// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Utilities. // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Alexander S. Aganichev // Copyright (C) 2005 Stas Degteff // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldNODE - A nodelist compiler for GoldED. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GOLDNODE_STATS 1 #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS #include #endif #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Config versions #define __GVER_NAME__ "GoldNode+" #define __GVER_SHORTNAME__ "GN" #define __gver_name__ __GVER_NAME__ #define __gver_shortname__ __GVER_SHORTNAME__ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // 32-bit versions const size_t maxnodes = 262000; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef std::vector::iterator addr_iter; typedef std::vector::iterator stamp_iter; #if (_MSC_VER == 1200) class _geidxlist : public std::list<_GEIdx> { public: void sort() { if (2 <= size()) { const size_t _MAXN = 15; _Myt _X(allocator), _A[_MAXN + 1]; size_t _N = 0; while (!empty()) { _X.splice(_X.begin(), *this, begin()); size_t _I; for (_I = 0; _I < _N && !_A[_I].empty(); ++_I) { _A[_I].merge(_X); _A[_I].swap(_X); } if (_I == _MAXN) _A[_I].merge(_X); else { _A[_I].swap(_X); if (_I == _N) ++_N; } } for (int _NN = _N; _NN >= 0; _NN--) merge(_A[_NN]); } } }; typedef _geidxlist geidxlist; #else typedef std::list<_GEIdx> geidxlist; #endif // Nodelists std::vector nodelist; // nodelist files,stamps,update marker std::vector nodezone; // nodelist zones std::vector userlist; // Userlist files,stamps,update marker std::vector userzone; // Userlist zones std::vector< std::pair > mappath; // Exclude/Include nodes std::vector excludenode; std::vector includenode; // Index files std::string addrindex; std::string nodeindex; std::string listindex; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const word _POINT = 0x0001; const word _NODE = 0x0002; const word _NET = 0x0003; const word _ZONE = 0x0004; const word _TEST = 777; static std::string nodepath; // Path to the nodelist files static time32_t runtime = 0; static int sh_mod = SH_DENYWR; static bool fidouser = false; static Path fidouserlst; static bool ignoredups = false; static size_t dups = 0; static bool quiet = false; #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS bool make_stats = false; Path statfilename = "goldnode.stt"; struct nl_stat { int nodename[100]; int location[100]; int sysopname[100]; }; nl_stat statistic; #endif char* _MapPath(char* map, bool reverse = false); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Display a "twirly" #define TWIRLY_FACTOR 511 #define ISTWIRLY(n) (not quiet and (((n)&TWIRLY_FACTOR)==0)) static void twirly() { static int n=0; n = (++n)%4; switch(n) { case 0: std::cout << "|\b" << std::flush; break; case 1: std::cout << "/\b" << std::flush; break; case 2: std::cout << "-\b" << std::flush; break; case 3: std::cout << "\\\b" << std::flush; break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool match_addr_mask(Addr* mask, Addr* addr) { if(mask->zone == GFTN_ALL or mask->zone == addr->zone) if(mask->net == GFTN_ALL or mask->net == addr->net) if(mask->node == GFTN_ALL or mask->node == addr->node) if(mask->point == GFTN_ALL or mask->point == addr->point) return true; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool macro_addr(char* str, int ap, Addr* addr) { word part = 0xFFFD; if(*str == NUL) part = 0; else if(isdigit(*str)) part = atow(str); else if(*str == '?' or *str == '*') part = GFTN_ALL; if(ap == _TEST) { if(part == 0xFFFD) return false; else return true; } switch(ap) { case _ZONE: addr->zone = part; break; case _NET: addr->net = part; break; case _NODE: addr->node = part; break; case _POINT: addr->point = part; break; default: