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Notes for GoldED+ 1.1.5, /snapshot/
! Changed keywords global defaults:
DispSoftCR Yes
UseSoftCrxLat No
+ DispSoftCR now may be used in random system groups.
+ Charset translation tables to convert between CP866 and CP850 is created.
= Snapshot for the February 01, 2006.
+ SUN Solaris/x86 package by Stanislav Mekhanoshin.
= Snapshot for the January 21, 2006.
+ MS Office Spell checker feature is included into default MS Visual C build
! Spell checking using MS Office DLL (Win32 only). Disable external
spell check program if new spell checker is enabled. See -DGCFG_NOSPELLDLL
(/DGCFG_NOSPELLDLL) compiler option.
Config files tokens:
SCHECKERDEFLANG (golded.cfg) default language to spell check;
SCHECKERENABLED (golded.cfg) enable/disable spell checker;
SCHECKERUSERDIC (golded.cfg) user dictionnary file;
EDITSCHECKERMENU (goldkeys.cfg) Key binding for Spell checker menu call.
! Search config file sequence (*nix):
command line option "-C",
enviroment variable "GOLDED" (filename),
file ${GOLDED}/golded.conf,
file ${GOLDED}/golded.cfg,
enviroment variable "GED" (filename),
file ${GED}/golded.conf,
file ${GED}/golded.cfg,
file ~/.golded,
file ~/.golded/golded.conf,
file ~/.golded/golded.cfg,
file ~/golded.conf,
file ~/golded.cfg,
file /usr/local/etc/golded.conf,
file /usr/local/etc/golded.cfg.
- If AREAFILE fidoconfig not exists or can't be opened then Golded+ is printing
the diagnostic message.
- Fix start messages output for *NIX (CR/LF problem).
- Fixed marks and lastread pointers for move command.
- Win9x: Fixed waiting for key pressing before area scanning.
= Snapshot for the January 14, 2006.
- Prevent crash of golded while formatting status line.
- Added "news:" and "ed2k://" to the list of known URLs beginning.
+ New reader key READGotoThNextUnread (default: @Down) added, that will
cycle thorough all unread messages of current thread.
- Win32: file attach is no more translated to upper case.
+ New russian and ukrainian charset tables (conversion from/to ISO 8859-5).
Add/update common used charset aliases.
- Fixed charset level detection. Text will not be translated if level > 2.
- Placed AKAMatchManually after all aka matching logic.
- Fixed buffer overun for too wide menus.
+ Added new config file token: XlatCharSetAlias "charset" "alias1" "alias2"...
that defines charset aliases for import tables.
+ Add charset translation tables for koi7 charset: koi7-koi7 (no translation),
koi7<->koi8-r, koi7<->cp866.
- Fixed destination address selection for commented replays in echo areas.
+ Now golded+ can draw box lines. Use keyboard configuration keyword
EditDrawLines (default: ^D) to toggle draw modes.
= Snapshot for the December 23, 2005.
+ Added character code from cursor position to editor status bar.
Add octal and decimal examples into language definition files (goldlang.*).
WARNING: ST_EDITSTATUS was changed to "Edit %i,%i (%02X). %s".
Update the ST_EDITSTATUS token value in your goldlang.cfg
to prevent crash of Golded+.
- regex: \w and \W work for all characters. Also, \b and \B should work
- Fixed case sensitive advances search.
+ AKAMatchManually will work also for forwards and new messages in netmail
areas. AKAMatchNet must be on.
- Win32: prevent video buffer overflow.
- Fixed thread list when replylinkfloat is on (incorrect name position).
= Snapshot for the December 09, 2005.
- Now exists all variants of the AREAFILE token in config examples.
- Fix enviroment variables substitution.
= Snapshot for the November 26, 2005.
- Fixed replylinkshowalways for areas with 0 messages.
- Fixed address lookup from header editor (pressing ENTER on empty To:).
- Fixed keystacking conflicts:
- KeybClear will not affect keystacking.
- Auto Macro will not work if keystacking is used.
- MsgListFirst (and meybe other keywords) will work only after all keys
in keyboard buffer is consumed.
+ @macroses work for ImportBegin and ImportEnd now.
+ Node address will be shown on nodelist lookup, if point address is not found.
+ ')' and '(' chars can be used for advanced search.
