// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GoldED+ // Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307 USA // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Misc. msg handling. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------ static bool tokenxchg(char*& dst, char* tok, const char* src, int len = 0, int cnt = 0, ...) { uint toklen = strlen(tok); char buf[100]; bool use; if(*dst != *tok) return false; if(not strnieql(dst, tok, toklen)) { if(len and *dst and (*(dst+1) == '_') and *(dst+2)) { if(not strnieql(dst+2, tok+1, toklen-1)) return false; else toklen++; } else return false; } else len = 0; va_list a; va_start(a, cnt); for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i ++) { use = va_arg(a, int); if(dst[toklen] == '{') { char *p = strchr(dst+toklen, '}'); if(p) { uint dstlen = p-dst-toklen-1; if(use && dstlen) { strxcpy (buf, dst+toklen+1, dstlen+1); src = buf; } toklen = p-dst+1; } } } va_end(a); uint sl = strlen(src); uint srclen = (len == 0) ? sl : len; memmove(dst+srclen, dst+toklen, strlen(dst+toklen)+1); memset(dst, ' ', srclen); memcpy(dst, src, ((len != 0) and (len < sl)) ? len : sl); dst += srclen; return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ inline bool domain_requested(const char *str, size_t pos) { if(str[1] == '_') pos++; return strnieql(str+pos, "{domain}", 8); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ char* TokenXlat(int mode, char* input, GMsg* msg, GMsg* oldmsg, int __origarea) { static char revbuf[5] = ""; if(revbuf[0] == NUL) sprintf(revbuf, "%02d%02d", str2mon(__gver_date__), atoi(&__gver_date__[4])); char attr[80]; MakeAttrStr(attr, sizeof(attr), &msg->attr); const char *xmailer = get_informative_string(); const char *osver = ggetosstring(); time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm* written_tm = localtime(&t); char cdate[80]; strftimei(cdate, 80, LNG->DateFmt, written_tm); char ctime[80]; strftimei(ctime, 80, LNG->TimeFmt, written_tm); char cdtime[80]; strftimei(cdtime, 80, LNG->DateTimeFmt, written_tm); written_tm = gmtime(&oldmsg->written); char odate[80]; strftimei(odate, 80, LNG->DateFmt, written_tm); char otime[80]; strftimei(otime, 80, LNG->TimeFmt, written_tm); char odtime[80]; strftimei(odtime, 80, LNG->DateTimeFmt, written_tm); const char* origareaid = AL.AreaIdToPtr(__origarea)->echoid(); bool origareaisinet = AL.AreaIdToPtr(__origarea)->isinternet(); bool currareaisinet = AA->isinternet(); char* modereptr = oldmsg->re; char msgno[16]; sprintf(msgno, "%u", msg->attr.nwm() ? AA->Msgn.Count() + 1 : AA->Msgn.ToReln(msg->msgno)); char msgs[16]; sprintf(msgs, "%u", AA->Msgn.Count() + (msg->attr.nwm() ? 1 : 0)); if((mode == MODE_QUOTE) or (mode == MODE_REPLYCOMMENT) or (mode == MODE_REPLY)) { if(AL.AreaIdToPtr(__origarea)->Areareplydirect() and oldmsg->areakludgeid) origareaid = oldmsg->areakludgeid; } else if(mode != MODE_FORWARD) modereptr = msg->re; char buf[100]; char* dst = input; while(*dst) { while((*dst != '@') and (*dst != LF) and *dst) dst++; if(*dst == LF) *dst++ = CR; else if(*dst == '@') { if(dst[1] == '@') { memmove(dst, dst+1, strlen(dst+1)+1); dst++; } else { if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cecho", AA->echoid())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cdesc", AA->desc())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@oecho", origareaid)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@odesc", AL.AreaEchoToPtr(origareaid)->desc())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@oname", strbtrim(strtmp(oldmsg->By())), 34, 2, (int)msg->by_me(), (int)msg->by_you())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@ofname", strlword(oldmsg->By()), 0, 2, (int)msg->by_me(), (int)msg->by_you())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@olname", strrword(oldmsg->By()), 0, 2, (int)msg->by_me(), (int)msg->by_you())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@odate", odate)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@otime", otime)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@odtime", odtime)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@otzoffset", (oldmsg->tzutc == -32767) ? "" : (sprintf(buf, " %+05d", oldmsg->tzutc), buf))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@ofrom", oldmsg->ifrom)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@oto", oldmsg->ito)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@omessageid", oldmsg->messageid ? oldmsg->messageid : "")) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@omsgid", *msg->replys ? msg->replys : "")) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@dname", strbtrim(strtmp(oldmsg->To())), 34, 3, (int)msg->to_me(), (int)msg->to_you(), (int)oldmsg->to_all())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@dpgp", *msg->iaddr ? msg->iaddr : msg->To())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@dfname", strlword(oldmsg->To()), 0, 3, (int)msg->to_me(), (int)msg->to_you(), (int)oldmsg->to_all())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@dlname", strrword(oldmsg->To()), 0, 3, (int)msg->to_me(), (int)msg->to_you(), (int)oldmsg->to_all())) continue; if(origareaisinet) { if(tokenxchg(dst, "@oaddr", oldmsg->iorig, 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@daddr", oldmsg->iaddr, 19, 1, 0)) continue; } if(currareaisinet) { if(tokenxchg(dst, "@caddr", AA->Internetaddress(), 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@faddr", msg->iorig, 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@taddr", msg->iaddr, 19, 1, 0)) continue; } if((not origareaisinet or not currareaisinet) and (strlen(dst) >= 6)) { bool dr = domain_requested(dst, 6); if(not origareaisinet) { if(tokenxchg(dst, "@oaddr", oldmsg->orig.make_string(buf, dr ? oldmsg->odom : NULL), 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@o3daddr", 8)) { ftn_addr boss = oldmsg->orig; boss.point = 0; tokenxchg(dst, "@o3daddr", boss.make_string(buf, domain_requested(dst, 8) ? oldmsg->odom : NULL), 19, 1, 0); continue; } if(tokenxchg(dst, "@daddr", oldmsg->dest.make_string(buf, dr ? oldmsg->ddom : NULL), 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@d3daddr", 8)) { ftn_addr boss = oldmsg->dest; boss.point = 0; tokenxchg(dst, "@d3daddr", boss.make_string(buf, domain_requested(dst, 8) ? oldmsg->ddom : NULL), 19, 1, 0); continue; } } if(not currareaisinet) { const gaka &caka=AA->Aka(); if(tokenxchg(dst, "@caddr", caka.addr.make_string(buf, dr ? caka.domain : NULL), 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@c3daddr", 8)) { ftn_addr boss = caka.addr; boss.point = 0; tokenxchg(dst, "@c3daddr", boss.make_string(buf, domain_requested(dst, 8) ? caka.domain : NULL), 19, 1, 0); continue; } if(tokenxchg(dst, "@taddr", msg->dest.make_string(buf, dr ? msg->ddom : NULL), 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@t3daddr", 8)) { ftn_addr boss = msg->dest; boss.point = 0; tokenxchg(dst, "@t3daddr", boss.make_string(buf, domain_requested(dst, 8) ? msg->ddom : NULL), 19, 1, 0); continue; } if(tokenxchg(dst, "@faddr", msg->orig.make_string(buf, dr ? msg->odom : NULL), 19, 1, 0)) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@f3daddr", 8)) { ftn_addr boss = msg->orig; boss.point = 0; tokenxchg(dst, "@f3daddr", boss.make_string(buf, domain_requested(dst, 8) ? msg->odom : NULL), 19, 1, 0); continue; } } } if(tokenxchg(dst, "@tname", strbtrim(strtmp(msg->To())), 34, 3, (int)false, (int)false, (int)msg->to_all())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@tfname", strlword(msg->To()), 0, 3, (int)false, (int)false, (int)msg->to_all())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@tlname", strrword(msg->To()), 0, 3, (int)false, (int)false, (int)msg->to_all())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cname", AA->Username().name, 34)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cfname", strlword(strcpy(buf, AA->Username().name)))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@clname", strrword(strcpy(buf, AA->Username().name)))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cfrom", msg->ifrom)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cto", msg->ito)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cdate", cdate)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@ctime", ctime)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cdtime", cdtime)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@ctzoffset", AA->Usetzutc() ? (sprintf(buf, " %+05d", tzoffset()), buf) : "")) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@fname", strbtrim(strtmp(msg->By())), 34)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@fpgp", *msg->iorig ? msg->iorig : msg->By())) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@ffname", strlword(msg->By()))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@flname", strrword(msg->By()))) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@dpseudo", 8)) { if(*(oldmsg->pseudoto) == NUL) build_pseudo(oldmsg); tokenxchg(dst, "@dpseudo", oldmsg->pseudoto, 0, 3, (int)msg->to_me(), (int)msg->to_you(), (int)oldmsg->to_all()); continue; } if(strnieql(dst, "@opseudo", 8)) { if(*(oldmsg->pseudofrom) == NUL) build_pseudo(oldmsg, false); tokenxchg(dst, "@opseudo", oldmsg->pseudofrom, 0, 2, (int)msg->by_me(), (int)msg->by_you()); continue; } if(strnieql(dst, "@tpseudo", 8)) { if(*(msg->pseudoto) == NUL) build_pseudo(msg); tokenxchg(dst, "@tpseudo", msg->pseudoto, 0, 3, (int)false, (int)false, (int)msg->to_all()); continue; } // Same as above (just for backward compatibility) if(strnieql(dst, "@pseudo", 7)) { if(*(msg->pseudoto) == NUL) build_pseudo(msg); tokenxchg(dst, "@pseudo", msg->pseudoto, 0, 3, (int)false, (int)false, (int)msg->to_all()); continue; } if(strnieql(dst, "@fpseudo", 8)) { if(*(msg->pseudofrom) == NUL) build_pseudo(msg, false); tokenxchg(dst, "@fpseudo", msg->pseudofrom); continue; } if(tokenxchg(dst, "@msgno", msgno)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@msgs", msgs)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@cpseudo", *AA->Nickname() ? AA->Nickname() : strlword(strcpy(buf, AA->Username().name), " @."))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@version", __gver_ver__)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@ver", __gver_shortver__)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@rev", revbuf)) continue; if(strnieql(dst, "@align{", 6)) { char *ptr = strchr(dst, '}'); if(ptr) { int size = atoi(dst+7) - (dst-input); if(size > 0) { char filler = ' '; if((ptr[1] == '{') and (ptr[3] == '}')) { filler = ptr[2]; ptr += 3; } memmove(dst+size, ptr+1, strlen(ptr+1)+1); memset(dst, filler, size); dst += size; } else { if ((ptr[1] == '{') and (ptr[3] == '}')) ptr += 3; memmove(dst, ptr+1, strlen(ptr+1)+1); } } else { memmove(dst, dst+6, strlen(dst+6)+1); } continue; } if(tokenxchg(dst, "@pid", __gver_shortpid__)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@longpid", __gver_longpid__)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@widepid", xmailer)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@osver", osver)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@osslash", __gver_platform__)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@subject", modereptr)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@attr", attr)) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@tagline", HandleRandomLine(strxcpy(buf, AA->Tagline(), sizeof(buf)), sizeof(buf)))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@tearline", HandleRandomLine(strxcpy(buf, AA->Tearline(), sizeof(buf)), sizeof(buf)))) continue; if(tokenxchg(dst, "@origin", HandleRandomLine(strxcpy(buf, AA->Origin(), sizeof(buf)), sizeof(buf)))) continue; dst++; } } } return input; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ROT13 De/crypting function void Rot13(GMsg* msg) { char c; int ptr; int n; Line* line; static char rot13_table[256]; static char done = NO; #define ROT13_DECODE(c) (((c) & 0x80) ? (c) : rot13_table[c]) if(not done) { for(n=0; n<256; n++) { c = (char)n; if (c >= 'a' and c <= 'm') c += '\xD'; else if(c >= 'n' and c <= 'z') c -= '\xD'; else if(c >= 'A' and c <= 'M') c += '\xD'; else if(c >= 'N' and c <= 'Z') c -= '\xD'; rot13_table[n] = c; } done = YES; } line = msg->lin; while(line) { if(not (line->type & (GLINE_KLUDGE|GLINE_TEAR|GLINE_ORIG))) { for(ptr = 0; ptr != line->txt.length(); ptr++) { c = line->txt[ptr]; line->txt[ptr] = ROT13_DECODE(c); } } line = line->next; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void LoadText(GMsg* msg, const char* textfile) { FILE* fp; uint size; char* buf; char* ptr; char* txtptr; int hardcr = NO, hardlen; char hardline[20]; fp = fsopen(textfile, "rt", CFG->sharemode); if(fp) { #define PBUFSIZE 4096 // Allow a 4k long paragraph size_t buf_len = PBUFSIZE; buf = (char*)throw_malloc(PBUFSIZE); int tabsz = CFG->disptabsize ? CFG->disptabsize : 1; __extension__ char spaces[tabsz+1]; memset(spaces, ' ', tabsz); spaces[tabsz] = NUL; uint tlen = (uint)(fsize(fp)+512); msg->txt = txtptr = (char*)throw_realloc(msg->txt, tlen); memset(msg->txt, NUL, tlen); if(EDIT->HardLines()) strcpy(hardline, EDIT->HardLine()); else *hardline = NUL; strcat(hardline, "\n"); hardlen = strlen(hardline); *txtptr = NUL; while(fgets(buf, PBUFSIZE-1, fp)) { if(EDIT->HardLines() and strneql(buf, hardline, hardlen)) { hardcr = not hardcr; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; if(*txtptr) txtptr++; continue; } else { size_t read_len = strlen(buf); char *ht = buf; while((ht = strchr(ht, '\t')) != NULL) { int rposn = ht-buf; int rstart = rposn%tabsz+1; *ht = ' '; if(tabsz > rstart) { if((read_len + tabsz - rstart) >= (buf_len-1)) { buf_len += tabsz; buf = (char*)throw_realloc(buf, buf_len); } strins(spaces+rstart, buf, rposn); } } ptr = buf; while(*ptr == ' ') // Skip leading spaces ptr++; if(*ptr != LF) { strsrep(buf, hardline, "\r"); read_len = strlen(buf); if(hardcr or *buf == CTRL_A) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } else if(is_quote(buf)) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } else if(not isspace(buf[0]) and (buf[0] == buf[1]) and (buf[0] == buf[2])) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } else if(strnieql(buf, " * Origin: ", 11)) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } else if(strnieql(ptr, "CC:", 3)) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } else if(strnieql(ptr, "XC:", 3)) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } else if(strnieql(buf, "SEEN-BY: ", 9)) { if(not isspace(buf[read_len-1])) read_len += 1; buf[read_len-1] = CR; buf[read_len] = NUL; if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; } if(*txtptr == LF) { if((*(txtptr-1) != ' ') and (*ptr != ' ')) *txtptr++ = ' '; } else if(*txtptr != 0) txtptr++; } else { if(*txtptr == LF) *txtptr = CR; if(*txtptr) txtptr++; strcpy(buf, "\r"); } } if((*(txtptr-1) == CR) or (*txtptr == NUL)) { size = strlen(buf); memcpy(txtptr, buf, size); txtptr += size-1; } } if(*txtptr != CR) *(++txtptr) = CR; *(++txtptr) = NUL; fclose(fp); throw_free(buf); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void GMsg::LinesToText() { // Allow paragraphs up to 64k-1 long in the transfer buffer int bufsize = 65535; char* _buf = (char*)throw_malloc(bufsize); Chs* _xlat_table = CharTable; int _xlat_level = _xlat_table ? (_xlat_table->level ? _xlat_table->level : 2) : 0; XlatStr(_buf, realby, _xlat_level, _xlat_table); strxcpy(realby, _buf, sizeof(INam)); XlatStr(_buf, realto, _xlat_level, _xlat_table); strxcpy(realto, _buf, sizeof(INam)); XlatStr(_buf, by, _xlat_level, _xlat_table); strxcpy(by, _buf, sizeof(INam)); XlatStr(_buf, to, _xlat_level, _xlat_table); strxcpy(to, _buf, sizeof(INam)); if(not (attr.frq() or attr.att() or attr.urq())) { XlatStr(_buf, re, _xlat_level, _xlat_table); strxcpy(re, _buf, sizeof(ISub)); } int _lfterm = EDIT->CrLfTerm() and not AA->ispcboard(); int _hardterm = AA->Edithardterm() or AA->ispcboard() or AA->iswildcat(); int _isezycom = AA->isezycom(); uint _alloc_size = 1024; Line* _line = lin; uint _lines = 0; // Approximate the size of the text while(_line) { _alloc_size += _line->txt.length(); _line = _line->next; _lines++; } _alloc_size += _lines * (_lfterm ? 2 : 1); // Allocate the text txt = (char*)throw_realloc(txt, _alloc_size); // Setup variables for the loop _line = lin; uint _size = 0; char* _ptr = txt; // Build the text from the lines while(_line) { *_buf = NUL; char* _bptr; bool _hterm = true; if(_line->isheader()) { _bptr = stpcpy(_buf, _line->txt.c_str()); while(_line->next and _line->iswrapped()) { _line = _line->next; _bptr = stpcpy(_bptr, _line->txt.c_str()); if((_bptr-_buf) > (bufsize-256)) { int bptrlen = (int)(_bptr - _buf); bufsize += 4096; _buf = (char*)throw_realloc(_buf, bufsize); _bptr = _buf + bptrlen; } } } else { _bptr = XlatStr(_buf, _line->txt.c_str(), _xlat_level, _xlat_table); if(*_buf and not _line->ishard()) { if(_line->next) { if((*(_bptr-1) != ' ') and (*_line->next->txt.c_str() != ' ')) if(_isezycom or not _hardterm) *_bptr++ = ' '; if(not _hardterm) { if(_isezycom and not CFG->switches.get(dispsoftcr)) *_bptr++ = SOFTCR; _hterm = false; } } } } if(_hterm) { *_bptr++ = CR; if(_lfterm) *_bptr++ = LF; } if(*_buf) { uint _buflen = (uint)(_bptr-_buf); _size += _buflen; if(_size >= _alloc_size) { _alloc_size += 1024; txt = (char*)throw_realloc(txt, _alloc_size); } _ptr = txt + _size; memcpy(_ptr-_buflen, _buf, _buflen); } _line = _line->next; } *_ptr = NUL; throw_free(_buf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------