return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static char* fast_parse_addr(char* str, Addr* addr) { char* net; char* node; char* point; char* domain; char* space; space = strchr(str, ' '); if(space) *space = NUL; net = strchr(str, ':'); node = strchr(str, '/'); point = strchr(str, '.'); domain = strchr(str, '@'); if(domain and point) if((uint32_t)point > (uint32_t)domain) point = NULL; if(space) *space = ' '; if(net) { addr->zone = atow(str); addr->net = atow(net+1); if(node) addr->node = atow(node+1); } else { if(node) { if(*str != '/') addr->net = atow(str); addr->node = atow(node+1); } else { if(point != str) addr->node = atow(str); } } if(point) addr->point = atow(point+1); return domain; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static char* parse_address(char* str, Addr* addr, Addr* mainaka) { char* domain = NULL; str = strskip_wht(str); if(isdigit(*str) or *str == '.' or macro_addr(str, _TEST, addr)) { char* net = strchr(str, ':'); char* node = strchr(str, '/'); char* point = strchr(str, '.'); domain = strchr(str, '@'); if(domain and point) if((uint32_t)point > (uint32_t)domain) point = NULL; if(net) { macro_addr(str, _ZONE, addr); macro_addr(net+1, _NET, addr); if(node) macro_addr(node+1, _NODE, addr); // zone:net/node else addr->node = mainaka->node; // zone:net } else { addr->zone = mainaka->zone; if(node) { if(*str != '/') macro_addr(str, _NET, addr); // net/node else addr->net = mainaka->net; // /node macro_addr(node+1, _NODE, addr); } else { if(point == str) addr->node = mainaka->node; // .point else macro_addr(str, _NODE, addr); // node.point addr->net = mainaka->net; } } if(point) macro_addr(point+1, _POINT, addr); } if(domain == NULL) domain = str+strlen(str); // point at NUL char return(domain); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static char* make_addr_str(char* str, Addr* addr, char* domain) { char* ptr = str; static char buf[20]; *ptr = NUL; if(addr->zone) { if(addr->zone == GFTN_ALL) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", addr->zone); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } *ptr++ = ':'; } if(addr->net == GFTN_ALL) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", addr->net); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } *ptr++ = '/'; if(addr->node == GFTN_ALL) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", addr->node); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } if(addr->point) { *ptr++ = '.'; if(addr->point == GFTN_ALL) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", addr->point); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } } if(domain and *domain) { *ptr++ = '@'; ptr = stpcpy(ptr, domain); } *ptr = NUL; return(str); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compare two nodes by name/address/file/pos static bool cmp_nnlsts(const _GEIdx &A, const _GEIdx &B) { int cmp; if((cmp = stricmp(A.name, B.name)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.zone, B.addr.zone)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.net, B.addr.net)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.node, B.addr.node)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.point, B.addr.point)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.pos, B.pos)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compare two nodes by address/name/file/pos static bool cmp_anlsts(const _GEIdx &A, const _GEIdx &B) { int cmp; if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.zone, B.addr.zone)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.net, B.addr.net)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.node, B.addr.node)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.addr.point, B.addr.point)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = stricmp(A.name, B.name)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); if((cmp = CmpV(A.pos, B.pos)) != 0) return(cmp < 0); return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(_MSC_VER) enum{ sort_by_address=0, sort_by_name } static sort_type; bool operator<(const _GEIdx &A, const _GEIdx &B) { if (sort_type==sort_by_address) return cmp_anlsts(A, B); else return cmp_nnlsts(A, B); } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static char* CvtName(char* inp) { char buf[300]; char* p; char* q; // Convert underlines to spaces p = inp; while(*p) if(*(p++) == '_') *(p-1) = ' '; // Strip leading spaces p = inp; while(isspace(*p)) p++; q = &inp[strlen(p)-1]; // Strip trailing spaces while(isspace(*q)) *q-- = NUL; // Search for last space or point while(*q != ' ' and *q != '.' and q > p) q--; // If last char is a point, find last space instead if(*(q+1) == 0) while(*q != ' ' and q > p) q--; // Exchange last name and first name(s) if(p != q) { strcpy(stpcpy(buf, q+1), ", "); *(q+(*q == '.' ? 1 : 0)) = 0; strcat(buf, p); strcpy(inp, buf); } struplow(inp); return inp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS void calc_statistic(std::ofstream &ofp, int* observation, float N) { int i; float mean = 0.0; float sumfrekvens = 0.0; float varians = 0.0; // 12 12345 12345 123456 123456789012 ofp << ".---------------------------------------------." << std::endl << "| x | h(x) | f(x) | x*f(x) | (x-m)^2*f(x) |" << std::endl << "|-----+-------+-------+--------+--------------|" << std::endl; for(i=0; i<100; i++) { float x = i; if(observation[i]) { float hyppighed = observation[i]; float frekvens = hyppighed / N; mean += x * frekvens; sumfrekvens += frekvens; } } for(i=0; i<100; i++) { float x = i; if(observation[i]) { float hyppighed = observation[i]; float frekvens = hyppighed / N; float vartmp = (x-mean)*(x-mean)*frekvens; varians += vartmp; ofp << "| " << std::setw(3) << i << " | " << std::setw(5) << observation[i] << " | " << std::setprecision(3) << std::setw(5) << frekvens << " | " << std::setw(6) << x*frekvens << " | " << std::setw(12) << vartmp << " | " << std::endl; } } ofp << "|-----+-------+-------+--------+--------------|" << std::endl << "| sum | " << std::setprecision(0) << std::setw(5) << N << " | " << std::setprecision(3) << std::setw(5) << sumfrekvens << " | " << std::setw(6) << mean << " | " << std::setw(12) << varians << " |" << std::endl << "`---------------------------------------------'" << std::endl << std::endl << "Mean: " << std::setprecision(1) << mean << std::endl << "Variance = " << varians << std::endl << "Standard deviation = " << sqrt(varians) << std::endl << std::endl; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // some useful string operations inline void index_line(char* p, char* ptrs[5]) { for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { char* q = p; while(*q != ',' and *q) { if(*q == '_') *q = ' '; q++; } if(*q) { ptrs[i] = p; *q++ = NUL; p = q; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read the nodelists and userlists static void read_nodelists() { gfile lfp; long pos; char* ptr; _GEIdx nlst; Addr nlstz; char buf[512], buf2[100]; int point; uint line, realfno; size_t no, nodes; const char* name; char* lp[5]; geidxlist nodeidx; stamp_iter fno; addr_iter zno; nodes = 0; if(not quiet) std::cout << std::endl << "* Compiling nodelists:" << std::endl; // Delete the current indexfiles so they don't take up space remove(addrindex.c_str()); remove(nodeindex.c_str()); // Compile nodelists for(realfno=0, fno=nodelist.begin(), zno=nodezone.begin(); fno != nodelist.end(); fno++, zno++) { if (nodes < maxnodes) { lfp.Fopen(fno->fn, "rb", sh_mod); if (lfp.isopen()) { lfp.SetvBuf(NULL, _IOFBF, 32000); fno->ft = GetFiletime(fno->fn); // Initialize for each nodelist file