// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alex. S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Hudson / Goldbase msgbase handling // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::raw_close() { GFTRK("HudsRawClose"); if(fhtxt != -1) ::close(fhtxt); fhtxt = -1; if(fhhdr != -1) ::close(fhhdr); fhhdr = -1; if(fhidx != -1) ::close(fhidx); fhidx = -1; if(fhinf != -1) ::close(fhinf); fhinf = -1; if(fhlrd != -1) ::close(fhlrd); fhlrd = -1; if(fhtoi != -1) ::close(fhtoi); fhtoi = -1; if(fhusr != -1) ::close(fhusr); fhusr = -1; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template int _HudsWide::test_open(char* __file, int __oaccess) { GFTRK("HudsTestOpen"); int _fh; long _tries = 0; __oaccess |= O_RDWR|O_BINARY; do { Path _testfn; strcpy(_testfn, AddPath(path, __file)); int _omode = (__oaccess & O_CREAT) ? S_STDRW : S_STDRD; _fh = ::sopen(_testfn, __oaccess, WideSharemode, _omode); if(_fh == -1) { if(errno == ENOENT) { if(_tries == 0) { __oaccess |= O_CREAT; _tries++; continue; } } // Request the other program to unlock if(errno != ENOENT) TouchFile(AddPath(path, "mbunlock.now")); // Tell the world if(PopupLocked(++_tries, false, _testfn) == false) { // User requested to exit WideLog->ErrOpen(); raw_close(); WideLog->printf("! A %s msgbase file could not be opened.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_NAME : GOLD_NAME); WideLog->printf(": %s.", _testfn); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } } } while(_fh == -1); // Remove the popup window if(_tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); GFTRK(NULL); return _fh; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::raw_open(int __oaccess, int __all) { GFTRK("HudsRawOpen"); fhidx = test_open(__HUDSON ? "msgidx" HUDS_EXT : "msgidx" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); fhinf = test_open(__HUDSON ? "msginfo" HUDS_EXT : "msginfo" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); fhlrd = test_open(__HUDSON ? "lastread" HUDS_EXT : "lastread" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); fhtoi = test_open(__HUDSON ? "msgtoidx" HUDS_EXT : "msgtoidx" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); if(__all) { fhhdr = test_open(__HUDSON ? "msghdr" HUDS_EXT : "msghdr" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); fhtxt = test_open(__HUDSON ? "msgtxt" HUDS_EXT : "msgtxt" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); fhusr = test_open(__HUDSON ? "users" HUDS_EXT : "users" GOLD_EXT, __oaccess); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::raw_open_scan() { GFTRK("HudsRawOpenScan"); raw_open(0, false); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::refresh() { GFTRK("HudsRefresh"); // (Re)Allocate memory to hold the complete MSGIDX.BBS/DAT msgidxsize = filelength(fhidx); msgidxptr = (HudsIdx*)throw_realloc(msgidxptr, (uint)(msgidxsize+sizeof(HudsIdx))); // Load MSGIDX.BBS/DAT lseek(fhidx, 0, SEEK_SET); read(fhidx, msgidxptr, (uint)msgidxsize); // Load MSGINFO.BBS/DAT lseek(fhinf, 0, SEEK_SET); read(fhinf, &msginfo, sizeof(HudsInfo)); // Load LASTREAD.BBS/DAT lseek(fhlrd, (long)userno*(long)sizeof(HudsLast), SEEK_SET); read(fhlrd, lastrec, sizeof(HudsLast)); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::open() { GFTRK("HudsWideOpen"); isopen = 1; iswideopen = true; ispmscanned = false; iswidescanned = false; raw_open_scan(); lock(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::close() { GFTRK("HudsWideClose"); unlock(); raw_close(); throw_release(msgidxptr); throw_release(pmscan); throw_release(scn); iswideopen = false; isopen = 0; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::lock() { GFTRK("HudsLock"); if(not islocked and WideCanLock) { long _tries = 0; // Try to get the lock while(::lock(fhinf, sizeof(HudsInfo)+1, 1) == -1) { // Tell the world if(PopupLocked(++_tries, true, AddPath(path, __HUDSON ? "msginfo" HUDS_EXT : "msginfo" GOLD_EXT)) == false) { // User requested to exit WideLog->ErrLock(); raw_close(); WideLog->printf("! A %s msgbase file could not be locked.