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2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00

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// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Goldware Library
// Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
// MA 02111-1307, USA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Based on CXL by Mike Smedley.
// Windowing functions.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __gwinall_h
#define __gwinall_h
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <gdefs.h>
#include <gkbdbase.h>
#include <gvidall.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error codes returned from windowing functions
#define W_NOERROR 0 // no error
#define W_ESCPRESS 1 // Escape key was pressed
#define W_ALLOCERR 2 // memory allocation error
#define W_NOTFOUND 3 // record not found
#define W_NOACTIVE 4 // no active window
#define W_INVCOORD 5 // invalid coordinates
#define W_INVFORMT 6 // invalid format string
#define W_NOINPDEF 7 // no input fields defined
#define W_STRLONG 8 // string too long for window
#define W_INVBTYPE 9 // invalid box type
#define W_NOBORDER 10 // no window border
#define W_NOHIDDEN 11 // no hidden windows
#define W_NOTHIDD 12 // window is not hidden
#define W_NOSELECT 13 // no selectable menu items
#define W_NOITMDEF 14 // no menu items defined
#define W_NOMNUEND 15 // no end of menu specified
#define W_NOMNUDEF 16 // no menu defined
#define W_NOMNUBEG 17 // no begin of menu specified
#define W_NOFRMDEF 18 // no form defined
#define W_NOFRMBEG 19 // no begin of form specified
#define W_NOHLPDEF 20 // no help record defined
#define W_HLPSTKOV 21 // help stack overflow
#define W_HLPSTKUN 22 // help stack underflow
#define W_DOSERROR 23 // DOS error
#define W_NOMATCH 24 // no files matched input filespec
#define W_INVTAGID 25 // invalid tag identifier
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window border identifiers
#define TP_BORD 0 // top border
#define BT_BORD 1 // bottom border
#define LT_BORD 2 // left border
#define RT_BORD 3 // right border
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Direction codes
#define D_DOWN 0
#define D_UP 1
#define D_LEFT 2
#define D_RIGHT 3
#define SDOWN D_DOWN // scroll down
#define SUP D_UP // scroll up
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scrollbar orientation
const int W_HORZ = 1;
const int W_VERT = 2;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Menu item record definition
struct _item_t {
_item_t* prev; // pointer to previous record
_item_t* next; // pointer to next record
void* child; // pointer to submenu's record
const char* str; // address of selection string
const char* desc; // text description of menu option
VfvCP select; // address of selection function
VfvCP before; // address of "before" function
VfvCP after; // address of "after" function
gkey hotkey; // hot key to select function
int tagid; // tag identifier
int help; // help category number
int wrow; // start of text - window row
int wcol; // start of text - window column
char schar; // quick selection character
int fmask; // special feature mask
int dwhdl; // description window handle
int dwrow; // description window row
int dwcol; // description window column
int dattr; // description attribute
int redisp; // redisplay flag
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window menu record definition
struct _menu_t {
_menu_t* prev; // pointer to prev menu structure
_menu_t* next; // pointer to next menu structure
_menu_t* parent; // pointer to parent menu
_item_t* item; // pointer to head menu item
_item_t* citem; // pointer to current menu item
VfvCP open; // address of post-opening function
int tagcurr; // tag ID of item selection bar on
int usecurr; // will menu use current window?