no = 0; pos = 0; line = 0; point = YES; nlst.reset(); nlstz = nlst.addr = *zno; name = CleanFilename(fno->fn); // Read all nodes while (lfp.Fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { line++; // Break out if eof-marker is found if(*buf == '\x1A') break; // Note file position nlst.pos = pos; // Get line length and fix possible errors uint llen = strlen(buf); ptr = buf+llen-1; while(llen and not (*ptr == '\r' or *ptr == '\n' or *ptr == '\x1A')) { buf[llen] = ' '; if(not quiet) { int len = 16-strlen(name); std::cout << "\r* |--" << name << std::setw((len > 0) ? len : 1) << " " << "Warning line " << line << " - Invalid NUL char encountered." << std::endl; } llen = strlen(buf); ptr = buf+llen-1; } pos += llen; // Skip whitespace ptr = buf; while(isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; if(*ptr != ';' and *ptr) { // First test for FD pvt extension if(toupper(*ptr) == 'B') { // Boss nlst.addr.reset(); parse_address(ptr+5, &nlst.addr, &nlstz); point = YES; continue; } // Test for Goldware extension if(isdigit(*ptr)) { nlst.addr.reset(); parse_address(ptr+5, &nlst.addr, &nlstz); point = YES; } // Hold,32,TriCom,Hornbaek,Lars_Joergensen,45-12345678,2400,XX // Form the full node address index_line(ptr, lp); // NOTE: I use the fact that the third letter in lp[0] is unique // for all valid attrs to speed up processing switch(*lp[0] ? toupper(lp[0][2]) : 0) { case 'N': // zone nlst.addr.zone = nlst.addr.net = atow(lp[1]); nlst.addr.node = nlst.addr.point = 0; point = NO; break; case 'G': // Region nlst.addr.net = atow(lp[1]); nlst.addr.node = nlst.addr.point = 0; point = NO; if(nlst.addr.net >= 10000) continue; break; case 'S': // Host { nlst.addr.net = atow(lp[1]); nlst.addr.node = nlst.addr.point = 0; point = NO; Addr a; fast_parse_addr(lp[2],&a); if(a.net) { // Is POINTS24 format ? nlst.addr.net = a.net; nlst.addr.node = a.node; nlst.addr.point = 0; point = YES; } } break; case 'B': // Hub nlst.addr.node = atow(lp[1]); nlst.addr.point = 0; point = NO; break; case 'I': // point nlst.addr.point = atow(lp[1]); break; case 'T': // Pvt case 'W': // Down case 'L': // Hold default: if(point) nlst.addr.point = atow(lp[1]); else { nlst.addr.node = atow(lp[1]); nlst.addr.point = 0; } break; } if(ISTWIRLY(no)) { int len = 16-strlen(name); std::cout << "\r* \\--" << name << std::setw((len > 0) ? len : 1) << " " << "Zone " << nlst.addr.zone << " \tNet " << nlst.addr.net << " \tNodes " << (uint32_t)no << " " << std::flush; } bool include = true; // Check address against the exclude masks for(addr_iter n=excludenode.begin(); n != excludenode.end(); n++) { if(match_addr_mask(&(*n), &nlst.addr)) { include = false; break; } } // Check address against the include masks if(not include) { for(addr_iter n=includenode.begin(); n != includenode.end(); n++) { if(match_addr_mask(&(*n), &nlst.addr)) { include = true; break; } } } if(include) { // Address was okay // Convert name to Goldware standard strxcpy(nlst.name, CvtName(lp[4]), sizeof(nlst.name)); // Prepare the rest nlst.pos |= ((((dword)realfno) << 24) & 0xFF000000L); // Append to end of list nodeidx.push_back(nlst); ++nodes; // Count the node no++; // Stop if limit is reached if(nodes >= maxnodes) break; } } } if(not quiet) { int len = 16-strlen(name); std::cout << "\r* " << ((fno == nodelist.end()-1) ? '\\' : '|') << "--" << name << std::setw((len > 0) ? len : 1) << " " << "Nodes read: " << (uint32_t)no << "\tTotal read: " << (uint32_t)nodes << ((nodes >= maxnodes) ? " (Limit reached)" : " ") << std::endl; } lfp.Fclose(); ++realfno; } else { if(not quiet) std::cout << "Error opening nodelist " << fno->fn << '!' << std::endl; *(fno->fn) = NUL; } } } // Compile userlists if(userlist.size()) { if(not quiet) std::cout << std::endl << "* Compiling