')' - shortcut for "<>:" (from, to, subject), and
'(' - for "#._*@%" (body, tagline, tearline, origin, signature, kludges)
- Fixed advanced search feature.
+ READGoToReplyNext work on non JAM message bases
+ Win32: Mapped APPS key to Shift+F10
! DispHdrLocation settings changed to <No/Yes/Always> <Right/Center>.
When MsgListHeader is on, location will be shown in lists only if
DispHdrLocation is 'Always'.
+ Improved ColorName matching. Case insensitive wildcard matching will be
used for ColorName names. Also, search will be stopped on first matched
name or address.
- Relative path usage is fixed. Now a Real UID is used to parse "~/" always.
= Snapshot for the November 6, 2005.
+ Several unicode charset convertion tables is included into distribution of
the config examples.
+ Gedlnx: Relative path may be used for patchnames definiions in config.
User's home directory (~/) may be used in unixes. Examples:
include ~/golded.cfg ; include the user-specific subconfig of current user
include ~fido/configs/golded.cfg ; include specific subconfig of user fido
seqdir ~fido ; specify MSGID-sequence store path to /home/fido/
! Temporarily disabled the AreaRecycleBin.
= Snapshot for the November 4, 2005.
! Rename macroses:
@echopath to @areapath - path to echoarea base,
@echoname to @areaname - echoarea file name without path,
@echotype to @areatype - echoarea base type.
- Case insensitive regexp should work on Win9x now.
+ New config file token LatinToLocal.
Used to translate latin A-Za-z to local charset if one of neighbours
is from local charset too. Will work only for search.
+ New config file token AreaRecycleBin <area>. GoldEd will move deleted
messages to <area>, if this token is defined.
+ New config file token: ColorName <name/address> <color>.
This is used to define special color for some names and/or addresses.
Color must be an integer.
+ Menu Action->Forward will work on marked messages.
+ Improved false quote detection.
+ New menu item "Toggle sent" added to "Action" menu that will toggle
sent/unsent state for current or marked messages.
+ Added new keyword for the language configuration file
MI_TOGGLESENT "T Toggle sent "
! New locations of config file for unix-like OS: ~/.golded/, ~/ and
+ Compile-time defines to specify config file name: GEDCFG (default is
"golded.cfg") and GEDCFG2 (default is platform-depended: "gedw32.cfg",
"ged2.cfg", "geddos.cfg" or nothing).
- Help window will not close on pressing undefined keys.
+ DispHdrLocation settings changed to No/Yes/Right/Center. Right == Yes.
+ Added new macros: @pad{FAN}{T}
Where: F - a fill char, that will be used when length(T) < N
A - type of text alignment (C - center, L - left, R - right)
N - size of pad area (N >= 0)
T - any text and/or macroses without parameters
Example: @pad{=C79}{ @OEcho (@ODesc) }
- Pick string windows will be resized to title length also.
+ Added @daddr to built-in template for netmail areas.
+ Second char from first name will act as lastname in initials
+ Improve description of the "DispHdrLocation" config file token.
+ New menu item "Mark thread as read" added to "Mark What?" menu.
+ Added new keyword for the language configuration file
MI_ASREAD "s Mark thread as read "
= Snapshot for the October 19, 2005.
! ReadFindNext default key was changed to Alt-F6.
- All gmtime and localtime calls was rewritten to internal defined functions.
- GoldEd can fall because of invalid time in message.
(bugreport from Alexander Kolyada)
+ New config file token: QuoteUseNewAI No/Yes. It will try to solve
false quoting when '<' and '>' characters is used.
- Fixed buffer overflow bug in LocationAlias matching.
- Fixed PgUp/PgDn keys in help window (bugreport from Semen Panevin).
- Fixed "Goto Next Area?" menu hotkeys (bugreport from Semen Panevin).
+ x86 CPUID support for GNU C builds (used in @widepid and @osver).
! GNwin and RDDTwin project files is added into MSVC6 workspace.
= Snapshot for the October 14, 2005.
+ LocationDelimiter config file token to specify separating char
between city names in netmail areas.
+ LocationAlias is case insensitive now.
+ Macro '@widepid' contains platform ID again.
! Golded+ now may be compiled on 64bit platforms.
+ Fix P4 and IA64 cpu detection.
+ New reader key READfindnext (default: ^F6) added.
READfindall and READfindheader will not search from next message,
use READfindnext instead.
