// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Arealister and other area-specific code // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ extern int arealistnumgrps; bool in_arealist = false; GPickArealist* PickArealist; Echo area_maybe; int areaswithgroupid = 0; uint* areanumbers = NULL; // 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777 // 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 // ÚÄAreaÄDescriptionÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄMsgsÄÄÄNewÄÄEchoIDÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄGrpÄ¿ // ³ 1> NET FidoNet Z3/4/5/6 118+ 3* NET.FIDOZX A ³ // AREALISTFORMAT "AM D CPUN E G" int area_pos = -1; int area_width = 4; int marked_pos = -1; int marked_width = 1; const char marked_char = MMRK_MARK; int desc_pos = -1; int desc_width = -1; int count_pos = -1; int count_width = 6; int pmark_pos = -1; int pmark_width = 1; const char pmark_char = '+'; int unread_pos = -1; int unread_width = 6; int changed_pos = -1; int changed_width = 1; const char changed_char = '*'; int echoid_pos = -1; int echoid_width = 0; int groupid_pos = -1; int groupid_width = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ GPickArealist::GPickArealist() { areawin1 = 0; areawin2 = 0; tempwin1 = 0; tempwin2 = 0; pmails = 0; pmareas = 0; pmscan = false; area_fuzidx = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::AreasRenumber() { for(int n=0,a=1,t=AL.size(); nisseparator() ? 0 : a++; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool GPickArealist::is_selectable(uint idx) { Area* area = AL.AreaNoToPtr(idx); return (not area->isseparator()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::do_delayed() { Area* area = AL.AreaNoToPtr(index); char buf[256], tmp[200]; strcpy(tmp, area->echoid()); update_statuslinef("%s: %u %s, %u %s, %u %s", tmp, area->Msgn.Count(), (area->Msgn.Count() == 1 ? LNG->msg : LNG->msgs), area->unread, LNG->unread, area->PMrk.Count(), LNG->personal); strcpy(stpcpy(buf, title), area_maybe); strsetsz(strcpy(tmp, buf), MAXCOL); wwprintstr(tempwin, 0, 0, wattr, tmp); if(CFG->switches.get(arealistpagebar)) wscrollbar(W_VERT, maximum_index+1, maximum_index, index); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::close_all() { if(areawin1) wunlink(areawin1); if(areawin2) wunlink(areawin2); if(tempwin1) wunlink(tempwin1); if(tempwin2) wunlink(tempwin2); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::dispbuf(char* buf, int areano) { Area* area = AL.AreaNoToPtr(areano); memset(buf, ' ', MAXCOL-2); buf[MAXCOL-2] = NUL; char areabuf[33]; sprintf(areabuf, "%u", CFG->switches.get(arealistnos) ? area->board() : areanumbers[areano]); int areawidth = strlen(areabuf); char markedbuf[2] = { " " }; *markedbuf = area->ismarked() ? marked_char : ' '; int markedwidth = 1; char descbuf[100]; int descwidth = strlen(strcpy(descbuf, area->desc())); char countbuf[33]; if(area->isscanned) sprintf(countbuf, "%u", (uint)area->Msgn.Count()); else strcpy(countbuf, "-"); int countwidth = strlen(countbuf); char pmarkbuf[2] = { " " }; *pmarkbuf = area->PMrk.Count() ? pmark_char : ' '; int pmarkwidth = 1; char unreadbuf[33]; if(area->isscanned) sprintf(unreadbuf, "%u", (uint)((CFG->arealisttype == AL_TOTNEW) ? area->unread : area->lastread())); else strcpy(unreadbuf, "-"); int unreadwidth = strlen(unreadbuf); char changedbuf[2] = { " " }; *changedbuf = area->isunreadchg ? changed_char : ' '; int changedwidth = 1; char echoidbuf[100]; int echoidwidth = strlen(strcpy(echoidbuf, area->echoid())); char