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2000-02-25 10:15:17 +00:00

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// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Goldware Library
// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 by Andreas Klein
// Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
// MA 02111-1307, USA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// IMail Definitions and Structures
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __gs_im160_h
#define __gs_im160_h
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <gftnall.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack(1)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#define IM_PRD_CODE 0x4B
#define BETA
// Data type definitions
typedef unsigned char bit;
// Internal limits
#define MAXAKAS 50 /* Max # of addresses */
#define MAXPACKERS 11 /* Max # of packer def */
#define MAXEXPORT 200 /* Max export defs */
#define MAXVIA 40 /* max nodes packed via */
#define MAXGROUPS 255 /* max nodes packed via */
#define MAXEXCEPT 10 /* max EXCEPT nodes */
#define MAXPACK 32 /* max default pack cmd */
#define MAXFWDLINK 15 /* max fwd link structs */
#define MAXNOIMPT 20 /* max # names for IMPORT */
#define MAXSYSNAME 20 /* max # names for PERSMAIL */
#define ZONESDOM 10 /* zones per domain entry */
#define MAXTAG 51 /* max areatag length */
#define MAXNAME 37 /* max namefield lenght */
#define MAXPACKNAME 50 /* max packer length */
#define MAXORIGIN 64 /* max origin length */
// Message Base Types
#define MSGTYPE_SDM 0x01
#define MSGTYPE_SQUISH 0x02
#define MSGTYPE_HUDSON 0x03
#define MSGTYPE_JAM 0x04
#define MSGTYPE_ECHO 0x80
#define MSGTYPE_LOCAL 0x90
#define MSGTYPE_NET 0xA0
#define BASEMASK 0x0F
#define TYPEMASK 0xF0
// In case your compiler doesn't have these ...
#ifndef MAXPATH
#define MAXPATH 80
#ifndef MAXDRIVE
#define MAXDRIVE 3
#ifndef MAXDIR
#define MAXDIR 66
#ifndef MAXFILE
#define MAXFILE 9
#ifndef MAXEXT
#define MAXEXT 5
// Structs used in IMAIL Configuration files
struct eaddress { /* used in Area Manager */
ftn_addr dstn; /* node number */
bit exp_only:1; /* export only flag */
bit imp_only:1; /* import only flag */
bit paused:1; /* echo mail paused */
bit denied:1; /* access is denied */
bit uplink:1; /* uplink */
bit rsvd1:3; /* reserved */
struct fwd_link { /* used in Forward Manager */
char areasfile[MAXFILE+MAXEXT]; /* name of areas file */
char toprogram[10]; /* name of area manager */
char password[21]; /* area manager password */
ftn_addr uplink; /* address of uplink */
byte accessgroup; /* accessgroup for forwarding */
byte creategroup; /* creategroup for forwarding */
char filler[10]; /* reserved */
struct dom {
char domain[21]; /* name of domain */
char outbound[MAXPATH]; /* root outbound path */
word zones[ZONESDOM]; /* Zones in this domain */
byte akas[MAXAKAS]; /* =my= AKAs in this domain */
struct im_stats {
unsigned long th_day_nr; /* nr this day */
unsigned long la_day_nr; /* nr last day */
unsigned long th_week_nr; /* nr this week */
unsigned long la_week_nr; /* nr last week */
unsigned long th_month_nr; /* nr this month */
unsigned long la_month_nr; /* nr last month */
unsigned long th_year_nr; /* nr this year */
unsigned long la_year_nr; /* nr last year */
unsigned long th_day_size; /* amount this day */
unsigned long la_day_size; /* amount last day */
unsigned long th_week_size; /* amount this week */
unsigned long la_week_size; /* amount last week */
unsigned long th_month_size; /* amount this month */
