/* * fptools.c, some helper functions for getcgi.c and uu(en|de)view * * Distributed by the GNU General Public License. Use and be happy. * Read http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/~fp/Tools/Getcgi.html for more * information. fp@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef SYSTEM_WINDLL #include #endif #ifdef SYSTEM_OS2 #include #endif /* * This file provides replacements for some handy functions that aren't * available on all systems, like most of the functions. They * should behave exactly as their counterparts. There are also extensions * that aren't portable at all (like strirstr etc.). * The proper behaviour in a configure script is as follows: * AC_CHECK_FUNC(strrchr,AC_DEFINE(strrchr,_FP_strrchr)) * This way, the (probably less efficient) replacements will only be used * where it is not provided by the default libraries. Be aware that this * does not work with replacements that just shadow wrong behaviour (like * _FP_free) or provide extended functionality (_FP_gets). * The above is not used in the uuenview/uudeview configuration script, * since both only use the replacement functions in non-performance-cri- * tical sections (except for _FP_tempnam and _FP_strerror, where some * functionality of the original would be lost). */ #include #include #ifdef STDC_HEADERS #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif #include #if 0 #ifdef SYSTEM_WINDLL BOOL _export WINAPI DllEntryPoint (HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD seginfo, LPVOID lpCmdLine) { /* Don't do anything, so just return true */ return TRUE; } #endif #endif char * fptools_id = "$Id$"; /* * some versions of free can't handle a NULL pointer properly * (ANSI says, free ignores a NULL pointer, but some machines * prefer to SIGSEGV on it) */ void TOOLEXPORT _FP_free (void *ptr) { if (ptr) free (ptr); } /* * This is non-standard, so I'm defining my own */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strdup (char *string) { char *result; if (string == NULL) return NULL; if ((result = (char *) malloc (strlen (string) + 1)) == NULL) return NULL; strcpy (result, string); return result; } /* * limited-length string copy. this function behaves differently from * the original in that the dest string is always terminated with a * NULL character. */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strncpy (char *dest, char *src, int length) { char *odest=dest; if (src == NULL || dest == NULL || length-- <= 0) return dest; while (length-- && *src) *dest++ = *src++; *dest++ = '\0'; return odest; } /* * duplicate a memory area */ void * TOOLEXPORT _FP_memdup (void *ptr, int len) { void *result; if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; if ((result = malloc (len)) == NULL) return NULL; memcpy (result, ptr, len); return result; } /* * case-insensitive compare */ int TOOLEXPORT _FP_stricmp (char *str1, char *str2) { if (str1==NULL || str2==NULL) return -1; while (*str1) { if (tolower(*str1) != tolower(*str2)) break; str1++; str2++; } return (tolower (*str1) - tolower (*str2)); } int TOOLEXPORT _FP_strnicmp (char *str1, char *str2, int count) { if (str1==NULL || str2==NULL) return -1; while (*str1 && count) { if (tolower(*str1) != tolower(*str2)) break; str1++; str2++; count--; } return count ? (tolower (*str1) - tolower (*str2)) : 0; } /* * autoconf says this function might be a compatibility problem */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strstr (char *str1, char *str2) { char *ptr1, *ptr2; if (str1==NULL) return NULL; if (str2==NULL) return str1; while (*(ptr1=str1)) { for (ptr2=str2; *ptr1 && *ptr2 && *ptr1==*ptr2; ptr1++, ptr2++) /* empty loop */ ; if (*ptr2 == '\0') return str1; str1++; } return NULL; } char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strpbrk (char *str, char *accept) { char *ptr; if (str == NULL) return NULL; if (accept == NULL || *accept == '\0') return str; for (; *str; str++) for (ptr=accept; *ptr; ptr++) if (*str == *ptr) return str; return NULL; } /* * autoconf also complains about this one */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strtok (char *str1, char *str2) { static char *optr; char *ptr; if (str2 == NULL) return