// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // RA-ECHO areafile structure // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(GOLD_CANPACK) #pragma pack(1) #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Original Pascal unit: // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // UNIT EchoDefs; // // (* Definitions for RA-ECHO v.1.0 *) // // // INTERFACE // // CONST // // EchoConfigName = 'RA-ECHO.CFG'; // AreaInfoName = 'AREAS'; // NodeFileName = 'NODE'; // DupeFileName = 'DUPES'; // LinkFileName = 'LINKS'; // ExportMarkName = 'LASTEXP'; // ImportMarkName = 'LASTIMP'; // ConfTextName = 'CONFNAME'; // EchoExt = '.RAE'; // // TYPE // // LastReadRec = RECORD // LastMsg : word; // LastDate : LONGINT; // END; (* of RECORD *) // // // AddressRec = RECORD // Zone, // Net, // Node, // Point : word; // Domain : STRING [20]; // END; (* of RECORD *) // // // PacketFlags = (NoFlags,Hold,Crash,Direct,KillSend,KillFileSend,TruncatFileSend); // // // MailTypeDef = (Echomail, Netmail, Localmail, Newmail); // // // ArcProgramDef = (NoArc,ZIPArc,LZHArc,PAKArc,ARCArc,ZOOArc,LHAArc,ARJArc // ,HyperArc,UnknownArc, // UserArc1,UserArc2,UserArc3,UserArc4,UserArc5,UserArc6); // // NodeDatenRec = RECORD // PointNr, (* Point-Number *) // NodeNr, (* Node-Number *) // NetNr, (* Net-Number *) // ZoneNr, (* Zone-Number *) // SendZone, (* Zone of Sender *) // SendNet, (* Net of Sender *) // SendNode, (* Node of Sender *) // SendPoint : word; (* Point of Sender *) // Conferences : ARRAY [1..20] OF booleanEAN; (* Echomail Conferences *) // Access : word; (* Access Level *) // NodeName : STRING [30]; (* Name of Node *) // PassWord : STRING [20]; (* Password for Areafix/Filefix *) // ArcType : ArcProgramDef; (* Definition of the arcer *) // ArcPassword : STRING [20]; (* Password in Arcmail header *) // ReAddress : booleanEAN; (* true, if address has to be ramapped *) // (* to 3-d Pointnet address *) // ArcMailStatus : PacketFlags; (* Status of ArcMail-Packets for the Node *) // (* Node o. Hold o. Crash o. Direct *) // NameExport : booleanEAN; (* true, if Node wants to get mail addresed *) // (* to his name no matter if he is linked to that echo *) // AddPacket : booleanEAN; (* Append mail to exeistimg packets *) // TotalImport, (* Totale Imports from this node (# of mails *) // TotalExport : word; (* Totale Exports to this node *) // NotifyFlag : booleanEAN; (* Does this node get notify messages *) // AcceptNewEchos: booleanEAN; (* New echos received from this node are *) // (* created as passthru echos *) // nodeispassive : booleanEAN; (* if false mail will not be exported to *) // (* this node *) // LastDate : STRING [8]; (* The last date the user requested via Filefix *) // AddNewAreas : booleanEAN; // packnetmail : ArcProgramDef; // NetmailStatus : Packetflags; // Dummy : ARRAY [1..6] OF byte; (* - unused - *) // END; (* of RECORD *) // // AreaDatenRec = ARRAY [1..500] OF booleanEAN; // // NodeFileRec = RECORD // NodeDaten : NodeDatenRec; // AreaFeld : AreaDatenRec; // END; (* of RECORD *) // // // (* Das File AREAS.RAE enth„lt alle 500 Echo-Areas, Nr. 1-200 sind die // internen Areas von RA, 201-500 die Passthru Areas *) // // // EchoAreaRec = RECORD // Name : STRING [40]; (* Area Name *) // Descr : STRING [60]; (* Description *) // MailType : MailTypeDef; // ImportFlag : booleanEAN; (* true, if the message has to be *) // (* imported to a directory as *.MSG *) // MsgDirectory : STRING [60]; // ReadSecurity : Word; (* Read access level *) // WriteSecurity : Word; (* Write access level *) // OriginLine : String [60]; // AreaAddress : AddressRec; (* Adress of sender for this echo *) // ConferenceNr : Byte; (* The conference this echo belongs *) // (* to. If 0 the echo has NO conference *) // END; (* of RECORD *) // // ConfNameRec = STRING [255]; // // // IMPLEMENTATION // // END. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ enum { RAE_ECHO, RAE_NET, RAE_LOCAL }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Structure for AREAS.RAE Version 1.00 typedef struct { char echoid[41]; char desc[61]; byte type; byte isopus; char path[61]; word readsec; word writesec; char origin[61]; ftn_addr addr; char domain[21]; byte conference; } TRaEchoArea100, *PRaEchoArea100; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Structure for AREAS.RAE Version 1.01 (I hope!) typedef struct { char echoid[41]; char desc[61]; byte type; byte isopus; char path[61]; word readsec; word writesec; char origin[61]; ftn_addr addr; char domain[21]; byte conference; word maxdays; word maxrecv; word maxcount; word totalimp; word totalexp; char dummy[130]; } TRaEchoArea101, *PRaEchoArea101; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(GOLD_CANPACK) #pragma pack() #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------