unsigned long la_month_size; /* amount last month */
unsigned long th_year_size; /* amount this year */
unsigned long la_year_size; /* amount last year */
* IMAIL.CF structure
struct im_config_type {
byte im_ver_maj; /* Major Version */
byte im_ver_min; /* Minor Version */
byte struct_maj; /* reserved */
byte struct_min; /* reserved */
char sysop[MAXNAME]; /* name of sysop */
ftn_addr aka[MAXAKAS]; /* the AKAs */
struct dom domains[MAXAKAS]; /* domain names & zones */
byte rsvd1[10]; /* reserved */
char netmail[MAXPATH]; /* net mail subdirectory */
char sec_inbound[MAXPATH]; /* secure inbound files */
char in_pkt[MAXPATH]; /* Directory for inbound PKTs */
char out_pkt[MAXPATH]; /* Directory for outbound PKTs */
char outbound[MAXPATH]; /* outbound directory */
char quickbbs[MAXPATH]; /* QuickBBS system directory */
char unsec_inbound[MAXPATH]; /* Unsecure inbound files */
char echotoss[MAXPATH]; /* name of echotoss.log */
char dupebase[MAXPATH]; /* dupe data base directory */
char semaphor[MAXPATH]; /* Semaphor directory */
char logfilename[MAXPATH]; /* Log file name */
char before_toss[MAXPATH]; /* call before proc. a PKT */
char semaphor_net[MAXFILE+MAXEXT]; /* Netmail rescan semaphor file */
char alnk_help[MAXFILE+MAXEXT]; /* AreaLink help text */
char maint_help[MAXFILE+MAXEXT]; /* Alnk Remote Maint. Helptext */
char rsvd2[MAXFILE+MAXEXT]; /* reserved */
char dflt_origin[MAXORIGIN]; /* default origin line */
bit rtnrecpt:1; /* True if to send rtn recpt */
bit del_empty_msg:1; /* delete empty netmails (TOSS) */
bit ARCmail06:1; /* ARCmail 0.6 compatibility */
bit use_crc_names:1; /* use crc-names for auto-areas */
bit req_all_allowed:1; /* allow arealink +* command */
bit multi_tasking:1; /* true if multi-tasking */
bit ignore_unknown:1; /* ALNK ignores unknown systems */
bit singleextract:1; /* extract 1 bundle at a time */
bit trunc_sent:1; /* 1 = Trunc 0 = Delete */
bit keep_alnk_answ:1; /* keep arealink answer */
bit prod_names:1; /* use the FTSC product list */
bit swap_ems:1; /* swap to EMS */
bit swap_ext:1; /* swap to extended memory */
bit forward_everything:1; /* forward req. not in fwd-lists */
bit direct_video:1; /* use direct screen writing */
bit close_at_end:1; /* close graphic window at end */
bit compr_after_pkt:1; /* compress after each PKT? */
bit delete_bases:1; /* when removing an area, */
/* delete also squish/msg-base */
bit quiet_packers:1; /* send packer output >NUL */
bit use_imcomp:1; /* call IMCOMP in case of tight */
/* diskspace or abort at once */
bit sort_alnk_lists:1; /* sort ALNK lists by areatag */
bit ulnk_hudson_passth:1; /* unlinked Hudson areas passth */
bit compr_before_unpack:1; /* compress before unpacking */
bit rsvd3:1; /* reserved */
time_t last_run; /* last maintenance run */
word rsvd4; /* reserved */
byte rsvd5; /* reserved */
byte rsvd6; /* reserved */
word max_arcmail_size; /* max size of arcmail bundles */
word pwd_expire_days; /* days before pwd expr'd */
word max_pkt_size; /* max size of pkt to create */
byte max_add_pkt; /* PKTs to compress in one run */
byte pkt_not_for_us; /* how to handle PKTs not for us */
byte environment; /* FroDo, Binkley or Intermail */
byte max_msg_size; /* max size of netmail (split) */
byte via_line; /* add Via Line to netmails */
byte dupe_ring; /* Check for possible d-rings */
byte cpd_check; /* circular path detection */
byte pers_mail; /* use personal mail feature */
byte unlink_req; /* Unlink areas without dlink */
byte keep_alnk_req; /* keep arealink request */
byte rsvd7; /* reserved */
