// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // File handling. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) #include #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char CFG__frqinvfilechars[40] = { "\"()+,.\\/:;<=>[]| " }; char CFG__frqskipwordchars[40] = { "0123456789-[" }; inline bool invalidfilechar(char ch) { return not isascii(ch&0xff) or strchr(CFG__frqinvfilechars, ch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int fspecs = 0; int specfiles = 0; FileSpec* fspec = NULL; static FFblk* fblk; static int selfiles; static int totfiles; static long selbytes; static long totbytes; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int cmp_ffb(const FFblk* a, const FFblk* b) { return stricmp(a->name, b->name); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int cmp_ffbs(const FFblk* a, const FFblk* b) { int cmp; if((cmp = b->selected - a->selected) != 0) // Selected first return cmp; return stricmp(a->name, b->name); } class gfileselect : public gwinpick { gwindow window; GMsg* msg; void open(); void close(); void do_delayed(); void print_line(uint idx, uint pos, bool isbar); void scroll(int where); bool handle_key(); const char *gensize(uint32_t size); public: void run(GMsg* cmsg); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gfileselect::open() { display_page(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gfileselect::close() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gfileselect::scroll(int where) { wscrollbox(0, 0, maximum_position, xlen-1, 1, where); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gfileselect::do_delayed() { char buf[200]; char tmp[80]; sprintf(buf, "%s %10s", LNG->SelectedFiles, longdotstr(tmp, selfiles)); wprints(ylen-4, MAXCOL-34, wattr, buf); sprintf(buf, "%s %10s", LNG->SelectedBytes, longdotstr(tmp, selbytes)); wprints(ylen-3, MAXCOL-34, wattr, buf); sprintf(buf, "%s %10s", LNG->TotalFiles, longdotstr(tmp, totfiles)); wprints(ylen-2, MAXCOL-34, wattr, buf); sprintf(buf, "%s %10s", LNG->TotalBytes, longdotstr(tmp, totbytes)); wprints(ylen-1, MAXCOL-34, wattr, buf); if(CFG->switches.get(filelistpagebar)) wscrollbar(W_VERT, maximum_index+1, maximum_index, index); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define KFIX(A) (int) (((A) * 1000.0 / 1024.0) / 10) const char *gfileselect::gensize(uint32_t size) { static char ret[16]; if(size >= 1048576000) { size += 5242880; sprintf(ret, "%3d.%02dG", (int) size/1073741824, KFIX((size%1073741824)/1024)); } else if(size >= 1024000) { size += 5120; sprintf(ret, "%3d.%02dM", (int) size/1048576, KFIX((size%1048576)/1024)); } else if(size >= 1000) { size += 5; sprintf(ret, "%3d.%02dk", (int) size/1024, KFIX(size%1024)); } else sprintf(ret, "%d", (int) size); return ret; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gfileselect::print_line(uint idx, uint pos, bool isbar) { char buf[200]; FFblk& fb = fblk[idx]; sprintf(buf, "%c%-*.*s %8s %2d-%02d-%02d %2d:%02d ", fb.selected ? MMRK_MARK : ' ', MAXCOL-62, (int)MAXCOL-62, fb.name, gensize(fb.size), fb.day, fb.month, fb.year % 100, fb.hour, fb.minute ); wprints(pos, 0, isbar ? sattr : wattr, buf); wprintc(pos, 0, isbar ? sattr : (*buf == ' ' ? wattr : hattr), *buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool gfileselect::handle_key() { gkey kk; uint n; if(key < KK_Commands) { key = key_tolower(key); kk = SearchKey(key, FileKey, FileKeys); if(kk) key = kk; } switch(key) { case KK_FileUnMarkAll: selfiles = 0; selbytes = 0; for(n=0; n<=maximum_index; n++) fblk[n].selected = false; update(); break; case KK_FileMarkAll: