// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // DOS Shell, cleanup, errorhandling etc. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __UNIX__ #include #endif #ifdef __WIN32__ #include extern OSVERSIONINFO WinVer; #endif #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ extern GPickArealist* PickArealist; extern bool in_arealist; extern uint* areanumbers; extern GMsg* reader_msg; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clean up the screen, memory and files before exiting to DOS void Cleanup(void) { if(CFG) { if(CFG->switches.get(areakeeplast) and startupscan_success) AL.WriteGoldLast(); // Free msg data if (reader_msg != NULL) { ResetMsg(reader_msg); throw_release(reader_msg); } // Free area data AL.Reset(); #ifndef GMB_NOXBBS if(find(AL.basetypes, "ADEPTXBBS")) XbbsExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOEZY if(find(AL.basetypes, "EZYCOM")) EzycomExit(); #endif if(find(AL.basetypes, "OPUS") or find(AL.basetypes, "FTS1")) FidoExit(); #ifndef GMB_NOGOLD if(find(AL.basetypes, "GOLDBASE")) GoldExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOHUDS if(find(AL.basetypes, "HUDSON")) HudsExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOJAM if(find(AL.basetypes, "JAM")) JamExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOPCB if(find(AL.basetypes, "PCBOARD")) PcbExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOSQSH if(find(AL.basetypes, "SQUISH")) SquishExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOWCAT if(find(AL.basetypes, "WILDCAT")) WCatExit(); #endif #ifndef GMB_NOSMB if(find(AL.basetypes, "SMB")) SMBExit(); #endif SearchExit(); // Free various lists CFG->addressmacro.clear(); CFG->aka.clear(); CFG->akamatch.clear(); CFG->colorname.clear(); CFG->event.clear(); CFG->externutil.clear(); CFG->filealias.clear(); CFG->frqext.clear(); CFG->frqnodemap.clear(); CFG->kludge.clear(); CFG->mailinglist.clear(); CFG->mappath.clear(); CFG->origin.clear(); CFG->robotname.clear(); CFG->tagline.clear(); CFG->tpl.clear(); CFG->twitname.clear(); CFG->twitsubj.clear(); CFG->username.clear(); CFG->xlatcharset.clear(); CFG->xlatescset.clear(); CFG->xlatcharsetalias.clear(); CFG->cmdkey.clear(); CFG->macro.clear(); CFG->unpacker.clear(); // Free misc data throw_xrelease(CharTable); throw_xrelease(CompTable); throw_xrelease(MNETable); throw_xrelease(I51Table); throw_delete(QWK); if(errorlevel != EXIT_CFGERR) { if(netpost) TouchFile(AddPath(CFG->areapath, CFG->semaphore.netscan)); if(echopost) TouchFile(AddPath(CFG->areapath, CFG->semaphore.echoscan)); } // Reset border color if (C_BACKB != (BLACK_|_BLACK)) gvid->setoverscan(gvid->orig.color.overscan); wcloseall(); // Close all windows if(in_arealist) { PickArealist->close_all(); // Unlink hidden area windows throw_release(areanumbers); } whelpundef(); // Disengage the help system kbclear(); // Clear CXL keyboard buffer freonkey(); // Free all onkeys (macros) FreePastebuf(); // Free the internal editor cut'n'paste buffer #if !defined(__UNIX__) && !defined(__USE_NCURSES__) if(CFG->screenpalette[16]) gvid->setpalette(gvid->orig.color.palette); if(gvid->curr.screen.mode != gvid->orig.screen.mode) gvid->setmode(gvid->orig.screen.mode); if(gvid->curr.screen.rows != gvid->orig.screen.rows) gvid->setrows(gvid->orig.screen.rows); if(oldscreen) { vrestore(oldscreen); throw_xrelease(oldscreen); } if(CFG->intensecolors) gvid->setintensity(gvid->orig.color.intensity); vcurset(gvid->orig.cursor.start, gvid->orig.cursor.end); #endif #ifndef __WIN32__ vposset(gvid->orig.cursor.row, 0); vputx(gvid->orig.cursor.row, 0, gvid->orig.color.textattr, ' ', gvid->orig.screen.columns); #endif vposset(gvid->orig.cursor.row-1, 0); vcurshow(); } throw_xdelete(BodyView); throw_xdelete(HeaderView); throw_xdelete(gvid); int smax = MinV((int)GLOG_STORELINES, LOG.storelines); for (int s=0; s GLOG_STORELINES) STD_PRINTNL("(See also " << CFG->logfile << ")"); if (errorlevel > EXIT_NONAME) MakeNoise(SND_S_O_S); CfgReset(); } #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_deinit_os(); #endif // Back to default Ctrl-Break handler signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } // Cleanup() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Multipurpose DOS shell function int ShellToDos(const char* command, char* message, vattr cls, int cursor, int pause) { if ( !(command && message) ) { LOG.errpointer(__FILE__,__LINE__-3); LOG.printf("! Parameter is NULL pointer: ShellToDos(\"%s\",\"%s\").", command?command:"(NULL)", message?message:"(NULL)"); update_statusline(" ERROR! See log. "); return 0; } if ( !