+ Win32 version: pressing SHIFT+EditGo* keys will work as EditBlock* keys
! Added Microsoft Developer Studio 6.0 Workspace and GoldEd Project files
(use golded.dsw to open workspace)
+ TwitName and TwitSubj now may be used in random system groups.
+ Win32-MSVC version: processor name will be used instead of "x86" in
@widepid and @osver macros.
+ EditToggleCase, EditToUpper and EditToLower keys will work on selected text.
+ Added MenuNextArea (yes/no/unread) config file token that set default
for cursor on "Goto Next Area?" menu.
+ Added UseSoftCrxLat (yes/no) config file token that enable/disable
usage of EditSoftCrxLat. May be used in random system groups.
+ Added DISPPMFIRST (yes/no) config file token that enable/disable
displaying first the personal mail in areas.
+ Stylecodes now may be used in random system groups.
+ New color config file item: "COLOR HEADER LOCATION". This is used for define
colors of the originate node location information (see DISPHDRLOCATION and
= Snapshot for the October 02, 2005.
+ New config file token: LocationAlias. Used to display national city names
in bottom delimeter of the message header.
- Fix MS Visual C 6.0 library bug in vector::sort(). GoldNode+/MSVC sort
nodelist correctly with nodes quantity > 32767 now.
(Patch from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
+ Add CHS tables and XLATCHARSET lines for the double recoded russian text.
(Tables by Eugene Palenock 2:5020/2065.468@FidoNet.)
+ Add the script to Generate xlatcharset directives for the config
- Extract XLATCHARSET directives from main config example into separate file
+ New internal editor keys to stylecode insertions:
^N EditSCodeNormal
^B EditSCodeBold (*bold*)
^I EditSCodeItalic (/italic/)
^L EditSCodeUnderline (_underline_)
^R EditSCodeReverse (#reverse#)
(Patch from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
+ New config file token: AKAMatchManually (yes/no). If set to "yes" then manual
selection of the AKA is forced.
(Patch from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
+ New macros in externutil command line and message template for echomail
@echopath - path to echoarea base (full pathname like specified in config),
@echoname - echoarea file name without path,
@echotype - echoarea base type (OPUS, JAM, Squish, Hudson, PCBoard, ...).
+ Golded+/lnx: Adopt clipboard usage to newest versions of Midnight Commander.
+ Display originator's city in delimiter line between header and message body.
New config file token: DISPHDRLOCATION (yes/no).
(Patch from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
+ Don't use a GOLDMARK char in default status line.
(Patch from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
+ New reply-linking features: show floating reply link threads and show
messages without replies in replylinking threads view. New config file
(Patch from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
+ New AKA matching feature: match for "From" field then (if not matched)
match for "To" field. New config token AKAMATCHFROMTO (Yes/No/Always).
(Patches from Ianos Gnatiuc 2:5030/830.17)
- MS Visual C build now contains Goldnode+ (patch from Ianos Gnatiuc).
- Fix man pages.
- Fix subshell start message output (bugreport from Semen Panevin).
! Microsoft Visual Studio build (use golded.mak as makefile).
- Fix russian documentation.
- Fixed gcc 4.x build (thanks to Max Alekseyev).
- Fixed compiler warnings (thanks to Max Alekseyev).
- Fixed bug with Win9x win32 console (hide cursor).
- Fixed directory seek for Win9x.
- Fixed pattern match for MS Visual C biuld.
- MinGW support updates.
- many config examples changes.
- several fixes to prevent buffer overflow.
= Snapshot for the April 19, 2005.
+ Added escape sequences \" and \\ to the goldkeys.cfg.
+ A bit changed algorithm of processing soft-deleted messages, added
MS_SkippingDeleted keyword to the language file.
! Added possibility to use double quotes within macros. You need to
write \" within quoted string. The backslash escapes only double
quotes and backslash to minimize impact on users. Please scan your
goldkeys.cfg for \" and \\ and change them to \\" and \\\\
accordingly before upgrading.
= Snapshot for the December 24, 2003.
- Fixed reading of Crashmail/Crashecho config when file saved as DOS
- Fixed newly introduced bug in copying/moving Opus mail.
- Fixed CRC16 routine for Synchronet fields updating.
- Fixed X-Comment-To/X-To creation.
