// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // QWK packet handling. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static void ReadGldFile() { if(QWK->FoundBBS()) { gfile fp; Path gldfile; QWK->ResetConfNo(); sprintf(gldfile, "%s%s.GLD", CFG->goldpath, QWK->BbsID()); fp.fopen(gldfile, "rt"); if(fp.isopen()) { char* key; char* val; char buf[256]; while(fp.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { val = strtrim(buf); getkeyval(&key, &val); strtrim(StripQuotes(val)); if(QWK->FindEcho(val)) QWK->ConfNo(atoi(key)); } fp.fclose(); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ImportQWK() { if(not *QWK->ImportPath()) return 0; gfile fp; gfile fpb; // For BBSID.GLD Path file; Path gldfile; char bbsid[9] = {""}; // Parse the control file strcpy(file, AddPath(QWK->ImportPath(), "CONTROL.DAT")); fp.fopen(file, "rt"); if(fp.isopen()) { char buf[256]; int line = 0; int confno = 0; int confcnt = 0; int confnos = 0; while(fp.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { line++; strtrim(buf); if((line >= 12) and (confcnt < confnos)) { if(line % 2) { if(fpb.isopen()) fpb.printf("%u \"%s\"\n", confno, buf); confcnt++; } else confno = atoi(buf); } else if(line == 5) { char* ptr = strchr(buf, ','); if(ptr) { strxcpy(bbsid, strskip_wht(ptr+1), 9); sprintf(gldfile, "%s%s.GLD", CFG->goldpath, bbsid); fpb.fopen(gldfile, "wt"); } } else if(line == 11) confnos = atoi(buf) + 1; } if(fpb.isopen()) fpb.fclose(); fp.fclose(); remove(file); } if(strblank(bbsid)) return 0; QWK->FindBBS(bbsid); ReadGldFile(); int imported = 0; OrigArea = CurrArea = -1; strcpy(file, AddPath(QWK->ImportPath(), "MESSAGES.DAT")); fp.fopen(file, "rb"); if(fp.isopen()) { // Skip past product info header fp.fseekset(sizeof(QWKHdr)); QWKHdr hdr; GMsg* msg = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); // Read each message, header first int tosstobadmsgs = false; int lastconfno = -1; int more; do { ResetMsg(msg); memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(QWKHdr)); more = 1 == fp.fread(&hdr, sizeof(QWKHdr)); if(more) { char blocks[7]; strxcpy(blocks, hdr.blocks, 7); uint msglen = atoi(blocks); if(msglen == 0) { break; } msglen = (msglen-1)*128; if(hdr.confno != lastconfno) { lastconfno = hdr.confno; if(QWK->FindEcho(hdr.confno)) { int areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(QWK->EchoID()); if(areano != -1) { CurrArea = AL.AreaNoToId(areano); tosstobadmsgs = false; } } else { int areano = AL.AreaEchoToNo(QWK->BadMsgs()); if(areano != -1) { CurrArea = AL.AreaNoToId(areano); tosstobadmsgs = true; } else { tosstobadmsgs = -1; fp.fseek(msglen, SEEK_CUR); } } } if(tosstobadmsgs != -1) { if(OrigArea != CurrArea) { if(AA->isopen()) { AA->Unlock(); AA->Close(); } AL.SetActiveAreaId(CurrArea); OrigArea = CurrArea; AA->Open(); AA->Lock(); AA->RandomizeData(); } // Convert header msg->orig = msg->oorig = AA->aka(); msg->dest = msg->odest = AA->aka(); msg->attr.pvt(hdr.status == '*' or hdr.status == '+'); msg->attr.rcv(hdr.status == '+' or hdr.status == '-' or hdr.status == '`' or hdr.status == '^' or hdr.status == '#'); msg->attr.del(hdr.activestatus == 226); strtrim(strxcpy(msg->by, hdr.from, 26)); strtrim(strxcpy(msg->to, hdr.to, 26)); strtrim(strxcpy(msg->re, hdr.subject, 26)); int _year, _month, _day, _hour, _minute; sscanf(hdr.date, "%d%*c%d%*c%2d", &_month, &_day, &_year); sscanf(hdr.time, "%d%*c%2d", &_hour, &_minute); struct tm _tm; _tm.tm_year = (_year < 80) ? (_year+100) : _year; _tm.tm_mon = _month - 1; _tm.tm_mday = _day; _tm.tm_hour = _hour; _tm.tm_min = _minute; _tm.tm_sec = 0; _tm.tm_isdst = -1; time_t a = mktime(&_tm); struct tm *tp = gmtime(&a); tp->tm_isdst = -1; time_t b = mktime(tp); msg->written = a + a - b; a = time(NULL); tp = gmtime(&a); tp->tm_isdst = -1; b = mktime(tp); msg->arrived = a + a - b; // Read message text char* txtptr = msg->txt = (char*)throw_calloc(1, msglen+128); if(tosstobadmsgs) { sprintf(msg->txt, "AREA:%s_%u\r", bbsid, hdr.confno); txtptr += strlen(msg->txt); } fp.fread(txtptr, msglen); strtrim(txtptr); strchg(txtptr, 