// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Userbase (Addressbook) functions. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ guserbase::guserbase() { long tries = 0; strcpy(fname, AddPath(CFG->goldpath, CFG->golduser)); do { usrbase.open(fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, SH_DENYNO, S_STDRW); if(not usrbase) { if((errno != EACCES) or (not PopupLocked(++tries, false, fname))) { WideLog->ErrOpen(); WideLog->printf("! Addressbook cannot be opened."); WideLog->printf(": %s", fname); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } } } while(not usrbase); if(tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); if((uint) usrbase.filelength() < sizeof(gusrbaseheader) + sizeof(gusrbaseentry)) { header.version = 0; strcpy(entry.macro, "_asa_"); strcpy(entry.name, "Alexander S. Aganichev"); entry.fidoaddr.reset(); entry.fidoaddr.zone = 2; entry.fidoaddr.net = 5020; entry.fidoaddr.node = 604; entry.fidoaddr.point = 19; strcpy(entry.iaddr, "aaganichev@yandex.ru"); entry.prefer_internet = YES; entry.is_deleted = NO; strcpy(entry.pseudo, ""); strcpy(entry.organisation, "GoldED+ Development Team"); strcpy(entry.snail1, "Zelenograd"); strcpy(entry.snail2, "Moscow"); strcpy(entry.snail3, "Russia"); entry.dataphone[0] = NUL; strcpy(entry.voicephone, "+7-(095)-536-2374"); entry.faxphone[0] = NUL; entry.firstdate = entry.lastdate = entry.times = 0; strcpy(entry.homepage, "http://aaganichev.narod.ru"); entry.group = 0; strcpy(entry.comment1, "GoldED+ Maintainer"); entry.comment2[0] = NUL; entry.comment3[0] = NUL; usrbase.lseek(0, SEEK_SET); usrbase.write(&header.version, sizeof(header.version)); write_entry(0); } index = 0; read_time = 0; // Indicate that we're should reread timestamp refresh_maximum_index(); need_update = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ guserbase::~guserbase() { usrbase.close(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::refresh_maximum_index() { // Are we doing it for the first time? if(not read_time) { usrbase.getftime(&read_time); need_update = true; } else { dword tmp; usrbase.getftime(&tmp); if(read_time != tmp) { read_time = tmp; need_update = true; } } if(need_update) maximum_index = (usrbase.filelength()-sizeof(gusrbaseheader)) / sizeof(gusrbaseentry) - 1; if(index > maximum_index) index = maximum_index; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::lock() { if(WideCanLock) { long tries = 0; do { usrbase.lock(0, 1); if(not usrbase.okay()) { if(not PopupLocked(++tries, false, fname)) { WideLog->ErrLock(); WideLog->printf("! GoldED's Addressbook could not be locked."); WideLog->printf(": %s", fname); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); LockErrorExit(); } } } while(not usrbase.okay()); if(tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::unlock() { if(WideCanLock) usrbase.unlock(0, 1); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::open() { window.openxy(ypos, xpos, ylen+2, xlen+2, btype, battr, 7); cwidth = (xlen-28) / 2; window.message(LNG->UserHeaderName, TP_BORD, 3, tattr); window.message(LNG->UserHeaderOrg, TP_BORD, 4+cwidth, tattr); window.message(LNG->UserHeaderAka, TP_BORD, 5+(cwidth*2)/3 + cwidth, tattr); center(CFG->displistcursor); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::close() { window.close(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::do_delayed() { wscrollbar(W_VERT, maximum_index+1, maximum_index, index); update_statuslinef(LNG->UserStatusline, index+1, maximum_index+1, maximum_index-index); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::print_line(uint idx, uint pos, bool isbar) { char buf[200]; char buf2[100]; read_entry(idx); *buf2 = NUL; if(AA->isinternet() or not entry.fidoaddr.valid()) { if(*entry.iaddr) { strcat(buf2, "<"); strcat(buf2, entry.iaddr); strcat(buf2, ">"); } } else { if(entry.fidoaddr.valid()) { *buf2 = '('; entry.fidoaddr.make_string(buf2+1); strcat(buf2, ")"); } } sprintf(buf, "%c %-*.