// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*- // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // The Goldware Library // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Windowing class. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __gwindow_h #define __gwindow_h // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #undef getc #undef putc // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void wgetc(int wrow, int wcol, int* atr, vchar* chr) { vgetc(wrow+gwin.active->srow+gwin.active->border, wcol+gwin.active->scol+gwin.active->border, atr, chr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct gscrollbar_data { long minpos; // Minimum range position long maxpos; // Maximum range position long pos; // Position of the thumb button long page; // Size of the visible part }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class gwindow { protected: _wrec_t* wrec; int owner; int window_style; int window_color; int border_hi_color; int border_lo_color; int scrollbar_color; int title_color; int title_position; int message_color; int shadow_color; public: int start_row; int start_column; int end_row; int end_column; enum { title_top = TTOP, title_left = TLEFT, title_center = TCENTER, title_right = TRIGHT, title_bottom = TBOTTOM, border_top = TP_BORD, border_bottom = BT_BORD, border_left = LT_BORD, border_right = RT_BORD, scrollbar_horizontal = W_HORZ, scrollbar_vertical = W_VERT, direction_down = D_DOWN, direction_up = D_UP, direction_left = D_LEFT, direction_right = D_RIGHT, bordertype_single = BT_SINGLE, bordertype_double = BT_DOUBLE, bordertype_singletop = BT_SINGLETOP, bordertype_doubletop = BT_DOUBLETOP, bordertype_blanks = BT_BLANKS, bordertype_none = BT_NONE, bordertype_blocks = BT_BLOCKS, bordertype_ascii = BT_ASCII, bordertypes = 7 }; gwindow(); gwindow(int old_handle); virtual ~gwindow(); void init(); int height() { return 1 + end_row - start_row; } int width() { return 1 + end_column - start_column; } int border_type() { return window_style & bordertypes; } bool has_border() { return border_type() != BT_NONE; } vchar boxchar_upper_left_corner() { return _box_table(border_type(), 0); } vchar boxchar_upper_horizontal_line() { return _box_table(border_type(), 1); } vchar boxchar_upper_right_corner() { return _box_table(border_type(), 2); } vchar boxchar_left_vertical_line() { return _box_table(border_type(), 3); } vchar boxchar_right_vertical_line() { return _box_table(border_type(), 4); } vchar boxchar_lower_left_corner() { return _box_table(border_type(), 5); } vchar boxchar_lower_horizontal_line() { return _box_table(border_type(), 6); } vchar boxchar_lower_right_corner() { return _box_table(border_type(), 7); } vchar boxchar_middle_junction() { return _box_table(border_type(), 8); } vchar boxchar_left_vertical_junction() { return _box_table(border_type(), 9); } vchar boxchar_right_vertical_junction() { return _box_table(border_type(), 10); } vchar boxchar_upper_horizontal_junction() { return _box_table(border_type(), 11); } vchar boxchar_lower_horizontal_junction() { return _box_table(border_type(), 12); } void set_window_at(int srow, int scol); void set_window_size(int vlen, int hlen); void open(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int style, int bcolor, int wcolor, int sbcolor=-1, int locolor=-1); void openxy(int srow, int scol, int vlen, int hlen, int style, int bcolor, int wcolor, int sbcolor=-1, int locolor=-1); void open(); void close(); void unlink(); void hide(); void unhide(); int active(); void activate(); void activate_quick(); int cursor_row(); int cursor_column(); void text_color(int color); void move_cursor(int row, int column); void title(const char* title, int color=-1, int position=-1); void no_title(); void message(const char* text, int border, int leftofs, int color=-1); void shadow(int color=-1); void no_shadow(); void set_vscrollbar_range(int minpos, int maxpos, int visible, int total, int redraw); void set_hscrollbar_range(int minpos, int maxpos, int visible, int total, int redraw); void set_vscrollbar_pos(int pos, int redraw); void set_hscrollbar_pos(int pos, int redraw); void set_scrollbar_color(int color); void vscrollbar(uint total, uint maxpos, uint pos, int sadd=0); void hscrollbar(uint total, uint maxpos, uint pos, int sadd=0); void scroll_down(int count=1); void scroll_up(int count=1); void scroll_box_down(int scol, int srow, int ecol, int erow, int count=1); void scroll_box_up(int scol, int srow, int ecol, int erow, int count=1); void getc(int row, int col, int* atr, vchar* chr); void putc(vchar ch); void puts(const char* text); void printc(int row, int col, int color, vchar ch); void prints(int row, int col, int color, const char* text); void printvs(int row, int col, int color, const vchar* text); void prints(int row, int col, int color, const std::string& text); void printns(int row, int col, int color, const char* text, int len, vchar fill=' ', int fill_color=-1); int printf(const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))); int printf(int color, const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); int printf(int row, int col, const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5))); int printf(int row, int col, int color, const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 5, 6))); void fill_char(vchar ch); void fill(int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, vchar ch, int color); void vertical_line(int wsrow, int wscol, int count, int btype, int color); void horizontal_line(int wsrow, int wscol, int count, int btype, int color); void clear(int color=-1); void clear_eol(); void drag(int direction, int howmuch=1); void slide(int row, int col); void putx(int wrow, int wcol, int color, char chr, uint len); void print_center(int row, int color, const char* text); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::init() { wrec = NULL; start_row = start_column = 0; end_row = gvid->curr.screen.rows - 1; end_column = gvid->curr.screen.columns - 1; window_style = 0; window_color = BLACK|_LGREY; border_hi_color = BLUE|_LGREY; border_lo_color = -1; scrollbar_color = -1; title_color = BLUE|_LGREY; title_position = title_center; message_color = BLUE|_LGREY; shadow_color = DGREY|_BLACK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::set_window_at(int srow, int scol) { start_row = srow; start_column = scol; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::set_window_size(int vlen, int hlen) { end_row = start_row + vlen - 1; end_column = start_column + hlen - 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::open(int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int style, int bcolor, int wcolor, int sbcolor, int locolor) { start_row = srow; start_column = scol; end_row = erow; end_column = ecol; window_color = wcolor; window_style = style; border_hi_color = bcolor; border_lo_color = locolor; scrollbar_color = sbcolor; wopen(srow, scol, erow, ecol, style, bcolor, wcolor, sbcolor, locolor); wrec = gwin.active; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::openxy(int srow, int scol, int vlen, int hlen, int style, int bcolor, int wcolor, int sbcolor, int locolor) { open(srow, scol, srow+vlen-1, scol+hlen-1, style, bcolor, wcolor, sbcolor, locolor); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::open() { open(start_row, start_column, end_row, end_column, window_style, border_hi_color, window_color, scrollbar_color, border_lo_color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline int gwindow::active() { return wrec == gwin.active; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::activate_quick() { if(!active()) wactiv_(wrec->whandle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::close() { if(wrec) { activate_quick(); wclose(); wrec = NULL; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::unlink() { wunlink(wrec->whandle); wrec = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::hide() { activate_quick(); whide(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::unhide() { wunhide(wrec->whandle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::activate() { if(!active()) wactiv(wrec->whandle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline int gwindow::cursor_row() { return wrec->row; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline int gwindow::cursor_column() { return wrec->column; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::text_color(int color) { window_color = color; activate_quick(); wtextattr(color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::set_scrollbar_color(int color) { wrec->sbattr = color; scrollbar_color = color; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::move_cursor(int row, int column) { activate_quick(); wgotoxy(row, column); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::title(const char* title, int color, int position) { if(color != -1) title_color = color; if(position != -1) title_position = position; activate_quick(); wtitle(title, title_position, title_color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::no_title() { title(NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::message(const char* text, int border, int leftofs, int color) { if(color != -1) message_color = color; activate_quick(); wmessage(text, border, leftofs, message_color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::shadow(int color) { if(color != -1) shadow_color = color; activate_quick(); wshadow(shadow_color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::no_shadow() { activate_quick(); wshadoff(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::vscrollbar(uint total, uint maxpos, uint pos, int sadd) { activate_quick(); wscrollbar(scrollbar_vertical, total, maxpos, pos, sadd); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::hscrollbar(uint total, uint maxpos, uint pos, int sadd) { activate_quick(); wscrollbar(scrollbar_horizontal, total, maxpos, pos, sadd); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::scroll_down(int count) { activate_quick(); wscroll(count, direction_down); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::scroll_up(int count) { activate_quick(); wscroll(count, direction_up); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::scroll_box_down(int scol, int srow, int ecol, int erow, int count) { activate_quick(); wscrollbox(scol, srow, ecol, erow, count, direction_down); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::scroll_box_up(int scol, int srow, int ecol, int erow, int count) { activate_quick(); wscrollbox(scol, srow, ecol, erow, count, direction_up); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::getc(int row, int col, int* atr, vchar* chr) { activate_quick(); wgetc(row, col, atr, chr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::putc(vchar ch) { activate_quick(); wputc(ch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::puts(const char* text) { activate_quick(); wputs(text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::printc(int row, int col, int color, vchar ch) { activate_quick(); wprintc(row, col, color, ch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::prints(int row, int col, int color, const char* text) { activate_quick(); wprints(row, col, color == -1 ? window_color : color, text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::printvs(int row, int col, int color, const vchar* text) { activate_quick(); wprintvs(row, col, color == -1 ? window_color : color, text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::prints(int row, int col, int color, const std::string& text) { prints(row, col, color, text.c_str()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::printns(int row, int col, int color, const char* text, int len, vchar fill, int fill_color) { activate_quick(); wprintns(row, col, color, text, len, fill, fill_color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::fill_char(vchar ch) { activate_quick(); wfillch(ch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::fill(int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, vchar ch, int color) { activate_quick(); wfill(wsrow, wscol, werow, wecol, ch, color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::vertical_line(int wsrow, int wscol, int count, int btype, int color) { activate_quick(); wvline(wsrow, wscol, count, btype, color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::horizontal_line(int wsrow, int wscol, int count, int btype, int color) { activate_quick(); whline(wsrow, wscol, count, btype, color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::clear(int color) { activate_quick(); wcclear(color == -1 ? window_color : color); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline gwindow::gwindow() { init(); owner = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline gwindow::gwindow(int old_handle) { init(); owner = false; wrec = wfindrec(old_handle); start_row = wrec->srow; start_column = wrec->scol; end_row = wrec->erow; end_column = wrec->ecol; window_color = wrec->wattr; window_style = wrec->btype; border_hi_color = wrec->battr; border_lo_color = wrec->loattr; scrollbar_color = wrec->sbattr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline gwindow::~gwindow() { if(owner) close(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::slide(int row, int col) { activate_quick(); wslide(row, col); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void gwindow::print_center(int row, int color, const char* text) { activate_quick(); wcenters(row, color, text); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------