! Some code was significantly reworked. May cause a lot of problems,
but should be more flexible. If there are new problems with reading
areafiles, adding extra kludges on copying messages, etc. appear
please report.
- Fixed Crashmail II/CrashEcho config parser: when echo without
description was followed after passthru echo with description the
last one used.
+ Added -pass switch support to Fidoconfig parser.
- Fixed bug in HPT config parser: areas which was not explicitly
given messagebase type was omited.
+ Added new configuration keywords to main configuration file:
WRITEHEADER <YES/NO/ONLY> - default setting for Write->Header
setting, defaults to yes. Can be used in Random System Group.
STRIPHTML <YES/NO> - activate quick-n-dirty HTML-tag stripper. It
known to fail in some cases but more likely will not be improoved.
The keyword may be used in Random System Group. Defaults - NO.
NOTE: Strip HTML mode forces quoted-printable decoding.
+ Added new configuration keywords to keys configuration file:
READTOGGLEHTML - Toggle HTML tags display mode
The keywords listed below are just duplicates for corresponding
toggles. They are added mostly for use in macros (untested):
- X-Mailreader should not duplicate now on message changing (not
- Better support for long tearlines are added. Now long tearlines with
QuoteCtrl set to not quote tearlines no longer get quoted.
+ Added quote display mode to the statusbar (Q letter).
- More fixes to uu/xxdecoder: now sections which follows with the
"end" properly decoded; if name contained tilde inside it also broke
multisection UUE decoding.
- Fixed FWD kludges encoding.
- Hooks to the delete and move messages added for the read-only areas.
- Fixed SEEN-BY invalidation.
- GoldED+ should now properly prepend data/subs path to the Synchronet
bases, so copying of msgs.cnf to that directory should not be done
anymore in order to make Synchronet areafile reader working.
- Fixed the warning line if SeqMsgId set to MAYBE.
- GoldED+/W32 will not issue warning about too long commandline under
+ Added Husky compatible MSGID generation algorithm. The following
keywords are added for configuration:
SeqMsgId Yes/No/Maybe
Yes - Use SeqMsgId algorithm
No - Do not use SeqMsgId algorithm
Maybe - Use SeqMsgId algorithm if SeqDir is set explicitly (default)
SeqDir pathname
If SeqDir not explicitly defined and SeqMsgId is set, then SEQDIR
environment variable will be used. Note that pathname mapping (by
using MapPath rules) only occurs when SeqDir defined explicitly.
SeqOutRun num[y][d][h][w][m]
SeqOutRun defines maximum "run-away" time for the MSGID. If not
defined explicitly, then SEQOUT environment variable is used. If
SEQOUT is also not set, then default value equals to 3 years is
The num defines number in seconds if neither one of modificators
is in use. The following modificators can be used:
y - year
d - day
h - hour
w - week
m - month (31 days)
Thanks to Alexander Reznikov for the patch.
- Fixed active messages counter for JAM messagebases if message
restored by removing DEL attribute.
! Ignore RRq attribute. We will process only Cfm now: RRq should be
processed by mailer/tosser/tracker according to the attribute
- Convert internal codes to lowercase in Synchronet BBS parser before
using them as pathname.
- Cosmetic fix in Goldnode: pad output with spaces.
- Previous fix on relative pathnames was incorrect. Now GoldED+
changed to resolve problem. Seems to work properly now.
- Do not crash if problem to access MC clipboard (Linux specific).
- To fix problem with relative pathname in NODEPATH the Goldnode will
write only filename in .gxl file. Most users should not notice this
change at all.
- InternetReply should only affect netmail areas. Fixed.
- Fixed more bugs with block deletion undo.
+ OS/2 only: if environment variable PMWIN set to NO then GoldED+ will
not try to use PMWIN functions.
- Fixed cosmetic bug in thread tree: line was painted incompletely.
- Fixed environment variables expansion recently broken.
- When reading pathnames from Maximus 3 areafile GoldED+ had not
prepend Maximus path. Fixed.
- Fixed undo of the last removed line.
- Improved a bit speed for long messages handling.
- When deleting marked messages the pointer moved always on the
previous message instead of the next in movement direction.
- Fixed some problems with readonly areas: it is now not possible to
change messages in R/O areas, it is possible to set group of areas
to R/O using ATTRIBUTES keyword in Random System Group.
- Fixed small reflow bug in message viewer.