*s %-*.*s %s ", entry.is_deleted ? 'D' : ' ', cwidth, (int)cwidth, entry.name, (cwidth*2)/3, (int)(cwidth*2)/3, entry.organisation, buf2); strsetsz(buf, xlen); window.prints(pos, 0, isbar ? sattr : wattr, buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ addressbook_form::~addressbook_form() { } addressbook_form::addressbook_form(gwindow& w) : gwinput2(w) { }; void addressbook_form::after() { gwinput2::after(); }; void addressbook_form::before() { gwinput2::before(); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool addressbook_form::validate() { return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void addressbook_form::LoadForm() { gusrbaseentry& entry = g->entry; entry.fidoaddr.make_string(fidoaddr); name = entry.name; macro = entry.macro; pseudo = entry.pseudo; iaddr = entry.iaddr; organisation = entry.organisation; voicephone= entry.voicephone; faxphone = entry.faxphone; dataphone = entry.dataphone; group = entry.group; snail1 = entry.snail1; snail2 = entry.snail2; snail3 = entry.snail3; comment1 = entry.comment1; comment2 = entry.comment2; comment3 = entry.comment3; homepage = entry.homepage; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void addressbook_form::SaveForm() { gusrbaseentry& entry = g->entry; entry.fidoaddr.reset(); entry.fidoaddr.set(fidoaddr); strcpy(entry.name, name.c_str()); strcpy(entry.macro, macro.c_str()); strcpy(entry.pseudo, pseudo.c_str()); strcpy(entry.iaddr, iaddr.c_str()); strcpy(entry.organisation, organisation.c_str()); strcpy(entry.voicephone, voicephone.c_str()); strcpy(entry.faxphone, faxphone.c_str()); strcpy(entry.dataphone, dataphone.c_str()); entry.group = group.c_str()[0]; strcpy(entry.snail1, snail1.c_str()); strcpy(entry.snail2, snail2.c_str()); strcpy(entry.snail3, snail3.c_str()); strcpy(entry.comment1, comment1.c_str()); strcpy(entry.comment2, comment2.c_str()); strcpy(entry.comment3, comment3.c_str()); strcpy(entry.homepage, homepage.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool guserbase::edit_entry(uint idx) { gwindow window; char tbuf[50]; const int width = 75; const int height = 16; window.openxy((MAXROW-height)/2, (MAXCOL-width)/2, height, width, btype, battr, wattr); window.shadow(C_SHADOW); sprintf(tbuf, " Record <%d> ", idx+1); window.title(tbuf, tattr); window.prints( 0, 1, wattr, "Full Name :"); window.prints( 1, 1, wattr, "Macro Name:"); window.prints( 1,34, wattr, "Nick Name :"); window.prints( 2, 1, wattr, "Fidonet :"); window.prints( 2,34, wattr, "Internet :"); window.prints( 3, 1, wattr, "Organisat.:"); window.horizontal_line(4, 0, width-2, btype, battr); window.prints( 5, 1, wattr, "Voice Num.:"); window.prints( 6, 1, wattr, "Fax Number:"); window.prints( 7, 1, wattr, "Data Num. :"); window.prints( 5,34, wattr, "Address(1):"); window.prints( 6,34, wattr, "Address(2):"); window.prints( 7,34, wattr, "Address(3):"); window.prints( 8, 1, wattr, "Group :"); window.prints( 8,34, wattr, "Homepage :"); window.prints( 9, 1, wattr, "Comment(1):"); window.prints(10, 1, wattr, "Comment(2):"); window.prints(11, 1, wattr, "Comment(3):"); window.horizontal_line(12, 0, width-2, btype, battr); window.prints(13, 1, wattr, "First Used:"); window.prints(13, 27, wattr, "Last Used:"); window.prints(13, 53, wattr, "Times Used:"); char dbuf[16]; time_t dt = entry.firstdate; if(dt) window.prints(13, 13, wattr, strftimei(dbuf, 16, "%d %b %y", gmtime(&dt))); dt = entry.lastdate; if(dt) window.prints(13, 38, wattr, strftimei(dbuf, 16, "%d %b %y", gmtime(&dt))); sprintf(dbuf, "%8ld", entry.times); window.prints(13, width-11, wattr, dbuf); addressbook_form form(window); form.g = this; form.setup(C_HEADW, C_HEADW, C_HEADE, _box_table(W_BHEAD, 13), true); read_entry(idx); form.LoadForm(); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_name, 0, 13, 59, form.name, sizeof(entry.name)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_macro, 1, 13, 20, form.macro, sizeof(entry.macro)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_pseudo, 1, 46, 26, form.pseudo, sizeof(entry.pseudo)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_fidoaddr, 2, 13, 20, form.fidoaddr, 24); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_iaddr, 2, 46, 26, form.iaddr, sizeof(entry.iaddr)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_organisation, 3, 13, 59, form.organisation, sizeof(entry.organisation)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_voicephone, 5, 13, 20, form.voicephone, sizeof(entry.voicephone)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_faxphone, 6, 13, 20, form.faxphone, sizeof(entry.faxphone)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_dataphone, 7, 13, 20, form.dataphone, sizeof(entry.dataphone)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_group, 8, 13, 20, form.group, sizeof(entry.group)+1); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_snail1, 5, 46, 26, form.snail1, sizeof(entry.snail1)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_snail2, 6, 46, 26, form.snail2, sizeof(entry.snail2)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_snail3, 7, 46, 26, form.snail3, sizeof(entry.snail3)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_homepage, 8, 46, 26, form.homepage, sizeof(entry.homepage)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_comment1, 9, 13, 59, form.comment1, sizeof(entry.comment1)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_comment2, 10, 13, 59, form.comment2, sizeof(entry.comment2)); form.add_field(addressbook_form::id_comment3, 11, 13, 59, form.comment3, sizeof(entry.comment3)); form.run(H_EditAdrEntry); window.close(); if(not form.dropped) form.SaveForm(); return not form.dropped; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool guserbase::find_entry(char* name, bool lookup) { if(not strblank(name)) { std::string tmpaddr; gusrbaseentry old_entry = entry; uint old_index = index; refresh_maximum_index(); usrbase.lseek(sizeof(gusrbaseheader), SEEK_SET); for(index=0; index<=maximum_index; index++) { read_entry(index, &entry); if(strieql(name, entry.name)) return true; else if(lookup) { if(strieql(name, entry.macro) or streql(name, entry.iaddr)) return true; else { entry.fidoaddr.make_string(tmpaddr); if (streql(name, tmpaddr.c_str())) return true; } } } index = old_index; entry = old_entry; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::write_entry(uint idx, bool updateit) { if(updateit and not entry.is_deleted) { time_t a = time(NULL); struct tm *tp = gmtime(&a); tp->tm_isdst = -1; time_t b = mktime(tp); entry.lastdate = a + a - b; if(not entry.firstdate) entry.firstdate = entry.lastdate; entry.times++; } usrbase.lseek(sizeof(gusrbaseheader) + sizeof(gusrbaseentry)*(idx+1)-1, SEEK_SET); char z = 0; usrbase.write(&z, 1); // adjust entry size