selfiles = totfiles; selbytes = totbytes; for(n=0; n<=maximum_index; n++) fblk[n].selected = true; update(); break; case KK_FileToggleMarkAll: selfiles = 0; selbytes = 0; for(n=0; n<=maximum_index; n++) { if(fblk[n].selected) { fblk[n].selected = false; } else { fblk[n].selected = true; selbytes += fblk[n].size; selfiles++; } } update(); break; case KK_FileAskExit: { GMenuQuit MenuQuit; if(not MenuQuit.Run()) break; } ////////////// Drop through case KK_FileQuitNow: gkbd.quitall = true; ////////////// Drop through case KK_FileAbort: for(n=0; n<=maximum_index; n++) fblk[n].selected = false; selfiles = 0; selbytes = 0; aborted = true; return false; case KK_FileSelect: if(not selfiles) { // If no files selected, select cursor file fblk[index].selected = true; selbytes += fblk[index].size; selfiles++; } return false; case KK_FileToggleMark: key = fblk[index].selected ? KK_FileUnMark : KK_FileMark; /////////// Drop through case KK_FileUnMark: case KK_FileMark: if(key == KK_FileMark) { if(not fblk[index].selected) { fblk[index].selected = true; selbytes += fblk[index].size; selfiles++; } } else { if(fblk[index].selected) { fblk[index].selected = false; selbytes -= fblk[index].size; selfiles--; } } precursor(); display_bar(); cursor_down(); break; case KK_FileGotoPrev: precursor(); cursor_up(); break; case KK_FileGotoNext: precursor(); cursor_down(); break; case KK_FileGotoFirst: precursor(); cursor_first(); break; case KK_FileGotoLast: precursor(); cursor_last(); break; case KK_FileDosShell: DosShell(); break; case Key_Tick: CheckTick(KK_FileQuitNow); break; case KK_FileUndefine: break; default: if(not PlayMacro(key, KT_F)) SayBibi(); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void gfileselect::run(GMsg* cmsg) { ypos = 6; // Window Starting Row xpos = 0; // Window Starting Column ylen = MAXROW - 9; // Window Height xlen = MAXCOL - 36; // Window Width btype = W_BMENU; // Window Border Type battr = C_MENUB; // Window Border Color wattr = C_MENUW; // Window Color tattr = C_MENUW; // Window Title Color sattr = C_MENUS; // Window Selection Bar Color hattr = C_MENUQ; // Window Highlight Color sbattr = C_MENUB; // Window Scrollbar Color title = " title "; // Window Title helpcat = H_FileSelect; // Window Help Category msg = cmsg; maximum_index = totfiles - 1; // List Entries - 1 minimum_index = 0; // Minimum index in the list maximum_position = MinV(ylen-1,(uint) totfiles);// Display Pos index = 0; // List Index position = 0; // Display Pos aborted = false; // True if aborted listwrap = CFG->switches.get(displistwrap); // True if wrap-around is supported run_picker(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void FileSelect(GMsg* msg, char* title, FileSpec* fspec) { gfileselect* p = new gfileselect; throw_new(p); char buf[256]; Path fbuf; uint MIN_POS=0, MAX_POS=MIN_POS+MAXROW-10; bool done, winop = false; selfiles = totfiles = 0; selbytes = totbytes = 0; strcpy(fbuf, fspec->path); MapPath(fbuf); Path fullpath; if(fbuf[0] and is_dir(fbuf)) AddBackslash(fbuf); extractdirname(fullpath, fbuf); const char* wildlistname = (isslash(fbuf[strlen(fbuf)-1]) or is_dir(fbuf)) ? "*" : CleanFilename(fbuf); gposixdir f(fullpath); const gdirentry *de; for(done = false; (de = f.nextentry(wildlistname)) != NULL and not done; ) if(de->is_file()) done = true; if((strpbrk(fbuf, "*?")) or done) { winop = true; vcurhide(); wopen_(6,0, MAX_POS+3, MAXCOL, W_BMENU, C_MENUB, C_MENUW, C_MENUPB); wvline(0, MAXCOL-36, MAX_POS+1, W_BMENU, C_MENUB); whline(MAX_POS-4, MAXCOL-36, 36, W_BMENU, C_MENUB); sprintf(buf, " %s ", strtrim(fbuf)); wmessage(buf, TP_BORD, 1, C_MENUT); wmessage(title, TP_BORD, MAXCOL-34, C_MENUT); update_statusline(LNG->SelectFiles); wprints(MAX_POS/2, 0, C_MENUW, LNG->ScanningDirectory); } fblk = NULL; f.rewind(); while((de = f.nextentry(wildlistname)) != NULL) { if(not de->is_file()) continue; FFblk* fb; fblk = (FFblk*)throw_realloc(fblk, (totfiles+1)*sizeof(FFblk)); fb = fblk + totfiles; strcpy(fb->name, de->name.c_str()); fb->selected = false; FFTime ftm; dword _ftm = gfixstattime(de->stat_info.st_mtime); memcpy(&ftm, &_ftm, sizeof(FFTime)); fb->year = ftm.ft_year + 1980; fb->month = ftm.ft_month; fb->day = ftm.ft_day; fb->hour = ftm.ft_hour; fb->minute = ftm.ft_min; fb->second = ftm.ft_tsec * 2; fb->size = de->stat_info.st_size; totbytes += fb->size; totfiles++; } if(totfiles) { if(totfiles > 1) { qsort(fblk, totfiles, sizeof(FFblk), (StdCmpCP)cmp_ffb); p->run(msg); } else { selfiles = 1; fblk[0].selected = YES; } if(p->aborted or selfiles == 0) { fspec->fblk = NULL; fspec->files = 0; throw_release(fblk); } else { // Realloc to include only the selected files qsort(fblk, totfiles, sizeof(FFblk), (StdCmpCP)cmp_ffbs); fspec->fblk = fblk = (FFblk*)throw_realloc(fblk, (selfiles+1)*sizeof(FFblk)); AddBackslash(strcpy(fspec->path, f.fullpath())); fspec->files = selfiles; fblk = NULL; } } else { wprints(MAX_POS/2, 0, C_MENUW, LNG->NoFilesFound); update_statusline(LNG->FilesPressKey); throw_release(fblk); waitkeyt(10000); } if(winop) { wclose(); vcurshow(); } delete p; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CreateFileAddr(GMsg* msg) { // Create message char* _txt; if(msg->attr.att()) _txt = LNG->AutoAttachMsg; else if(msg->attr.frq()) _txt = LNG->AutoRequestMsg; else if(msg->attr.urq()) _txt = LNG->AutoUpdreqMsg; else _txt = LNG->EmptyMsg; msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, strlen(_txt)+256); strcpy(msg->txt, _txt); TokenXlat(MODE_NEW, msg->txt, msg, msg, CurrArea); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WriteFMsgs(int msgsdone, GMsg* msg, Attr o_attr, int modex, int mode, char* buf) { if(msgsdone) { modex = GMSG_NEW; AA->NewMsgno(msg); throw_release(msg->txt); msg->attr = o_attr; // copy attributes from original CreateFileAddr(msg); msg->TextToLines(CFG->dispmargin); if(AA->isecho()) DoTearorig(mode, msg); } DoKludges(mode, msg); strtrim(strcpy(msg->re, buf)); HeaderView->Use(AA, msg); HeaderView->Paint(); msg->LinesToText(); AA->SaveMsg(modex, msg); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void CreateFileMsgs(int mode, GMsg* msg) { char* ptr; Attr o_attr; int m, n, x; int modex, msgsdone=0; ISub buf, subj; char* LNG_File = NULL; char* LNG_Fileing = NULL; if(msg->attr.att()) { LNG_File = LNG->File_Attach; LNG_Fileing = LNG->FileAttaching; } else if(msg->attr.frq()) { LNG_File = LNG->File_Request; LNG_Fileing = LNG->FileRequesting; } else if(msg->attr.urq()) { LNG_File = LNG->File_Updreq; LNG_Fileing = LNG->FileUpdreqing; } *buf = NUL; *subj = NUL; o_attr = msg->attr; if(specfiles > 1) w_progress(MODE_NEW, C_INFOW, 1, specfiles, LNG_File); // Do ZoneGating if(CFG->zonegating and (msg->dest.zone != msg->orig.zone)) { GMenuZonegate MenuZonegate; if(CFG->zonegating == YES or MenuZonegate.Run()) ZonegateIt(msg->odest, msg->orig, msg->dest); } if(msg->odest.net == 0) msg->odest = msg->dest; *buf = NUL; ptr = throw_strdup(msg->txt); // Keep a copy of the original modex = (mode == MODE_CHANGE) ? GMSG_UPDATE : GMSG_NEW; for(n=0,x=0; x 1) { w_progress(MODE_UPDATE, C_INFOW, n+1, specfiles, LNG_File); update_statuslinef(LNG_Fileing, n+1, specfiles, msg->dest.zone, msg->dest.net, msg->dest.node, msg->dest.point ); } sprintf(subj, "%s%s%s%s%s ", fspec[x].delsent ? "^" : "", fspec[x].path, fspec[x].fblk ? (fspec[x].fblk[m].name ? fspec[x].fblk[m].name : "") : "", *fspec[x].password ? " " : "", fspec[x].password); #if !defined(__UNIX__) strupr(subj); #endif if((strlen(buf) + strlen(subj)) > 71) { WriteFMsgs(msgsdone, msg, o_attr, modex, mode, buf); msgsdone++; strcpy(buf, subj); } else { strcat(buf, subj); } } } if(not strblank(buf)) WriteFMsgs(msgsdone, msg, o_attr, modex, mode, buf); throw_release(msg->txt); msg->txt = ptr; msg->TextToLines(CFG->dispmargin); if(specfiles > 1) w_progress(MODE_QUIT, 0, 0, 0, NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int FreqCmp(const char** a, const char** b) { return stricmp(*a, *b); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int frqchkdesc(char* desc) { char* ptr = desc; if(*desc == NUL) strcpy(desc, " "); else { while(*ptr and not isxalnum(*ptr)) ptr++; if(*ptr == NUL) { *desc = NUL; return true; } } ptr = desc + strlen(desc) - 1; while(not isascii(*ptr&0xff) and not isxalnum(*ptr) and (ptr>desc)) *ptr-- = NUL; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static int frqgetfile(char* file, char* desc, char* filesize, const char* txt) { const char* ptr = txt; // Scan filename for first invalid char (.extension) while(*ptr and not invalidfilechar(*ptr)) ptr++; // General file extension finder if(*ptr++ == '.') { if(not invalidfilechar(*ptr) and ((ptr - txt) > 1)) { // Find end of extension while(*ptr and ((*ptr == '.') or not invalidfilechar(*ptr))) ptr++; // Strip dots from the end of the extension while(*(ptr-1) == '.') ptr--; // Copy the filename strxcpy(file, txt, (uint)(ptr-txt)+1); // Get description if(desc) { if(*ptr) { if(not isspace(*ptr)) ptr = strskip_txt(ptr); ptr = strskip_wht(ptr); bool skipped = false; while(strchr(CFG__frqskipwordchars, *ptr) and *ptr) { if(not *filesize) { // is a file-size given? const char* p = ptr; while(strchr(".,0123456789bBkKmMgG", *p)) p++; // Check for the following cases, as they're not valid // 01/01/98 or 01/01/1998 or 1998/01/01 // 01-01-98 or 01-01-1998 or 1998-01-01 // 01.01.98 or 01.01.1998 or 1998.01.01 if(p-ptr>1 and not strchr("-/.", *p)) { p = strxcpy(filesize, ptr, MinV((int) (p-ptr+1), 9)); if(strlen(p)>=6 and p[2] == p[5] and strchr("-/.", p[2])) *filesize = NUL; } } ptr = strskip_wht(strskip_txt(ptr)); skipped = true; } if(not *ptr and skipped) strcpy(desc, " "); else strcpy(desc, ptr); } return frqchkdesc(desc); } } } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void FileRequest(GMsg* msg) { GFTRK("FileRequest"); int oldtopline = reader_topline; if(AA->Msgn.Count() and msg->line and msg->lines) { char buf[256]; const char* ptr; const char* ptr1 = NULL; const char* ptr2; const char* txtptr; char** freqfile = NULL; int gotticket = false; int getnextdesc = false; Line** lin = msg->line; char file[GMAXPATH], desc[200], filesize[10]; int freqfiles = 0; bool esc = true; int n; byte numlines = 0; *desc = *file = *filesize = NUL; w_info(LNG->Wait); // Scan the current msg for file announcements int tline = reader_topline; if(CFG->frqoptions & FREQ_FROMTOP) tline = 0; for(n=tline; nlines; n++) { // Don't look in control info for files if(lin[n]->type & (GLINE_KLUDGE|GLINE_TEAR|GLINE_ORIG)) continue; ptr = txtptr = lin[n]->txt.c_str(); // Skip past whitespace and highbit junk while(((*ptr < '!') or (*ptr > '\x7F')) and *ptr) ptr++; // Get description if Ticket was detected in the previous line if(gotticket) { strxcpy(desc, strskip_wht(strskip_txt(ptr)), sizeof(desc)); if(*desc == NUL) strcpy(desc, " "); gotticket = false; } // Get description from file of previous line if(getnextdesc) { strxcpy(desc, ptr, sizeof(desc)); getnextdesc = frqchkdesc(desc); } // Get filename from typical announcement formats if(not *file and (strnieql(ptr, "File", 4) or strnieql(ptr, "Name", 4))) { ptr1 = strskip_txt(ptr); ptr2 = strskip_wht(ptr1); if((*(ptr1-1) == ':') or (*ptr2 == ':')) { if(*ptr2 == ':') ptr1 = strskip_wht(ptr2+1); else ptr1 = ptr2; ptr2 = strskip_txt(ptr1); #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) char *tmpbuf = (char*)alloca(ptr2-ptr1+1); #else __extension__ char tmpbuf[ptr2-ptr1+1]; #endif strxcpy(tmpbuf, ptr1, ptr2-ptr1+1); frqgetfile(file, desc, filesize, tmpbuf); *desc = NUL; // Description never comes before filename continue; } } // Get description from typical announcement formats if(not *desc and (strnieql(ptr, "Desc", 4) or strnieql(ptr, "Note", 4))) { ptr1 = strskip_txt(ptr); ptr2 = strskip_wht(ptr1); if((*(ptr1-1) == ':') or (*ptr2 == ':')) { if(*ptr2 == ':') ptr1 = strskip_wht(ptr2+1); else ptr1 = ptr2; strxcpy(desc, ptr1, sizeof(desc)); getnextdesc = frqchkdesc(desc); } } // Check for announcement format "Area:" and skip it if found if(strnieql(ptr, "Area", 4)) { ptr1 = strskip_txt(ptr); ptr2 = strskip_wht(ptr1); if((*(ptr1-1) == ':') or (*ptr2 == ':')) { continue; } } // Get filename from Ticket announcement if detected if(not *file and (strlen(txtptr) >= 54)) { if(strneql(txtptr+45, " Origin: ", 9)) { if(/*(*/ strstr(txtptr+25, " Bytes) ")) { if(txtptr[16] == '/' and txtptr[19] == '/' and txtptr[24] == '(' /*)*/) { ptr1 = strskip_wht(txtptr); ptr2 = strskip_txt(ptr1); #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) char *tmpbuf = (char*)alloca(ptr2-ptr1+1); #else __extension__ char tmpbuf[ptr2-ptr1+1]; #endif strxcpy(tmpbuf, ptr1, ptr2-ptr1+1); frqgetfile(file, desc, filesize, tmpbuf); *desc = NUL; // Description never comes before filename gotticket = true; continue; } } } } // Handle blank lines if(strblank(ptr)) { if(*file) strcpy(desc, " "); if(*desc and strblank(file)) *desc = NUL; } // Get file based on extension (general algorithm) if(not *file) { if((ptr-txtptr) <= 4) { getnextdesc = frqgetfile(file, desc, filesize, ptr); if((ptr2 = strrchr(file,'.'))!=NULL and strlen(ptr2)>4) { *file = *desc = *filesize = NUL; getnextdesc = false; } } } // Get file based on FRQEXT list if(not *file) { int gotone = false; ptr2 = strchr(ptr, '.'); while(ptr2) { gstrarray::iterator e; for(e = CFG->frqext.begin(); e != CFG->frqext.end(); e++) { if(strnicmpw(e->c_str(), ptr2, MinV(e->length(), strlen(ptr2))) == 0) { // Find beginning of filename const char* ptr3 = ptr2-1; while((ptr3 > ptr) and not invalidfilechar(*ptr3)) ptr3--; if(invalidfilechar(*ptr3)) ptr3++; getnextdesc = frqgetfile(file, desc, filesize, ptr3); if(*file) gotone = true; break; } } if(gotone) break; ptr2 = strchr(ptr2+1, '.'); } } // Do we have a complete announcement? if(*file and *desc) { // Yes, so add it to the list freqfile = (char**)throw_realloc(freqfile, (freqfiles+3)*sizeof(char*)); sprintf(buf, " %-12s %8s %s", file, filesize, desc); strsetsz(buf, 76); freqfile[freqfiles] = throw_strdup(buf); *desc = *file = *filesize = NUL; numlines = 0; freqfiles++; } // Maybe there was a false match, so re-initialize if // more than 3 lines are checked. if(*file and not *desc) { if(numlines++ > 2) { *desc = *file = *filesize = NUL; numlines = 0; } } } // Add the filelist if(not (CFG->frqoptions & FREQ_NOFILES)) { strcpy(file, "FILES"); sprintf(desc, LNG->FilelistFrom, msg->By()); freqfile = (char**)throw_realloc(freqfile, (freqfiles+3)*sizeof(char*)); sprintf(buf, " %-12.12s %-52.52s ", file, desc); freqfile[freqfiles] = throw_strdup(buf); *desc = *file = NUL; freqfiles++; } w_info(NULL); // Let user select the file(s) to be requested if(freqfile) { // NULL terminate list freqfile[freqfiles] = NULL; // Sort list if requested if(CFG->frqoptions & FREQ_SORT) qsort(freqfile, freqfiles, sizeof(char*), (StdCmpCP)FreqCmp); // Run the picker int items = MinV(freqfiles, (MAXROW-10)); set_title(LNG->FreqMenuTitle, TCENTER, C_ASKT); update_statusline(LNG->FreqStat); whelppcat(H_FileRequest); wpickstr_tag = '+'; int crsr = wpickstr(6, 0, 6+items+1, -1, W_BASK, C_ASKB, C_ASKW, C_ASKS, freqfile, 0, title_shadow); wpickstr_tag = false; int freqs = 0; esc = ((crsr == -1) and (gwin.werrno == W_ESCPRESS)); whelpop(); if(not esc) { // Open a FILES.BBS in the INBOUNDPATH const char* fbfn = AddPath(CFG->inboundpath, "files.bbs"); int fh = sopen(fbfn, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_TEXT, CFG->sharemode, S_STDRW); if(fh == -1) { w_infof(LNG->CouldNotOpen, fbfn); waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); } // Handle picked files msg->re[0] = NUL; for(n=0; nattr.frq1(); ptr = freqfile[n]+1; // 01234567890123456 ptr2 = strskip_txt(ptr); #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) char *tmpbuf = (char*)alloca(ptr2-ptr+1); #else __extension__ char tmpbuf[ptr2-ptr+1]; #endif strxcpy(tmpbuf, ptr, ptr2-ptr+1); ptr2 = strskip_wht(ptr2); if((strlen(msg->re) + strlen(tmpbuf)) < sizeof(ISub)) { // We can only fill one subject line in this version... strcat(msg->re, tmpbuf); strcat(msg->re, " "); if(fh != -1) { sprintf(buf, "%-12s %s\n", tmpbuf, ptr2); write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); } freqs++; } } } if(freqs == 0) { // AARRRGGGHH!! More bloody duplicate code :-(( msg->attr.frq1(); ptr = freqfile[crsr]+1; // 01234567890123456 ptr2 = strskip_txt(ptr); #if defined(__USE_ALLOCA__) char *tmpbuf = (char*)alloca(ptr2-ptr+1); #else __extension__ char tmpbuf[ptr2-ptr+1]; #endif strxcpy(tmpbuf, ptr, ptr2-ptr+1); ptr2 = strskip_wht(ptr2); if((strlen(msg->re) + strlen(tmpbuf)) < sizeof(ISub)) { // We can only fill one subject line in this version... strcat(msg->re, tmpbuf); strcat(msg->re, " "); if(fh != -1) { sprintf(buf, "%-12s %s\n", tmpbuf, ptr2); write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); } freqs++; } } strtrim(msg->re); // Close the FILES.BBS if(fh != -1) close(fh); } } else { w_info(LNG->FreqInfoNoFiles); gkey key = waitkeyt(10000); w_info(NULL); if(key == Key_Ent) { msg->attr.frq1(); esc = false; } } if(not esc) { // Pick area and put the msg in it int destarea = CurrArea; reader_topline = 0; AA->attr().hex0(); if(*AA->Areafreqto()) { for(n=0; (uint) nechoid(), AA->Areafreqto())) { destarea = AL[n]->areaid(); break; } } } if(not AA->Areafreqdirect()) destarea = AreaPick(LNG->FreqArea, 6, &destarea); if(destarea != -1) { AL.SetActiveAreaId(destarea); if(CurrArea != OrigArea) AA->Open(); if(CFG->frqoptions & FREQ_FAST) savedirect = true; std::vector::iterator fnm; for(fnm = CFG->frqnodemap.begin(); fnm != CFG->frqnodemap.end(); fnm++) { if(fnm->from.equals(msg->orig)) { msg->orig = fnm->to; break; } } ReplyMsg(); savedirect = false; if(CurrArea != OrigArea) { AA->Close(); AL.SetActiveAreaId(OrigArea); } } } if(freqfile) { for(n=0; ndispmargin-(int)CFG->switches.get(disppagebar)); reader_topline = oldtopline; reader_keyok = YES; GFTRK(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------