// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Nodelist lookup and browser. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef char ListStr[160]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Static data for the browser and associated functions static ftn_nodelist_index_base* NLP = NULL; static ftn_nodelist_entry entry; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class NodelistBrowser { public: int ypos; // Window Starting Row int xpos; // Window Starting Column int ylen; // Window Height int xlen; // Window Width int btype; // Window Border Type vattr battr; // Window Border Color vattr wattr; // Window Color vattr tattr; // Window Title Color vattr sattr; // Window Selection Bar Color vattr hattr; // Window Highlight Color vattr loattr; // Window LoAttr Color vattr sbattr; // Window Scrollbar Color char* title; // Window Title int helpcat; // Window Help Category int pos; // Display Pos (1 to maxpos) int maxpos; // Display Pos int aborted; // True if aborted int listwrap; // True if wrap-around is supported ftn_nodelist_entry* entries; ListStr* liststr; gwindow nodewin; gwindow listwin; char user_maybe[45]; char titlet[80]; int user_fuzidx; int newmaybe; int firstkey; NodelistBrowser(); ~NodelistBrowser(); void Open(); void Close(); void BeforeCursor(); void AfterCursor(); void InitDisplay(); void DisplayBar(); void DisplayLine(int line=-1); void DisplayPage(); void Home(); void End(); void Up(); void Down(); void PageUp(); void PageDown(); void Center(); int Run(); void BuildListString(int line); void ScrollUp(); void ScrollDown(); int DoKey(gkey& keycode); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ NodelistBrowser::NodelistBrowser() { // Not implemented yet } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ NodelistBrowser::~NodelistBrowser() { throw_release(liststr); throw_release(entries); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::Open() { maxpos = ylen - 4; vcurhide(); nodewin.openxy(ypos, xpos, 2, xlen, 5, battr, wattr, sbattr); listwin.openxy(ypos+2, xpos, ylen-2, xlen, btype, battr, wattr, sbattr); entries = (ftn_nodelist_entry*)throw_calloc(maxpos, sizeof(ftn_nodelist_entry)); liststr = (ListStr*)throw_calloc(maxpos, sizeof(ListStr)); InitDisplay(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::Close() { listwin.close(); nodewin.close(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::BeforeCursor() { // Nothing to do } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::AfterCursor() { char buf[200], line1[200], line2[200]; ftn_nodelist_entry* entryp = entries + (pos - 1); gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(line1), " %s%s%s%s%s%s ", entryp->name, (*entryp->system ? ", " : ""), entryp->system, (*entryp->status ? " <" : ""), entryp->status, (*entryp->status ? ">" : "") ); gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(buf), "%s %s", LNG->Phone, *entryp->phone ? entryp->phone : "-Unpublished-"); strrjust(strsetsz(buf, MAXCOL-strlen(line1)-1)); strcat(line1, buf); strcat(line1, " "); gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(line2), " %s%s%s", entryp->location, (*entryp->location ? ", " : ""), entryp->address ); gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(buf), "%s%s%s%s", entryp->baud, (*entryp->baud ? " Bps" : ""), ((*entryp->baud and *entryp->flags) ? ", " : ""), entryp->flags ); strrjust(strsetsz(buf, MAXCOL-strlen(line2)-1)); strcat(line2, buf); strcat(line2, " "); nodewin.prints(0,0, wattr, line1); nodewin.prints(1,0, wattr, line2); Path nlname; *nlname = NUL; if (NLP->index_name() and NLP->nodelist_name()) gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(nlname), " %s / %s ", NLP->index_name(), CleanFilename(NLP->nodelist_name())); else if (NLP->index_name()) gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(nlname), " %s ", NLP->index_name()); if (*nlname) listwin.title(nlname, tattr, TCENTER|TBOTTOM); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::InitDisplay() { gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(titlet), LNG->Lookup, user_maybe); listwin.title(titlet, tattr, TCENTER); Center(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::DisplayBar() { listwin.prints(pos-1, 0, sattr, liststr[pos-1]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::DisplayLine(int line) { if(line == -1) line = pos; listwin.prints(line-1, 0, wattr, liststr[line-1]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::BuildListString(int line) { int x1 = (MAXCOL-80)/3; int x2 = x1; int x3 = (MAXCOL-80) - (x1+x2); ftn_nodelist_entry* entryp = entries + (line - 1); *entryp = NLP->entry(); if(NLP->browsing_names()) sprintf(liststr[line-1], " %-*.*s %-*.*s %-*.*s ", 24+x1, 24+x1, entryp->name, 21+x2, 21+x2, entryp->address, 29+x3, 29+x3, entryp->system); else sprintf(liststr[line-1], " %-*.*s %-*.*s %-*.*s ", 21+x2, 21+x2, entryp->address, 24+x1, 24+x1, entryp->name, 29+x3, 29+x3, entryp->system); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::DisplayPage() { w_info(LNG->Wait); int line = 0; while(line < maxpos) entries[line++].addr.net = 0; NLP->push_state(); // Get entries above and including current entry line = pos; do { BuildListString(line--); } while(line and NLP->previous()); NLP->pop_state(); NLP->push_state(); // Get entries below current entry line = pos + 1; while((line <= maxpos) and NLP->next()) BuildListString(line++); NLP->pop_state(); w_info(NULL); line = 1; char linebuf[200]; linebuf[MAXCOL-2] = NUL; // Display blank lines if necessary memset(linebuf, ' ', MAXCOL-2); while(line <= maxpos) { if(entries[line-1].addr.net) break; // Display separator line if necessary if(entries[line].addr.net) memset(linebuf, _box_table(btype, 1), MAXCOL-2); listwin.prints(line-1, 0, wattr|ACSET, linebuf); line++; } // Display entry lines while((line <= maxpos) and entries[line-1].addr.net) { if(line == pos) DisplayBar(); else DisplayLine(line); line++; } // Display separator line if necessary memset(linebuf, _box_table(btype, 1), MAXCOL-2); if(line <= maxpos) { listwin.prints(line-1, 0, wattr|ACSET, linebuf); line++; } // Display blank lines if necessary memset(linebuf, ' ', MAXCOL-2); while(line <= maxpos) { listwin.prints(line-1, 0, wattr, linebuf); line++; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::Home() { pos = 1; NLP->first(); DisplayPage(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::End() { pos = maxpos; NLP->last(); DisplayPage(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::ScrollUp() { memmove(entries, entries+1, (maxpos-1)*sizeof(ftn_nodelist_entry)); memmove(liststr, liststr+1, (maxpos-1)*sizeof(ListStr)); BuildListString(maxpos); listwin.scroll_up(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::ScrollDown() { memmove(entries+1, entries, (maxpos-1)*sizeof(ftn_nodelist_entry)); memmove(liststr+1, liststr, (maxpos-1)*sizeof(ListStr)); BuildListString(1); listwin.scroll_down(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::Up() { if(NLP->previous()) { if(pos > 1) { DisplayLine(); pos--; } else { DisplayLine(); ScrollDown(); } } else if(listwrap) { End(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::Down() { if(NLP->next()) { if(pos < maxpos) { DisplayLine(); pos++; } else { DisplayLine(); ScrollUp(); } } else if(listwrap) { Home(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::PageUp() { if(pos > 1) { DisplayLine(); do { if(not NLP->previous()) break; } while(--pos > 1); } else { int count = 1; while(count < maxpos) { if(not NLP->previous()) break; count++; } DisplayPage(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::PageDown() { if(pos < maxpos) { DisplayLine(); do { if(not NLP->next()) break; } while(++pos < maxpos); } else { int count = 1; while(count < maxpos) { if(not NLP->next()) break; count++; } DisplayPage(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void NodelistBrowser::Center() { switch(CFG->displistcursor) { case LIST_TOP: pos = 1; break; case LIST_NEARTOP: pos = (maxpos / 4) + 1; break; case LIST_MIDDLE: pos = (maxpos / 2) + 1; break; case LIST_NEARBOTTOM: pos = (3 * (maxpos / 4)) + 1; break; case LIST_BOTTOM: pos = maxpos; break; } DisplayPage(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int NodelistBrowser::Run() { int keyok; gkey newkey; gkey keycode; #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.HideCursor(); #endif Open(); if(helpcat) whelppcat(helpcat); do { listwin.move_cursor(pos-1, 0); DisplayBar(); AfterCursor(); #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.ShowCursor(); #endif keyok = YES; do { newkey = keycode = getxchtick(); if(newkey == Key_Tick) DoKey(keycode); } while(newkey == Key_Tick); do { newkey = 0; #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.HideCursor(); #endif switch(keycode) { case Key_Up: BeforeCursor(); Up(); break; case Key_Dwn: BeforeCursor(); Down(); break; case Key_PgUp: BeforeCursor(); PageUp(); break; case Key_PgDn: BeforeCursor(); PageDown(); break; case Key_Home: BeforeCursor(); Home(); break; case Key_End: BeforeCursor(); End(); break; default: keyok = DoKey(keycode); newkey = keycode; } if(newkey) keycode = newkey; } while(newkey); } while(keyok); #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.HideCursor(); #endif if(helpcat) whelpop(); Close(); #ifdef GOLD_MOUSE gmou.ShowCursor(); #endif return aborted; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int NodelistBrowser::DoKey(gkey& keycode) { gkey key = keycode; keycode = 0; if(key < KK_Commands) { gkey tmpkey = key_tolower(key); gkey kk = SearchKey(tmpkey, NodeKey, NodeKeys); if(kk) key = kk; } switch(key) { case KK_NodeAskExit: { GMenuQuit MenuQuit; if(MenuQuit.Run()) keycode = KK_NodeQuitNow; } break; case KK_NodeQuitNow: gkbd.quitall = YES; if(gkbd.kbuf == NULL) kbput(Key_Esc); // Drop through case KK_NodeAbort: newmaybe = NO; aborted = YES; // Drop Through case KK_NodeSelect: if(newmaybe) { newmaybe = NO; firstkey = YES; Addr matchaddr; matchaddr.set_all(0xFFFF); matchaddr.set(user_maybe); bool gotzone = false; bool gotnet = false; bool gotnode = false; bool gotpoint = false; if(matchaddr.zone != 0xFFFF) gotzone = true; else matchaddr.zone = 0; if(matchaddr.net != 0xFFFF) gotnet = true; else matchaddr.net = 0; if(matchaddr.node != 0xFFFF) gotnode = true; else matchaddr.node = 0; if(matchaddr.point != 0xFFFF) gotpoint = true; else matchaddr.point = 0; if(gotzone or gotnet or gotnode or gotpoint) { if(not gotzone) matchaddr.zone = AA->Aka().addr.zone; if(not gotnet) matchaddr.net = AA->Aka().addr.net; if(gotpoint and not gotnode) matchaddr.node = AA->Aka().addr.node; if(matchaddr.point >= GFTN_FIRST) matchaddr.point = 0; if(matchaddr.node >= GFTN_FIRST) matchaddr.node = 0; if(matchaddr.net >= GFTN_FIRST) matchaddr.net = 0; if(matchaddr.zone >= GFTN_FIRST) matchaddr.zone = 0; } if(matchaddr.net) NLP->find(matchaddr); else NLP->find(user_maybe); InitDisplay(); } else { BeforeCursor(); return NO; } break; case Key_Tab: if(NLP->browsing_names() and NLP->can_browse_address()) { strcpy(user_maybe, NLP->address()); NLP->find(NLP->addrs()); } else if(NLP->browsing_addresses() and NLP->can_browse_name()) { strcpy(user_maybe, NLP->name()); NLP->find(NLP->name()); } user_fuzidx = strlen(user_maybe); InitDisplay(); break; case KK_NodeGotoPrev: keycode = Key_Up; firstkey = YES; break; case KK_NodeGotoNext: keycode = Key_Dwn; firstkey = YES; break; case KK_NodeGotoFirst: keycode = Key_Home; firstkey = YES; break; case KK_NodeGotoLast: keycode = Key_End; firstkey = YES; break; case KK_NodeDosShell: DosShell(); break; case Key_Tick: CheckTick(KK_NodeQuitNow); break; case KK_NodeUndefine: break; default: if(not PlayMacro(key, KT_N)) { int n = key & 0xFF; if((user_fuzidx < 41) or (key == Key_BS)) { if(firstkey) { if((key != Key_BS) and not isspace(n)) { *user_maybe = 0; user_fuzidx = 0; } } firstkey = NO; if((n >= ' ') or (key == Key_BS)) { newmaybe = YES; if(key != Key_BS) user_maybe[user_fuzidx++] = (char)n; else if(user_fuzidx) user_maybe[--user_fuzidx] = 0; user_maybe[user_fuzidx] = 0; gsprintf(PRINTF_DECLARE_BUFFER(titlet), LNG->Lookup, user_maybe); listwin.title(titlet, tattr, TCENTER); } } } } return YES; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int browse_nodelist(GMsg* msg, char* title, int topline) { w_info(NULL); NodelistBrowser* browser = new NodelistBrowser; throw_new(browser); browser->btype = W_BMENU; browser->battr = C_MENUB; browser->wattr = C_MENUW; browser->sattr = C_MENUS; browser->tattr = C_MENUT; browser->hattr = C_MENUQ; browser->sbattr = C_MENUPB; browser->helpcat = H_NodelistBrowser; browser->ypos = topline; browser->xpos = 0; browser->ylen = MAXROW-browser->ypos-1; browser->xlen = MAXCOL; browser->listwrap = CFG->switches.get(displistwrap); browser->firstkey = YES; browser->newmaybe = NO; browser->aborted = NO; strxcpy(browser->user_maybe, title, sizeof(browser->user_maybe)); browser->user_fuzidx = strlen(browser->user_maybe); int aborted = browser->Run(); if(not aborted) entry = browser->entries[browser->pos-1]; delete browser; return (not aborted); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool NLP_open() { if(*CFG->nodepathv7) { NLP = new ftn_version7_nodelist_index; throw_new(NLP); NLP->set_path(CFG->nodepathv7); } else if(*CFG->nodepathfd) { NLP = new ftn_frontdoor_nodelist_index; throw_new(NLP); NLP->set_path(CFG->nodepathfd); } else if(*CFG->fidouserlist) { NLP = new ftn_fidouser_nodelist_index; throw_new(NLP); NLP->set_path(CFG->fidouserlist); } else { CheckNodelists(); NLP = new ftn_golded_nodelist_index; throw_new(NLP); NLP->set_path(CFG->nodepath); } return NLP->open(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void NLP_close() { NLP->close(); throw_delete(NLP); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static Name nlname; const char *lookup_nodelist(ftn_addr* addr) { const char *r = NULL; if(NLP_open()) { NLP->find(*addr); if(NLP->found()) { strcpy(nlname, NLP->entry().name); r = nlname; } } NLP_close(); return r; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Lookup(GMsg* msg, Addr* addr, char* name, int topline, char* status) { char* ptr; INam buf, buf1, tmpname; bool found = false; int robotchk; bool dolookup = true; bool namelookup = true; Addr matchaddr; bool exactmatch = true; strtrim(name); if(*name == NUL) { matchaddr = AA->Aka().addr; namelookup = false; exactmatch = false; } strcpy(tmpname, name); if(not CFG->addressmacro.empty()) { std::vector::iterator n; ptr = name; strcpy(buf, ptr); for(n=CFG->addressmacro.begin(); n != CFG->addressmacro.end(); n++) { if(strieql(ptr, n->macro)) { strcpy(buf1, n->name); ptr = buf1; if(*buf1 == '@') { // UUCP/INTERNET addressing ptr = strchr(buf1, '/'); if(ptr) { *ptr++ = NUL; strcpy(msg->iaddr, ptr); strcpy(msg->idest, ptr); ptr = buf1+1; } else { strcpy(msg->iaddr, buf1+1); strcpy(msg->idest, buf1+1); ptr = strcpy(buf1, *AA->Internetgate().name ? AA->Internetgate().name : "UUCP"); } } strcpy(name, ptr); if(n->addr.net) *addr = n->addr; else *addr = AA->Internetgate().addr; strtrim(name); if(topline >= 0) return; } } } // Automatic internet gating if(strchr(name, '@') and AA->Internetgate().addr.valid()) { strcpy(msg->idest, name); if(*AA->Internetgate().name) { strcpy(msg->iaddr, name); strcpy(msg->to, AA->Internetgate().name); strcpy(name, msg->to); } *addr = AA->Internetgate().addr; namelookup = false; if(topline >= 0) return; } // Check if name is really an address if(*tmpname) { matchaddr.set_all(0xFFFF); matchaddr.set(name); bool gotzone = false; bool gotnet = false; bool gotnode = false; bool gotpoint = false; if(matchaddr.zone != 65535u) gotzone = true; else matchaddr.zone = 0; if(matchaddr.net != 65535u) gotnet = true; else matchaddr.net = 0; if(matchaddr.node != 65535u) gotnode = true; else matchaddr.node = 0; if(matchaddr.point != 65535u) gotpoint = true; else matchaddr.point = 0; if(gotzone or gotnet or gotnode or gotpoint) { *addr = matchaddr; if(not gotzone) addr->zone = AA->Aka().addr.zone; if(not gotnet) addr->net = AA->Aka().addr.net; if(gotpoint and not gotnode) addr->node = AA->Aka().addr.node; matchaddr = *addr; namelookup = false; if(matchaddr.point >= GFTN_FIRST) { matchaddr.point = 0; exactmatch = false; } if(matchaddr.node >= GFTN_FIRST) { matchaddr.node = 0; exactmatch = false; } if(matchaddr.net >= GFTN_FIRST) { matchaddr.net = 0; exactmatch = false; } if(matchaddr.zone >= GFTN_FIRST) { matchaddr.zone = 0; exactmatch = false; } } } if(namelookup) { ptr = strrchr(name, ' '); if(ptr != NULL) { addr->reset(); addr->set(ptr+1); if(addr->net) { // Address was given *ptr = NUL; strtrim(name); if(topline >= 0) return; } } } robotchk = NO; if(striinc("Sysop", name) or strieql(AA->Whoto(), name)) robotchk = YES; else { for(gstrarray::iterator n = CFG->robotname.begin(); n != CFG->robotname.end(); n++) if(striinc(n->c_str(), name)) { robotchk = YES; break; } } if(robotchk) { addr->reset(); if(topline >= 0) return; } if(topline >= 0) { dolookup = false; if(AA->isnet() and CFG->switches.get(lookupnet)) dolookup = true; else if(AA->isecho() and CFG->switches.get(lookupecho)) dolookup = true; else if(AA->islocal() and CFG->switches.get(lookuplocal)) dolookup = true; } if(dolookup) { if(NLP_open()) { if(namelookup) NLP->find(name); else NLP->find(matchaddr); found = NLP->found() && exactmatch; if (found && (topline != -100)) { NLP->push_state(); if(NLP->next()) if(NLP->found()) found = false; NLP->pop_state(); } else if (!found && matchaddr.point && (topline < 0)) { matchaddr.point = 0; NLP->find(matchaddr); found = NLP->found(); } entry = NLP->entry(); if (topline == -100) { if (found) strcpy(name, entry.location); else strcpy(name, ""); NLP_close(); return; } if(not found or (topline < 0)) { strcpy(buf, information); update_statusline(status); found = make_bool(browse_nodelist(msg, tmpname, abs(topline))); update_statusline(buf); } } else { w_info(LNG->NoNodelist); waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); } NLP_close(); } if(found) { strcpy(name, entry.name); *addr = entry.addr; } else { addr->reset(); } if(topline >= 0) { if(CFG->switches.get(internetlookup)) { if(*entry.system and strchr(entry.system, '@') and AA->Internetgate().addr.valid()) { strcpy(msg->iaddr, entry.system); strcpy(msg->idest, entry.system); if(*AA->Internetgate().name) strcpy(msg->to, AA->Internetgate().name); else if(strlen(entry.system) >= sizeof(Name)) strcpy(msg->to, *AA->Internetgate().name ? AA->Internetgate().name : "UUCP"); else { strcpy(msg->to, entry.system); *msg->iaddr = NUL; *msg->idest = NUL; } strcpy(name, msg->to); *addr = AA->Internetgate().addr; } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct location_item { Addr addr; std::string loc; location_item(Addr &a) { addr = a; } bool operator<(Addr &other) { return (addr.compare(other) < 0); } bool operator==(Addr &other) { return addr.equals(other); } }; std::vector g_LocationCash; void LookupNodeClear() { g_LocationCash.clear(); } void LookupNodeLocation(GMsg* msg, std::string &location, int what) { Subj