// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // Copyright (C) 2000 Jacobo Tarrio // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Based on CXL by Mike Smedley. // Windowing kernel. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Local optimizations #define GOLD_INLINE inline #define GOLD_WCHK // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static GOLD_INLINE int _wchkrow(int wrow) { return ((wrow<0) or (wrow>((gwin.active->erow-gwin.active->border)-(gwin.active->srow+gwin.active->border)))); } static GOLD_INLINE int _wchkcol(int wcol) { return ((wcol<0) or (wcol>((gwin.active->ecol-gwin.active->border)-(gwin.active->scol+gwin.active->border)))); } static GOLD_INLINE int _wchkcoord(int wrow, int wcol) { return (_wchkrow(wrow) or _wchkcol(wcol)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Checks validity of given window row coordinate int wchkrow(int wrow) { return _wchkrow(wrow); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Checks validity of given window column coordinate int wchkcol(int wcol) { return _wchkcol(wcol); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Checks validity of given window coordinates int wchkcoord(int wrow, int wcol) { return _wchkcoord(wrow, wcol); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Checks for valid window box coordinates int wchkbox(int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol) { return (_wchkcoord(wsrow,wscol) or _wchkcoord(werow,wecol) or (wsrow>werow) or (wscol>wecol)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Sets window cursor coordinates int wgotoxy(int wrow, int wcol) { // check for valid cursor coordinates #ifdef GOLD_WCHK if(wchkcoord(wrow,wcol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; #endif // calculate effective cursor coordinates and update window record const int &row = gwin.active->row = gwin.active->srow + wrow + gwin.active->border; const int &col = gwin.active->column = gwin.active->scol + wcol + gwin.active->border; // set cursor location vposset(row,col); // return with no error return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Opens a window and makes it active int wopen(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, int battr, int wattr, int sbattr, int loattr) { // check for valid box type if(btype<0 or btype>7) { gwin.werrno=W_INVBTYPE; return 0; } // see if window is to have a border int border = (btype==5) ? NO : YES; // check for valid coordinates if(srow>(erow-border) or scol>(ecol-border)) { gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; return 0; } // allocate memory for new record _wrec_t* wrec = (_wrec_t*)throw_xmalloc(sizeof(_wrec_t)); if(wrec==NULL) { gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR; return 0; } // save affected area of screen vsavebuf* wbuf = vsave(srow,scol,erow,ecol); if(wbuf==NULL) { throw_xrelease(wrec); gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR; return 0; } // add new record to linked list if(gwin.active!=NULL) gwin.active->next=wrec; wrec->prev=gwin.active; wrec->next=NULL; gwin.active=wrec; // draw and fill text box on screen switch(gwin.style) { case STYLE_NORMAL: if(border) vbox(srow,scol,erow,ecol,btype,battr,loattr); vfill(srow+border,scol+border,erow-border,ecol-border,gwin.fillch,wattr); break; } // increment window handle counter gwin.handle++; // save window info in window record gwin.active->wbuf = wbuf; gwin.active->whandle = gwin.handle; gwin.active->srow = srow; gwin.active->scol = scol; gwin.active->erow = erow; gwin.active->ecol = ecol; gwin.active->btype = btype; gwin.active->wattr = wattr; gwin.active->battr = battr; gwin.active->loattr = loattr; gwin.active->sbattr = sbattr; gwin.active->border = border; gwin.active->row = srow+border; gwin.active->column = scol+border; gwin.active->attr = wattr; gwin.active->title = NULL; gwin.active->tpos = 0; gwin.active->help = 0; gwin.active->form = NULL; gwin.active->wsbuf = NULL; // increment total number of open windows gwin.total++; // initialize cursor location to window row 0 column 0 wgotoxy(0,0); // return normally gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; return gwin.handle; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Closes a window int wclose() { // check for active window if(!gwin.total or !gwin.active) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE); // if window has a shadow, close shadow first if(gwin.active->wsbuf!=NULL) wshadoff(); // restore contents of and free memory held by window vrestore(gwin.active->wbuf); throw_xrelease(gwin.active->wbuf); // decrement total number of open windows gwin.total--; // free memory held by window's record and update linked list _wrec_t *wrec = gwin.active->prev; throw_xrelease(gwin.active); gwin.active=wrec; if(gwin.active!=NULL) gwin.active->next=NULL; // update cursor location and help category if(gwin.active!=NULL) { vposset(gwin.active->row,gwin.active->column); if(gwin.active->help) gwin.help=gwin.active->help; } // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Closes all open windows int wcloseall() { if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; while(gwin.total) if(wclose()) return gwin.werrno; // close hidden windows too _wrec_t* prev; while(gwin.hidden!=NULL) { prev = gwin.hidden->prev; throw_xfree(gwin.hidden->wbuf); throw_xfree(gwin.hidden); gwin.hidden = prev; } return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gives active window a shadow int wshadow(int attr) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // see if window already has a shadow if(gwin.active->wsbuf!=NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; // get window coordinates from the window's record const int &srow = gwin.active->srow; const int &scol = gwin.active->scol; const int &erow = gwin.active->erow; const int &ecol = gwin.active->ecol; // allocate buffer to hold shadow's contents vatch* wsbuf = (vatch*)throw_xmalloc((((erow-srow)*sizeof(vatch))+ecol-scol+1)*sizeof(vatch)); if(wsbuf == NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR; // start at upper right corner of shadow and work down int crow = srow+1; int ccol = ecol+1; vatch* q = wsbuf; // draw shadow to right of window while(crow<=erow) { // read current screen characters/attributes and save in shadow's buffer vatch tmp[2]; *q = vgetw(crow, ccol); #if defined(__USE_NCURSES__) || !defined(__UNIX__) tmp[0] = vsattr(*q, attr); #else tmp[0] = vsattr(' ', attr); #endif q++; *q = vgetw(crow, ccol + 1); #if defined(__USE_NCURSES__) || !defined(__UNIX__) tmp[1] = vsattr(*q, attr); #else tmp[1] = vsattr(' ', attr); #endif q++; // write characters back to screen using shadow's attribute vputws(crow++, ccol, tmp, 2); } // start at lower left corner of shadow and work right crow = erow+1; ccol = scol+2; int stop = ecol+2; int len = stop - ccol + 1; vatch* wptr = (vatch*)gvid->bufwrd; // draw bottom shadow while(ccol<=stop) { // read attribs/chars and store in buffers *q = vgetw(crow, ccol++); #if defined(__USE_NCURSES__) || !defined(__UNIX__) *wptr++ = vsattr(*q, attr); #else *wptr++ = vsattr(' ', attr); #endif q++; } // display complete buffer vputws(crow, scol+2, gvid->bufwrd, len); // save info in window's record gwin.active->wsbuf = wsbuf; gwin.active->wsattr = attr; // reset cursor vposset(gwin.active->row,gwin.active->column); // return with no error return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Removes shadow from active window int wshadoff() { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // if window doesn't have a shadow, ignore request if(gwin.active->wsbuf==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; // get window coordinates from the window's record const int &srow = gwin.active->srow; const int &scol = gwin.active->scol; const int &erow = gwin.active->erow; const int &ecol = gwin.active->ecol; // start at upper right corner of shadow and work down int crow = srow+1; int ccol = ecol+1; vatch* q = gwin.active->wsbuf; // delete shadow to right of window while(crow<=erow) { vputw(crow, ccol, *q++); vputw(crow++, ccol+1, *q++); } // start at lower left corner of shadow and work right crow = erow+1; ccol = scol+2; int stop = ecol+2; // delete bottom shadow while(ccol<=stop) vputw(crow,ccol++,*q++); // free memory held by shadow throw_xrelease(gwin.active->wsbuf); // update window's record gwin.active->wsattr = 0xFF; // return with no error return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Scrolls the active window up or down int wscroll(int count, int direction) { // check for window border const int &border = gwin.active->border; vscroll( gwin.active->srow + border, gwin.active->scol + border, gwin.active->erow - border, gwin.active->ecol - ((border or (gwin.active->sbattr != -1)) ? 1 : 0), gwin.active->wattr, direction == SUP ? count : -count ); // return with no error return gwin.werrno = W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Scrolls a region of the active window up or down int wscrollbox(int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, int count, int direction) { // check for window border const int &border = gwin.active->border; vscroll( gwin.active->srow+wsrow+border, gwin.active->scol+wscol+border, gwin.active->srow+werow+border, gwin.active->scol+wecol+border, gwin.active->wattr, direction == SUP ? count : -count ); // return with no error return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays a character inside active window int wputc(char ch) { int cwcol; // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // get coordinates from window's record int crow = gwin.active->row; int ccol = gwin.active->column; const int &scol = gwin.active->scol; const int &border = gwin.active->border; // test the input character for control characters switch(ch) { case '\n': crow++; case '\r': ccol=scol+border; break; case '\b': if(ccol==(scol+border)) { ccol=gwin.active->ecol-border; crow--; if(crow<(gwin.active->srow+border)) crow++; } else { ccol--; } break; case '\t': cwcol=ccol-border-scol; ccol+=(tabstop(cwcol,gwin.tabwidth)-cwcol); break; default: vputc(crow, ccol++, gwin.active->attr, ch); } // see if wrap-around is needed if(ccol > (gwin.active->ecol-border)) { ccol = scol+border; crow++; } // see if scroll is needed if(crow > (gwin.active->erow-border)) { wscroll(1,SUP); crow--; } // update window's record gwin.active->row=crow; gwin.active->column=ccol; // reset cursor position vposset(crow,ccol); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reads current cursor location inside window int wreadcur(int* wrow, int* wcol) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // read effective cursor coordinates int row,col; vposget(&row,&col); // calculate window cursor coordinates const int &border = gwin.active->border; *wrow = row - gwin.active->srow - border; *wcol = col - gwin.active->scol - border; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Display a character specified number of times int wdupc(char ch, int count) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE); // display ch for count times while(count--) wputc(ch); // return with gwin.werrno set by wputc() return(gwin.werrno); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clears the active window in specified attribute int wcclear(int attr) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for window border const int &border = gwin.active->border; vfill( gwin.active->srow+border, gwin.active->scol+border, gwin.active->erow-border, gwin.active->ecol-border, gwin.fillch, attr ); // home the cursor wgotoxy(0,0); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clears from cursor postion to end of window's line int wclreol() { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // clear to end of window's line const int &column = gwin.active->column; vputx( gwin.active->row, column, gwin.active->attr, gwin.fillch, gwin.active->ecol - gwin.active->border - column + 1 ); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clears from cursor postion to end of window int wclreos() { int wrow, werow, wr, wc; // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // save current window row and column wreadcur(&wr, &wc); wrow = wr; werow = gwin.active->erow - gwin.active->srow - gwin.active->border; wclreol(); wrow++; while(wrow <= werow) { wgotoxy(wrow,0); wclreol(); wrow++; } // restore window row and column wgotoxy(wr,wc); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function will process an Escape sequence when encountered static const char* process_esc(const char* str) { int wrow,wcol; const char *p = str; for(; *p==ESC; p++) { int attr = gwin.active->attr; switch(*(++p)) { case '+': // increase text attribute wtextattr(++attr); break; case '-': // decrease text attribute wtextattr(--attr); break; case 'A': // change attribute wtextattr(*++p); break; case 'F': // change foreground attribute wtextattr((int)((*++p & 0x07) | (attr & ~0x07))); break; case 'B': // change background attribute wtextattr((int)((*++p & 0x70) | (attr & ~0x70))); break; case 'I': // toggle intensity bit wtextattr((int)(attr ^ INTENSE)); break; case 'L': // toggle blinking bit wtextattr((int)(attr ^ BLINK)); break; case 'X': // reverse attribute wtextattr(revsattr(attr)); break; case 'R': // set cursor row wreadcur(&wrow,&wcol); wgotoxy(*++p,wcol); break; case 'C': // set cursor column wreadcur(&wrow,&wcol); wgotoxy(wrow,*++p); break; case 'E': // erase switch(*++p) { case 'W': // erase window wclear(); break; case 'S': // erase to end of window wclreos(); break; case 'L': // erase to end of window's line wclreol(); break; } break; case 'D': // duplicate character { char ch = *++p; wdupc(ch,*++p); } break; default: p--; } } return --p; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays a string inside active window int wputs(const char* str) { int cwcol; const char* q; // get effective coordinates from window's record int &crow = gwin.active->row; int &ccol = gwin.active->column; const int &scol = gwin.active->scol; const int &border = gwin.active->border; // do while not end of string for(q=str; *q; q++) { // test the input character for control characters switch(*q) { case '\n': crow++; case '\r': ccol=scol+border; break; case '\b': if(ccol==(scol+border)) { ccol=gwin.active->ecol-border; crow--; if(crow<(gwin.active->srow+border)) crow++; } else { ccol--; } break; case '\t': cwcol=ccol-border-scol; ccol+=(tabstop(cwcol,gwin.tabwidth)-cwcol); break; case ESC: q=process_esc(q); break; default: vputc(crow, ccol++, gwin.active->attr, *q); } // see if wrap-around is needed if(ccol > (gwin.active->ecol-border)) { ccol=scol+border; crow++; } // see if scroll is needed if(crow > (gwin.active->erow-border)) { wscroll(1,SUP); crow--; } } // reset cursor position vposset(crow,ccol); // return normally return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays a character inside active window int wprintc(int wrow, int wcol, int atr, vchar chr) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid coordinates #ifdef GOLD_WCHK if(wchkcoord(wrow,wcol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; #endif vputc(wrow+gwin.active->srow+gwin.active->border, wcol+gwin.active->scol+gwin.active->border, atr, chr); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Outputs a formatted string to active window int wprintf(const char* format, ...) { va_list argptr; char buf[255]; // format string using specified parameters into buffer va_start(argptr,format); // access argument list int result = vsprintf(buf,format,argptr); // create string using argument list va_end(argptr); // end access of argument list // display the created string wputs(buf); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Print a formatted string at a specific position and attribute int wprintfs(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* format, ...) { va_list argptr; char buf[256]; *buf = NUL; va_start(argptr, format); int result = vsprintf(buf, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); wprints(wrow, wcol, attr, buf); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays a string inside active window int wprints(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid coordinates #ifdef GOLD_WCHK