NULL; if (str1) { optr = str1; } else { if (*optr == '\0') return NULL; } while (*optr && strchr (str2, *optr)) /* look for beginning of token */ optr++; if (*optr == '\0') /* no token found */ return NULL; ptr = optr; while (*optr && strchr (str2, *optr) == NULL) /* look for end of token */ optr++; if (*optr) { *optr++ = '\0'; } return ptr; } /* * case insensitive strstr. */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_stristr (char *str1, char *str2) { char *ptr1, *ptr2; if (str1==NULL) return NULL; if (str2==NULL) return str1; while (*(ptr1=str1)) { for (ptr2=str2; *ptr1 && *ptr2 && tolower(*ptr1)==tolower(*ptr2); ptr1++, ptr2++) /* empty loop */ ; if (*ptr2 == '\0') return str1; str1++; } return NULL; } /* * Nice fake of the real (non-standard) one */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strrstr (char *ptr, char *str) { char *found=NULL, *new, *iter=ptr; if (ptr==NULL || str==NULL) return NULL; if (*str == '\0') return ptr; while ((new = _FP_strstr (iter, str)) != NULL) { found = new; iter = new + 1; } return found; } char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strirstr (char *ptr, char *str) { char *found=NULL, *iter=ptr, *new; if (ptr==NULL || str==NULL) return NULL; if (*str == '\0') return ptr; while ((new = _FP_stristr (iter, str)) != NULL) { found = new; iter = new + 1; } return found; } /* * convert whole string to case */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_stoupper (char *input) { char *iter = input; if (input == NULL) return NULL; while (*iter) { *iter = toupper (*iter); iter++; } return input; } char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_stolower (char *input) { char *iter = input; if (input == NULL) return NULL; while (*iter) { *iter = tolower (*iter); iter++; } return input; } /* * string matching with wildcards */ int TOOLEXPORT _FP_strmatch (char *string, char *pattern) { char *p1 = string, *p2 = pattern; if (pattern==NULL || string==NULL) return 0; while (*p1 && *p2) { if (*p2 == '?') { p1++; p2++; } else if (*p2 == '*') { if (*++p2 == '\0') return 1; while (*p1 && *p1 != *p2) p1++; } else if (*p1 == *p2) { p1++; p2++; } else return 0; } if (*p1 || *p2) return 0; return 1; } char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strrchr (char *string, int tc) { char *ptr; if (string == NULL) return NULL; ptr = string + strlen (string) - 1; while (ptr != string && *ptr != tc) ptr--; if (*ptr == tc) return ptr; return NULL; } /* * strip directory information from a filename. Works only on DOS and * Unix systems so far ... */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_cutdir (char *filename) { char *ptr; if (filename == NULL) return NULL; if ((ptr = _FP_strrchr (filename, '/')) != NULL) ptr++; else if ((ptr = _FP_strrchr (filename, '\\')) != NULL) ptr++; else ptr = filename; return ptr; } /* * My own fgets function. It handles all kinds of line terminators * properly: LF (Unix), CRLF (DOS) and CR (Mac). In all cases, the * terminator is replaced by a single LF */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_fgets (char *buf, int n, FILE *stream) { char *obp = buf; int c; if (feof (stream)) return NULL; while (--n) { if ((c = fgetc (stream)) == EOF) { if (ferror (stream)) return NULL; else { if (obp == buf) return NULL; *buf = '\0'; return obp; } } if (c == '\015') { /* CR */ /* * Peek next character. If it's no LF, push it back. * ungetc(EOF, stream) is handled correctly according * to the manual page */ if ((c = fgetc (stream)) != '\012') if (!feof (stream)) ungetc (c, stream); *buf++ = '\012'; *buf = '\0'; return obp; } else if (c == '\012') { /* LF */ *buf++ = '\012'; *buf = '\0'; return obp; } /* * just another standard character */ *buf++ = c; } /* * n-1 characters already transferred */ *buf = '\0'; return obp; } /* * A replacement strerror function that just returns the error code */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_strerror (int errcode) { static char number[8]; sprintf (number, "%03d", errcode); return number; } /* * tempnam is not ANSI, but tmpnam is. Ignore the prefix here. */ char * TOOLEXPORT _FP_tempnam (char *dir, char *pfx) { return _FP_strdup (tmpnam (NULL)); }