0xE3, 0x0D); imported++; AA->istossed = true; update_statuslinef("%s: %u", AA->echoid(), imported); msg->TextToLines(CFG->dispmargin-1); if(msg->messageid or msg->references or msg->inreplyto or *msg->ifrom) { char kbuf[256]; uint txtlen = strlen(msg->txt); if(*msg->ifrom) { INam _fromname; IAdr _fromaddr; ParseInternetAddr(msg->ifrom, _fromname, _fromaddr); if(AA->Internetgate().addr.valid()) { char abuf[40]; sprintf(kbuf, "\x1""REPLYTO %s %s\r""\x1""REPLYADDR %s\r", AA->Internetgate().addr.make_string(abuf), *AA->Internetgate().name ? AA->Internetgate().name : "UUCP", _fromaddr ); uint addlen = strlen(kbuf); msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, txtlen+addlen+1); memmove(msg->txt+addlen, msg->txt, txtlen+1); memcpy(msg->txt, kbuf, addlen); txtlen += addlen; } } if(msg->references) { char* mptr = msg->references; char* sptr = mptr; while(*mptr) { if(not strnieql(mptr, "echoid(), "REPLY"); strcat(kbuf, "\r"); uint addlen = strlen(kbuf); msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, txtlen+addlen+1); memmove(msg->txt+addlen, msg->txt, txtlen+1); memcpy(msg->txt, kbuf, addlen); txtlen += addlen; } mptr = sptr; } } if(msg->inreplyto) { if(not strnieql(msg->inreplyto, "inreplyto, kbuf, AA->echoid(), "REPLY"); strcat(kbuf, "\r"); uint addlen = strlen(kbuf); msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, txtlen+addlen+1); memmove(msg->txt+addlen, msg->txt, txtlen+1); memcpy(msg->txt, kbuf, addlen); txtlen += addlen; } } if(msg->messageid) { if(not strnieql(msg->messageid, "messageid, kbuf, AA->echoid(), "MSGID"); strcat(kbuf, "\r"); uint addlen = strlen(kbuf); msg->txt = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, txtlen+addlen+1); memmove(msg->txt+addlen, msg->txt, txtlen+1); memcpy(msg->txt, kbuf, addlen); } } } if(*msg->realto and (strieql(msg->to, AA->Whoto()) or not *msg->to)) strcpy(msg->to, msg->realto); AA->SaveMsg(GMSG_NEW, msg); } } } while(more); if(AA->isopen()) { AA->Unlock(); AA->Close(); } ResetMsg(msg); throw_free(msg); fp.fclose(); remove(file); if(*QWK->TossLog()) { fp.fopen(QWK->TossLog(), "at"); if(fp.isopen()) { uint na = 0; while(na < AL.size()) { if(AL[na]->istossed) { AL[na]->istossed = false; AL[na]->isunreadchg = true; fp.printf("%s\n", AL[na]->echoid()); } na++; } fp.fclose(); } } if(imported and *QWK->ReplyLinker()) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, LNG->Replylinker, QWK->ReplyLinker()); ShellToDos(QWK->ReplyLinker(), buf, LGREY|_BLACK, YES); } } if(imported) startupscan_success = true; return imported; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ExportQwkMsg(GMsg* msg, gfile& fp, int confno, int& pktmsgno) { // Prepare for Return Receipt Request char msg__re[26]; if(QWK->ReceiptAllowed() and msg->attr.rrq()) sprintf(msg__re, "RRR%-22.22s", msg->re); else strxcpy(msg__re, msg->re, 26); // Build QWK header QWKHdr hdr; char buf[26]; int tolen = strlen(msg->to); tolen = MinV(25,tolen); int bylen = strlen(msg->by); bylen = MinV(25,bylen); int relen = strlen(msg__re); relen = MinV(25,relen); memset(&hdr, ' ', sizeof(QWKHdr)); hdr.status = msg->attr.pvt() ? '*' : ' '; sprintf(buf, "%u", confno); memcpy(hdr.msgno, buf, strlen(buf)); struct tm* _tm = gmtime(&msg->written); int _year = _tm->tm_year % 100; sprintf(buf, "%02d-%02d-%02d", _tm->tm_mon+1, _tm->tm_mday, _year); memcpy(hdr.date, buf, 8); sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d", _tm->tm_hour, _tm->tm_min); memcpy(hdr.time, buf, 5); strxcpy(buf, msg->to, tolen+1); if(not QWK->MixCaseAllowed()) strupr(buf); memcpy(hdr.to, buf, tolen); strxcpy(buf, msg->by, bylen+1); if(not QWK->MixCaseAllowed()) strupr(buf); memcpy(hdr.from, buf, bylen); memcpy(hdr.subject, msg__re, relen); hdr.activestatus = '\xE1'; hdr.confno = (word)confno; hdr.pktmsgno = (word)++pktmsgno; // Write preliminary header fp.fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(QWKHdr)); // Write body int level = 0; if(CharTable) level = CharTable->level ? CharTable->level : 