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2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00

421 lines
12 KiB

; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; Keyboard syntax: <Key> <Command>
; <Key> can be:
; Key Key (Character or key symbol)
; @Key Alt-Key
; ^Key Ctrl-Key
; #Key Shift-Key
; A complete list of definable keys can be found in GOLDREF.TXT.
; All possible <Command>'s are listed below. Descriptions of the
; commands can be found in GOLDREF.TXT or in the online-help.
; NOTE: GoldED has a built-in default keyboard definition map, so
; you actually don't need this file if you want to use only
; the defaults.
; - You can de-activate these defaults by putting
; into GOLDED.CFG. If you don't put this statement into
; GOLDED.CFG, GoldED will add the following definitions to
; the already existing default layout.
; - If you want to replace a default definition, simply put a
; different definition into this file.
; - If you want to remove a single default definition, replace
; it with XXXXundefine, where XXXX is the respective prefix
; (like "AREAundefine", for example).
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; last update on 98/07/27 (DAM)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;^F1 ExternUtil01
;^F2 ExternUtil02
;^F3 ExternUtil03
;^F4 ExternUtil04
;^F5 ExternUtil05
;^F6 ExternUtil06
;^F7 ExternUtil07
;^F8 ExternUtil08
;^F9 ExternUtil09
;^F10 ExternUtil10
;^F11 ExternUtil11
;^F12 ExternUtil12
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
@A AREAabort
Esc AREAaskexit
@X AREAaskexit
@F4 AREAaskexit
@B AREAboardnos
@C AREAcatchup
@O AREAdosshell
^M AREAdropmsgmarks
Home AREAgotofirst
;Up AREAgotoprev
;Down AREAgotonext
End AREAgotolast
@H AREAheat
@J AREAjump
^Left AREAjump
^Right AREAjump
^Enter AREAjumpnextmatch
Tab AREAjumpnextmatch
^Q AREAquitnow
@S AREAscan
@P AREAscanpm
Right AREAselect
Enter AREAselect
@R AREAselectmarks
Ins AREAtoggle
@T AREAtoggle
^Z AREAtouchnetscan
@W AREAwritegoldlast
@Z AREAzap
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
Esc EDITabort
@A EDITanchor
@X EDITaskexit
@F4 EDITaskexit
@F5 EDITcleardeletebuf
@F6 EDITclearpastebuf
@C EDITcopy
^- EDITcopyabovechar
@M EDITcut
Del EDITdelchar
@K EDITdeleteeol
@Y EDITdeleteeol
BackSpace EDITdelleft
@D EDITdelline
^Y EDITdelline
^BackSpace EDITdelltword
^F5 EDITdelltword
^F6 EDITdelrtword
^T EDITdelrtword
@O EDITdosshell
F4 EDITdupline
;@Z EDITexitmsg
@W EDITexporttext
Home EDITgobegline
^PgDn EDITgobotline
^End EDITgobotmsg
@Down EDITgodown
Down EDITgodown
^Down EDITgodown
End EDITgoeol
@Left EDITgoleft
@Left EDITgoleft
Left EDITgoleft
PgDn EDITgopgdn
PgUp EDITgopgup
@Right EDITgoright
@Right EDITgoright
Right EDITgoright
^PgUp EDITgotopline
^Home EDITgotopmsg
@Up EDITgoup
Up EDITgoup
^Up EDITgoup
^Left EDITgowordleft
^Right EDITgowordright
@H EDITheader
@Q EDITimportquotebuf
@I EDITimporttext
@R EDITimporttext
F3 EDITimporttext
F8 EDITloadfile
@L EDITlookupcursor
#F10 EDITlookupdest
F10 EDITlookuporig
Enter EDITnewline
@P EDITpaste
^Q EDITquitnow
@B EDITreflow
F7 EDITsavefile
@S EDITsavemsg
F2 EDITsavemsg
^Z EDITsavemsg
F9 EDITspellcheck
Tab EDITtab
#Tab EDITtabreverse
@3 EDITtogglecase
Ins EDITtoggleinsert
@2 EDITtolower
@1 EDITtoupper
^U EDITundelete
@Z EDITzapquotebelow
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
Esc FILEabort
@X FILEaskexit
@F4 FILEaskexit
@O FILEdosshell
Home FILEgotofirst
End FILEgotolast
Right FILEgotonext
Left FILEgotoprev
Ins FILEmark
;+ FILEmark
^Enter FILEmarkall
^Home FILEmarkall
^Q FILEquitnow
Enter FILEselect
Space FILEtogglemark
;* FILEtogglemarkall
Del FILEunmark
;- FILEunmark
^End FILEunmarkall
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
Esc LISTabort
@X LISTaskexit
@F4 LISTaskexit
@O LISTdosshell
#Tab LISTgotobookmark
BackSpace LISTgotobookmark
Home LISTgotofirst
End LISTgotolast
Right LISTgotonext
Left LISTgotoprev
S LISTmarkingoptions
@S LISTmarkingoptions
@F9 LISTmarkingoptions
^Q LISTquitnow
Enter LISTselect
Tab LISTtogglebookmark
^D LISTtoggledate
Space LISTtogglemark
^B LISTtogglewidesubj
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
Esc NODEabort
@X NODEaskexit
@F4 NODEaskexit
@O NODEdosshell
