// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Carbon Copy. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void AddCCList(const char *ptr, bool cchide, GMsg* msg, GMsg** carbon, int &cc, Area* A, Area* AA, int &xc2to) { Addr addr; char name[256]; addr.reset_fast(); strtrim(strcpy(name, strskip_wht(ptr))); (*carbon) = (GMsg*)throw_realloc((*carbon), sizeof(GMsg)*(cc+2)); (*carbon)[cc] = *msg; (*carbon)[cc].dest.reset_fast(); (*carbon)[cc].odest.reset_fast(); (*carbon)[cc].attr.nwm1(); if(strchr(name, ':')) { char* d = strchr(name, '@'); if(d) *d = NUL; } if(strchr(name, '@')) { ParseInternetAddr(name, (*carbon)[cc].realto, (*carbon)[cc].iaddr); strxcpy((*carbon)[cc].to, (*carbon)[cc].iaddr, sizeof(Name)); } else { (*carbon)[cc].iaddr[0] = NUL; strxcpy((*carbon)[cc].to, name, sizeof(Name)); } HeaderView->Use(AA, &(*carbon)[cc]); HeaderView->Paint(); if(AA->isnet()) { gsetaddr toname, toaddr, fromaddr; IAdr addr1, addr2; addr = (*carbon)[cc].orig; toname.buf = name; toname.update = false; toaddr.buf = addr1; toaddr.update = false; *addr1 = NUL; fromaddr.buf = addr2; fromaddr.update = false; *addr2 = NUL; if(set_to_address(&(*carbon)[cc], &toname, &toaddr, &fromaddr, NULL, 6, LNG->DestinationCC, true)) addr.net = 0; else addr.set(addr1, (*carbon)[cc].odom); } else addr = AA->Aka().addr; update_statusline(LNG->ProcessCC); if(addr.net or AA->islocal()) { // Create a CC if either address or name is different than the original. if(memcmp(&addr, &msg->dest, sizeof(Addr)) or stricmp(name, msg->to) or (A != AA and not xc2to++)) { (*carbon)[cc].odest = addr; (*carbon)[cc].dest = addr; if(cchide) (*carbon)[cc].attr.tou0(); else (*carbon)[cc].attr.tou1(); strxcpy((*carbon)[cc].to, name, sizeof(Name)); cc++; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int DoCarboncopy(GMsg* msg, GMsg** carbon) { int n, cc = 0; const char* ptr; Attr attr; bool cchide; bool ignorecc = false; char buf[256], buf2[256]; Line* line; Line* newline; Line* ccline = NULL; int margintext; if(AA->isinternet() and CFG->soupexportmargin <= CFG->dispmargin) margintext = CFG->soupexportmargin; else margintext = CFG->dispmargin; // Insert empty line at the top first for practical purposes newline = new Line(); throw_xnew(newline); msg->lin = newline = line = InsertLine(newline, msg->lin, DIR_PREV); // Deal with carbon copies Area* A = AA; if(AA->isecho()) { AA = AL.AreaEchoToPtr(AA->Areareplyto()); if(AA and (AA != A)) { AA->Open(); } else AA = A; } attr = msg->attr; if(not AA->isecho() and line) { bool ask = true; int xc2to = 0; do { ptr = newline->txt.c_str(); if(strnieql(ptr, "CC:", 3)) { if(not ignorecc) { if(ask) { msg->attr.nwm1(); AttrAdd(&msg->attr, &CFG->attribscc); HeaderView->Use(AA, msg); HeaderView->Paint(); GMenuCarbon MenuCarbon; ignorecc = MenuCarbon.Run(msg) ? false : true; if(ignorecc) // Do not process carbon copies break; if(newline) ccline = newline->prev; // Store the position of first line else ccline = NULL; ask = false; } update_statusline(LNG->ProcessCC); gstrarray xposts; tokenize(xposts, ptr+3, ","); for(int i=0; i < xposts.size(); i++) { ptr = strskip_wht(strcpy(buf, xposts[i].c_str())); if(*ptr == '#') { ++ptr; cchide = true; } else cchide = false; if(*ptr == '@') { FILE* fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, ++ptr), "rt", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { gstrarray fc; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) tokenize(fc, buf, ",\n"); fclose(fp); for(int j = 0; j < fc.size(); j++) if(fc[j][0] != '@') // we don't like nesting! AddCCList(fc[j].c_str(), cchide, msg, carbon, cc, A, AA, xc2to); } } else AddCCList(ptr, cchide, msg, carbon, cc, A, AA, xc2to); } if(CFG->carboncopylist != CC_KEEP) { newline = DeleteLine(newline); // Now at the next line if(newline and newline->prev) newline = newline->prev; // Go back one line } } } newline = newline->next; } while(newline != NULL); // Fix the CC list in the message if(not ignorecc and cc and ccline) { std::string temp; switch(CFG->carboncopylist) { case CC_REMOVE: // No list break; case CC_KEEP: // Keep list as it was entered break; case CC_HIDDEN: ccline = msg->lin; if(A == AA) { sprintf(buf, "\001CC: %s %s", msg->To(), msg->dest.make_string(temp).c_str()); ccline = AddKludge(ccline, buf); } for(n=0; nCCTo, LNG->ListCC); if(A == AA) { sprintf(buf, buf2, msg->To(), msg->dest.make_string(temp).c_str()); ccline = AddLine(ccline, buf); } for(n=0; nCCTo) - 2; // - "%s" if(A == AA) { hline += msg->To(); ++line_items; } for(n=0; n < cc; n++) { if((*carbon)[n].attr.tou()) { const char *user = (*carbon)[n].To(); if((hline.length() + strlen(user) + 2 > margintext) and line_items) { sprintf(buf, LNG->CCTo, hline.c_str()); ccline = AddLine(ccline, buf); line_items = 0; hline = ""; } if(line_items != 0) hline += ", "; hline += user; ++line_items; (*carbon)[n].attr.tou0(); } } if(line_items) { sprintf(buf, LNG->CCTo, hline.c_str()); ccline = AddLine(ccline, buf); } } break; } } } // Reset line pointer msg->lin = DeleteLine(msg->lin); // Delete the empty top line again msg->attr = attr; if(*carbon and not cc) throw_release(*carbon); if(A != AA) { AA->Close(); AA = A; } return cc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool AddXCAreas(const char* mask, bool attr, std::vector &postareas, std::vector &postareas_attrs, int local_xps) { bool rv = false; for(int j=0; j < AL.size(); j++) { if(not AL[j]->isseparator() and strwild(AL[j]->echoid(), mask)) { if(strieql(AA->echoid(), AL[j]->echoid())) rv = attr; else { int i; // We don't want twice crossposting to same echo... for(i=local_xps; i < postareas.size(); i++) if(postareas[i] == j) break; if(i == postareas.size()) { postareas.push_back(j); postareas_attrs.push_back(attr); } } } } return rv; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void DoCrosspost(GMsg* msg, std::vector &postareas) { if(CFG->crosspost == NO) return; char buf[256]; const char *ptr; bool ignorexc = false; Line* newline; Line* xcline = NULL; int margintext; bool xphide; int local_xps = postareas.size(); std::vector postareas_attrs(local_xps); bool hideoriginal = false; // Insert empty line at the top first for practical purposes newline = new Line(); throw_xnew(newline); msg->lin = newline = InsertLine(newline, msg->lin, DIR_PREV); // Deal with carbon copies if(AA->isinternet() and CFG->soupexportmargin <= CFG->dispmargin) margintext = CFG->soupexportmargin; else margintext = CFG->dispmargin; // Next line is invalid if someone uses format chars like %-20s // but we couldn't predict everything... margintext -= strlen(LNG->Crosspostedin) - 2; if(newline) { bool ask = true; do { if(not (newline->type & (GLINE_KLUDGE|GLINE_TEAR|GLINE_ORIG))) { ptr = newline->txt.c_str(); if(not ignorexc and (strnieql(ptr, "XC:", 3) or strnieql(ptr, "XP:", 3))) { if(ask) { GMenuCross MenuCross; ignorexc = (CFG->crosspost != ASK) or MenuCross.Run(msg) ? false : true; if(ignorexc) // Do not process crossposting break; if(newline) xcline = newline->prev; // Store the position of first line else xcline = NULL; ask = false; } gstrarray xposts; tokenize(xposts, ptr+3); for(int i=0; i < xposts.size(); i++) { ptr = strcpy(buf, xposts[i].c_str()); if(*ptr == '#') { ++ptr; xphide = true; } else xphide = false; if(*ptr == '@') { FILE* fp = fsopen(AddPath(CFG->goldpath, ++ptr), "rt", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { gstrarray fc; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) tokenize(fc, buf, ", \n"); fclose(fp); for(int j = 0; j < fc.size(); j++) if(fc[j][0] != '@') // we don't like nesting! hideoriginal = AddXCAreas(fc[j].c_str(), xphide, postareas, postareas_attrs, local_xps) or hideoriginal; } } else hideoriginal = AddXCAreas(ptr, xphide, postareas, postareas_attrs, local_xps) or hideoriginal; } if(CFG->crosspostlist != CC_KEEP) { newline = DeleteLine(newline); // Now at the next line if(newline and newline->prev) newline = newline->prev; // Go back one line } } } newline = newline->next; } while(newline != NULL); // Fix the XC list in the message, ignore crossposting to itself only if(not ignorexc and (local_xps < postareas.size()+1) and xcline) { switch(CFG->crosspostlist) { case CC_REMOVE: // No list break; case CC_KEEP: // Keep list as it was entered break; case CC_VISIBLE: // Expand in line { if(not hideoriginal) { sprintf(buf, LNG->Originallyin, AA->echoid()); xcline = AddLine(xcline, buf); } std::string hline = ""; int line_items = 0; for(int i=local_xps; i < postareas.size(); i++) { const char *echoid = AL[postareas[i]]->echoid(); if(postareas_attrs[i] or strieql(AA->echoid(), echoid)) continue; if((hline.length() + strlen(echoid) + 2 > margintext) and line_items) { sprintf(buf, LNG->Crosspostedin, hline.c_str()); xcline = AddLine(xcline, buf); line_items = 0; hline = ""; } if(line_items != 0) hline += ", "; hline += echoid; ++line_items; } if(line_items) { sprintf(buf, LNG->Crosspostedin, hline.c_str()); xcline = AddLine(xcline, buf); } } break; case CC_NAMES: // Expand in column if(not hideoriginal) { sprintf(buf, LNG->Originallyin, AA->echoid()); xcline = AddLine(xcline, buf); } for(int i=local_xps; i < postareas.size(); i++) { const char *echoid = AL[postareas[i]]->echoid(); if(postareas_attrs[i] or strieql(AA->echoid(), echoid)) continue; sprintf(buf, LNG->Crosspostedin, echoid); xcline = AddLine(xcline, buf); } break; } } } // Reset line pointer msg->lin = DeleteLine(msg->lin); // Delete the empty top line again } // ------------------------------------------------------------------