(*command) ) { LOG.errtest(__FILE__,__LINE__-8); LOG.printf("! ShellToDos(): command is empty, message is: \"%s\"", message); update_statusline("ERROR: Command is empty, can't run!"); return 0; } int error = 0; #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) char ge_temptitle[GMAXTITLE+1]; #endif #ifndef __UNIX__ #ifdef __WIN32__ if(WinVer.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) #endif if(strlen(command) > 125) { w_info(" Warning: Command line longer than 125 characters! "); waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); } #endif // Put up a wait window if(shellvid) w_info(LNG->Wait); #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_get_ostitle_name(ge_temptitle); g_set_ostitle_name("OS Shell",0); #endif // Close msgbase files int _wasopen = AA->isopen(); if(_wasopen) AA->Suspend(); HandleGEvent(EVTT_DOSSHELL); // Change the prompt #ifndef __UNIX__ static char prompt[256]; static char oldprompt[256]; if(CFG->switches.get(dosprompt)) { #ifdef __DJGPP__ const char* p = getenv("PROMPT"); if(p) { strcpy(oldprompt, p); strcpy(stpcpy(prompt, LNG->Prompt), p); setenv("PROMPT", prompt, true); } #else int envn = 0; while (environ[envn] and *environ[envn]) { if (strnieql(environ[envn], "PROMPT=", 7)) { strcpy(oldprompt, environ[envn]); gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(prompt), "PROMPT=%s%s", LNG->Prompt, *oldprompt ? oldprompt+7 : ""); environ[envn] = prompt; break; } envn++; } #endif } #endif // Store the screen vsavebuf* scrnbuf = vsave(); // Store current drive/dir Path orgdir; getcwd(orgdir, sizeof(Path)); // Set cursor position if(gvid->curr.screen.rows != gvid->orig.screen.rows) gvid->setrows(gvid->orig.screen.rows); if(gvid->curr.screen.mode != gvid->orig.screen.mode) gvid->setmode(gvid->orig.screen.mode); // Clear screen if (cls != (BLACK_|_BLACK)) vclrscr(cls); // Reset border color if (C_BACKB != (BLACK_|_BLACK)) gvid->setoverscan(gvid->orig.color.overscan); // Turn on the blinking attributes gvid->setintensity(gvid->orig.color.intensity); // Restore original palette during the shell if(CFG->screenpalette[16]) gvid->setpalette(gvid->orig.color.palette); #if defined(__USE_NCURSES__) def_prog_mode(); reset_shell_mode(); #elif defined(__UNIX__) gkbd_tty_reset(); #endif // Return cursor into 1st column if (cls != (BLACK_|_BLACK)) puts(""); // Write message on screen if(*message) puts(message); // Turn on cursor int yy, xx; if(cursor) { vposget(&yy, &xx); vcurset(gvid->orig.cursor.start, gvid->orig.cursor.end); vcurshow(); } HandleGEvent(EVTT_BREAKLOOP); // Shell return value int status = -1; // Shell using the regular RTL function #ifndef __CYGWIN__ status = system(command); #else // Get executable and parameters char* _arg_v[3]; char* _pars = ""; char _xfn[256] = ""; // Call command interpreter if(strnieql(command, "/c", 2)) _pars = strskip_wht(command+2); else { _pars = strpbrk(command, " \t"); if(_pars) { ++_pars++; strxcpy(_xfn, command, _pars-command); _pars = strskip_wht(_pars); } else _xfn = command; } _arg_v[0] = _xfn; _arg_v[1] = _pars; _arg_v[2] = NULL; status = spawnvpe(P_WAIT, _xfn, _arg_v, environ); #endif if(status == -1) error = errno; if(status != -1) status = 0; // Restore console settings #ifdef __USE_NCURSES__ reset_prog_mode(); clearok(stdscr, TRUE); #else gkbd.Init(); #endif // Pause if needed if(pause) { if((pause > 0) or (status != 0)) kbxget(); } // Restore current directory gchdir(orgdir); // Restore video mode and rows if(CFG->screensize > 0xFF) gvid->setmode(CFG->screensize >> 8); else if(CFG->screensize) gvid->setrows(CFG->screensize); // Restore cursor position and form if(cursor) { vposset(yy+1, xx); vcurhide(); } // Restore screen if(scrnbuf) { vrestore(scrnbuf); throw_xrelease(scrnbuf); } else vclrscr(); // Restore screen intensity gvid->setintensity(CFG->intensecolors); // Restore border color if (C_BACKB != (BLACK_|_BLACK)) gvid->setoverscan(C_BACKB); // Set palette if changes were specified if(CFG->screenpalette[16]) gvid->setpalette(CFG->screenpalette); // Restore prompt #ifndef __UNIX__ if(CFG->switches.get(dosprompt)) { #ifdef __DJGPP__ setenv("PROMPT", oldprompt, true); #else int envn = 0; while(environ[envn] and *environ[envn]) { if(strnieql(environ[envn], "PROMPT=", 7)) { environ[envn] = oldprompt; break; } envn++; } #endif } #endif // Re-open msgbase if(_wasopen) AA->Resume(); // Remove the wait window if(shellvid) w_info(NULL); // Popup error message if(error) { switch(errno) { case