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2005-10-25 06:11:09 +00:00

717 lines
25 KiB

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// GoldED+
// Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Odinn Sorensen
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Alexander S. Aganichev
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
// MA 02111-1307 USA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Area structures and classes.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __gmoarea_h
#define __gmoarea_h
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vector>
#include <gmoarea.h>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal GoldED message header
class GMsg : public gmsg {
IAdr iorig; // Internet "From:" header address
IAdr idest; // Internet "To:" header address
IAdr ireplyto; // Internet "Reply-To:" header address
IAdr iaddr; // Internet destination address (from ^aREPLYADDR)
IAdr igate; // Internet gate FTN-address and gatename (from ^aREPLYTO)
INam ifrom; // Internet "From:" header
char ito[512]; // Internet "To:" header
char icc[512]; // Internet "Cc:" header
char ibcc[512]; // Internet "Bcc:" header
INam organization; // Internet "Organization:" header
INam realby; // Real from-name
INam realto; // Real to-name
INam pseudoto; // Pseudo to-name
INam pseudofrom; // Pseudo from-name
uint you_and_I; // Mail was to/from me/you
INam fwdfrom; // FWDFROM kludge
ftn_addr fwdorig; // FWDORIG kludge
INam fwdto; // FWDTO kludge
ftn_addr fwddest; // FWDDEST kludge
Subj fwdsubj; // FWDSUBJ kludge
Echo fwdarea; // FWDAREA kludge
char fwdmsgid[201]; // FWDMSGID kludge
bool i51; // true if I51 kludge was found
char charset[100]; // Charset type
int charsetlevel; // Charset level
int charsetencoding; // Charset encoding format (GCHENC_*)
int tzutc; // TZUTC kludge
char tagline[80]; // Tagline for msg
char tearline[80]; // Tearline for msg
char origin[160]; // Origin for msg
Line* lin; // Index of the lines
Line** line; // Index of the viewable lines
int lines; // Total number of lines
int quotepct; // Quote/text percentage
uint foundwhere; // Where searched string was found (GFIND_*)
int foundtopline; // First line where a searched string was found
uint orig_timesread;
char* messageid; // Internet Message-ID (allocated)
char* inreplyto; // Internet In-Reply-To (allocated)
char* references; // Internet References (allocated)
const char* areakludgeid; // Echoid from AREA: kludge or NULL
char* By() { return *realby ? realby : by; }
char* To() { return *realto ? realto : to; }
bool to_me() { return make_bool(you_and_I & TO_ME ); }
bool to_all() { return make_bool(you_and_I & TO_ALL); }
bool by_me() { return make_bool(you_and_I & BY_ME ); }
bool to_you() { return make_bool(you_and_I & TO_YOU); }
bool by_you() { return make_bool(you_and_I & BY_YOU); }
void TextToLines(int __line_width, bool getvalue = true, bool header_recode = true);
void LinesToText();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
class GAreaListScan {
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > container;
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator currposn;
inline GAreaListScan() { currposn = container.end(); }
inline ~GAreaListScan() {}
inline void Add(std::pair<std::string, std::string> p) { container.push_back(p); currposn = container.end(); }
inline void Reset() { container.clear(); currposn = container.end(); }
inline bool First() { currposn = container.begin(); return currposn != container.end(); }
inline bool Next() { currposn++; return currposn != container.end(); }
inline void CurrNo(int posn) { First(); while(posn--) if(not Next()) break; }
inline const char* MenuText() { return currposn != container.end() ? currposn->first.c_str() : ""; }
inline const char* File() { return currposn != container.end() ? currposn->second.c_str() : ""; }
inline const char* MenuText(int i) { return i < container.size() ? container[i].first.c_str() : ""; }
inline const char* File(int i) { return i < container.size() ? container[i].second.c_str() : ""; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
const word CUR_GOLDLAST_VER = 0x1A02;
#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack(1)
struct ggoldlast {