groupidbuf[10] = { "" }; if(groupid_width) { if(area->groupid() & 0x8000u) { if(groupid_width > 2) sprintf(groupidbuf, "%u", area->groupid()&0x7FFF); } else if(g_isupper(area->groupid())) sprintf(groupidbuf, "%c", (char)area->groupid()); } int groupidwidth = strlen(groupidbuf); areawidth = MinV(areawidth, area_width); markedwidth = MinV(markedwidth, marked_width); descwidth = MinV(descwidth, desc_width); countwidth = MinV(countwidth, count_width); pmarkwidth = MinV(pmarkwidth, pmark_width); unreadwidth = MinV(unreadwidth, unread_width); changedwidth = MinV(changedwidth, changed_width); echoidwidth = MinV(echoidwidth, echoid_width); groupidwidth = MinV(groupidwidth, groupid_width); memcpy(buf+area_pos+area_width-areawidth, areabuf, areawidth); memcpy(buf+marked_pos, markedbuf, markedwidth); memcpy(buf+desc_pos, descbuf, descwidth); memcpy(buf+count_pos+count_width-countwidth, countbuf, countwidth); memcpy(buf+pmark_pos, pmarkbuf, pmarkwidth); memcpy(buf+unread_pos+unread_width-unreadwidth, unreadbuf, unreadwidth); memcpy(buf+changed_pos, changedbuf, changedwidth); memcpy(buf+echoid_pos, echoidbuf, echoidwidth); memcpy(buf+groupid_pos+groupid_width-groupidwidth, groupidbuf, groupidwidth); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::center() { uint room, toproom, botroom; toproom = index; botroom = maximum_index - index; if(toproom > maximum_position/2) { if(botroom > maximum_position/2) room = maximum_position/2; else if(botroom) room = maximum_position - botroom; else room = maximum_position; } else room = toproom; position = room; display_page(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::jump_to() { uint n = index+1; bool found = false; // Search for next marked area, wrapping 'round if needed for(; n<=maximum_index; n++) { if(not AL[n]->isseparator() and AL[n]->ismarked()) { found = true; break; } } if(not found) { for(n = minimum_index; n <= index; n++) { if(not AL[n]->isseparator() and AL[n]->ismarked()) break; } } if(n > maximum_index) n = minimum_index; while(AL[n]->isseparator()) { if((++n) > maximum_index) n = minimum_index; } index = n; center(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::jumpmatch() { uint n = index+1; bool found = false; // Search for next marked area, wrapping 'round if needed for(; n<=maximum_index; n++) { if(not AL[n]->isseparator() and (strnieql(area_maybe, AL[n]->echoid(), area_fuzidx) or striinc(area_maybe, AL[n]->echoid()))) { found = true; break; } } if(not found) { for(n = minimum_index; n <= index; n++) { if(not AL[n]->isseparator() and (strnieql(area_maybe, AL[n]->echoid(), area_fuzidx) or striinc(area_maybe, AL[n]->echoid()))) break; } } if(n > maximum_index) n = minimum_index; while(AL[n]->isseparator()) { if((++n) > maximum_index) n = minimum_index; } index = n; center(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::open() { int active=NO; #if defined(GUTLOS_FUNCS) g_set_ostitle_name("Arealist",0); #endif if(ypos) { if(tempwin1) { tempwin = tempwin1; areawin = areawin1; active = YES; } } else { if(tempwin2) { tempwin = tempwin2; areawin = areawin2; active = YES; } } if(active) { wunhide(tempwin); wprints(0,0, wattr, title); wunhide(areawin); } else { tempwin = wopen_(ypos, xpos, 1, MAXCOL, 5, battr, wattr, sbattr); wprints(0,0, wattr, title); areawin = wopen_(ypos+1, xpos, ylen+2, MAXCOL, btype, battr, wattr, sbattr); if(ypos) { tempwin1 = tempwin; areawin1 = areawin; } else { tempwin2 = tempwin; areawin2 = areawin; } if(area_width) wmessage(LNG->Area, TP_BORD, 