// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Area functions. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ int SearchTaglist(Echo* taglist, char* tag) { int n = 0; while(*taglist[n]) { if(strieql(taglist[n], tag)) break; n++; } return(n); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Update exportlist scanning file void WriteNoDupes(const char* file, const char* line) { gfile fp; Path buf; bool found = false; long tries = 0; do { fp.fopen(file, "at+", SH_DENYRW); if(not fp.isopen()) { if((errno != EACCES) or (PopupLocked(++tries, false, file) == false)) { LOG.ErrOpen(); LOG.printf("! A semaphore file could not be opened."); LOG.printf(": %s", file); LOG.ErrOSInfo(); OpenErrorExit(); } } } while(not fp.isopen()); if(tries) PopupLocked(0, 0, NULL); fp.fseek(0, SEEK_SET); while(fp.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf))) { if(strieql(strtrim(buf), line)) { found = true; break; } } if(not found) { fp.fseek(0, SEEK_END); fp.printf("%s\n", line); } fp.fclose(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void FreqWaZOO(const char* files, const Addr& dest, const Attr& attr) { char* buf = throw_strdup(files); Path filename, outbound, tmp; StripBackslash(strcpy(outbound, CFG->outboundpath)); strcpy(filename, outbound); if(dest.zone != CFG->aka[0].addr.zone) { sprintf(tmp, ".%03x", dest.zone); strcat(filename, tmp); if(not is_dir(filename)) mkdir(filename, S_IWUSR); } AddBackslash(filename); sprintf(tmp, "%04x%04x", dest.net, dest.node); strcat(filename, tmp); if(dest.point) { strcat(filename, ".pnt"); if(not is_dir(filename)) mkdir(filename, S_IWUSR); AddBackslash(filename); sprintf(tmp, "%08x", dest.point); strcat(filename, tmp); } strcpy(tmp, filename); // filename now contains everything but the extension, and we are sure // that the directory exists strcat(tmp, ".req"); int i = 0; while(buf[i]) { if(buf[i] == ' ') { if(buf[i+1] != '!' and buf[i+1] != '$') buf[i] = '\n'; } i++; } FILE* fcs = fopen(tmp, "at"); if(fcs) { fprintf(fcs, "%s\n", buf); fclose(fcs); } strcpy(tmp, filename); char m; if(attr.imm()) m = 'i'; else if(attr.cra()) m = 'c'; else if(attr.dir()) m = 'd'; else if(attr.hld()) m = 'h'; else m = 'f'; char buf2[5]; sprintf(buf2, ".%clo", m); strcat(tmp, buf2); if(*tmp) TouchFile(tmp); throw_free(buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void RenumberArea() { if(not AA->Renumber()) { HandleGEvent(EVTT_JOBFAILED); update_statusline(LNG->NoRenum); waitkeyt(5000); reader_keyok = YES; } else { AA->Mark.ResetAll(); AA->Expo.ResetAll(); // Touch the netmail rescan semaphore if(AA->isnet()) TouchFile(AddPath(CFG->areapath, CFG->semaphore.netscan)); // Tell user we are finished update_statuslinef("%u %s", AA->Msgn.Count(), LNG->Renumbered); waitkeyt(5000); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::Open() { if(not adat) { adat = (AreaData*)throw_calloc(1, sizeof(AreaData)); InitData(); } area->Msgn = &Msgn; area->PMrk = &PMrk; area->open(); isscanned = true; UpdateAreadata(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::Close() { if(isreadpm) { set_lastread(Msgn.ToReln(lastreadentry())); isreadpm = false; } PMrk.ResetAll(); isreadmark = false; area->close(); UpdateAreadata(); throw_release(adat); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::Scan() { if(cmdlinedebughg) LOG.printf("- Scan: %s", echoid()); scan(); isscanned = true; UpdateAreadata(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Area::SaveMsg(int mode, GMsg* msg) { if(CFG->switches.get(frqwazoo) and msg->attr.frq()) { if(not (mode & GMSG_NOLSTUPD)) FreqWaZOO(msg->re, msg->dest, msg->attr); if(CFG->frqoptions & FREQ_NOWAZOOMSG) return; msg->attr.frq0(); } if(isinternet() or isecho()) { // Adjust fields for compatibility if(*msg->realby) strcpy(msg->by, msg->realby); if(*msg->realto and not isnet()) strcpy(msg->to, msg->realto); } // Translate softcr to configured char if (adat->usesoftcrxlat && EDIT->SoftCrXlat()) { strchg(msg->by, SOFTCR, EDIT->SoftCrXlat()); strchg(msg->to, SOFTCR, EDIT->SoftCrXlat()); strchg(msg->realby, SOFTCR, EDIT->SoftCrXlat()); strchg(msg->realto, SOFTCR, EDIT->SoftCrXlat()); if(not (msg->attr.frq() or msg->attr.att() or msg->attr.urq())) strchg(msg->re, SOFTCR, EDIT->SoftCrXlat()); strchg(msg->txt, SOFTCR, EDIT->SoftCrXlat()); } area->save_msg(mode, msg); if(not (mode & GMSG_NOLSTUPD) or msg->attr.uns()) { UpdateAreadata(); if(msg->attr.uns()) { Path file, line; if(islocal()) { errorlevel |= EXIT_LOCAL; locpost++; } else if(isnet()) { errorlevel |= EXIT_NET; netpost++; } else { errorlevel |= EXIT_ECHO; echopost++; } if(streql(basetype(), "JAM") and (isecho() or isnet())) { Path p; sprintf(file, "%s%smail.jam", CFG->jampath, isecho() ? "echo" : "net"); sprintf(line, "%s %u", ReMapPath(strcpy(p, path())), msg->msgno); WriteNoDupes(file, line); } if(isqwk()) { strcpy(file, AddPath(CFG->goldpath, "goldqwk.lst")); sprintf(line, "%s %u", echoid(), msg->msgno); WriteNoDupes(file, line); } else if(isinternet()) { strcpy(file, AddPath(CFG->goldpath, "goldsoup.lst")); sprintf(line, "%s %u", echoid(), msg->msgno); WriteNoDupes(file, line); } else { if(not strblank(CFG->semaphore.exportlist)) { strcpy(file, AddPath(CFG->areapath, CFG->semaphore.exportlist)); sprintf(line, "%s", echoid()); WriteNoDupes(file, line); } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void HudsSizewarn() { whelpcat(H_EWarnMsgtxt); call_help(); whelpcat(H_General); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void HGWarnRebuild() { whelpcat(H_EQbaseRebuild); call_help(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void FidoRenumberProgress(const char* s) { update_statusline(s); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------