dword crcechoid;
dword lastread;
dword msgncount;
dword unread;
word marks;
byte flags;
#if defined(GOLD_CANPACK)
#pragma pack()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arealist class
class Area;
typedef std::vector<Area *>::iterator area_iterator;
class AreaList {
Desc alistselections[16];
byte mask;
friend class Area;
friend class SelMaskPick;
// Index of areas in the list
std::vector<Area *> idx;
// Area pointer
area_iterator item;
// Sort specs (for external compare func)
char sortspec[20];
// Active msgbases (bitmap of MT_* contants)
std::vector<const char *> basetypes;
// Additional items to the area scan menu
GAreaListScan ListScan;
void Set_Mask(word value = 1) { mask = value; }
void Select_Mask(void);
// Con/destructor
// Subscript operator, returns pointer to area
inline Area* operator[](size_t n) { return (n < idx.size()) ? idx[n] : (Area*)NULL; }
inline size_t size() { return idx.size(); }
// Allocate and initialize data
void Init();
// Deallocate and reset data
void Reset();
// Return pointer to a new'd area of the specified format
Area* NewArea(const char *basetype);
// Sort areas
void Sort(const char* specs=NULL, int first=0, int last=-1);
// Default marks names
void SetDefaultMarks();
// Read/write GOLDLAST.LST
void ReadGoldLast();
void WriteGoldLast();
// Miscellaneous
void AddNewArea(AreaCfg* aa);
int AreaIdToNo(int __areaid);
Area* AreaIdToPtr(int __areaid);
int AreaNoToId(int __areano);
Area* AreaNoToPtr(int __areano);
int AreaScan(int mode, uint currno, int pmscan, int& pmails, int& pmareas, const char* file=NULL);
int AreaEchoToNo(const char* echoid);
Area* AreaEchoToPtr(const char* echoid);
void GetAreafile(char* val);
void GetArea(char* val);
bool GetAreaFirstPart(AreaCfg& aa, char*& key, char*& val);
void GetAreaDef(char* val);
void GetAreaSep(char* val);
void GetAreaDesc(char* val);
void ReadEcholist(char* val);
int SetActiveAreaId(int __areaid);
int SetActiveAreaNo(int __areano);
void SetAreaDesc(char* echoid, char* desc);
void SortAreaGroup(const char* options, int beginarea, int endarea);
void WriteAreaDef(const char* file);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Msgbase function prototypes
int AreaCmp(const Area** __a, const Area** __b);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Area data (collected from global/Random System)
struct AreaData {
// Area
gaka aka;
bool akamatching;
Attr attributes;
bool areacopyaddid;
bool areacopydirect;
Echo areacopyto;
bool areaforwarddirect;
bool areafreqdirect;
Echo areafreqto;
bool areareplydirect;
Echo areareplyto;
Echo areayouwroteto;
int ctrlinfo;
bool edithardterm;
bool editmixcase;
bool forcetemplate;
bool hidestylies;
bool usestylies;
IAdr internetaddress;
Node internetgate;
bool internetmsgid;
int internetrfcbody;
Path loadlanguage;
int msglistdate;
bool msglistfast;
bool msglistfirst;
bool msglistheader;
bool msglistwidesubj;
Name nickname;
Name netname;
INam organization;
char origin[160];
Path quotebuffile;
char quotechars[11];
int quotectrl;
char quotestring[10];
char quotestops[41];
bool quotewraphard;
GPlay play;
int replyre;
char tagline[76];
char taglinechar;
bool taglinesupport;
Tear tearline;
Path tpl;
bool templatematch;
bool usearea;
int usefwd;
Node username;
bool usesoftcrxlat;
bool usetzutc;
IAdr whoto;
Path wtpl;
XlatName xlatexport;
XlatName xlatimport;
// Reader
Path inputfile;
Path outputfile;
INam searchfor;
int twitmode;
bool inittwit;
std::vector<Node> twitname;
gstrarray twitsubj;
bool viewhidden;
bool viewkludge;
bool viewquote;
bool striphtml;
int writeheader;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
extern AreaList AL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Area information structures
class Area {
bool findfirst;
uint findtype; //1 - FindAll, 2 - FindHdr
word marks; // storing 16 different marks
friend class AreaList;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Config data
gmo_area* area;
AreaData* adat;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor and destructor
Area(gmo_area* a);
virtual ~Area();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Data members
GTag Msgn; // Message numbers
GTag Mark; // Message marks
GTag PMrk; // Personal mail marks
GTag Expo; // Messages to be exported