userlists:" << std::endl; } pos = 0; for(fno=userlist.begin(), zno=userzone.begin(); fno != userlist.end() and nodes < maxnodes; fno++, zno++) { no = 0; lfp.Fopen(fno->fn, "rt", sh_mod); if (lfp.isopen()) { lfp.SetvBuf(NULL, _IOFBF, 32000); name = CleanFilename(fno->fn); if (nodes < maxnodes) { while (lfp.Fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { // Get node data strbtrim(buf); ptr = buf + strlen(buf) - 1; while(*ptr != ' ') ptr--; nlst.reset(); nlst.addr = *zno; fast_parse_addr(ptr+1, &nlst.addr); *ptr = NUL; strbtrim(buf); // Convert "lastname, firstname" to "firstname lastname" ptr = strchr(buf, ','); if(ptr) { *ptr++ = NUL; strxmerge(buf2, 100, strskip_wht(ptr), " ", buf, NULL); ptr = buf2; } else { ptr = buf; } // Convert name to Goldware standard strxcpy(nlst.name, CvtName(ptr), sizeof(nlst.name)); bool include = true; // Check address against the exclude masks for(addr_iter n=excludenode.begin(); n != excludenode.end(); n++) { if(match_addr_mask(&(*n), &nlst.addr)) { include = false; break; } } // Check address against the include masks if(not include) { for(addr_iter n=includenode.begin(); n != includenode.end(); n++) { if(match_addr_mask(&(*n), &nlst.addr)) { include = true; break; } } } if(include) { // Address was okay if(ISTWIRLY(nodes)) { int len = 16-strlen(name); std::cout << "\r* \\--" << name << std::setw((len > 0) ? len : 1) << " " << "Nodes: " << (uint32_t)nodes << " " << std::flush; } // Indicate userlist nlst.pos = (long)0xFF000000L | (pos++); // Append to end of list nodeidx.push_back(nlst); ++nodes; // Count the node no++; // Stop if limit is reached if(nodes >= maxnodes) break; } } } if(not quiet) { int len = 16-strlen(name); std::cout << "\r* " << ((fno == userlist.end()-1) ? '\\' : '|') << "--" << name << std::setw((len > 0) ? len : 1) << " " << "Nodes read: " << (uint32_t)no << "\tTotal read: " << (uint32_t)nodes << ((nodes >= maxnodes) ? " (Limit reached)" : " ") << std::endl; } lfp.Fclose(); } else { if(not quiet) std::cout << "Error opening userlist " << fno->fn << '!' << std::endl; } } #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS if(make_stats) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Writing statistics to " << statfilename << NL; std::ofstream ofp(statfilename); if(not ofp) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "Error opening statfile " << statfilename << '!' << NL; } else { ofp << "Nodename size statistics:" << std::endl; calc_statistic(ofp, statistic.nodename, nodes); ofp << std::endl << "Location size statistics:" << std::endl; calc_statistic(ofp, statistic.location, nodes); ofp << std::endl << "Sysopname size statistics:" << std::endl; calc_statistic(ofp, statistic.sysopname, nodes); } } else { #endif // At last, sort the nodes geidxlist::iterator curr, prev; std::map namepos; // Sort by name if(not quiet) std::cout << NL << "* Sorting by name " << std::flush; #if defined(_MSC_VER) sort_type = sort_by_name; nodeidx.sort(); #else nodeidx.sort(cmp_nnlsts); #endif // Write the name-sorted .GXN gfile fp(nodeindex.c_str(), "wb", sh_mod); if (fp.isopen()) { name = CleanFilename(nodeindex.c_str()); gfile fido; if (fidouser) fido.Fopen(fidouserlst, "wt", sh_mod); if (!fido.isopen()) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "\b, writing " << name << ' ' << std::flush; fidouser = false; } else { if(not quiet) std::cout << "\b, writing " << name << " and " << fidouserlst << ' ' << std::flush; } int nn = 0; dword nodenum = 0; for(prev = nodeidx.end(), curr = nodeidx.begin(); curr != nodeidx.end(); prev = curr++) { if(ISTWIRLY(nn++)) twirly(); if(ignoredups) { if(prev != nodeidx.end() && match_addr_mask(&curr->addr, &prev->addr)) { if(strieql(curr->name, prev->name)) { #ifdef DEBUG if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Dupe: " << curr->addr.zone << ':' << curr->addr.net << '/' << curr->addr.node << '.' << curr->addr.point << ' ' << curr->name << NL; #endif nodeidx.erase(curr); curr = prev; ++dups; continue; } } fp.Fwrite(&(*curr), sizeof(_GEIdx)); } else fp.Fwrite(&(*curr), sizeof(_GEIdx)); namepos[curr->pos] = nodenum++; if (fidouser) { char buf[256]; fido.Printf("%-36.36s%24.24s\n", curr->name, make_addr_str(buf, &curr->addr, "")); } } fp.Fclose(); } // Sort by address if(not quiet) std::cout << ' ' << NL "* Sorting by node " << std::flush; #if defined(_MSC_VER) sort_type = sort_by_address; nodeidx.sort(); #else nodeidx.sort(cmp_anlsts); #endif // Write the address-sorted .GXA fp.Fopen(addrindex.c_str(), "wb", sh_mod); if (fp.isopen()) { name = CleanFilename(addrindex.c_str()); if(not quiet) std::cout << "\b, writing " << name << ' ' << std::flush; int nn = 0; for(curr = nodeidx.begin(); curr != nodeidx.end(); curr++) { if(ISTWIRLY(nn++)) twirly(); fp.Fwrite(&namepos[curr->pos], sizeof(dword)); } fp.Fclose(); } // Write the list index in .GXL fp.Fopen(listindex.c_str(), "wt", sh_mod); if (fp.isopen()) { name = CleanFilename(listindex.c_str()); if (not quiet) std::cout << ' ' << NL "* Writing " << name << std::endl; for (fno=nodelist.begin(); fno != nodelist.end(); fno++) { if (*(fno->fn)) fp.Printf("%s %u\n", fno->fn, fno->ft); } fp.Fclose(); } // Note compile time runtime = gtime(NULL) - runtime; if(not quiet) { if(dups) { std::cout << NL "* Total duplicate nodes: " << (uint32_t)dups << '.' << NL; } std::cout << NL "* Nodelist compile completed. Compile time: " << (uint32_t)(runtime/60) << " min, " << (uint32_t)(runtime%60) << " sec." << NL; } #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS } #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void check_nodelists(bool force) { uint n; int compilen, compileu; static Path buf, newpath; // Find newest nodelists for(n=0,compilen=0; nname.c_str()+extpos)) { if(not listdefined or (de->stat_info.st_mtime-listtime > 0)) { listtime = de->stat_info.st_mtime; listdefined = true; strxmerge(nodelist[n].fn, sizeof(Path), f.fullpath(), GOLD_SLASH_STR, de->name.c_str(), NULL); } } strchg(nodelist[n].fn, GOLD_WRONG_SLASH_CHR, GOLD_SLASH_CHR); } } // Get timestamps from .GXL file gfile fp(listindex.c_str(), "rt", sh_mod); if (fp.isopen()) { while (fp.Fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char* key; char* val=buf; getkeyval(&key, &val); key = strxcpy(newpath, strbtrim(key), sizeof(Path)); _MapPath(key); strchg(key, GOLD_WRONG_SLASH_CHR, GOLD_SLASH_CHR); for(n=0; n 1) { nodelist[n].fc = YES; compilen++; } } if(not quiet) { if(compilen) { std::cout << "* " << compilen << " new nodelist file" << ((compilen == 1) ? "" : "s") << " found." NL; } else if(nodelist.size()) { std::cout << "* The nodelist file" << ((nodelist.size() == 1) ? " is" : "s are") << " up-to-date." NL; } } // Check userlists for(n=0,compileu=0; n 1) { userlist[n].fc = YES; compileu++; } } if(not quiet) { if(compileu) { std::cout << "* " << compileu << " new userlist file" << ((compileu == 1) ? "" : "s") << " found." NL; } else if(userlist.size()) { std::cout << "* The userlist file" << ((userlist.size() == 1) ? " is" : "s are") << " up-to-date." NL; } } if(force or compilen or compileu) read_nodelists(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void fatal_error(const char* what) { if(not quiet) std::cout << what << NL; exit(5); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int do_if(char* val) { if(strieql(val, "OS/2") or strieql(val, "OS2")) { #ifdef __OS2__ return true; #else return false; #endif } else if(strieql(val, "NT") or strieql(val, "W32") or strieql(val, "WIN32")) { #ifdef __WIN32__ return true; #else return false; #endif } else if(strieql(val, "386") or strieql(val, "DOS") or