////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GoldED 3.00 * Example Configuration File, Simple Edition. // // This configuration file demonstrates only the configuration // keywords that are needed for typical GoldED setup. Most of the // advanced features are not used. It is recommended to use the // ADVANCED.CFG as a basic layout for your own configuration. // // A number of keywords are location dependent and must be placed in // a particular oder to ensure correct operation. The exact list of // location dependent keywords can be found in a chapter in the // manual. This example configuration file shows the location // dependent keywords in the recommended places. // // WARNING! YOU MUST EDIT THIS FILE FOR YOUR SETUP BEFORE USING IT! // // PLEASE NOTE: It is NOT advisable to use this configuration file // with older versions! There are many new keywords and certain bugs // in older versoins may surface if this configuration file is used. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // last update on 98/08/12 (DAM) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Your name and aliases and (misspellings). USERNAME Your Name // Your FTN-style address and akas. ADDRESS 2:236/77 ; A main node address. AKA 2:236/77.1 ; A sysop point. AKA 2:236/77.2@fidonet.org ; A point address with domain ("5D"). AKA 2:236/77.999, 16077 ; A point address with fakenet ("3D"). AKA 27:1345/118 ; An aka in another zone. // Your origin lines. ORIGIN " ----> Default GoldED Origin <---- " // The path to your nodelists. ;NODEPATH R:\NODELIST\ // Filenames of your nodelists. // If extention is ".*" or ".999", the newest is used automatically. ;NODELIST FDNET.PVT ;NODELIST FDPOINT.PVT ;NODELIST NODELIST.999 // Filenames of your userlists (FIDOUSER.LST format). ;USERLIST FIDOUSER.LST 2 ; Use Zone 2 for users without zone. ;USERLIST GOLDED.LST 2 // Path to the MSG*.BBS, LASTREAD.BBS and USERS.BBS files. ;HUDSONPATH M:\HUDSON\ // Path to the NETMAIL.BBS and ECHOMAIL.BBS files. ;HUDSONSYSPATH M:\HUDSON\ // Path to the MSG*.DAT, LASTREAD.DAT and USERS.DAT files. ;GOLDBASEPATH M:\GOLDBASE\ // Path to the NETMAIL.DAT and ECHOMAIL.DAT files. ;GOLDBASESYSPATH M:\GOLDBASE\ // Path where a Maximus/Opus format USER.BBS can be found. ;SQUISHUSERPATH R:\MAX\ // Path where the Ezycom msgbase and userbase can be found. ;EZYCOMMSGBASE R:\EZY\MSGBASE\ ;EZYCOMUSERBASE R:\EZY\USERBASE\ // Directory where NETMAIL.JAM and ECHOMAIL.JAM can be found. ;JAMPATH M:\HUDSON\ // Path where the PCBOARD.DAT file can be found. ;PCBOARDPATH R:\PCBOARD\ // FrontDoor semaphore for rescanning the netmail area. ;SEMAPHORE NETSCAN R:\FD\FDRESCAN.NOW // These files are for D'Bridge setups. ;SEMAPHORE NETSCAN DBRIDGE.RSN ;SEMAPHORE ECHOSCAN DBRIDGE.RSE ;SEMAPHORE EXPORTLIST ECHOMAIL.CTL // Name of file with areas to be scanned out by the mail processor. // GoldED updates this file when you write messages. ;SEMAPHORE EXPORTLIST R:\MAX\ECHOSCAN.LOG // Scan these areas at startup. (Wildcards allowed). AREASCAN * // Default path for AREAFILE's and semaphores. AREAPATH R:\FD\ // GoldED can get area setup from many other programs. // Uncomment and edit one of these for a quick and simple area setup. ;AREAFILE AdeptXBBS R:\ADEPT\ ;AREAFILE AreasBBS M:\HUDSON\AREAS.BBS ;AREAFILE DBridge R:\DB\ ;AREAFILE Dutchie R:\DUTCHIE\ ;AREAFILE Ezycom R:\EZY\ ;AREAFILE FastEcho R:\FASTECHO\ ;AREAFILE FidoPCB R:\FIDOPCB\ ;AREAFILE FMail R:\FMAIL\ ;AREAFILE FrontDoor R:\FD\ M:\HUDSON\AREAS.BBS ;AREAFILE GEcho R:\GECHO\ ;AREAFILE IMAIL R:\IMAIL\ ;AREAFILE InterMail R:\IM\ ;AREAFILE LoraBBS R:\LORA\ ;AREAFILE Maximus R:\MAX\ ;AREAFILE ME2 R:\ME2\AREADESC.ME2 R:\ME2\AREAS.BBS ;AREAFILE Opus R:\OPUS\ ;AREAFILE PCBoard R:\PCB\ ;AREAFILE Partoss R:\PARTOSS\ ;AREAFILE Portal R:\PORTAL\ ;AREAFILE ProBoard R:\PB\ ;AREAFILE QFront R:\QFRONT\ ;AREAFILE QuickBBS R:\QBBS\ R:\QBBS\AREAS.BBS ;AREAFILE RaEcho R:\RAECHO\ ;AREAFILE RemoteAccess R:\RA\ R:\RA\AREAS.BBS ;AREAFILE Squish R:\MAX\ ;AREAFILE SuperBBS R:\SUPER\ R:\SUPER\AREAS.BBS ;AREAFILE timEd R:\TIMED\ ;AREAFILE Termail R:\TERMINAT\TM\ ;AREAFILE TosScan R:\TS\ ;AREAFILE WaterGate R:\WG\ ;AREAFILE WMail R:\WMAIL\ ;AREAFILE xMail R:\XMAIL\ // Area definitions using the AREADEF keyword. ;Syntax: Echoid "Description" Groupid Type Format Path or board Aka (Attributes) "Origin" ;AREADEF NETMAIL "Netmails" 0 Net Opus M:\MSG\NETMAIL\ . (Loc Pvt) ;AREADEF NET_DEV "FidoNet Developers" I Echo JAM M:\JAM\INT\NET_DEV . (Loc) "If you love MSGID, set it free!" ;AREADEF C_ECHO "Int. C Discussion" I Echo Hudson 117 . (Loc) "C-king forever" ;AREADEF USR2USR "Online Users" B Local Squish M:\SQUISH\USR2USR . (Loc) "The Goldware BBS" ;AREADEF EZY_TEST "Testing Ezycom" E Echo Ezycom 711 . (Loc) "Ezycom Test Area" ;AREADEF TWILIGHT "Twilight Zone" Z Echo PCBoard R:\PCB\MAIN\TWZN7 7:77/777.7777 (Loc) // Area definitions using the AREA keyword. (Old format). ;Syn: Echoid "Description" FmtTyp Path or board Akano Attributes ;AREA NETMAIL "Netmails" ON M:\MSG\NETMAIL\ 0 Loc Pvt ;AREA NET_DEV "FidoNet Developers" JE M:\JAM\INT\NET_DEV 0 Loc ;AREA C_ECHO "Int. C Discussion" HE 117 0 Loc ;AREA USR2USR "Online Users" ML M:\SQUISH\USR2USR 0 Loc ;AREA EZY_TEST "Testing Ezycom" EE 711 0 Loc ;AREA TWILIGHT "Twilight Zone" PE R:\PCB\MAIN\TWZN7 7 Loc ----------------------------------------------------------------------