// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Configuration functions, part 7. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ extern char* val; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQuotestring() { char buf[10]; strxcpy(buf, StripQuotes(val), sizeof(buf)); if(*buf == NUL) strcpy(buf, " > "); else { if(buf[strlen(buf)-1] != ' ') strcat(buf, " "); } if(cfgingroup) CFG->grp.AddItm(GRP_QUOTESTRING, buf, strlen(buf)+1); else strcpy(CFG->quotestring, buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQuotewraphard() { bool flag = GetYesno(val); if(cfgingroup) CFG->grp.AddItm(GRP_QUOTEWRAPHARD, flag); else CFG->quotewraphard = flag; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwkbadmsgs() { QWK->BadMsgs(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwkconfmap() { char* bbsid; getkeyval(&bbsid, &val); char* confname; getkeyval(&confname, &val); strtrim(StripQuotes(confname)); char* echoid; getkeyval(&echoid, &val); QWK->AddMap(bbsid, echoid, confname); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwkexportpath() { QWK->ExportPath(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwkimportpath() { QWK->ImportPath(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwkoptions() { char* bbsid; getkeyval(&bbsid, &val); QWK->FindAddBBS(bbsid); val = strtok(val, ", \t"); while(val) { if(strieql(val, "KLUDGES")) QWK->KludgesAllowed(true); else if(strieql(val, "NOKLUDGES")) QWK->KludgesAllowed(false); else if(strieql(val, "MIXCASE")) QWK->MixCaseAllowed(true); else if(strieql(val, "NOMIXCASE")) QWK->MixCaseAllowed(false); else if(strieql(val, "RECEIPT")) QWK->ReceiptAllowed(true); else if(strieql(val, "NORECEIPT")) QWK->ReceiptAllowed(false); else if(strnieql(val, "MAXLINES=", 9)) QWK->MaxLines(atoi(val+9)); val = strtok(NULL, ", \t"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwkreplylinker() { QWK->ReplyLinker(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgQwktosslog() { QWK->TossLog(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgRa2usersbbs() { CFG->ra2usersbbs = GetYesno(val) ? 2 : 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgReplylink() { if(strieql(val, "Chain")) CFG->replylink = REPLYLINK_CHAIN; else if(strieql(val, "Direct")) CFG->replylink = REPLYLINK_DIRECT; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgReplylinklist() { if(strieql(val, "Fast")) CFG->replylinklist = REPLYLINKLIST_FAST; else if(strieql(val, "Full")) CFG->replylinklist = REPLYLINKLIST_FULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgRobotname(const char* v) { char* ptr = val = throw_strdup(v); CfgRobotname(); throw_free(ptr); } void CfgRobotname() { tokenize(CFG->robotname, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgScreenblanker() { GTok t; if(t.First(val)) { do { val = t.Token(); if(isdigit(*val)) CFG->screenblanker = atoi(val); else if(striinc("BLACK", val)) CFG->screenblankertype = BLANK_ALLBLACK; } while(t.Next()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgScreenmaxcol() { CFG->screenmaxcol = atoi(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgScreenmaxrow() { CFG->screenmaxrow = atoi(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgScreenpalette() { // Syntax: // // SCREENPALETTE or // SCREENPALETTE (red green blue) char* key; getkeyval(&key, &val); int palreg = atoi(key); if(palreg >= 0 and palreg <= 15) { if(*val != '(') CFG->screenpalette[palreg] = atoi(val); else { val = strskip_wht(val+1); int redval = atoi(val); // 0 .. 3 val = strskip_wht(strskip_txt(val)); int greenval = atoi(val); // 0 .. 3 val = strskip_wht(strskip_txt(val)); int blueval = atoi(val); // 0 .. 3 // Construct the rgbRGB color val (nuts!) CFG->screenpalette[palreg] = ((redval & 2) ? 0x04 : 0x00)| ((redval & 1) ? 0x20 : 0x00)| ((greenval & 2) ? 0x02 : 0x00)| ((greenval & 1) ? 0x10 : 0x00)| ((blueval & 2) ? 0x01 : 0x00)| ((blueval & 1) ? 