if(wchkcoord(wrow,wcol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; #endif const int &border = gwin.active->border; vputs(gwin.active->srow+wrow+border,gwin.active->scol+wcol+border,attr,str); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } int wprints_box(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid coordinates #ifdef GOLD_WCHK if(wchkcoord(wrow,wcol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; #endif const int &border = gwin.active->border; vputs_box(gwin.active->srow+wrow+border,gwin.active->scol+wcol+border,attr,str); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays a string inside active window int wprintvs(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const vchar* str) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid coordinates #ifdef GOLD_WCHK if(wchkcoord(wrow,wcol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; #endif const int &border = gwin.active->border; vputvs(gwin.active->srow+wrow+border,gwin.active->scol+wcol+border,attr,str); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wputx(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, vchar chr, uint len) { const int &border = gwin.active->border; vputx(gwin.active->srow+wrow+border,gwin.active->scol+wcol+border,attr,chr,len); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wputy(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, vchar chr, uint len) { const int &border = gwin.active->border; vputy(gwin.active->srow+wrow+border,gwin.active->scol+wcol+border,attr,chr,len); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays a string inside active window int wprintns(int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str, uint len, vchar fill, int fill_attr) { char* istr = throw_xstrdup(str); char* ostr = istr; char och = *ostr; uint olen = strlen(istr); if(len < olen) { ostr += len; och = *ostr; *ostr = NUL; } int retval = wprints(wrow, wcol, attr, istr); if(len < olen) *ostr = och; else if(len > olen) retval = wputx(wrow, wcol+olen, (fill_attr != -1) ? fill_attr : attr, fill, len-olen); throw_xfree(istr); return retval; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays attrib/char buffer inside active window int wprintws(int wrow, int wcol, vatch* buf, uint len) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid coordinates #ifdef GOLD_WCHK if(wchkcoord(wrow,wcol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; #endif // see if window has border const int &border = gwin.active->border; // calculate effective coordinates int row = gwin.active->srow+wrow+border; int col = gwin.active->scol+wcol+border; // display buffer vputws(row, col, buf, len); return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns address of record of given window handle _wrec_t* wfindrec(int whandle) { _wrec_t *wrec; // scan through linked list for record belonging to requested handle wrec = gwin.active; while(wrec) { if(whandle==wrec->whandle) break; wrec=wrec->prev; } if(wrec == NULL) { // Search through the hidden windows wrec = gwin.hidden; while(wrec) { if(whandle==wrec->whandle) break; wrec=wrec->prev; } } // return address of found record return wrec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Hides active window int whide() { vsavebuf* p; int shattr; _wrec_t *temp; // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return(gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE); // save active window p = vsave(gwin.active->srow,gwin.active->scol,gwin.active->erow,gwin.active->ecol); // check for/close window's shadow if(gwin.active->wsbuf!=NULL) { shattr = gwin.active->wsattr; wshadoff(); gwin.active->wsattr = shattr; } else { gwin.active->wsattr = -1; } // restore contents of active window's buffer vrestore(gwin.active->wbuf); throw_xfree(gwin.active->wbuf); gwin.active->wbuf = p; // update visible window record linked list temp = gwin.active; gwin.active = gwin.active->prev; if(gwin.active) gwin.active->next = NULL; gwin.total--; // update hidden window record linked list if(gwin.hidden) gwin.hidden->next = temp; temp->prev = gwin.hidden; temp->next = NULL; gwin.hidden = temp; // update cursor location and help category if(gwin.active) { vposset(gwin.active->row,gwin.active->column); if(gwin.active->help) gwin.help = gwin.active->help; } // return normally return(gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unhides a previously hidden window int wunhide(int whandle) { vsavebuf* p; _wrec_t* found; // check pointer to hidden window linked list ; must not be NULL if(gwin.hidden==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOHIDDEN; // check to see if input window handle == 0. if so, then // that means to unhide the most recently hidden window. if(!whandle) whandle=gwin.hidden->whandle; // scan through linked list for record belonging to requested handle found=gwin.hidden; while(found!=NULL) { if(whandle==found->whandle) break; found=found->prev; } // was handle found in hidden window record linked list? if(found==NULL) { // see if handle is in visible window record linked list if(wfindrec(whandle)==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOTFOUND; else return gwin.werrno=W_NOTHIDD; } // save area of screen where window is to unhide at if((p=vsave(found->srow,found->scol,found->erow,found->ecol))==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR; // restore contents of hidden window back to screen vrestore(found->wbuf); throw_xfree(found->wbuf); found->wbuf=p; // update hidden window record linked list if(found->prev!