E2BIG: w_info("Argument list too long!"); break; case EACCES: w_info("Permission denied!"); break; case EAGAIN: w_info("Ressource temporarily unavailable!"); break; case EBADF: w_info("Bad file descriptor!"); break; case EBUSY: w_info("Resource busy!"); break; case ECHILD: w_info("No child processes!"); break; case EEXIST: w_info("File exists!"); break; case EFAULT: w_info("Bad address!"); break; case EFBIG: w_info("File too large!"); break; case EINTR: w_info("Interrupted system call!"); break; case EINVAL: w_info("Invalid argument!"); break; case EISDIR: w_info("Is a directory!"); break; case EMFILE: w_info("Too many open files!"); break; case ENFILE: w_info("Too many open files in system!"); break; case ENOENT: w_info("No such file or directory!"); break; case ENOEXEC: w_info("Unable to execute file!"); break; case ENOMEM: w_info("Not enough memory!"); break; default: w_info("error during shelling"); } waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); } // Reset tick values to avoid triggering screenblanker or timeout gkbdtickpressreset(); gkbdtickvaluereset(); #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_set_ostitle_name(ge_temptitle, 1); g_set_osicon(); #endif return status; } // ShellToDos() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* Unpack(const char* archive) { if ( !archive ) { LOG.errpointer(__FILE__,__LINE__-3); LOG.printf("! Parameter is NULL pointer: Unpack(NULL)."); update_statusline(" ERROR! See log. "); return NULL; } if ( ! *archive ) { LOG.errtest(__FILE__,__LINE__-8); LOG.printf("! Unpack(): archive file name is empty."); update_statusline(" ERROR: archive file name is empty "); return NULL; } static Path newname; const char *filename = CleanFilename(archive); std::vector< std::pair >::iterator i; for(i = CFG->unpacker.begin(); i != CFG->unpacker.end(); i++) { int dots; const char *ext, *myext; for(dots = 0, ext = i->first.c_str() - 1; ext != NULL; dots++) ext = strchr(ext+1, '.'); for(myext = filename + strlen(filename); (myext != filename) and (dots != 0); dots--) { do --myext; while((myext != filename) and (myext[0] != '.')); } if(dots or not strieql(myext+1, i->first.c_str())) continue; Path newdir; mktemp(strxcpy(newdir, AddPath(CFG->temppath, "GDXXXXXX"), sizeof(Path))); mkdir(newdir, S_IWUSR); char cmdline[1024]; strxcpy(cmdline, i->second.c_str(), sizeof(cmdline)); std::string archive_truename = archive; maketruepath(archive_truename); strxcpy(newname, archive_truename.c_str(), sizeof(Path)); strchg(newname, GOLD_WRONG_SLASH_CHR, GOLD_SLASH_CHR); strischg(cmdline, "@file", newname); // Store current drive/dir and change it to the temporary Path orgdir; getcwd(orgdir, sizeof(Path)); gchdir(newdir); // Now unpack it ShellToDos(cmdline, "", LGREY_|_BLACK, 0, -1); // Restore current directory gchdir(orgdir); strxcpy(newname, AddPath(AddBackslash(newdir), filename), sizeof(Path)); newname[strlen(newname) - (i->first.length() + 1)] = NUL; return newname; } return NULL; } // Unpack() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CleanUnpacked(const char* unpacked) { gposixdir d(unpacked); const gdirentry *de; std::string removeme; if(is_dir(unpacked)) { while((de = d.nextentry("*", true)) != NULL) { removeme = de->dirname; removeme += GOLD_SLASH_CHR; removeme += de->name; if(is_dir(removeme.c_str())) rmdir(removeme.c_str()); else remove(removeme.c_str()); } } Path tmpdir, tmpdir2; strxcpy(tmpdir2, unpacked, sizeof(Path)); StripBackslash(tmpdir2); extractdirname(tmpdir, tmpdir2); d.cd(tmpdir); while((de = d.nextentry("*", true)) != NULL) { removeme = de->dirname; removeme += GOLD_SLASH_CHR; removeme += de->name; if(is_dir(removeme.c_str())) rmdir(removeme.c_str()); else remove(removeme.c_str()); } rmdir(tmpdir); } // CleanUnpacked() // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Error exit function void ErrorExit(int type) { static int in_error_exit = false; if(not in_error_exit++) { error_exit = type; if(type) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_ERRORFATAL); if(_in_editor) { LOG.printf("+ TIP: If you were writing a msg and want to recover it,"); LOG.printf("+ try looking in the %s file.", AddPath(CFG->goldpath, EDIT->File())); } // Dump the function tracker log #if defined(GFTRK_ENABLE) __gftrk_log(); #endif if(type != 9) errorlevel = EXIT_ERRORS; else if(type == 5) errorlevel = 100; else errorlevel = EXIT_CFGERR; exit(errorlevel); } exit(EXIT_OK); } } // ErrorExit() // ------------------------------------------------------------------