strieql(val, "DPMI32")) { #ifdef __MSDOS__ return true; #else return false; #endif } else if(strieql(val, "LINUX") or strieql(val, "UNIX")) { #ifdef __UNIX__ return true; #else return false; #endif } else if (strieql(val, "SPELL")) { #ifdef GCFG_SPELL_INCLUDED return true; #else return false; #endif } else if(strieql(val, "FIREBIRD")) return true; else if(strieql(val, "ASA") or strieql(val, "PLUS")) return true; else if(strieql(val, "YES") or strieql(val, "TRUE") or strieql(val, "ON")) return true; return !!atoi(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* _MapPath(char* fmap, bool reverse) { Path buf, cmap; strxcpy(cmap, fmap, sizeof(Path)); if(reverse) strchg(cmap, GOLD_WRONG_SLASH_CHR, GOLD_SLASH_CHR); std::vector< std::pair >::iterator i; for(i = mappath.begin(); i != mappath.end(); i++) { const char* p = reverse ? i->second.c_str() : i->first.c_str(); const char* q = reverse ? i->first.c_str() : i->second.c_str(); if(strnieql(cmap, p, strlen(p))) { strxcpy(buf, fmap, sizeof(Path)); strxmerge(fmap, sizeof(Path), q, buf+strlen(p), NULL); char sl1, sl2; const char* ptr; ptr = strpbrk(p, "/\\"); sl1 = ptr ? *ptr : NUL; ptr = strpbrk(q, "/\\"); sl2 = ptr ? *ptr : NUL; if(sl1 and sl2 and (sl1 != sl2)) strchg(fmap, sl1, sl2); break; } } return fmap; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int parse_config(const char *__configfile, Addr& zoneaddr) { char buf[512]; char* ptr; char* key; word crc; char* value; char* value2; int _gotcond,line = 0; static int in_if = NO; static int in_else = NO; static int cond_status = YES; gfile fp(__configfile, "rt", sh_mod); if (fp.isopen()) { while (fp.Fgets((ptr=buf), sizeof(buf))) { line++; // Replace TABs with SPACEs ptr = strskip_wht(ptr); if(*ptr != ';' and *ptr) { crc=getkeyvalcrc(&key, &ptr); getkeyval(&value, &ptr); getkeyval(&value2, &ptr); _gotcond = YES; switch(crc) { case CRC_IF: if(in_if) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* " << __configfile << ": Misplaced IF at line " << line << ". IF's cannot be nested." << NL; } in_if = YES; cond_status = do_if(value); break; case CRC_ELIF: case CRC_ELSEIF: if((not in_if) or in_else) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* " << __configfile << ": Misplaced ELIF/ELSEIF at line " << line << '.' << NL; } cond_status = do_if(value); break; case CRC_ELSE: if((not in_if) or in_else) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* " << __configfile << "Misplaced ELSE at line " << line << '.' << NL; } in_else = YES; cond_status ^= YES; break; case CRC_ENDIF: if(not in_if) { if(not quiet) std::cout << "* " << __configfile << ": Misplaced ENDIF at line " << line << '.' << NL; } in_if = in_else = NO; cond_status = YES; break; default: _gotcond = NO; break; } if((not _gotcond) and cond_status) { switch(crc) { case CRC_NODEPATH: _MapPath(value); PathCopy(nodepath, value); break; case CRC_ADDRESS: case CRC_AKA: if(not zoneaddr.net) { parse_address(value, &zoneaddr, &zoneaddr); zoneaddr.point = 0; } break; case CRC_NODELIST: { Stamp ndl; Addr ndz; if(atoi(value2)) { parse_address(value2, &ndz, &ndz); if(ndz.zone == 0) { ndz.zone = ndz.node; ndz.net = 0; ndz.node = 0; } } else ndz = zoneaddr; ndz.point = 0; ndl.ft = (dword)-1; ndl.fc = NO; strschg_environ(value); _MapPath(value); strcpy(ndl.fn, value); nodelist.push_back(ndl); nodezone.push_back(ndz); } break; case CRC_USERLIST: { Stamp ndl; Addr ndz; if(atoi(value2)) { parse_address(value2, &ndz, &ndz); if(ndz.zone == 0) { ndz.zone = ndz.node; ndz.net = 0; ndz.node = 0; } } else ndz = zoneaddr; ndz.point = 0; ndl.ft = (dword)-1; ndl.fc = NO; strschg_environ(value); _MapPath(value); strcpy(ndl.fn, value); userlist.push_back(ndl); userzone.push_back(ndz); } break; case CRC_EXCLUDENODES: { Addr exn; parse_address(value, &exn, &zoneaddr); excludenode.push_back(exn); } break; case