@echo off rem rem This is Golded's run command file example. rem rem rem Command runs if netmail wrote SET _NET_ACT=cd.>>M:\flag\netmail.flg rem Command runs if echomail wrote SET _ECHOACT=cd.>>M:\flag\netmail.flg rem Command runs if localmail wrote SET _LOCALACT=cd.>>M:\flag\netmail.flg rem Command runs if messagebase is damaged SET _REPAIRACT=M:\fastecho\feutil check rem Command runs if messagebase indexes is damaged SET _REBUILDACT=M:\fastecho\feutil index M:\GOLDED\GOLDED.EXE If ErrorLevel 101 Goto ERROR If ErrorLevel 100 Goto REBUILD If ErrorLevel 008 Goto ERROR If ErrorLevel 007 Goto E_N_L If ErrorLevel 006 Goto E_N__ If ErrorLevel 005 Goto E___L If ErrorLevel 004 Goto E____ If ErrorLevel 003 Goto __N_L If ErrorLevel 002 Goto __N__ If ErrorLevel 001 Goto ____L Goto _____ :ERROR Echo. Echo GoldED Error exit! %_REPAIRACT% Goto goldrun :REBUILD Echo. Echo ERROR! Index files needs rebuilding! %_REBUILDACT% Goto GOLDRUN :E_N_L Echo. Echo **** New Echo, Net and Local mail entered! **** %_NET_ACT% %_LOCALACT% Goto purge :E_N__ Echo. Echo **** New Echo and Netmail entered! **** %_NET_ACT% %_ECHOACT% Goto purge :E___L Echo. Echo **** New Echo and Local mail entered! **** %_ECHOACT% %_LOCALACT% Goto purge :E____ Echo. Echo **** New Echomail entered! **** %_ECHOACT% Goto purge :__N_L Echo. Echo **** New Net and Local mail entered! **** %_NET_ACT% %_LOCALACT% Goto purge :__N__ Echo. Echo **** New Netmail entered! **** %_NET_ACT% Goto purge :____L Echo. Echo **** New Local mail entered! **** %_LOCALACT% Goto purge :_____ Echo. Echo **** No new mail entered... **** Goto purge :purge rem Purge trashcan request. If not Exist M:\SQUISH\TRASHCAN\*.msg Goto End Echo. Echo en. Area "Trashcan"- Recycle bin - contains some messages. Delete its? Echo en. Echo . Echo ru. В области "Trashcan" - коpзине для удалённых писем, находятся какие-то Echo ru. сообщения. Очистить коpзину? CHOICE /c:YN /T:N,05 IF ERRORLEVEL 2 goto Start IF ERRORLEVEL 1 Goto Del M:\SQUISH\TRASHCAN\*.msg :End