// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // FidoNet Technology Network - 4D address class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::set(uint zn, uint nt, uint nd, uint pt) { zone = (word)zn; net = (word)nt; node = (word)nd; point = (word)pt; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::set(const ftn_addr& a) { zone = a.zone; net = a.net; node = a.node; point = a.point; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::set(const void* a) { zone = ((ftn_addr*)a)->zone; net = ((ftn_addr*)a)->net; node = ((ftn_addr*)a)->node; point = ((ftn_addr*)a)->point; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::set_all(uint part) { set_fast(part, part, part, part); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::reset() { reset_fast(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* ftn_addr::reset(const char* str, char* dom, int domsizelimit) { reset_fast(); return set(str, dom, domsizelimit); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::reset(const string& str) { reset(str.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ftn_addr::reset(const string& str, string& dom, int domsizelimit) { ftn_domain doms; reset(str.c_str(), doms, domsizelimit); dom = doms; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool ftn_getaddrpart(word& part, const char* s) { if(*s == '*') { part = ftn::wildcard_all; return true; } else if(*s == '?') { part = ftn::wildcard_first; return true; } else if(isdigit(*s)) { part = atow(s); return true; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* ftn_addr::set(const string& str) { return set(str.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* ftn_addr::set(const string& str, string& dom, int domsizelimit) { ftn_domain doms; set(str.c_str(), doms, domsizelimit); dom = doms; return dom.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* ftn_addr::set(const char* str, char* dom, int domsizelimit) { const char* ptr = str; const char* domptr; bool gotzone = false; bool gotnet = false; bool gotnode = false; bool gotpoint = false; bool gotdomain = false; static char* nulchar = ""; if(*str == '*') set_all(ftn::wildcard_all); while(*ptr and (' ' < *ptr)) { switch(*ptr) { case '<': return nulchar; case '{': /*}*/ while((*ptr != /*{*/ '}') and *ptr) ptr++; //if(*ptr == /*{*/ '}') // ptr++; break; case '#': domptr = str; str = ++ptr; if(dom) { int domsize = (int)(ptr-domptr); strxcpy(dom, domptr, minimum_of_two(domsize, domsizelimit)); gotdomain = true; } break; case ':': gotzone = ftn_getaddrpart(zone, str); str = ++ptr; if(*str) gotnet = ftn_getaddrpart(net, str); break; case '/': if(not gotnet) gotnet = ftn_getaddrpart(net, str); str = ++ptr; if(*str) gotnode = ftn_getaddrpart(node, str); break; case '.': if((not gotnode) and (*str != '.')) gotnode = ftn_getaddrpart(node, str); str = ++ptr; if(*str) ftn_getaddrpart(point, str); gotpoint = true; break; case '@': if(not (gotzone or gotnet or gotnode or gotpoint)) gotnode = ftn_getaddrpart(node, str); domptr = str = ptr++; //while(isalnum(*ptr)) while(*ptr > ' ') ptr++; if(dom) { int domsize = (int)(ptr-domptr); strxcpy(dom, domptr+1, minimum_of_two(domsize, domsizelimit)); gotdomain = true; } break; default: ptr++; } } if(not (gotzone or gotnet or gotnode or gotpoint)) gotnode = ftn_getaddrpart(node, str); if(gotzone and not gotnet) net = 0; if(gotzone and not gotnode) { node = (word)((net == ftn::wildcard_all) ? ftn::wildcard_all : 0); gotnode = true; } if(gotnode and not gotpoint) point = (word)((node == ftn::wildcard_all) ? ftn::wildcard_all : 0); if(dom and gotzone and not gotdomain) *dom = NUL; return dom ? dom : nulchar; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ftn_addr::match(const ftn_addr& mask) const { if(not ((mask.zone == ftn::wildcard_all) or (mask.zone == zone))) return false; if(not ((mask.net == ftn::wildcard_all) or (mask.net == net))) return false; if(not ((mask.node == ftn::wildcard_all) or (mask.node == node))) return false; if(not ((mask.point == ftn::wildcard_all) or (mask.point == point))) return false; return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ftn_addr::compare(const ftn_addr& other) const { int n = 1; int d = compare_two(zone, other.zone); if(d == 0) { n++; d = compare_two(net, other.net); if(d == 0) { n++; d = compare_two(node, other.node); if(d == 0) { n++; d = compare_two(point, other.point); } } } return d != 0 ? (d > 0 ? n : -n) : 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ string& ftn_addr::make_string(string& str) const { char buf[200]; make_string(buf); str = buf; return str; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ string& ftn_addr::make_string(string& str, const string& dom, int domfmt) const { char buf[200]; make_string(buf, dom.c_str(), domfmt); str = buf; return str; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* ftn_addr::make_string(char* str, const char* dom, int domfmt) const { if(net == 0) { *str = NUL; return str; } char buf[20]; char* ptr = str; *ptr = NUL; if(domfmt == ftn::domain_first) { if(dom and *dom) { ptr = stpcpy(ptr, dom); *ptr++ = '#'; } } if(zone) { if(zone == ftn::wildcard_all) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else if(zone == ftn::wildcard_first) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "?"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", (uint)zone); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } *ptr++ = ':'; } if(net == ftn::wildcard_all) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else if(net == ftn::wildcard_first) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "?"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", (uint)net); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } *ptr++ = '/'; if(node == ftn::wildcard_all) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else if(node == ftn::wildcard_first) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "?"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", (uint)node); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } if(point) { *ptr++ = '.'; if(point == ftn::wildcard_all) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "*"); else if(point == ftn::wildcard_first) ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "?"); else { sprintf(buf, "%u", (uint)point); ptr = stpcpy(ptr, buf); } } if(domfmt == ftn::domain_last) { if(dom and *dom) { *ptr++ = '@'; ptr = stpcpy(ptr, dom); } } *ptr = NUL; return str; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------