=NULL) found->prev->next=found->next; if(found->next==NULL) gwin.hidden=found->prev; else found->next->prev=found->prev; // update visible window record linked list if(gwin.active!=NULL) gwin.active->next=found; found->prev=gwin.active; found->next=NULL; gwin.active=found; gwin.total++; // if window had a shadow before hiding, give it one again if(gwin.active->wsattr!=-1) wshadow(gwin.active->wsattr); // update help category if(gwin.active->help) gwin.help=gwin.active->help; // reset cursor vposset(gwin.active->row,gwin.active->column); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unlinks and frees a window from memory, but does not manipulate // the screen at all int wunlink(int w) { _wrec_t *found, *prev, *next; // check to see if input window handle == 0. if // so, then that means to unlink the active window. if(!w) w=gwin.active->whandle; // find address of window record for given window handle if((found=wfindrec(w))==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOTFOUND; // free memory held by shadow's buffer (if shadow exists) if(found->wsbuf!=NULL) throw_xrelease(found->wsbuf); // free memory held by window's buffer throw_xrelease(found->wbuf); // decrement total number of open windows gwin.total--; // re-link list pointers around window record to remove prev=found->prev; next=found->next; if(prev!=NULL) prev->next=next; if(next!=NULL) next->prev=prev; // free memory held by window record throw_xfree(found); // see if active window has changed if(next==NULL) { if(prev!=NULL) { gwin.active=prev; if(gwin.active->help) gwin.help=gwin.active->help; } } // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Local variables static _wrec_t *__curr, *__found; static int __crow, __ccol; static int __gattr; static const char* __p; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function dectects if given window is blocking the current // window or its shadow at specified coordinates static GOLD_INLINE int window_blocking() { return (__crow>=__curr->srow and __crow<=__curr->erow and __ccol>=__curr->scol and __ccol<=__curr->ecol) ? YES : NO; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function detects if a given window's bottom shadow is // blocking the current window or its shadow at specified coordinates static GOLD_INLINE int bshadow_blocking() { if(__crow==(__curr->erow+1)) if((__ccol>=(__curr->scol+2)) and (__ccol<=(__curr->ecol+2))) return YES; else return NO; return NO; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function detects if a given window's right shadow is blocking // the current window or its shadow at specified coordinates static GOLD_INLINE int rshadow_blocking() { if(__ccol==(__curr->ecol+1) or __ccol==(__curr->ecol+2)) if((__crow>=(__curr->srow+1)) and (__crow<=__curr->erow)) return YES; else return NO; return NO; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static GOLD_INLINE vatch* calc_window(_wrec_t *wrec) { return wrec->wbuf->data+((__crow-wrec->srow)*(wrec->ecol-wrec->scol+1))+(__ccol-wrec->scol); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static GOLD_INLINE vatch* calc_bshadow(_wrec_t *wrec) { return wrec->wsbuf+((((__crow-wrec->srow-1)*2)+(__ccol-wrec->scol-2))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static GOLD_INLINE vatch* calc_rshadow(_wrec_t *wrec) { return wrec->wsbuf+((((__crow-wrec->srow-1)*2)+(__ccol-wrec->ecol-1))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This function will exchange the contents of the applicable buffers static void swap_contents(vatch* pfound, vatch* pcurr, int shadow) { register _wrec_t *wptr; register vatch temp, chat; // display character from current position in window to // activate on the screen. if character is part of a // shadow, reflect the character on the screen. temp = vgetw(__crow, __ccol); if(shadow&2) *pcurr = vschar(*pcurr, vgchar(temp)); chat = ((vgattr(temp) & BLINK) and shadow) ? vsattr(*pcurr, vgattr(*pcurr) | BLINK) : *pcurr; vputw(__crow, __ccol, chat); // let window position directly above position // to activate have the character that it holds *pcurr = *pfound; // if current character position to activate will // activate over a shadow in another window if(shadow&1) { // resolve all shadows upwards wptr = __curr; chat = vsattr(*pfound, __curr->wsattr); for(__curr=__curr->next;__curr!=NULL;__curr=__curr->next) { if(window_blocking()) { *(calc_window(__curr)) = chat; chat = temp; break; } else { if(bshadow_blocking()) *(calc_bshadow(__curr)) = chat; else { if(rshadow_blocking()) *(calc_rshadow(__curr)) = chat; } } } temp = chat; __curr = wptr; } // let character position activated hold character // that was on the screen in the same position *pfound = temp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wactiv(int whandle) { register int startcol, stopcol; _wrec_t *prev, *next; // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // if window is already active, ignore request if(whandle==gwin.active->whandle) return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; // find address of window's record __found=wfindrec(whandle); if(__found==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOTFOUND; // check every character position in window to activate for(__crow=__found->srow;__crow<=__found->erow;__crow++) { for(__ccol=__found->scol;__ccol<=__found->ecol;__ccol++) { // check all window records "above" window to activate for(__curr=__found->next;__curr!