- Fixed recently introduced bug with replying on gated messages in
echo and following change of destination name. There's still some
work to be done in this field.
- Due to the collisions in Squish hash when personal mail scan is
requested, after the hash values are matched the name now compared
with string in To field in messagebase. This will slow down a bit
personal mail scan, but will produce proper detection of names (not
- The names with NLS characters was improperly handled in JAM
messagebases, should work properly now (not tested).
- When importing file the current filepath will be displayed at
- Fixed highlignting of url-like filenames.
! The changed mail will also be copied to the Areayouwroteto now.
- Fixed small bug in Maximus 3 config parser. Any more left?
- Another try to support MC clipboard.
- Once again Numlock was not taken into account for Del in Win9x (not
- Fixed deadkey-space combinations in Win32 version.
- Compatibility fix for Though
it is not GoldED+ fault.
- Some fixes for replying through the gate. If someone use
"INTERNETREPLY NO" please report if it get broken with this changes.
! AREALISTGROUPORDER now supports #num format entries.
! You can now use area groups in the *SCAN* keywords: just prepend the
'>' character before the group, i.e.:
- When calling unpacker the path to the area will be converted to the
full qualified path.
! EditNewline now deletes the selected block.
- Fixed exit from the locked/non-existing JAM areas.
- Fixed small bug in UUE decoder which prevents unsorted multipart UUE
from decoding.
- EchoAreaDefaults was not applied to the local areas. Fixed.
! Ctrl-R and Alt-Backspace in fields now toggles information between
stored buffer and current value.
+ Added keyboard not redefinable assignments for clearing the whole
field contents: Ctrl-Del, Ctrl-D, and Ctrl-Y.
- Cosmetic: URL highlighting now have lower priority then selection
block in the editor.
- Fixed lastread problem after edit externutils (PGP, etc.).
- Oops, EchoAreaDefaults was not applied to the includes. Fixed.
+ Added EchoAreaDefaults support to Fidoconfig parser.
+ Synchronet configuration parser now will use short description
instead of internal code as echoid for the Fidonet areas.
- Fixed keyboard macro handling broken somewhere in pre-1.1.5s.
- Fixed Synchronet configuration parser :-)
+ Added Synchronet configuration parser:
Areafile Synchronet path\to\msgs.cnf
+ Added clipboard support for the input prompts. Since the selection
keys are not available the action is performed on the whole line.
Default assignments (which cannont be redefined -- sorry):
Shift-Ins, Ctrl-V Paste
Shift-Del, Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-Ins, Ctrl-C Copy
In overwrite mode paste overwrites the whole input line otherwise
inserts one line from the clipboard from the current position.
Also added alias to Ctrl-R key - Alt-Backspace which reverts the
input prompt to it's initial value.
+ Added Midnight Commander compatible clipboard support for UNIX
version. Should only be available if "~/.cedit" directory exist at
GoldED+ startup time. (not tested)
- Fixed problem with charset conversion on calling externutil with
kludges shown and reload option set. You should have reverse charset
table for this message (xlatlocalset to message charset) in order
this fix to work.
- Fixed small bug in the Crahmail/Crashecho parser when the last
address may left unread.
- Fixed various types of SMB corruption, especially on changing
message or updating attrbutes.
- Fixed crash on hex-dumping empty SMB message.
- Fixed problem with non-emporting mail from SMB area.
! Updated SMBLib to the recent version.
+ Added patch by Vladimir V. Korablin for @notforward template token.
The line containing this token is left only when message IS NOT
a forward. This is "@forward"'s counterpart.
! If two AreaSep have the same echotag then they will appear only
- Fixed handling of packed *.msg style messagebases.
- Fixed invalid charset kludge in crossposted messages.
- Fixed handling of 0xe1 character in CP437 (require liblocal 0.2
under DJGPP). (not tested, please report any problem you have with
- Fixed userlist index compilation.
! S criteria in AreaListSort now explicitly moves separator above
the regular areas.
! Win32 console: if buffer size is set to more than 100 lines then
windows size will be used.
- Fixed infinite loop when last message is twitkill, previous deleted
and showdeleted is off (untested).
- Fixed header encoding in exported SOUP packets.
- Fixed small problem in editor when quoteline might left not painted
after EDITNewLine.
- Fixed Ctrl-Down behaviour in lists.
- Fixed ignorance of index file name in @random token.
- Fixed missed expanding of environment variables in @file tokens.