uint32_t bookmark; // Current bookmark message number
uint unread; // Number of unread messages at last scan
uint lastread() const; // Number of last message read
uint32_t lastreadentry() const; // Lastread message number at entry to area
void set_lastread(uint lr);
void set_findfirst(bool ff) { findfirst = ff; }
void set_findtype(uint ft) { findtype = ft; }
bool get_findfirst() { return findfirst; }
uint get_findtype() { return findtype; }
bool isopen() { return make_bool(area->isopen); }
bool isunreadchg : 1; // TRUE if unread was changed since last scan
bool isreadmark : 1; // TRUE if in read marked mode
bool isreadpm : 1; // TRUE if in read personal mail mode
bool isvalidchg : 1; // TRUE if isunreadchg is valid
bool isscanned : 1; // TRUE if scanned
bool ispmscanned : 1; // TRUE if pmscanned
bool istossed : 1; // TRUE if msgs were tossed to this area
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Access config data
int areaid() const { return area->areaid(); }
int groupid() const { return area->groupid(); }
uint type() const { return area->type(); }
const char *basetype() const { return area->basetype(); }
uint board() const { return area->board(); }
const ftn_addr& aka() const { return area->aka(); }
int originno() const { return area->originno(); }
Attr& attr() { return area->attr(); }
bool scan() { return area->ascan(); }
bool scanexcl() { return area->ascanexcl(); }
bool scanincl() { return area->ascanincl(); }
bool pmscan() { return area->pmscan(); }
bool pmscanexcl() { return area->pmscanexcl(); }
bool pmscanincl() { return area->pmscanincl(); }
bool ismarked() const { return make_bool(marks & (1<<AL.mask)); }
bool isnewmail() const { return (isvalidchg and isunreadchg); }
const char* echoid() const { return area->echoid(); }
const char* desc() const { return area->desc(); }
const char* path() const { return area->path(); }
void set_marked(bool value) { if(value) marks |= (word)(1<<AL.mask); else marks &= (word)(~(1<<AL.mask)); }
void set_areaid(int a) { area->set_areaid(a); }
void set_groupid(int g) { area->set_groupid(g); }
void set_type(uint t) { area->set_type(t); }
void set_basetype(const char *m) { area->set_basetype(m); }
void set_board(uint b) { area->set_board(b); }
void set_aka(ftn_addr& a) { area->set_aka(a); }
void set_originno(int o) { area->set_originno(o); }
void set_attr(Attr& a) { area->set_attr(a); }
void set_origin(char* o) { area->set_origin(o); }
void set_scan(bool s) { area->set_scan(s); }
void set_scanexcl(bool s) { area->set_scanexcl(s); }
void set_scanincl(bool s) { area->set_scanincl(s); }
void set_pmscan(bool s) { area->set_pmscan(s); }
void set_pmscanexcl(bool s) { area->set_pmscanexcl(s); }
void set_pmscanincl(bool s) { area->set_pmscanincl(s); }
void set_echoid(const char* s) { area->set_echoid(s); }
void set_desc(const char* s) { area->set_desc(s); }
void set_path(const char* s) { area->set_path(s); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine msgbase format
bool isseparator() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine area features
bool issoftdelete() const;
bool havearrivedstamp() const;
bool havereceivedstamp() const;
bool requirehardterm() const;
bool requiresoftterm() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine area type
int isnet() const;
int isecho() const;
int islocal() const;
int isemail() const;
int isnewsgroup() const;
int isinternet() const;
int isqwk() const;
int issoup() const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Miscellaneous
void SetBookmark(uint __relno);
void DeleteMsg(GMsg* msg, int direction);
void DelMsg();
void DelMsgs(GMsg* msg);
void SigExportlistUpdate();
void UpdateAreadata();
void SetHighwaterMark();
void ResetHighwaterMark();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// High-level messagebase member functions
void Open();
void Close();
void Suspend();
void Resume();
void Lock();
void Unlock();
void Scan();
void ScanArea();
void ScanAreaPM();
int LoadHdr(GMsg* msg, uint32_t msgno, bool enable_recode = true);
int LoadMsg(GMsg* msg, uint32_t msgno, int margin, int mode=0);
void SaveHdr(int mode, GMsg* msg);
void SaveMsg(int mode, GMsg* msg);
void DelMsg(GMsg* msg);
void NewMsgno(GMsg* msg);
char* UserLookup(char* lookfor);