first... usrbase.lseek(sizeof(gusrbaseheader) + sizeof(gusrbaseentry)*idx, SEEK_SET); usrbase.write(entry.macro, sizeof(entry.macro)); usrbase.write(entry.name, sizeof(entry.name)); usrbase.write(&entry.fidoaddr.zone, sizeof(entry.fidoaddr.zone)); usrbase.write(&entry.fidoaddr.net, sizeof(entry.fidoaddr.net)); usrbase.write(&entry.fidoaddr.node, sizeof(entry.fidoaddr.node)); usrbase.write(&entry.fidoaddr.point, sizeof(entry.fidoaddr.point)); usrbase.write(entry.iaddr, sizeof(entry.iaddr)); usrbase.write(&entry.prefer_internet, sizeof(entry.prefer_internet)); usrbase.write(&entry.is_deleted, sizeof(entry.is_deleted)); usrbase.write(entry.pseudo, sizeof(entry.pseudo)); usrbase.write(entry.organisation, sizeof(entry.organisation)); usrbase.write(entry.snail1, sizeof(entry.snail1)); usrbase.write(entry.snail2, sizeof(entry.snail2)); usrbase.write(entry.snail3, sizeof(entry.snail3)); usrbase.write(entry.dataphone, sizeof(entry.dataphone)); usrbase.write(entry.voicephone, sizeof(entry.voicephone)); usrbase.write(entry.faxphone, sizeof(entry.faxphone)); usrbase.write(&entry.firstdate, sizeof(entry.firstdate)); usrbase.write(&entry.lastdate, sizeof(entry.lastdate)); usrbase.write(&entry.times, sizeof(entry.times)); usrbase.write(entry.homepage, sizeof(entry.homepage)); usrbase.write(&entry.group, sizeof(entry.group)); usrbase.write(entry.comment1, sizeof(entry.comment1)); usrbase.write(entry.comment2, sizeof(entry.comment1)); usrbase.write(entry.comment3, sizeof(entry.comment1)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::clear_entry(gusrbaseentry *ent) { ent->macro[0] = NUL; ent->name[0] = NUL; ent->fidoaddr.reset(); ent->iaddr[0] = NUL; ent->prefer_internet = NO; ent->is_deleted = NO; ent->pseudo[0] = NUL; ent->organisation[0] = NUL; ent->snail1[0] = NUL; ent->snail2[0] = NUL; ent->snail3[0] = NUL; ent->dataphone[0] = NUL; ent->voicephone[0] = NUL; ent->faxphone[0] = NUL; ent->firstdate = ent->lastdate = ent->times = 0; ent->homepage[0] = NUL; ent->group = 0; ent->comment1[0] = NUL; ent->comment2[0] = NUL; ent->comment3[0] = NUL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool guserbase::read_entry(uint idx, gusrbaseentry *ent) { if(ent == NULL) ent = &entry; refresh_maximum_index(); if(idx > maximum_index) { clear_entry(ent); return false; } else { usrbase.lseek(idx*sizeof(gusrbaseentry)+sizeof(gusrbaseheader), SEEK_SET); usrbase.read(ent->macro, sizeof(ent->macro)); usrbase.read(ent->name, sizeof(ent->name)); usrbase.read(&ent->fidoaddr.zone, sizeof(ent->fidoaddr.zone)); usrbase.read(&ent->fidoaddr.net, sizeof(ent->fidoaddr.net)); usrbase.read(&ent->fidoaddr.node, sizeof(ent->fidoaddr.node)); usrbase.read(&ent->fidoaddr.point, sizeof(ent->fidoaddr.point)); usrbase.read(ent->iaddr, sizeof(ent->iaddr)); usrbase.read(&ent->prefer_internet, sizeof(ent->prefer_internet)); usrbase.read(&ent->is_deleted, sizeof(ent->is_deleted)); usrbase.read(ent->pseudo, sizeof(ent->pseudo)); usrbase.read(ent->organisation, sizeof(ent->organisation)); usrbase.read(ent->snail1, sizeof(ent->snail1)); usrbase.read(ent->snail2, sizeof(ent->snail2)); usrbase.read(ent->snail3, sizeof(ent->snail3)); usrbase.read(ent->dataphone, sizeof(ent->dataphone)); usrbase.read(ent->voicephone, sizeof(ent->voicephone)); usrbase.read(ent->faxphone, sizeof(ent->faxphone)); usrbase.read(&ent->firstdate, sizeof(ent->firstdate)); usrbase.read(&ent->lastdate, sizeof(ent->lastdate)); usrbase.read(&ent->times, sizeof(ent->times)); usrbase.read(ent->homepage, sizeof(ent->homepage)); usrbase.read(&ent->group, sizeof(ent->group)); usrbase.read(ent->comment1, sizeof(ent->comment1)); usrbase.read(ent->comment2, sizeof(ent->comment1)); usrbase.read(ent->comment3, sizeof(ent->comment1)); return true; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::pack_addressbook() { long tries = 0; lock(); refresh_maximum_index(); uint nidx = 0; uint nindex = index; for(uint idx = 0; idx <= maximum_index; idx++) { read_entry(idx); if(not