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_NAME : GOLD_NAME); WideLog->printf(": %smsginfo%s.", path, __HUDSON ? HUDS_EXT : GOLD_EXT); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); LockErrorExit(); } // Request the other program to unlock TouchFile(AddPath(path, "mbunlock.now")); } // Remove the popup window if(_tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); // We got the lock islocked = true; } // Refresh msgbase data refresh(); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::unlock() { GFTRK("HudsUnlock"); if(islocked and WideCanLock) { ::unlock(fhinf, sizeof(HudsInfo)+1, 1); islocked = false; } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsArea::lock() { wide->lock(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsArea::unlock() { wide->unlock(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::scan() { GFTRK("HudsWideScan"); iswidescanned = true; // Alloc scan array throw_free(scn); scn = (HudsScan*)throw_calloc((__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD), sizeof(HudsScan)); // Board and scan array pointer register int _board; register HudsScan* _scan = scn; // Init wide scan array _board = 0; while(_board < (__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD)) { _scan->active = msginfo.active[_board]; _scan->lastread = lastrec[_board]; _board++; _scan++; } // Setup MSGIDX pointer and counters register HudsIdx* _msgidx_ptr = msgidxptr; register uint _msgidx_count = 0; register uint _msgidx_total = (uint)(msgidxsize/sizeof(HudsIdx)); int _invalidboards = 0; // Scan the index while(_msgidx_count < _msgidx_total) { // Is the msg not deleted? if(_msgidx_ptr->msgno != (__HUDSON ? HUDS_DELETEDMSGNO : GOLD_DELETEDMSGNO)) { register int _idxboard = _msgidx_ptr->board; if(_idxboard and (_idxboard <= (__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD))) { _scan = scn + (_idxboard - 1); // Get message number _scan->lastmsgno = _msgidx_ptr->msgno; _scan->count++; // Set first message number if(not _scan->firstmsgno) _scan->firstmsgno = _scan->lastmsgno; // Set lastread pointer if((_scan->lastmsgno >= _scan->lastread) and (_scan->lastreadreln == 0)) { _scan->lastreadfound = _scan->lastmsgno; _scan->lastreadreln = _scan->count - (_scan->lastmsgno != _scan->lastread ? 1 : 0); } } else { _invalidboards++; } } // Go to next record _msgidx_count++; _msgidx_ptr++; } if(_invalidboards) { WideLog->printf("! Found %u msgs with an invalid board number (0 or >%u).", _invalidboards, (__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD)); WideLog->printf("! In the %s msgbase at %s.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_NAME : GOLD_NAME, path); WideLog->printf(": Info: Your msgbase may be partially corrupted."); WideLog->printf("+ Advice: Run a msgbase index rebuild/recover utility."); } // Check/fix boards _board = 0; _scan = scn; while(_board < (__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD)) { // Check/fix lastreads if(_scan->count and (_scan->lastreadfound != _scan->lastread)) { if(_scan->lastread > _scan->lastmsgno) _scan->lastreadreln = _scan->count; else if(_scan->lastread < _scan->firstmsgno) _scan->lastreadreln = 0; } if(WideDebug) { WideLog->printf("- b:%u: t:%u, l:%u, fm:%lu, hm:%lu, lr:%lu, u:%u", _board, _scan->count, _scan->lastreadreln, _scan->firstmsgno, _scan->lastmsgno, _scan->lastread, userno ); } // Check active message count and log it if different if(_scan->active != _scan->count) { WideLog->printf("! Counted %u active msgs in %s board %u.", _scan->count, __HUDSON ? HUDS_NAME : GOLD_NAME, _board+1); WideLog->printf("! According to msginfo%s there should be %u active msgs.