Home NODEgotofirst
End NODEgotolast
Right NODEgotonext
Left NODEgotoprev
^Q NODEquitnow
Enter NODEselect
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
^B READaddressbookadd
@F4 READaskexit
@X READaskexit
X READaskexit
^A READchangeaka
^S READchangeattrs
; READchangecharsin
; READchangecharsout
@C READchangemsg
C READchangemsg
F2 READchangemsg
^O READchangeorigin
^I READchangetagline
^T READchangetemplate
^U READchangeusername
^J READchangexlatimport
@G READcommentmsg
G READcommentmsg
#F8 READcopymoveforward
@M READcopymoveforward
M READcopymoveforward
; READdecreasemargin
@D READdeletemsg
D READdeletemsg
Del READdeletemsg
@O READdosshell
O READdosshell
^F10 READdosshell
#F4 READfidorenumber
^R READfidorenumber
^F READfilerequest
F READfindall
@F READfindall
#F6 READfindall
Z READfindheader
@Z READfindheader
F6 READfindheader
#Tab READgotobookmark
BackSpace READgotobookmark
- READgotoreplyprev
@Left READgotoreplyprev
^Left READgotoreplyprev
< READgotofirstmsg
^Home READgotofirstmsg
> READgotolastmsg
^End READgotolastmsg
^G READgotomsgno
^N READgotonextarea
Right READgotonextmsg
@Right READgotonextunread
@U READgotonextunread
^P READgotoprevarea
Left READgotoprevmsg
@Left READgotoprevunread
+ READgotoreplies
^Right READgotoreplies
* READgotoreplynext
- READgotoreplyprev
^Left READgotoreplyprev
; READincreasemargin
#F10 READlookupdest
F10 READlookuporig
;^M READmainmenu
^L READmakeuserlist
^K READmakepathreport
S READmarkingoptions
@S READmarkingoptions
@F9 READmarkingoptions
@L READmessagelist
F9 READmessagelist
L READmessagelist
@B READmovecommentmsg
B READmovecommentmsg
@N READmovequotemsg
F5 READmovequotemsg
N READmovequotemsg
Enter READmsgcontinue
End READmsgend
Home READmsghome
Down READmsglinedown
^Down READmsglinedown
Up READmsglineup
^Up READmsglineup
PgDn READmsgpgdn
PgUp READmsgpgup
@A READnewarea
A READnewarea
Esc READnewarea
^F1 READnewarea
@E READnewmsg
E READnewmsg
Ins READnewmsg
^Q READquitnow
^W READquotebuf
@Q READquotemsg
F4 READquotemsg
Q READquotemsg
@R READreplymsg
F3 READreplymsg
R READreplymsg
; READthreadtree
Tab READtogglebookmark
@I READtogglehexdump
I READtogglehexdump
^F9 READtogglehexdump
@H READtogglehidden
H READtogglehidden
^F7 READtogglehidden
@V READtogglehiddklud
V READtogglehiddklud
^F5 READtogglehiddklud
@K READtogglekludge
K READtogglekludge
^F6 READtogglekludge
Space READtogglemark
@J READtogglemarkread
J READtogglemarkread
@P READtogglepagebar
P READtogglepagebar
^F8 READtogglepagebar
^V READtogglequote
@Y READtogglerealmsgno
Y READtogglerealmsgno
^F4 READtogglerealmsgno
U READtogglerot13
^F3 READtogglerot13
@T READtoggletwits
T READtoggletwits
^Z READtouchnetscan
@F10 READuserbase
^X READuudecode
@W READwritemsg
F7 READwritemsg
W READwritemsg
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; Macro syntax: <Key> Macro <Key,String,Command> [..]
; <Key> Any valid Key.
; <String> A string of letters, enclosed in quotes.
; <Command> Any valid GoldED Command, see the above.
; If <Key> is "Auto", the macro will be executed automatically after
; GoldED has initialized.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; This Auto macro scans all areas and puts you in the first with new
; mail.
;Auto Macro AREAscan "A" End AREAjump
; For the internal editor: Add an empty line below the current.
;^N EDITmacro EDITnewline EDITgoup
; Move-reply to netmail and go to template selection menu. Note that
; ^Enter means "accept all" in this context (header edit).
;@F1 READmacro READmovequotemsg "NETMAIL" AREAselect ^Enter "T"
; Set bookmark on the current message before moving in the link.
;@Left READmacro READtogglebookmark READgotoreplyprev
;@Right READmacro READtogglebookmark READgotoreplies
;@F1 READmacro READcopymoveforward "M" "NET.DK-BBS" Enter
;@F2 READmacro READcopymoveforward "M" "NET.DK-POINT" Enter
;@F3 READmacro READcopymoveforward "M" "NET.GOLDED" Enter
;@F4 READmacro READcopymoveforward "M" "NET.RCVD" Enter
;@F5 READmacro READcopymoveforward "M" "NET.SITES" Enter
;F12 READmacro READreplymsg ^Enter "T" End Enter "I" EDITsavemsg "Y"
;F11 EDITmacro ":-)"
;^F11 EDITmacro ":-("
; ------------------------------------------------------------------