int Renumber();
Line* MakeDumpMsg(GMsg* msg, char* lng_head);
void UpdateTimesread(GMsg* msg);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Random System access functions
void InitData();
void RandomizeData(int mode=0);
const ftn_aka& Aka() const { return adat->aka; }
bool Akamatching() const { return adat->akamatching; }
const Attr& Attributes() const { return adat->attributes; }
bool Areacopyaddid() const { return adat->areacopyaddid; }
bool Areacopydirect() const { return adat->areacopydirect; }
const char* Areacopyto() const { return adat->areacopyto; }
bool Areaforwarddirect() const{ return adat->areaforwarddirect; }
bool Areafreqdirect() const { return adat->areafreqdirect; }
const char* Areafreqto() const { return adat->areafreqto; }
bool Areareplydirect() const { return adat->areareplydirect; }
const char* Areareplyto() const { return adat->areareplyto; }
const char* Areayouwroteto() const { return adat->areayouwroteto; }
int Ctrlinfo() const { return adat->ctrlinfo; }
bool Edithardterm() const { return adat->edithardterm; }
bool Editmixcase() const { return adat->editmixcase; }
bool Forcetemplate() const { return adat->forcetemplate; }
const char* Inputfile() const { return adat->inputfile; }
const char* Internetaddress() const { return adat->internetaddress; }
const Node& Internetgate() const { return adat->internetgate; }
bool Internetmsgid() const { return adat->internetmsgid; }
int Internetrfcbody() const { return adat->internetrfcbody; }
const char* Loadlanguage() const { return adat->loadlanguage; }
int Msglistdate() const { return adat->msglistdate; }
bool Msglistfast() const { return adat->msglistfast; }
bool Msglistfirst() const { return adat->msglistfirst; }
bool Msglistheader() const { return adat->msglistheader; }
bool Msglistwidesubj() const { return adat->msglistwidesubj; }
const char* Nickname() const { return adat->nickname; }
const char* Netname() const { return adat->netname; }
const char* Organization() const { return adat->organization; }
const char* Origin() const { return adat->origin; }
const char* Outputfile() const { return adat->outputfile; }
const char* Quotebuffile() const { return adat->quotebuffile; }
const char* Quotechars() const { return adat->quotechars; }
int Quotectrl() const { return adat->quotectrl; }
const char* Quotestring() const { return adat->quotestring; }
const char* Quotestops() const { return adat->quotestops; }
bool Quotewraphard() const { return adat->quotewraphard; }
const GPlay& Play() const { return adat->play; }
const int Replyre() const { return adat->replyre; }
bool StripHTML() const { return adat->striphtml; }
const char* Searchfor() const { return adat->searchfor; }
const char* Tagline() const { return adat->tagline; }
char Taglinechar() const { return adat->taglinechar; }
bool Taglinesupport() const { return adat->taglinesupport; }
const char* Tearline() const { return adat->tearline; }
const char* Tpl() const { return adat->tpl; }
bool Templatematch() const { return adat->templatematch; }
int Twitmode() const { return adat->twitmode; }
bool Usearea() const { return adat->usearea; }
int Usefwd() const { return adat->usefwd; }
const Node& Username() const { return adat->username; }
bool Usetzutc() const { return adat->usetzutc; }
bool Viewhidden() const { return adat->viewhidden; }
bool Viewkludge() const { return adat->viewkludge; }
bool Viewquote() const { return adat->viewquote; }
const char* Whoto() const { return adat->whoto; }
int Writeheader() const { return adat->writeheader; }
const char* WTpl() const { return adat->wtpl; }
const char* Xlatexport() const { return adat->xlatexport; }
const char* Xlatimport() const { return adat->xlatimport; }
int NextMsglistdate() { adat->msglistdate++; if(adat->msglistdate > MSGLISTDATE_RECEIVED) adat->msglistdate = MSGLISTDATE_NONE; return adat->msglistdate; }
const ftn_aka& SetAka(const ftn_addr& a) { adat->aka.addr = a; return adat->aka; }
const char* SetInputfile(const char* i) { return strcpy(adat->inputfile, i); }
int SetMsglistdate(int m) { adat->msglistdate = m; return adat->msglistdate; }
const char* SetOrigin(const char* o) { return strxcpy(adat->origin, o, sizeof(adat->origin)); }