0x08 : 0x00); } CFG->screenpalette[16] = true; // Indicate that changes were made } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgScreensize() { CFG->screensize = atoi(val); if(CFG->screensize == 4350) { CFG->screensize = 50; } else if(CFG->screensize == 0) { if(strnieql(val, "Mode", 4)) { sscanf(val+4, " %x", &CFG->screensize); CFG->screensize <<= 8; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSearchfor() { INam buf; strxcpy(buf, StripQuotes(val), sizeof(buf)); if(cfgingroup) CFG->grp.AddItm(GRP_SEARCHFOR, buf, strlen(buf)+1); else strcpy(CFG->searchfor, buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define CRC_NETSCAN 0xEC12 #define CRC_ECHOSCAN 0x6E6D #define CRC_EXPORTLIST 0x1B14 #define CRC_IMPORTLIST 0x447F #define CRC_SCANALL 0x1E57 #define CRC_SCANTHIS 0x1DAE #define CRC_SCANNETMAIL 0x74D6 #define CRC_PMSCANALL 0xD093 #define CRC_PMSCANTHIS 0xE12C #define CRC_PMSCANNETMAIL 0x9F1F #define CRC_QWKIMPORT 0x3063 #define CRC_QWKEXPORT 0xD7C2 #define CRC_SOUPIMPORT 0x5564 #define CRC_SOUPEXPORT 0xB2C5 #define CRC_EXITNOW 0x65DD #define CRC_IDLETIME 0x3BBC void CfgSemaphore() { char* key; word crc = getkeyvalcrc(&key, &val); switch(crc) { case CRC_NETSCAN: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.netscan, val); break; case CRC_ECHOSCAN: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.echoscan, val); break; case CRC_EXPORTLIST: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.exportlist, val); break; case CRC_IMPORTLIST: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.importlist, val); break; case CRC_SCANALL: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.scanall, val); break; case CRC_SCANTHIS: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.scanthis, val); break; case CRC_SCANNETMAIL: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.scannetmail, val); break; case CRC_PMSCANALL: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.pmscanall, val); break; case CRC_PMSCANTHIS: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.pmscanthis, val); break; case CRC_PMSCANNETMAIL: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.pmscannetmail, val); break; case CRC_QWKIMPORT: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.qwkimport, val); break; case CRC_QWKEXPORT: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.qwkexport, val); break; case CRC_SOUPIMPORT: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.soupimport, val); break; case CRC_SOUPEXPORT: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.soupexport, val); break; case CRC_EXITNOW: strcpy(CFG->semaphore.exitnow, val); break; case CRC_IDLETIME: CFG->semaphore.idletime = atoi(val); break; default: return; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSharemode() { if(atoi(val)) CFG->sharemode = atoi(val); else CFG->sharemode = GetYesno(val) ? SH_DENYNO : SH_COMPAT; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgShowdeleted() { CFG->showdeleted = GetYesno(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoundpath() { PathCopy(CFG->soundpath, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupbadmsgs() { strupr(strxcpy(CFG->soupbadmsgs, val, sizeof(Echo))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupemail() { strupr(strxcpy(CFG->soupemail, val, sizeof(Echo))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupexportmargin() { CFG->soupexportmargin = atoi(val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupexportpath() { PathCopy(CFG->soupexportpath, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupimportpath() { PathCopy(CFG->soupimportpath, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupnewsrcfile() { strcpy(CFG->soupnewsrcfile, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupreplylinker() { strcpy(CFG->soupreplylinker, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSoupreplyto() { strxcpy(CFG->soupreplyto, val, sizeof(CFG->soupreplyto)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSouptosslog() { strcpy(CFG->souptosslog, val); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CfgSquishscan() { const int SQS_API = 1; const int SQS_QUICK = 2; if(strieql(val, "API")) CFG->squishscan = SQS_API; else if(strieql(val, "QUICK")) CFG->squishscan = SQS_QUICK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------