CRC_INCLUDENODES: { Addr inn; parse_address(value, &inn, &zoneaddr); includenode.push_back(inn); } break; case CRC_SHAREMODE: if(atoi(value)) sh_mod = atoi(value); else sh_mod = GetYesno(value) ? SH_DENYNO : SH_COMPAT; break; case CRC_INCLUDE: strschg_environ(value); _MapPath(value); if(not parse_config(value,zoneaddr)) // NOTE! This is a recursive call! if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Could not read configuration file " << value << '!' << NL; break; case CRC_MAPPATH: { std::pair mapentry; mapentry.first = value; mapentry.second = value2; mappath.push_back(mapentry); } break; default: break; } } } } return(YES); } else { return(NO); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool ExistCfg(char* path, char* file) { bool found = fexist(AddPath(path, file)); if(found) strcat(path, file); return found; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool FindCfg(char* path) { bool found = false; if(!is_dir(path)) { if(fexist(path)) return true; else return false; } AddBackslash(path); #if defined(__OS2__) found = ExistCfg(path, "ged2.cfg"); #elif defined(__WIN32__) found = ExistCfg(path, "gedw32.cfg"); #endif if(not found) found = ExistCfg(path, "golded.cfg"); return found; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool read_config(const char *cfg, const char *argv_0) { Addr zoneaddr; Path buf; bool found = (*cfg != NUL); if(not found) { // Look for configfilename in the environment const char *ptr = getenv("GOLDNODE"); #if defined(__OS2__) if(not(ptr and *ptr)) ptr = getenv("GED2"); #elif defined(__WIN32__) if(not(ptr and *ptr)) ptr = getenv("GEDW32"); #endif if(not(ptr and *ptr)) ptr = getenv("GOLDED"); if(not(ptr and *ptr)) ptr = getenv("GED"); if(ptr and *ptr) { strxcpy(buf, ptr, sizeof(buf)); found = FindCfg(buf); } // Get it in current directory if(not found) { getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)); found = FindCfg(buf); } // Get it where the the .EXE file is if(not found) { extractdirname(buf, argv_0); found = FindCfg(buf); // If we still could not find config name... if(not found) strcat(buf, "golded.cfg"); } } else strxcpy(buf, cfg, sizeof(Path)); nodelist.clear(); nodezone.clear(); userlist.clear(); userzone.clear(); mappath.clear(); if(not parse_config(buf, zoneaddr)) { errorlevel = 1; return false; } if(nodelist.empty() and userlist.empty() == 0) fatal_error("* Error: No NODELISTs or USERLISTs defined!"); if(zoneaddr.net == 0) fatal_error("* Error: No ADDRESS or AKAs defined!"); if(nodepath.empty()) nodepath = getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)); AddBackslash(nodepath); MakePathname(listindex, nodepath, "goldnode.gxl"); MakePathname(nodeindex, nodepath, "goldnode.gxn"); MakePathname(addrindex, nodepath, "goldnode.gxa"); size_t n; for(n=0; n Set max size of a name in the index." NL << "\t\t-U Create sorted FIDOUSER.LST userlist file." NL #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS << "\t\t-T\t Make statistics." NL #endif << "\n[configfile] =\t\t The path AND filename of GOLDED.CFG" NL << "\t\t\t configuration file to read.\n" NL; } } else { if(force) if(not quiet) std::cout << "* Forced compile." NL; if(read_config(cfg, argv[0])) { if(force or conditional) check_nodelists(force); } else { if(not quiet) std::cout << NL "Could not find the configuration file!" NL; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { throw_init(); // set locale setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_init_os(0); #endif #ifdef GOLDNODE_STATS memset(&statistic, 0, sizeof(nl_stat)); #endif run_gn(argc, argv); #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_deinit_os(); #endif THROW_CHECK(); return errorlevel; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------