entry.is_deleted) { if(nidx != idx) write_entry(nidx); ++nidx; } else if(idx < index) --nindex; } index = nindex; // zap maximum_index = nidx; // At least one record should present if(maximum_index) --maximum_index; usrbase.chsize((maximum_index + 1) * sizeof(gusrbaseentry) + sizeof(gusrbaseheader)); usrbase.close(); do { usrbase.open(fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, SH_DENYNO, S_STDRW); if(not usrbase) { if((errno != EACCES) or (not PopupLocked(++tries, false, fname))) { WideLog->ErrOpen(); WideLog->printf("! GoldED's Addressbook cannot be opened."); WideLog->printf(": %s", fname); WideLog->ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } } } while(not usrbase); if(tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); unlock(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::update_screen(bool force) { refresh_maximum_index(); if(force or need_update) { if(position > index) center(CFG->displistcursor); update(); do_delayed(); need_update = false; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool guserbase::handle_key() { gkey kk; if(key < KK_Commands) { key = key_tolower(key); kk = SearchKey(key, AddressbookKey, AddressbookKeys); if(kk) key = kk; } switch(key) { case KK_AddressbookQuit: aborted = true; return false; case KK_AddressbookAdd: { clear_entry(&entry); lock(); refresh_maximum_index(); uint nidx = maximum_index + 1; if(edit_entry(nidx)) { if(nidx == maximum_index + 1) { maximum_index++; if(maximum_position < ylen-1) maximum_position = maximum_index; } write_entry(nidx); index = nidx; } unlock(); center(CFG->displistcursor); } break; case KK_AddressbookSelect: if(not select_list) { if(not entry.is_deleted) { lock(); if(edit_entry(index)) { write_entry(index); display_bar(); } unlock(); } break; } else { aborted = false; return false; } case KK_AddressbookDelete: lock(); refresh_maximum_index(); read_entry(index); entry.is_deleted = not entry.is_deleted; write_entry(index); unlock(); update_screen(); break; case KK_AddressbookPack: pack_addressbook(); index = position = 0; update_screen(); break; case Key_Tick: CheckTick(0); // KK_UserQuitNow ??? break; default: SayBibi(); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool guserbase::run(GMsg* msg, bool selectonly) { select_list = selectonly; ypos = selectonly ? 6 : 1; xpos = 0; ylen = MAXROW-3-ypos; xlen = MAXCOL-2; btype = W_BMENU; battr = C_MENUB; wattr = C_MENUW; tattr = C_MENUT; sattr = C_MENUS; hattr = C_MENUQ; sbattr = C_MENUPB; helpcat = H_Userbase; listwrap = CFG->switches.get(displistwrap); maximum_position = MinV(maximum_index, ylen - 1); if(not select_list) find_entry(msg->By(), false); run_picker(); if(not aborted) { read_entry(index); // other stuff not yet implemented } return not aborted; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::update_addressbook(GMsg* msg, bool reverse, bool force) { Addr fidoaddr; IAdr iaddr; INam name; strcpy(name, (reverse ? msg->By() : msg->To())); strcpy(iaddr, (reverse ? (*msg->iorig ? msg->iorig : msg->iaddr) : msg->idest)); fidoaddr = (reverse ? msg->orig : msg->dest); if(not strblank(name)) { if(find_entry(name)) { if(not force) if((CFG->addressbookadd == NO) or ((CFG->addressbookadd == YES) and not (AA->isnet() or AA->isemail()))) return; } else { if(not force) { // Don't automatically add the user if... // 1. It's not allowed if((CFG->addressbookadd == NO) or ((CFG->addressbookadd == YES) and not (AA->isnet() or AA->isemail()))) return; // 2. It's a robotname for(gstrarray::iterator n = CFG->robotname.begin(); n != CFG->robotname.end(); n++) if(striinc(n->c_str(), name)) return; // 3. It's a username if(is_user(name)) return; // 4. It's a