unsigned long max_dupes; /* max dupes kept in dbase */
word max_files_per_dir; /* max. nr files when autocreate */
byte deadlink_days; /* nr of days for a dealink req */
byte rsvd8; /* reserved */
char bbs_system; /* BBS software used */
char new_areas[MAXPATH]; /* name of file for new areas */
word sp_before_unpack; /* min. diskspace required */
word sp_before_toss; /* before decompress, toss */
word sp_before_compress; /* and compress (in MB). */
char kill_dead; /* Kill Dead Selection */
word prod[20]; /* Type2+ product codes */
long setup_pwd_crc; /* Setup password (CRC) */
char rule_path[MAXPATH]; /* path to the rule-files */
char local_inbound[MAXPATH]; /* path to local PKTs (protected) */
char rsvd9[556]; /* reserved */
struct fwd_link fwd[MAXFWDLINK]; /* forward link requests */
char echojam[MAXPATH]; /* path to ECHOMAIL.JAM */
char before_toss_ii[MAXPATH]; /* call before proc. the PKTs */
char userbase[MAXPATH]; /* path to the userbase */
unsigned long stoptossmsgs; /* stop tossing after xxxxx msgs */
unsigned long stoptossnetmsgs; /* stop tossing after xxxxx net */
/* msgs within a PKT or at all */
char ignorelist[MAXPATH]; /* list of areas to suppress */
char db_queue[MAXPATH]; /* D'Bridge queue directory */
long log_level; /* logging level */
char att_status; /* Def. status of attach msg */
char msg_status; /* Def. status of Alnk msgs */
char filler[278]; /* reserved */
* IMAIL.AR structure
struct areas_record_type
char aname[MAXTAG]; /* area name */
char comment[61]; /* area comment */
char origin[MAXORIGIN]; /* origin line to use */
byte grp; /* area group */
char o_addr; /* address for origin */
char use_akas[MAXAKAS]; /* addresses for seen-bys */
byte msg_base_type; /* message base type */
byte brd; /* board number */
char msg_path[MAXPATH]; /* MSG/Squish path */
bit active:1; /* flag area active */
bit zone_gate:1; /* Zone-gate stripping */
bit tiny_seen:1; /* tiny seen-by flag */
bit secure:1; /* secure flag */
bit import_seen:1; /* import seen-by into base */
bit deleted:1; /* flag deleted area */
bit auto_added:1; /* flag auto-added record */
bit mandatory:1; /* area is mandatory */
bit read_only:1; /* area is read only */
bit unlinked:1; /* area has been unlinked */
bit ulnk_req:1; /* perform unlinked requests? */
bit hidden:1; /* area is hidden */
bit to_link:1; /* should by processed by LINK */
bit check_dup:1; /* check for dupes in this area? */
bit no_pause:1; /* %PAUSE not allowed in this echo? */
bit hide_seen:1; /* Hide seens when importing */
bit manual:1; /* No changes via Arealink */
bit fwdreq_pending:1; /* Requested but yet not arrived */
bit sqkillfly:1; /* Squish 'Kill on the fly' */
bit dupe_msgid:1; /* Dupecheck on MSGID only? */
bit deadlink_req:1; /* Deadlink request has been sent */
bit packing_pending:1; /* areas contains msgs deleted by KILL */
bit rsvd:1; /* reserved */
byte user_bits; /* 8 user-available bits */
byte days; /* days to keep messages */
word msgs; /* num messages to keep */
struct im_stats stats; /* statistics */
time_t creation; /* date/time of statistic start */
time_t update; /* last update by midnight update */
time_t marked; /* used by kill dead */
byte kill_dead; /* kill echos without traffic */
word read_sec; /* Security level for read access */
word write_sec; /* Security level for write access */
char rulename[MAXFILE+MAXEXT]; /* filename for the rule file */
long msg_counter; /* Msg Counter only reset by PACK */
char filler[12];
struct eaddress exp[MAXEXPORT]; /* export list */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------