=NULL;__curr=__curr->next) { // see if current position in window to activate // is blocked by same position in test window if(window_blocking()) { // calculate buffer addresses and swap contents swap_contents(calc_window(__found),calc_window(__curr),0); break; } // see if test window has a shadow if(__curr->wsbuf!=NULL) { // see if shadow to the right of test window is // blocking the current position of window to activate if(rshadow_blocking()) { swap_contents(calc_window(__found),calc_rshadow(__curr),1); break; } // see if shadow to the bottom of test window is // blocking the current position of window to activate if(bshadow_blocking()) { swap_contents(calc_window(__found),calc_bshadow(__curr),1); break; } } } } } // if window to activate has a shadow, then check // every character position in the shadow to see // if it is blocked by another window or window shadow if(__found->wsbuf!=NULL) { // search the right shadow of window to activiate startcol=__found->ecol+1; stopcol=startcol+1; for(__crow=__found->srow+1;__crow<=__found->erow;__crow++) { for(__ccol=startcol;__ccol<=stopcol;__ccol++) { // check all window records "above" shadow to activate for(__curr=__found->next;__curr!=NULL;__curr=__curr->next) { // see if current position in shadow to activate // is blocked by same position in current window if(window_blocking()) { // calculate buffer addresses and swap contents swap_contents(calc_rshadow(__found),calc_window(__curr),2); break; } // see if test window has a shadow if(__curr->wsbuf!=NULL) { // see if current position of window to activate is // blocked by the right shadow of the test window if(rshadow_blocking()) { swap_contents(calc_rshadow(__found),calc_rshadow(__curr),3); break; } // see if current position of window to activate is // blocked by the bottom shadow of the test window if(bshadow_blocking()) { swap_contents(calc_rshadow(__found),calc_bshadow(__curr),3); break; } } } } } // search bottom shadow startcol=__found->scol+2; stopcol=__found->ecol+2; __crow=__found->erow+1; for(__ccol=startcol;__ccol<=stopcol;__ccol++) { // check all window records "above" shadow to activate for(__curr=__found->next;__curr!=NULL;__curr=__curr->next) { // see if current position in shadow to activate // is blocked by same position in test window if(window_blocking()) { // calculate buffer addresses and swap contents swap_contents(calc_bshadow(__found),calc_window(__curr),2); break; } // see if test window has a shadow if(__curr->wsbuf!=NULL) { if(rshadow_blocking()) { swap_contents(calc_bshadow(__found),calc_rshadow(__curr),3); break; } if(bshadow_blocking()) { swap_contents(calc_bshadow(__found),calc_bshadow(__curr),3); break; } } } } } // re-link pointer to window record to be activated prev=__found->prev; next=__found->next; if(prev!=NULL) prev->next=next; next->prev=prev; gwin.active->next=__found; __found->prev=gwin.active; __found->next=NULL; gwin.active=__found; // update help category if(gwin.active->help) gwin.help=gwin.active->help; // reset cursor position vposset(gwin.active->row,gwin.active->column); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Activates a window without overlap checking int wactiv_(int whandle) { // if window is already active, ignore request if(gwin.active and (whandle == gwin.active->whandle)) return gwin.werrno = W_NOERROR; // find address of window's record __found = wfindrec(whandle); if(__found == NULL) return gwin.werrno = W_NOTFOUND; // re-link pointer to window record to be activated _wrec_t* prev = __found->prev; _wrec_t* next = __found->next; if(prev) prev->next = next; next->prev = prev; gwin.active->next = __found; __found->prev = gwin.active; __found->next = NULL; gwin.active = __found; // update help category if(gwin.active->help) gwin.help = gwin.active->help; // reset cursor position vposset(gwin.active->row,gwin.active->column); // return normally return gwin.werrno = W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // this function will update buffers above window string will be displayed in static void update_buffers(vatch* pcurr, int shadow) { _wrec_t* tcurr; int tgattr; // put current string character and attribute into found window's buffer *pcurr = vcatch(*__p, __gattr); // if window's shadow is what's blocking, check to see // if it is the highest shadow. If it is, display the // character in the shadow's attribute, otherwise search // for other blocking windows if(shadow) { if(__curr->next==NULL) { vputc(__crow, __ccol, __gattr & BLINK ? (__curr->wsattr | BLINK) : __curr->wsattr, *__p); } else { tcurr = __curr; __curr = __curr->next; tgattr = __gattr; __gattr = __curr->wsattr; if(window_blocking()) update_buffers(calc_window(__curr), 0); else { if(bshadow_blocking()) update_buffers(calc_bshadow(__curr), 1); else { if(rshadow_blocking()) update_buffers(calc_rshadow(__curr), 1); } } __gattr = tgattr; __curr = tcurr; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wwprintc(int whandle, int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const vchar chr) { // check for existance of active window or hidden windows if(!gwin.total and gwin.hidden==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // find address of window's record _wrec_t* found = wfindrec(whandle); if(found==NULL) { found = gwin.hidden; while(found) { if(whandle==found->whandle) break; found = found->prev; } if(found==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOTFOUND; } // display character vputc(found->srow+wrow+found->border, found->scol+wcol+found->border, attr, chr); // return to caller return gwin.werrno = W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wwprints(int whandle, int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str) { // check for existance of active window or hidden windows if(!gwin.total and gwin.hidden==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // find address of window's record int hidden = NO; _wrec_t* found = wfindrec(whandle); if(found==NULL) { found = gwin.hidden; while(found) { if(whandle==found->whandle) break; found = found->prev; } if(found==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOTFOUND; hidden = YES; } // see if window has a border int border = found->border; // calculate effective coordinates int ecol = found->ecol-border; __crow = found->srow+wrow+border; __ccol = found->scol+wcol+border; __gattr = attr; __p = str; // check for valid coordinates if((__crow > (found->erow-border)) or (__ccol > ecol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; // save current cursor position int oldrow, oldcol; if(gvid->isbios()) vposget(&oldrow,&oldcol); // do while not end-of-string and not end-of-window while(__ccol <= ecol and *__p) { // see if output window is hidden. if so, then there // is no need to check for blocking windows/shadows if(hidden) *(calc_window(found)) = vcatch(*__p, attr); else { // check all window records "above" window to activate for(__curr=found->next; __curr!=NULL; __curr=__curr->next) { // see if current position in window to activate // is blocked by same position in test window if(window_blocking()) { // calculate buffer addresses and swap contents update_buffers(calc_window(__curr), 0); break; } // see if test window has a shadow if(__curr->wsbuf!=NULL) { // see if shadow to the right of test window is // blocking the current position of window to activate if(rshadow_blocking()) { update_buffers(calc_rshadow(__curr), 1); break; } // see if shadow to the bottom of test window is // blocking the current position of window to activate if(bshadow_blocking()) { update_buffers(calc_bshadow(__curr), 1); break; } } } // if current position is not blocked, // then display char to screen if(__curr==NULL) vputc(__crow, __ccol, attr, *__p); } // update pointer into string and current column __ccol++; __p++; } // restore old cursor position if(gvid->isbios()) vposset(oldrow,oldcol); // return to caller return gwin.werrno = *__p ? W_STRLONG : W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int wwprintstr(int whandle, int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str) { // check for existance of active window or hidden windows if(!gwin.total and gwin.hidden==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // find address of window's record _wrec_t* found = wfindrec(whandle); if(found==NULL) { found = gwin.hidden; while(found) { if(whandle==found->whandle) break; found = found->prev; } if(found==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_NOTFOUND; } // display string vputs(found->srow+wrow+found->border, found->scol+wcol+found->border, attr, str); // return to caller return gwin.werrno = W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Changes the active window's border box type int wborder(int btype) { register int border; // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid box type if((btype<0) or (btype>7)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVBTYPE; // see if window is to have a border border = (btype==5) ? NO : YES; // redraw window's border vbox( gwin.active->srow, gwin.active->scol, gwin.active->erow, gwin.active->ecol, btype, border ? gwin.active->battr : gwin.active->wattr, border ? gwin.active->loattr : gwin.active->wattr ); // update window's record gwin.active->btype=btype; gwin.active->border=border; // see if cursor position needs to be updated if((gwin.active->row==gwin.active->srow) or (gwin.active->row==gwin.active->erow) or (gwin.active->column==gwin.active->scol) or (gwin.active->column==gwin.active->ecol)) { wgotoxy(0,0); } // re-display title if one exists if(gwin.active->title!=NULL) wtitle(gwin.active->title,gwin.active->tpos,gwin.active->tattr); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Fills a region of active window w/specified char/attribute int wfill(int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, vchar chr, int atr) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // check for valid coordinates if(wchkbox(wsrow,wscol,werow,wecol)) return gwin.werrno=W_INVCOORD; // check for window border const int &border = gwin.active->border; // fill in specified region vfill( gwin.active->srow+wsrow+border, gwin.active->scol+wscol+border, gwin.active->srow+werow+border, gwin.active->scol+wecol+border, chr, atr ); // return with no error return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the handle of the active window int whandle() { // test for active window if(!gwin.total) { gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; return 0; } // return normally gwin.werrno = W_NOERROR; return gwin.active->whandle; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Displays text on window's top or bottom border int wmessage(const char* str, int border, int leftofs, int attr) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // make sure window has a border if(!gwin.active->border) return gwin.werrno=W_NOBORDER; int left = gwin.active->scol+1; int right = gwin.active->ecol-1; int width = right-left+1; int len = strlen(str); // Center string if(leftofs < 0) leftofs = (len > (width-2)) ? left : (((width/2)+left)-(len/2)); // make sure string fits in window if((gwin.active->scol+leftofs+len-1) > (gwin.active->ecol)) return gwin.werrno=W_STRLONG; // display string vputs(border ? gwin.active->erow : gwin.active->srow, gwin.active->scol+leftofs, attr, str); // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Proportion bar void wpropbar(int xx, int yy, long len, int attr, long pos, long size) { // xx, yy = start position in window. // len = length (in chars) of progress field. // attr = color to use for progress field. // pos = present position. // size = total size of field. const vchar barchar = _box_table(gwin.active->btype, 13); #ifdef __UNIX__ // prefferable under xterm const vchar thumbchar = ' '; int thumbattr = revsattr(attr); #else const vchar thumbchar = '\xDB'; int thumbattr = attr; #endif long thumblen = (pos*len)/size; int x = xx; if(thumblen != 0) { wputx(yy, x, thumbattr|ACSET, thumbchar, thumblen); x += thumblen; } if(thumblen != len) wputx(yy, x, attr|ACSET, barchar, len-thumblen); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gives active window a title int wtitle(const char* str, int tpos, int tattr) { // check for active window if(!gwin.total) return gwin.werrno=W_NOACTIVE; // redraw box if deleting or moving title if(str==NULL or gwin.active->title!=NULL) { if(gwin.active->border) { vputx( ((tpos&TBOTTOM) ? gwin.active->erow : gwin.active->srow), gwin.active->scol+1, gwin.active->battr|ACSET, _box_table(gwin.active->btype, (tpos&TBOTTOM)?6:1), gwin.active->ecol-gwin.active->scol-1 ); } } // if not deleting the title, calculate position and display it if(str) { int left = gwin.active->scol+1; int right = gwin.active->ecol-1; int width = right-left+1; int len = strlen(str); // don't display title if window is borderless if(gwin.active->border) { int start; switch(tpos&~TBOTTOM) { case TLEFT: //start = (len>(width-3)) ? left : (left+1); start = left; break; case TCENTER: start = (len>(width-2)) ? left : (((width/2)+left)-(len/2)); break; default: // default is TRIGHT { int offs = width-len; if(offs>2) offs--; start = (len>width) ? left : (left+offs+1); } } // allocate space for window title string, and copy it there char* p = (char*)throw_xmalloc(((width>len) ? width : len)+1); if(p==NULL) return gwin.werrno=W_ALLOCERR; strcpy(p, str); *(p+width) = NUL; // display title string vputs((tpos&TBOTTOM)?gwin.active->erow:gwin.active->srow, start, tattr, p); // free allocated space throw_xfree(p); } } // update window's record gwin.active->title=str; gwin.active->tpos=tpos; gwin.active->tattr=tattr; // return normally return gwin.werrno=W_NOERROR; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void wscrollbar(int orientation, uint total, uint maxpos, uint pos, int sadd) { int attr = (gwin.active->sbattr == -1) ? gwin.active->battr : gwin.active->sbattr; int invattr = revsattr(attr); const vchar barchar = _box_table(gwin.active->btype, 13); const vchar arrowupchar = '\x18'; const vchar arrowdownchar = '\x19'; const vchar arrowleftchar = '\x1B'; const vchar arrowrightchar = '\x1A'; #ifdef __UNIX__ // prefferable under xterm const vchar thumbchar = ' '; int thumbattr = revsattr(attr); #else const vchar thumbchar = '\xDB'; int thumbattr = attr; #endif if(maxpos == 0) maxpos = 1; uint visiblelen; if(orientation == W_VERT) visiblelen = (gwin.active->erow - (gwin.active->srow+sadd)) + 1 - (gwin.active->border?2:0); else visiblelen = (gwin.active->ecol - (gwin.active->scol+sadd)) + 1 - (gwin.active->border?2:0) - 2; uint barlen = visiblelen - 2; uint thumblen = (visiblelen*barlen) / total; if(thumblen == 0) thumblen = 1; else if(thumblen > barlen) thumblen = barlen; uint maxthumbpos = barlen - thumblen; uint thumbpos = (pos*maxthumbpos) / maxpos; uint thumbdiv = (pos*maxthumbpos) % maxpos; if((thumbdiv >= (maxpos/2)) and (maxpos > 1)) thumbpos++; if(thumbpos > maxthumbpos) thumbpos = maxthumbpos; barlen -= thumbpos + thumblen; if(orientation == W_VERT) { uint scol = gwin.active->ecol - gwin.active->scol - gwin.active->border; vputc((sadd++)+gwin.active->srow+gwin.active->border, gwin.active->ecol, invattr|ACSET, arrowupchar); if(thumbpos != 0) { wputy(sadd, scol, attr|ACSET, barchar, thumbpos); sadd += thumbpos; } if(thumblen != 0) { wputy(sadd, scol, thumbattr|ACSET, thumbchar, thumblen); sadd += thumblen; } if(barlen != 0) { wputy(sadd, scol, attr|ACSET, barchar, barlen); sadd += barlen; } vputc(sadd+gwin.active->srow+gwin.active->border, gwin.active->ecol, invattr|ACSET, arrowdownchar); } else { uint srow = gwin.active->erow - gwin.active->srow - gwin.active->border; vputc(gwin.active->erow, (sadd++)+gwin.active->scol+gwin.active->border, invattr|ACSET, arrowleftchar); if(thumbpos != 0) { wputx(srow, sadd, attr|ACSET, barchar, thumbpos); sadd += thumbpos; } if(thumblen != 0) { wputx(srow, sadd, thumbattr|ACSET, thumbchar, thumblen); sadd += thumblen; } if(barlen != 0) { wputx(srow, sadd, attr|ACSET, barchar, barlen); sadd += barlen; } vputc(gwin.active->erow, sadd+gwin.active->scol+gwin.active->border, invattr|ACSET, arrowrightchar); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------