WHOTO name if(strieql(AA->Whoto(), name)) return; // 5. It's the mailinglist's sender address if(AA->isemail()) { std::vector::iterator z; for(z = CFG->mailinglist.begin(); z != CFG->mailinglist.end(); z++) if(strieql(z->sender, name) or strieql(z->sender, iaddr)) return; } // 6. It's a UUCP name if(isuucp(name)) return; // 7. If it is already an email address if(AA->isemail() and strchr(name, '@')) return; // 8. User listed in nodelist const char *nlname = lookup_nodelist(&fidoaddr); if(nlname and strieql(nlname, name)) return; } // Ok, let's add it... clear_entry(&entry); strxcpy(entry.name, name, sizeof(entry.name)); refresh_maximum_index(); index = ++maximum_index; } if((AA->isinternet() and strblank(iaddr)) or (not AA->isinternet() and not fidoaddr.valid())) return; // Update address if(AA->isinternet() or (not *entry.iaddr and *iaddr)) strxcpy(entry.iaddr, iaddr, sizeof(entry.iaddr)); if(not AA->isinternet() and not (AA->Internetgate().addr.valid() and (fidoaddr == AA->Internetgate().addr))) entry.fidoaddr = fidoaddr; lock(); write_entry(index, not force); unlock(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool guserbase::lookup_addressbook(GMsg* msg, char* name, char* aka, bool browser) { bool found = false; if(not strblank(name) or browser) { w_info(LNG->UserWait); if((find_entry(name, true) and not entry.is_deleted) or browser) { if(browser) { if(not run(msg, true)) { w_info(NULL); return false; } } found = true; if(*msg->iaddr and not AA->isinternet()) { // do UUCP addressing strcpy(msg->realto, entry.name); if(*AA->Internetgate().name) strcpy(name, AA->Internetgate().name); else strcpy(name, entry.name); } else { strcpy(name, entry.name); if(AA->isinternet()) strcpy(msg->realto, entry.name); } if(not strblank(entry.pseudo)) strcpy(msg->pseudoto, entry.pseudo); if(aka) { *aka = NUL; if(AA->isinternet()) strcpy(aka, entry.iaddr); else { entry.fidoaddr.make_string(aka); if(strblank(aka) and not strblank(entry.iaddr)) { strcpy(msg->idest, entry.iaddr); strcpy(msg->iaddr, entry.iaddr); if(AA->Internetgate().addr.valid()) AA->Internetgate().addr.make_string(aka); } } } } w_info(NULL); return found ? (aka ? not strblank(aka) : true) : false; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void guserbase::build_pseudo(GMsg* msg, char* name, char* aka, bool direction) { if(*msg->iaddr and isuucp(name)) strcpy(direction ? msg->pseudoto : msg->pseudofrom, strlword(msg->iaddr, " @.")); else strcpy(direction ? msg->pseudoto : msg->pseudofrom, strlword(name, " @.")); if(find_entry(name, true) and not entry.is_deleted) { if(not strblank(entry.pseudo)) { if(AA->isinternet()) { if(strcmp(aka, entry.iaddr)) return; } else { if(entry.fidoaddr.valid()) { Addr AKA = aka; if(entry.fidoaddr != AKA) return; } } strcpy(direction ? msg->pseudoto : msg->pseudofrom, entry.pseudo); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void update_addressbook(GMsg* msg, bool reverse, bool force) { guserbase p; p.update_addressbook(msg, reverse, force); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool lookup_addressbook(GMsg* msg, char* name, char* aka, bool browser) { guserbase p; bool result = p.lookup_addressbook(msg, name, aka, browser); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void build_pseudo(GMsg* msg, bool direction) { guserbase p; char buf[128]; if(direction) p.build_pseudo(msg, strbtrim(msg->To()), msg->dest.make_string(buf)); else p.build_pseudo(msg, strbtrim(msg->By()), msg->orig.make_string(buf), false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void edit_addressbook(GMsg* msg) { guserbase p; p.run(msg, false); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------