const char* SetOutputfile(const char* o) { return strxcpy(adat->outputfile, o, sizeof(adat->outputfile)); }
const char* SetSearchfor(const char* s) { return strxcpy(adat->searchfor, s, sizeof(adat->searchfor)); }
const char* SetTagline(const char* t) { return strxcpy(adat->tagline, t, sizeof(adat->tagline)); }
const char* SetTpl(const char* t) { return strxcpy(adat->tpl, t, sizeof(adat->tpl)); }
int SetTwitmode(int m) { adat->twitmode = m; return adat->twitmode; }
const Node& SetUsername(const Node& n) { adat->username = n; return adat->username; }
const char* SetXlatexport(const char* x) { return strcpy(adat->xlatexport, x); }
const char* SetXlatimport(const char* x) { return strcpy(adat->xlatimport, x); }
int ToggleMsglistwidesubj() { adat->msglistwidesubj = not adat->msglistwidesubj; return adat->msglistwidesubj; }
int ToggleViewhidden() { adat->viewhidden = not adat->viewhidden; return adat->viewhidden; }
int ToggleViewkludge() { adat->viewkludge = not adat->viewkludge; return adat->viewkludge; }
int ToggleViewquote() { adat->viewquote = not adat->viewquote; return adat->viewquote; }
bool ToggleStripHTML() { adat->striphtml = not adat->striphtml; return adat->striphtml; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline implementations
inline bool Area::isseparator() const { return area->isseparator(); }
inline bool Area::issoftdelete() const { return area->issoftdelete(); }
inline bool Area::havearrivedstamp() const { return area->havearrivedstamp(); }
inline bool Area::havereceivedstamp() const { return area->havereceivedstamp(); }
inline bool Area::requirehardterm() const { return area->requirehardterm(); }
inline bool Area::requiresoftterm() const { return area->requiresoftterm(); }
inline int Area::isnet() const { return area->isnet(); }
inline int Area::isecho() const { return area->isecho(); }
inline int Area::islocal() const { return area->islocal(); }
inline int Area::isemail() const { return area->isemail(); }
inline int Area::isnewsgroup() const { return area->isnewsgroup(); }
inline int Area::isinternet() const { return area->isinternet(); }
inline int Area::isqwk() const { return area->isqwk(); }
inline int Area::issoup() const { return area->issoup(); }
inline uint Area::lastread() const { return area->lastread; }
inline uint32_t Area::lastreadentry() const { return area->lastreadentry; }
inline void Area::set_lastread(uint lr) { area->lastread = lr; }
inline void Area::SetBookmark(uint __relno) { bookmark = Msgn.CvtReln(__relno); /*Book.Add(bookmark);*/ }
inline void Area::Suspend() { area->suspend(); }
inline void Area::Resume() { area->resume(); }
inline void Area::Lock() { area->lock(); }
inline void Area::Unlock() { area->unlock(); }
inline void Area::DelMsg(GMsg* msg) { area->del_msg(msg); }
inline void Area::NewMsgno(GMsg* msg) { area->new_msgno(msg); }
inline char* Area::UserLookup(char* lookfor) { return area->user_lookup(lookfor); }
inline int Area::Renumber() { return area->renumber(); }
inline Line* Area::MakeDumpMsg(GMsg* msg, char* lng_head) { return area->make_dump_msg(msg->lin, msg, lng_head); }
inline void Area::SetHighwaterMark() { area->set_highwater_mark(); }
inline void Area::ResetHighwaterMark() { area->reset_highwater_mark(); }
inline void Area::UpdateTimesread(GMsg* msg) { area->update_timesread(msg); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arealist picker class
class GPickArealist : public gwinpick {
int areawin;
int tempwin;
int tempwin1;
int areawin1;
int areawin2;
int tempwin2;
uint area_fuzidx;
int pmails;
int pmareas;
bool pmscan;
void jump_to();
void jumpmatch();
void center();
void AreasRenumber();
void AreaCatchUp(uint n);
void AreaDropMsgMarks(uint n);
void dispbuf(char* buf, int areano);
uint area_maxfuz;
bool esc_abort;
void open(); // Called after window is opened
void close(); // Called after window is closed
void precursor(); // Called before any cursor movement
void do_delayed(); // Called after a delay
void print_line(uint idx, uint pos, bool isbar);
bool handle_key(); // Handles keypress
bool is_selectable(uint idx); // is not separator ?
void close_all();
void update() { display_page(); display_bar(); }
int Run(const char* _title, int wpos, int& idx);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // __gmoarea_h