1+area_pos+(marked_pos==area_pos+area_width?1:0), tattr); if(desc_width) wmessage(LNG->Description, TP_BORD, 1+desc_pos, tattr); if(count_width) wmessage(LNG->Msgs, TP_BORD, 1+count_pos+count_width-strlen(LNG->Msgs), tattr); if(unread_width) { if(CFG->arealisttype == AL_TOTLST) wmessage(LNG->Last, TP_BORD, 1+unread_pos+unread_width-strlen(LNG->Last), tattr); else if(CFG->arealisttype == AL_TOTNEW) wmessage(LNG->New, TP_BORD, 1+unread_pos+unread_width-strlen(LNG->New), tattr); } if(echoid_width) wmessage(LNG->EchoID, TP_BORD, 1+echoid_pos, tattr); if(groupid_width) { char grpbuf[40]; if(groupid_width > 2) strcpy(grpbuf, LNG->Grp); else { *grpbuf = *(LNG->Grp); grpbuf[1] = NUL; } wmessage(grpbuf, TP_BORD, 1+groupid_pos, tattr); } } if(CFG->switches.get(areaautonext) and ypos == 0 and index >= minimum_index and not AL[index]->ismarked()) { jump_to(); } else center(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::close() { whide(); whide(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::precursor() { *area_maybe = 0; area_fuzidx = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::print_line(uint idx, uint pos, bool isbar) { vchar vbuf[256]; char buf[256]; if(AL[idx]->isseparator()) { Area* area = AL.AreaNoToPtr(idx); int sep_pos = (desc_pos != -1) ? desc_pos : echoid_pos; {for(int c = 0; c < sep_pos; c++) vbuf[c] = _box_table(btype, 1);} vbuf[sep_pos] = NUL; wprintvs(pos, 0, battr|ACSET, vbuf); wprints(pos, sep_pos, tattr, area->desc()); int l = strlen(area->desc()); int n = MAXCOL-2-sep_pos-l; {for(int c = 0; c < n; c++) vbuf[c] = _box_table(btype,1);} vbuf[n] = NUL; wprintvs(pos, sep_pos+l, battr|ACSET, vbuf); } else { dispbuf(buf, idx); wprints(pos, 0, isbar ? sattr : wattr, buf); if(AL[idx]->ismarked()) wprintc(pos, marked_pos, isbar ? sattr : hattr, marked_char); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::AreaCatchUp(uint n) { // Do not do catch up if there's active area if(AA->isopen()) return; GMenuAreaCatchup MenuAreaCatchup; GMsg* msg = (GMsg*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(GMsg)); int mode = MenuAreaCatchup.Run(); if(mode != SCAN_QUIT) { for(AL.item = AL.idx.begin(); AL.item != AL.idx.end(); AL.item++) { if((mode == SCAN_MARKED and (*AL.item)->ismarked()) or mode == SCAN_ALL or (mode == SCAN_CURRENT and (*AL.item) == AL[n])) { if((*AL.item)->isseparator()) continue; update_statuslinef("%s ...", (*AL.item)->echoid()); AA = (*AL.item); AA->Open(); if(CFG->switches.get(highlightunread) and CFG->switches.get(areacatchupread)) { w_info(LNG->Wait); for(uint i=AA->lastread()+1; i <= AA->Msgn.Count(); i++) { AA->LoadHdr(msg, AA->Msgn.CvtReln(i), false); if(msg->timesread++ == 0) AA->UpdateTimesread(msg); } w_info(NULL); } AA->set_lastread(AA->Msgn.Count()); AA->isvalidchg = false; AA->Close(); } } } throw_free(msg); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GPickArealist::AreaDropMsgMarks(uint n) { GMenuAreaDropMarks MenuAreaDropMarks; uint nummarks = 0; for(AL.item = AL.idx.begin(); AL.item != AL.idx.end(); AL.item++) nummarks += (*AL.item)->Mark.Count(); char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, LNG->DropMarksInfo, longdotstr(nummarks)); w_info(buf); int mode = MenuAreaDropMarks.Run(); w_info(NULL); if(mode != SCAN_QUIT) { for(AL.item = AL.idx.begin(); AL.item != AL.idx.end(); AL.item++) { if((mode == SCAN_MARKED and (*AL.item)->ismarked()) or mode == SCAN_ALL or (mode == SCAN_CURRENT and (*AL.item) == AL[n])) { if((*AL.item)->isseparator()) continue; (*AL.item)->Mark.ResetAll(); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ bool GPickArealist::handle_key() { uint n; uint x; const char* adesc; char buf[256], tmp[256]; int mode, changed, currno; gkey kk; if(key < KK_Commands) { key = key_tolower(key); if((key == Key_Esc) and esc_abort) key = KK_AreaAbort; else { kk = SearchKey(key, AreaKey, AreaKeys); if(kk) key = kk; } } switch(key) { case KK_AreaDropMsgMarks: AreaDropMsgMarks(index); break; case KK_AreaSelectMarks: AL.Select_Mask(); break; case KK_AreaAskExit: { GMenuQuit MenuQuit; aborted = gkbd.quitall = (MenuQuit.Run()!=0); if(gkbd.quitall) { precursor(); return false; } } break; case KK_AreaAbort: aborted = true; // Drop Through case KK_AreaSelect: if(AL[index]->isseparator()) { if(not PlayMacro(key, KT_A)) SayBibi(); break; } precursor(); return false; case KK_AreaQuitNow: aborted = gkbd.quitall = true; precursor(); return false; case KK_AreaToggle: AL[index]->set_marked(not AL[index]->ismarked()); display_bar(); precursor(); cursor_down(); break; case KK_AreaMark: AL[index]->set_marked(true); display_bar(); precursor(); cursor_down(); break; case KK_AreaUnmark: AL[index]->set_marked(false); display_bar(); precursor(); cursor_down(); break; case KK_AreaBoardnos: CFG->switches.set(arealistnos, not CFG->switches.get(arealistnos)); update(); break; case KK_AreaCatchUp: AreaCatchUp(index); update(); break; case KK_AreaJumpNextMatch: jumpmatch(); break; case KK_AreaJump: { precursor(); jump_to(); } break; case KK_AreaDosShell: DosShell(); break; case KK_AreaGotoPrev: precursor(); cursor_up(); break; case KK_AreaGotoNext: precursor(); cursor_down(); break; case KK_AreaGotoFirst: precursor(); cursor_first(); break; case KK_AreaGotoLast: precursor(); cursor_last(); break; case KK_AreaSoundkill: HandleGEvent(EVTT_STOPVOICE); break; case KK_AreaTouchNetscan: TouchNetscan(); break; case KK_AreaHeat: { GMenuAreaHeat MenuAreaHeat; mode = MenuAreaHeat.Run(); if(mode != SCAN_QUIT) { for(AL.item = AL.idx.begin(); AL.item != AL.idx.end(); AL.item++) { if((mode == SCAN_MARKED and (*AL.item)->ismarked()) or mode == SCAN_ALL or (mode == SCAN_CURRENT and (*AL.item) == AL[index-1])) { update_statuslinef("%s %s", 1+LNG->ScanningArea, (*AL.item)->echoid()); (*AL.item)->SetHighwaterMark(); } } } } break; case KK_AreaZap: { GMenuAreaZap MenuAreaZap; mode = MenuAreaZap.Run(); if(mode != SCAN_QUIT) { for(AL.item = AL.idx.begin(); AL.item != AL.idx.end(); AL.item++) { if((mode == SCAN_MARKED and (*AL.item)->ismarked()) or mode == SCAN_ALL or (mode == SCAN_CURRENT and (*AL.item) == AL[index-1])) { update_statuslinef("%s %s", 1+LNG->ScanningArea, (*AL.item)->echoid()); (*AL.item)->ResetHighwaterMark(); } } } } break; case KK_AreaScanPM: pmscan = true; pmails = 0; pmareas = 0; // DROP THROUGH // case KK_AreaScan: { currno = index; GMenuAreaScan MenuAreaScan; mode = MenuAreaScan.Run(pmscan); if(mode != SCAN_QUIT) { w_info(LNG->Wait); strcpy(stecho, AL[index]->echoid()); if(mode == SCAN_IMPORTQWK) changed = ImportQWK(); else if(mode == SCAN_EXPORTQWK) changed = ExportQWK(); else if(mode == SCAN_IMPORTSOUP) changed = ImportSOUP(); else if(mode == SCAN_EXPORTSOUP) changed = ExportSOUP(); else { if(cmdlinedebughg) LOG.printf("- AreaScan from arealist"); changed = AL.AreaScan(mode, currno, pmscan, pmails, pmareas); } w_info(); AL.SetActiveAreaNo(currno); if(changed) { AL.Sort(); AreasRenumber(); index = AL.AreaEchoToNo(stecho); center(); } if(pmscan) { if(pmails) { w_infof(LNG->FoundPersonal, pmails, (pmails==1?"":"s"), pmareas, (pmareas==1?"":"s") ); } else { w_info(LNG->NoPersonal); } waitkeyt(10000); w_info(); } } pmscan = false; } break; case Key_Tick: CheckTick(KK_AreaQuitNow); break; case KK_AreaUndefine: break; case KK_AreaWriteGoldlast: w_info(LNG->Wait); AL.WriteGoldLast(); w_info(); break; default: if(key < KK_Macro) { n = g_toupper(key & 0xFF); if((area_fuzidx < area_maxfuz) or (key == Key_BS)) { // Incremental search in the echoids if(not iscntrl(n) or (key == Key_BS)) { if(n == ' ') n = '_'; if(key != Key_BS) area_maybe[area_fuzidx++] = (char)n; else if(area_fuzidx) area_fuzidx--; area_maybe[area_fuzidx] = NUL; strcpy(stpcpy(buf, title), area_maybe); strsetsz(strcpy(tmp, buf), MAXCOL); wwprintstr(tempwin, 0, 0, wattr, tmp); if(area_fuzidx) { x = atoi(area_maybe); if(x) { if(CFG->switches.get(arealistnos) and (isdigit(area_maybe[1]) or (area_maybe[1] == NUL))) { for(n=0; nboard() == x) { x = n; goto RedrawAreas; } } x = 0; // No match found } else { for(n=0; n= 1 and x<=AL.size()) { { for(int a=0, at=AL.size(); aisseparator()) { x++; if(x > maximum_index) x = minimum_index; } if(x != index) display_line(); #define _topidx (index-position) // Shorthand.. #define _botidx (index+(maximum_position-position)) // Shorthand.. if((_topidx <= x) and (x <= _botidx)) { position += (x-index); index = x; display_page(); /////////// NEW } else { index = x; center(); } break; } else { // Regular search for(n=0; nechoid(); if(strnicmp(area_maybe, adesc, area_fuzidx) == 0) { AL.Sort(); AreasRenumber(); x = AL.AreaEchoToNo(adesc); goto RedrawAreas; } } // Search inside for(n=0; nechoid(); if(striinc(area_maybe, adesc)) { AL.Sort(); AreasRenumber(); x = AL.AreaEchoToNo(adesc); goto RedrawAreas; } } } } else { adesc = AL[index]->echoid(); AL.Sort(); AreasRenumber(); index = AL.AreaEchoToNo(adesc); center(); } break; } } } if(not PlayMacro(key, KT_A)) SayBibi(); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int GPickArealist::Run(const char* _title, int wpos, int& idx) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_AREALIST); xpos = 0; // Window starting coloumn ypos = wpos; // Window starting row xlen = MAXCOL-2; // Window ending coloumn ylen = MAXROW-wpos-4; // Window ending row title = _title; // Window title btype = W_BAREA; // Window border type battr = C_AREAB; // Window border attributes wattr = C_AREAW; // Window Color tattr = C_AREAT; // Window Title Color sattr = C_AREAS; // Window Selection Bar Color hattr = C_AREAQ; // Window Highlight Color sbattr = C_AREAPB; // Window Scrollbar Color helpcat = H_Area; // Window Help Category maximum_index = AL.size() - 1; // List Entries - 1 maximum_position = MinV((size_t)ylen-1, AL.size()-1); // Display Pos index = AL.AreaIdToNo(idx); // List Index listwrap = CFG->switches.get(displistwrap); // True if wrap-around is supported esc_abort = (wpos!=0); area_maxfuz = MinV(sizeof(Echo), MAXCOL-strlen(title)-1); goldmark = ' '; areanumbers = (uint*)throw_calloc(AL.size(), sizeof(uint)); AreasRenumber(); run_picker(); throw_release(areanumbers); if(not aborted) return AL[index]->areaid(); idx = AL[index]->areaid(); return -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int AreaPick(char* title, int wpos, int* idx) { GPickArealist p; int new_area; if(gkbd.quitall) return -1; PickArealist = &p; in_arealist = true; new_area = p.Run(title, wpos, *idx); in_arealist = false; PickArealist = NULL; return new_area; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------