int srow; // starting row of menu window
int scol; // starting column of menu window
int erow; // ending row of menu window
int ecol; // ending column of menu window
int btype; // menu window border type
int battr; // menu window "hi" border attribute
int loattr; // menu window "lo" border attribute
int sbattr; // menu window scrollbar attribute
int wattr; // menu window attribute
int menutype; // menu type mask
int barwidth; // width of menu bar or zero
int textpos; // offset of text from start of bar
int textattr; // attribute of menu text
int scharattr; // attribute of selection character
int noselattr; // non-selectable text attribute
int barattr; // attribute of selection bar
const char* title; // menu title string or NULL if no title
int titlepos; // position of menu title (TLEFT,TCENTER,TRIGHT)
int titleattr; // attribute of menu title
int shadattr; // shadow attribute or -1 if no shadow
int items; // number of items in menu
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window input field definition
struct _field_t {
_field_t* prev; // pointer to previous field
_field_t* next; // pointer to next field
char* str; // address of receiving string
char* buf; // address of temp receive string
const char* format; // input field format string
IfcpCP validate; // address of validation function
VfvCP before; // address of "before" function
VfvCP after; // address of "after" function
int help; // help category number
int lenbuf; // length of buffer
int lenfld; // length of screen input field
int lenfmt; // length of format string
int wrow; // start of input - window row
int wcol; // start of input - window column
int mode; // 0=init, 1=update, 2=cond update
int decpos; // decimal position (numeric)
int redisp; // redisplay flag
char fconv; // field conversion character
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window data entry form definition
typedef gkey (*KfipCP)(int*);
struct _form_t {
KfipCP getkey; // pointer to alternate get func
_form_t* prev; // pointer to previous form record
_form_t* next; // pointer to next form record
_field_t* field; // pointer to head field record
_field_t* cfield; // pointer to current field record
gkey* termkey; // addr of int for terminating key
const char* pformat; // format string pointer
char* pbuf; // buffer string pointer
int cwrow; // current window row
int cwcol; // current window column
int decimal; // decimal field flag
int insert; // insert mode flag
int fieldattr; // field attribute
int textattr; // text attribute
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Structure of window records
struct _wrec_t {
_wrec_t* prev; // pointer to previous window record
_wrec_t* next; // pointer to next window record
_form_t* form; // pointer to head form record
vatch* wbuf; // address of window's buffer
vatch* wsbuf; // address of window shadow's buffer
const char* title; // address of window's title string
int whandle; // window's handle
int help; // help category number
int srow; // start row of window
int scol; // start column of window
int erow; // end row of window
int ecol; // end column of window
int btype; // window's box type
int wattr; // window's initial text attribute
int battr; // attribute of window's border
int loattr; // attribute of window's border
int sbattr; // attribute of window's scrollbar
int border; // has border? 0 = no, 1 = yes
int row; // window's current cursor row
int column; // window's current cursor column
int attr; // window's current text attribute
int tpos; // position of window's title
int tattr; // attribute of window's title
int wsattr; // attribute of window's shadow
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
class _help_t;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window information record
class GWin {
_wrec_t* active; // pointer to active window
_wrec_t* hidden; // pointer to head hidden window
_menu_t* menu; // pointer to head menu record
_menu_t* cmenu; // pointer to current menu record
_help_t* helptr; // pointer to help info record
int handle; // last handle given to a window
int help; // current help category
int werrno; // error num from last window func
int total; // total number of open windows
int mlevel; // system variable used in menus
int ilevel; // system variable used in menus
int esc; // check for Esc in input funcions?
int tabwidth; // window TTY output tab width
vchar fillch; // character to fill windows with
int style; // how to open the windows
extern GWin gwin;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window open styles
#define STYLE_NORMAL 0
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fmask definitions for wmenuitem()
#define M_HASPD 1 // has pull-down menu attached
#define M_NOSEL 2 // is not selectable
#define M_CLOSE 4 // close menu after select func
#define M_CLALL 8 // close all menus when selected
#define M_CLOSB 16 // close menu before select func
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Menutype definitions for wmenuend()
#define M_HORZ 1 // horizontal menu
#define M_VERT 2 // vertical menu
#define M_OMNI 7 // omnidirectional menu
#define M_PD 8 // pull-down menu
#define M_NOQS 16 // disable quick selection
#define M_SAVE 32 // save last bar position
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Special return codes from wmenuget()
#define M_EXIT 32764 // exit menu
#define M_EXITALL 32765 // exit all menus
#define M_PREVPD 32766 // previous pull-down menu
#define M_NEXTPD 32767 // next pull-down menu
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Window title position definitions for wtitle()
#define TTOP 0 // Top border
#define TLEFT 1 // Left justified
#define TCENTER 2 // Centered