statuslinebak; strcpy(statuslinebak, information); vcurhide(); w_info(LNG->Wait); Addr addr; switch (what) { case LOOK_CITY2: addr = msg->dest; break; case LOOK_CITY1: addr = msg->orig; break; } if (addr.zone == 0) addr.zone = AA->Aka().addr.zone; std::vector::iterator it = g_LocationCash.begin(); std::vector::iterator end = g_LocationCash.end(); while ((it != end) && (*it < addr)) it++; if ((it != end) && (*it == addr)) location = it->loc; else { char buf[256]; location_item item(addr); addr.make_string(buf); Lookup(msg, &addr, buf, -100, LNG->LookupInfo); if (addr.invalid()) buf[0] = NUL; std::string city = buf; GStrBag2 &strbag = CFG->locationalias; if (strbag.First()) { char *city_upr = (char*)throw_malloc(city.length()+1); strcpy(city_upr, city.c_str()); strupr(city_upr); do { const char* str = strbag.Current1(); char* ptr = strstr(city_upr, str); if (ptr) { size_t len = strlen(str); city.replace(ptr-city_upr, len, strbag.Current2()); city_upr = (char*)throw_realloc(city_upr, city.length()+1); strcpy(city_upr, city.c_str()); strupr(city_upr); } } while (strbag.Next()); throw_free(city_upr); } item.loc = location = city; g_LocationCash.insert(it, item); } update_statusline(statuslinebak); w_info(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Lookup and display info about the node void LookupNode(GMsg* msg, const char* name, int what) { Subj statuslinebak; strcpy(statuslinebak, information); vcurhide(); w_info(LNG->Wait); Addr addr; char buf[256]; char* ptr = buf; switch(what) { case LOOK_DEST: if(AA->isnet()) { addr = msg->dest; if(addr.zone == 0) addr.zone = AA->Aka().addr.zone; addr.make_string(buf); } else { addr.reset(); strcpy(buf, msg->to); } break; case LOOK_ORIG: addr = msg->orig; if(addr.zone == 0) addr.zone = AA->Aka().addr.zone; addr.make_string(buf); break; case LOOK_NAME: addr = msg->orig; strcpy(buf, strskip_wht(name)); strtok(buf, " \t\n\r"); // Only lookup first word break; } Lookup(msg, &addr, ptr, -6, LNG->LookupInfo); update_statusline(statuslinebak); w_info(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CheckNodelists() { // Copy of previous timestamp static time32_t oldft = 0; // Get timestamp of the .GXL file Path file; strcpy(file, AddPath(CFG->nodepath, "goldnode.gxl")); time32_t ft = GetFiletime(file); // Check nodelists if timestamp changed if(ft != oldft) { // Keep copy of timestamp for later lookups oldft = ft; strcpy(NODE->addrindex, AddPath(CFG->nodepath, "goldnode.gxa")); strcpy(NODE->nodeindex, AddPath(CFG->nodepath, "goldnode.gxn")); Subj statuslinebak; strcpy(statuslinebak, information); update_statusline(LNG->CheckingNodelists); gfile fp(file, "rt", CFG->sharemode); if (fp.isopen()) { // Read the list index char buf[256]; NODE->nodelists = 0; while (fp.Fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { NODE->nodelist = (Stamp*)throw_realloc(NODE->nodelist, (NODE->nodelists+1)*sizeof(Stamp)); char* key; char* val=buf; getkeyval(&key, &val); key = strxcpy(NODE->nodelist[NODE->nodelists].fn, strbtrim(key), sizeof(Path)); //MakePathname(key, CFG->nodepath, key); NODE->nodelist[NODE->nodelists].ft = atol(val); NODE->nodelists++; } fp.Fclose(); // Check the files if(CFG->switches.get(nodelistwarn)) { for(int n=0; nnodelists; n++) { if(not fexist(MapPath(NODE->nodelist[n].fn))) { w_infof(" %s %s ", LNG->NodelistMissing, NODE->nodelist[n].fn); HandleGEvent(EVTT_ATTENTION); waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); } else if (GetFiletime(NODE->nodelist[n].fn) != NODE->nodelist[n].ft) { w_infof(" %s %s ", LNG->NodelistOutdated, NODE->nodelist[n].fn); HandleGEvent(EVTT_ATTENTION); waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); } } } } update_statusline(statuslinebak); } throw_release(NODE->nodelist); NODE->nodelists = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------