open(AddPath(wide->userbasepath, "LASTCOMB.BBS"), O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, SH_DENYNO); if(_fh != -1) { word _lastread = (word)(Msgn->CvtReln(lastread)+1); lseekset(_fh, (long)wide->userno * ((long)wide->maxmess / 16) * (long)sizeof(EzycLast) + (((board() - 1) / 16) * sizeof(EzycLast) + sizeof(word)) + (board()-1) % 16 * sizeof(word) ); write(_fh, &_lastread, sizeof(word)); ::close(_fh); } if(data->timesposted) { wide->user->extfh = ::sopen(AddPath(wide->userbasepath, "USERSEXT.BBS"), O_RDWR|O_BINARY, SH_DENYNO, S_STDRW); if(wide->user->extfh != -1) { wide->user->moveto(wide->userno); wide->user->inctimesposted(data->timesposted); data->timesposted = 0; ::close(wide->user->extfh); } } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::close() { GFTRK("EzycomClose"); if(isopen) { if(isopen == 1) { save_lastread(); raw_close(); Msgn->Reset(); data_close(); if(ispacked()) { CleanUnpacked(real_path()); } } isopen--; } else { WideLog->ErrTest(); WideLog->printf("! Trying to close an already closed Ezycom msgbase."); WideLog->printf(": %s, board %u.", echoid(), board()); WideLog->printf("+ Info: This indicates a potentially serious bug."); WideLog->printf("+ Advice: Report to the Author immediately."); TestErrorExit(); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::suspend() { GFTRK("EzycomSuspend"); save_lastread(); raw_close(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void EzycomArea::resume() { GFTRK("EzycomResume"); if(not raw_open()) { Path _path; WideLog->ErrOpen(); WideLog->printf("! A Ezycom msgbase file could not be opened."); WideLog->printf(": %s.", ret_mess_xxx(_path, 1)); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------