#define TRIGHT 3 // Right justified
#define TBOTTOM 4 // Bottom border
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Values for the Proportional Bar
#define PROP_PAGE 1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
extern int wpickstr_tag;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function prototypes
int wactiv (int whandle);
int wactiv_ (int whandle);
int wborder (int btype);
int wbox (int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, int btype, int attr);
int wcclear (int attr);
int wcenters (int wrow, int attr, const char* str);
int wchkbox (int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol);
int wchkcol (int wcol);
int wchkcoord (int wrow, int wcol);
int wchkrow (int wrow);
int wclose ();
int wcloseall ();
int wclreol ();
int wclreos ();
int wcopy (int nsrow, int nscol);
int wdelline (int wrow, int direc);
int wdrag (int direction);
int wdupc (char ch, int count);
int wfill (int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, vchar ch, int attr);
_wrec_t* wfindrec (int whandle);
int wgotoxy (int wrow, int wcol);
int whandle ();
int whide ();
int whline (int wsrow, int wscol, int count, int btype, int attr);
int wmessage (const char* str, int border, int leftofs, int attr);
int wmove (int nsrow, int nscol);
int wopen (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, int battr, int wattr, int sbattr=-1, int loattr=-1);
inline int wopen_ (int srow, int scol, int vlen, int hlen, int btype, int battr, int wattr, int sbattr=-1, int loattr=-1) { return wopen(srow, scol, srow+vlen-1, scol+hlen-1, btype, battr, wattr, sbattr, loattr); }
int wperror (const char* message);
char* wpickfile (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, int bordattr, int winattr, int barattr, bool title, const char* filespec, char* selectedfile, VfvCP open, bool casesens=false);
int wpickstr (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, int bordattr, int winattr, int barattr, char* strarr[], int initelem, VfvCP open);
int wprintc (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, vchar ch);
int wprintf (const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
int wprintaf (int attr, const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
int wprintfs (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5)));
int wprints (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str);
int wprintvs (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const vchar* str);
int wprintns (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str, uint len, vchar fill=' ', int fill_attr=-1);
int wprintsf (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* format, const char* str);
int wprintws (int wrow, int wcol, vatch* buf, uint len);
void wpropbar (int mode, int xx, int yy, long len, long barlen, int attr, long pos, long size);
int wputc (vchar ch);
int wputs (const char* str);
int wputx (int wrow, int wcol, int attr, vchar chr, uint len);
int wreadcur (int* wrow, int* wcol);
int wscroll (int count, int direc);
void wscrollbar (int orientation, uint total, uint maxpos, uint pos, int sadd=0);
int wscrollbox (int wsrow, int wscol, int werow, int wecol, int count, int direction);
int wshadoff ();
int wshadow (int attr);
int wsize (int nerow, int necol);
int wslide (int nsrow, int nscol);
void wtextattr (int attr);
int wtitle (const char* str, int tpos, int tattr);
int wunhide (int whandle);
int wunlink (int w);
int wvline (int wsrow, int wscol, int count, int btype, int attr);
int wwprints (int whandle, int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str);
int wwprintstr (int whandle, int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str);
int wmenubeg (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol, int btype, int battr, int wattr, VfvCP open, int menutype=M_VERT);
inline int wmenubeg_ (int srow, int scol, int vlen, int hlen, int btype, int battr, int wattr, VfvCP open, int menutype=M_VERT) { return wmenubeg(srow, scol, srow+vlen-1, scol+hlen-1, btype, battr, wattr, open, menutype); }
int wmenubegc ();
int wmenuend (int taginit, int menutype, int barwidth, int textpos, int textattr, int scharattr, int noselattr, int barattr);
int wmenuget ();
int wmenuiba (VfvCP before, VfvCP after);
int wmenuidsab (int tagid);
int wmenuienab (int tagid);
_item_t* wmenuifind (int tagid);
int wmenuinext (int tagid);
int wmenuitem (int wrow, int wcol, const char* str, char schar, int tagid, int fmask, VfvCP select, gkey hotkey, int help);
int wmenuitxt (int whdl, int wrow, int wcol, int attr, const char* str);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline functions
inline void wtextattr(int attr) {>attr = attr; }
inline int wclear () { return wcclear(>wattr); }
inline void wfillch (vchar a) { gwin.fillch=a; }
inline vchar wgetc (int wrow, int wcol) { return vgetc(>>border,>>border); }
inline int wisactiv (int a) { return a ==>whandle; }
inline void wrestore (vatch* wbuf) { vrestore(wbuf); }
inline vatch* wsave (int srow, int scol, int erow, int ecol) { return vsave(srow, scol, erow, ecol); }
inline int wsetesc (int a) { int t=gwin.esc; gwin.esc=a; return t; }
inline void wsetstyle (int a) { = a; }
inline int wstyle () { return; }
inline void wtabwidth (int a) { gwin.tabwidth = (a==0) ? 1 : a; }
inline _field_t* winpfcurr () { return>form->cfield; }
inline _menu_t* wmenumcurr () { return gwin.cmenu; }
inline _item_t* wmenuicurr () { return wmenumcurr()->citem; }
inline int wmenutitshad(const char* title, int pos, int attr, int shadattr) { gwin.cmenu->title=title; gwin.cmenu->titlepos=pos; gwin.cmenu->titleattr=attr; gwin.cmenu->shadattr=shadattr; return W_NOERROR; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------