2; char mbuf[512]; uint msglen = 0; if(msg->charsetencoding & GCHENC_MNE) { if(not striinc("MNEMONIC", CharTable->exp)) LoadCharset(CFG->xlatlocalset, "MNEMONIC"); } // ASA: Do we need it at all? else if(IsQuotedPrintable(msg->charset)) { LoadCharset(CFG->xlatlocalset, ExtractPlainCharset(msg->charset)); } else { LoadCharset(CFG->xlatlocalset, msg->charset); } char qwkterm = '\xE3'; // Process kludges and write header lines Line* line = msg->lin; while(line) { if(line->type & GLINE_KLUDGE) { if(AA->isinternet()) { if((line->kludge == GKLUD_RFC) or (line->kludge == 0)) { XlatStr(mbuf, line->txt.c_str(), level, CharTable); msglen += fp.printf("%s%c", mbuf, qwkterm); } else if(line->type & GLINE_WRAP) { while(line->next and (line->type & GLINE_WRAP)) line = line->next; } } else { if((line->type & GLINE_KLUDGE) and QWK->KludgesAllowed()) { XlatStr(mbuf, line->txt.c_str(), level, CharTable); msglen += fp.printf("%s%c", mbuf, qwkterm); } } } line = line->next; } // Write blank line after header lines if(AA->Internetrfcbody()) { msglen += fp.printf("%c", qwkterm); } // Write all message lines line = msg->lin; while(line) { if(not (line->type & GLINE_KLUDGE)) { XlatStr(mbuf, line->txt.c_str(), level, CharTable); msglen += fp.printf("%s%c", mbuf, qwkterm); } line = line->next; } // Calculate blocks uint endlen = msglen % 128; uint blocks = 1+(msglen/128)+(endlen?1:0); sprintf(buf, "%u", blocks); memcpy(hdr.blocks, buf, strlen(buf)); // Write padding spaces at the end if necessary if(endlen) { char padding[128]; memset(padding, ' ', 128); fp.fwrite(padding, 128-endlen); } // Re-write the header fp.fseek(-(blocks*128), SEEK_CUR); fp.fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(QWKHdr)); fp.fseek((blocks-1)*128, SEEK_CUR); // Mark msg as sent msg->attr.snt1(); msg->attr.scn1(); msg->attr.uns0(); AA->SaveHdr(GMSG_UPDATE, msg); return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ExportQwkArea(int areano, gfile& fp, int confno, int& pktmsgno) { int exported = 0; AL.SetActiveAreaNo(areano); AA->Open(); AA->Lock(); AA->RandomizeData(); GMsg* msg = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); for(uint n=0; nExpo.Count(); n++) { if(AA->LoadMsg(msg, AA->Expo[n], 80)) { if(msg->attr.uns()) { exported += ExportQwkMsg(msg, fp, confno, pktmsgno); update_statuslinef("%s: %u", AA->echoid(), exported); } } } ResetMsg(msg); throw_free(msg); AA->Unlock(); AA->Close(); AA->Expo.ResetAll(); return exported; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int ExportQWK() { if(not *QWK->ExportPath()) return 0; int exported = 0; gfile fp; Path scanfile; // Get the scan list strcpy(scanfile, AddPath(CFG->goldpath, "GOLDQWK.LST")); fp.fopen(scanfile, "rt"); if(fp.isopen()) { char buf[256]; while(fp.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char* ptr = strchr(buf, ' '); if(ptr) { *ptr++ = NUL; int a = AL.AreaEchoToNo(buf); if(a != -1 and AL[a]->isqwk()) AL[a]->Expo.Add(atol(ptr)); } } fp.fclose(); } // Export from the QWK areas if(QWK->FirstBBS()) { do { ReadGldFile(); Path replyfile; int pktmsgno = 0; if(QWK->FirstConf()) { sprintf(replyfile, "%s%s.MSG", QWK->ExportPath(), QWK->BbsID()); fp.fopen(replyfile, "wb"); if(fp.isopen()) { char firstrec[128]; memset(firstrec, ' ', 128); memcpy(firstrec, QWK->BbsID(), strlen(QWK->BbsID())); fp.fwrite(firstrec, 128); pktmsgno = 0; } do { int a = AL.AreaEchoToNo(QWK->EchoID()); if(a != -1 and AL[a]->Expo.Count()) { if(QWK->ConfNo() != -1) exported += ExportQwkArea(a, fp, QWK->ConfNo(), pktmsgno); } } while(QWK->NextConf()); } if(fp.isopen()) { fp.fclose(); if(pktmsgno == 0) remove(replyfile); } } while(QWK->NextBBS()); } // Delete the scanfile remove(scanfile); return exported; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Qwk::Qwk() { bbs = bbsp = NULL; mapp = NULL; bbss = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Qwk::~Qwk() { Reset(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Qwk::Reset() { for(int n=0; nbbsid, bbsid, sizeof(bbsp->bbsid)); bbsp->kludges = false; bbsp->mixcase = false; bbsp->receipt = false; bbsp->maxlines = -1; bbsp->map = NULL; bbsp->maps = 0; mapp = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Qwk::AddMap(char* bbsid, char* echoid, char* confname, int confno) { FindAddBBS(bbsid); bbsp->map = (QwkMap*)throw_realloc(bbsp->map, (bbsp->maps+1)*sizeof(QwkMap)); mapp = bbsp->map + bbsp->maps++; strxcpy(mapp->confname, confname, sizeof(mapp->confname)); strxcpy(mapp->echoid, echoid, sizeof(mapp->echoid)); mapp->confno = confno; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::FindBBS(char* bbsid) { bbsp = bbs; for(int n=0; nbbsid)) { mapp = bbsp->map; return true; } } mapp = NULL; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Qwk::FindAddBBS(char* bbsid) { if(not FindBBS(bbsid)) AddBBS(bbsid); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::FirstBBS() { if(bbs) { bbsp = bbs; bbsn = 1; return true; } bbsp = NULL; bbsn = 0; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::NextBBS() { if(bbsp and (bbsn < bbss)) { bbsp++; bbsn++; return true; } bbsp = NULL; bbsn = 0; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::FindConf(char* echoid) { if(bbsp) { mapp = bbsp->map; for(int n=0; nmaps; n++,mapp++) if(strieql(echoid, mapp->echoid)) return true; } mapp = NULL; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::FindEcho(char* confname) { if(bbsp) { mapp = bbsp->map; for(int n=0; nmaps; n++,mapp++) if(strieql(confname, mapp->confname)) return true; } mapp = NULL; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::FindEcho(int confno) { if(bbsp) { mapp = bbsp->map; for(int n=0; nmaps; n++,mapp++) if(confno == mapp->confno) return true; } mapp = NULL; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::FirstConf() { if(bbsp and bbsp->map) { mapp = bbsp->map; mapn = 1; return true; } mapp = NULL; mapn = 0; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::NextConf() { if(mapp and (mapn < bbsp->maps)) { mapp++; mapn++; return true; } mapp = NULL; mapn = 0; return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* Qwk::BbsID() { return bbsp ? bbsp->bbsid : ""; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* Qwk::ConfName() { return mapp ? mapp->confname : ""; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::ConfNo(int set) { if(mapp) { if(set != -2) mapp->confno = set; return mapp->confno; } return -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* Qwk::EchoID() { return mapp ? mapp->echoid : ""; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::KludgesAllowed(int set) { if(bbsp) { if(set != -1) bbsp->kludges = set; return bbsp->kludges; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::MixCaseAllowed(int set) { if(bbsp) { if(set != -1) bbsp->mixcase = set; return bbsp->mixcase; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::ReceiptAllowed(int set) { if(bbsp) { if(set != -1) bbsp->receipt = set; return bbsp->receipt; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int Qwk::MaxLines(int set) { if(bbsp) { if(set != -1) bbsp->maxlines = set; return bbsp->maxlines; } return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Qwk::ResetConfNo(int set) { if(bbsp) { mapp = bbsp->map; for(int n=0; nmaps; n++,mapp++) mapp->confno = set; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* Qwk::BadMsgs(char* set) { if(set) strxcpy(cfg.badmsgs, set, sizeof(Echo)); return cfg.badmsgs; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* Qwk::ExportPath(char* set) { if(set) PathCopy(cfg.exportpath, set); return cfg.exportpath; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* Qwk::ImportPath(char* set) { if(set) PathCopy(cfg.importpath, set); return cfg.importpath; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* Qwk::ReplyLinker(char* set) { if(set) strxcpy(cfg.replylinker, set, sizeof(Path)); return cfg.replylinker; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* Qwk::TossLog(char* set) { if(set) strxcpy(cfg.tosslog, set, sizeof(Path)); return cfg.tosslog; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------