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_EXT : GOLD_EXT, _scan->active); WideLog->printf(": Info: A program did not update msginfo%s correctly.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_EXT : GOLD_EXT); WideLog->printf("+ Advice: Run a msgbase index rebuild utility."); } _board++; _scan++; } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsArea::raw_scan(int __keep_index) { GFTRK("HudsRawScan"); if(!wide) wide = (HudsWide*) (__HUDSON ? (void *)hudsonwide : (void *)goldbasewide); if(wide->iswideopen and not wide->iswidescanned) wide->scan(); // Get wide scan data if any if(wide->scn) { // Update area data register HudsScan* _scan = wide->scn + (board() - 1); Msgn->SetCount(_scan->count); lastread = _scan->lastreadreln; lastreadentry = _scan->lastreadfound; } else { // Open the msgbase if it wasn't already int _was_open = wide->isopen; if(not _was_open) wide->open(); // Get the number of active msgs in the area register board_t _board = (board_t)board(); register uint _active = wide->msginfo.active[_board-1]; register msgn_t _lastread = wide->lastrec[_board-1]; // Setup pointers and counts register uint _msg_count = 0; register HudsIdx* _msgidx_ptr = wide->msgidxptr; register uint _msgidx_count = 0; register uint _msgidx_total = (uint)(wide->msgidxsize/sizeof(HudsIdx)); register uint _lastread_reln = 0; // (Re)Allocate index if(__keep_index) Msgn->Resize(_active); // Index pointers register ulong* _msgno_ptr = Msgn->tag; // Fill index register ulong _firstmsgno = 0; register ulong _lastmsgno = 0; register ulong _lastreadfound = 0; while(_msgidx_count < _msgidx_total) { // Is it our board and is the msg not deleted? if((_msgidx_ptr->board == _board) and (_msgidx_ptr->msgno != (__HUDSON ? HUDS_DELETEDMSGNO : GOLD_DELETEDMSGNO))) { // Get message number _lastmsgno = _msgidx_ptr->msgno; _msg_count++; // Set first message number if(not _firstmsgno) _firstmsgno = _lastmsgno; // Transfer data to the index if(__keep_index) *_msgno_ptr++ = _lastmsgno; // Set lastread pointer if((_lastmsgno >= _lastread) and (_lastread_reln == 0)) { _lastreadfound = _lastmsgno; _lastread_reln = _msg_count - (_lastmsgno != _lastread ? 1 : 0); } // Break loop as soon as we have all we need if(_msg_count == _active) break; } // Go to next record _msgidx_count++; _msgidx_ptr++; } // If the exact lastread was not found if(_msg_count and (_lastreadfound != _lastread)) { // Higher than highest or lower than lowest? if(_lastread > _lastmsgno) _lastread_reln = _msg_count; else if(_lastread < _firstmsgno) _lastread_reln = 0; } // Check active message count and log it if different if(_active != _msg_count) { WideLog->printf("! Counted %u active msgs in %s board %u (%s).", _msg_count, __HUDSON ? HUDS_NAME : GOLD_NAME, board(), echoid()); WideLog->printf("! According to msginfo%s there should be %u active msgs.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_EXT : GOLD_EXT, _active); WideLog->printf(": Info: A program did not update msginfo%s correctly.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_EXT : GOLD_EXT); WideLog->printf("+ Advice: Run a msgbase index rebuild utility."); } // Update area data Msgn->SetCount(_msg_count); lastread = _lastread_reln; lastreadentry = _lastreadfound; if(WideDebug) { WideLog->printf("- b:%u: t:%u, l:%u, fm:%lu, hm:%lu, lr:%lu, u:%u", board(), Msgn->Count(), lastread, _firstmsgno, _lastmsgno, (ulong)_lastread, wide->userno ); } // Close the msgbase again if we opened it in here if(not _was_open) wide->close(); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsArea::scan() { GFTRK("HudsScan"); raw_scan(true); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsArea::scan_area() { GFTRK("HudsScanArea"); raw_scan(false); GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define HudsIdxCmp(a,b) ((a.board-b.board != 0) ? a.board-b.board : ((int)(a.msgno-b.msgno))) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define TOIDXBUFSZ 100u #define PMSCANBUFSZ 50u template void _HudsWide::realloc_pm_scan() { pmscan = (HudsIdx*)throw_realloc(pmscan, (pmscantotal+PMSCANBUFSZ)*sizeof(HudsIdx)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsWide::scan_pm() { GFTRK("HudsWideScanPM"); if(not iswidescanned) scan(); ispmscanned = true; HudsToIdx* toidxbuf = (HudsToIdx*)throw_calloc(TOIDXBUFSZ, sizeof(HudsToIdx)); uint totrecs = (uint)(filelength(fhtoi) / sizeof(HudsToIdx)); HudsIdx* idxptr = msgidxptr; throw_release(pmscan); pmscantotal = 0; int invalidboards = 0; int gotpm, idxboard, umax, u; uint getrecs, rec; HudsToIdx* toidx; do { rec = 0; gotpm = false; getrecs = MinV(TOIDXBUFSZ, totrecs); read(fhtoi, toidxbuf, getrecs*sizeof(HudsToIdx)); for(toidx=toidxbuf; recmsgno == (__HUDSON ? HUDS_DELETEDMSGNO : GOLD_DELETEDMSGNO)) continue; // Skip msgs in invalid boards idxboard = idxptr->board; if(not (idxboard and (idxboard <= (__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD)))) { invalidboards++; continue; } // If after lastread if(idxptr->msgno <= scn[idxboard-1].lastreadfound) continue; // Convert name string strnp2c(toidx->name, sizeof(HudsToIdx)-1); // Is it a PM? umax = (WidePersonalmail & PM_ALLNAMES) ? WideUsernames : 1; for(u=0; uname, WideUsername[u])) { gotpm = true; break; } } if(gotpm) { if((pmscantotal % PMSCANBUFSZ) == 0) realloc_pm_scan(); pmscan[pmscantotal++] = *idxptr; scn[idxboard-1].pmcount++; gotpm = false; } } totrecs -= getrecs; } while(totrecs); throw_free(toidxbuf); pmscan = (HudsIdx*)throw_realloc(pmscan, (pmscantotal+1)*sizeof(HudsIdx)); // Sort all pm records in board/msgno order for(uint k=pmscantotal >> 1; k; k >>= 1) for(uint i=k; i < pmscantotal; i++) for(uint j=i-k; (j >= 0) and HudsIdxCmp(pmscan[j], pmscan[j+k]) > 0; j-=k) { HudsIdx e = pmscan[j]; pmscan[j] = pmscan[j+k]; pmscan[j+k] = e; } if(invalidboards) { WideLog->printf("! Found %u msgs with an invalid board number (0 or >%u).", invalidboards, (__HUDSON ? HUDS_MAXBOARD : GOLD_MAXBOARD)); WideLog->printf("! In the %s msgbase at %s.", __HUDSON ? HUDS_NAME : GOLD_NAME, path); WideLog->printf(": Info: Your msgbase may be partially corrupted."); WideLog->printf("+ Advice: Run a msgbase index rebuild/recover utility."); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ template void _HudsArea::scan_area_pm() { GFTRK("HudsScanAreaPM"); PMrk->ResetAll(); if(!wide) wide = (HudsWide*) (__HUDSON ? (void *)hudsonwide : (void *)goldbasewide); if(wide->iswideopen and not wide->ispmscanned) wide->scan_pm(); // Get wide scan data if any if(wide->scn) { register board_t _board = (board_t)board(); register HudsScan* _scan = wide->scn + (_board - 1); if(wide->pmscan) { if(_scan->pmcount) { register HudsIdx* pmscanptr = wide->pmscan; while(pmscanptr->board != _board) pmscanptr++; register uint n = 0; register uint cnt = _scan->pmcount; while(n < cnt) { PMrk->Append(pmscanptr->msgno); pmscanptr++; n++; } } } // Update area data Msgn->SetCount(_scan->count); lastread = _scan->lastreadreln; lastreadentry = _scan->lastreadfound; if(WideDebug) { WideLog->printf("- b:%u: t:%u, l:%u, fm:%lu, hm:%lu, lr:%lu, u:%u, pm:%i", _board, _scan->count, _scan->lastreadreln, _scan->firstmsgno, _scan->lastmsgno, _scan->lastread, wide->userno, PMrk->Count() ); } } else { if(WideDebug) WideLog->printf("- Oops! Fell into empty bracket."); } GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------