- Fixed names highlighting in the header when MsgListHeader is active.
+ JAMSMAPIHIGHWATER is now active by default if "areafile fidoconfig"
is specifyed (not tested).
- Fixed the problem with 13 hour of UTC displacement. I hope noone
have 25 hour displacement, yep? :)
- Added forgotten https:// to the list of known URLs beginning.
- Fixed packed messagebase operation. The feature was only implemented
for the Squish messagebase and even there scan was improperly
- Fixed numerical group parsing for Crashmail/CrashEcho, HPT,
SpaceToss, QEcho and Partoss.
- Fixed reverse order sorting in 'M' criteria of AREALISTSORT (broken
in previous snapshots).
- Fixed bug with quoting if text goes right after long kludge.
- Fixed invalid message encoding after calling externutil. There's
still a bug left if you call externutil when kludges are shown and
-Reload option is specifyed to externutil.
- Fixed replying on gated message to internet area.
- Fixed crash on long names in TwitName.
- Fixed net/echomail.bss updating in Hudson/GoldBase.
- Fixed reverse order sorting in 'F' criteria of AREALISTSORT (broken
in previous snapshots).
- GoldED+ should no longer exit when system time is changed to the
past and Timeout is non-zero. But... Timeout still calculated from
timestamp of previous keypress.
! Some actions will not reload message if it is not required.
+ Added possibility to specify AKA in AREASEP:
AREASEP <echoid> <"desc"> <group> <type> <aka>
! AREALISTSORT changed again. Added 'p' for personal mail presence,
'u' for unread mail presence, and 'S' for overriding default sorting
for criterias which are not applicable for AREASEP (F.e. try
"PYTGSUE", "TSPYGUE", etc.).
- Fixed "EditChangeDate Always" operation.
! AREALISTSORT letters a bit changed in the way they processed:
P - sort by personal mail count, not by the presence
Y - sort by changing from last scan (the same criteria as used for
'*' in AREALIST screen) with ignoring unread mail count
Also there's a new change to the AREASEP sorting: all letters that
could not be applied to the AREASEP (f.e. Y) are ignored during
sorting and finally AREASEP winning if no explicit criteria found in
the AREALISTSORT specification.
+ Added ability to READ packed messagebases. You need to add PKD
attribute to such echo definition and specify UNPACKER for the
extension defined. You should pack all files from the single
messagebase to the archive with the same name. For *.msg areas you
should add the directory as well. When entering to the archived area
UNPACKER will be executed to unpack files to TEMPPATH. On exit, all
files will be deleted.
New UNPACKER keyword have the following syntax:
UNPACKER <extension> <"commandline">
The commandline should provide the ability to extract all files from
@file.<extension> to the current directory. F.e.:
UNPACKER zip "unzip @file"
Note that all changes to the messagebase will be discarded.
This feature is not supported for Hudson and GoldBase messagebases.
IMPORTANT: AREADEF should contain pathname to the archive WITH
! AREAPATH now used as default path for all SEMAPHOREs rather than
! Removed keyword EditMsgSize. The message will always be loaded
! Temporary files will be created in the TEMPPATH rather than
! URLHANDLER now accepts externutil options just like EXTERNUTIL (with
the exception of utility number of course), and global EXTERNOPTIONS
are no longer affected to the utility execution behaviour.
- Few fixes to the keyboard. Key5 should work now.
- Fixed LISTaskexit operation.
- Fixed default writetemplate.
+ Added FileToggleMarkAll to the goldkeys.cfg to invert all selected
files on the file selection panel. Default assignment is '*'.
! Keyboard configuration token AreaShowDel renamed to ReadShowDel for
better consistency.
+ Added set of new keywords for the language configuration file to
make READmainmenu language-configurable:
MI_MMSHELL "S Shell to OS "
MI_MMQUIT "Q Quit GoldED "
MI_MMNEWMSG "E Enter new msg "
MI_MMQUOTEREPLY "Q Quote-reply "
MI_MMDIRQUOTEREPLY "D Direct quote-reply (ignore Reply-To) "
MI_MMCMTREPLY "C Comment-reply "
MI_MMOTHERAREA "O Other area reply > "
MI_MMODIRQUOTEREPLY "D Direct quote-reply (ignore Reply-To) "
MI_MMOCMTREPLY "C Comment-reply "
MI_MMLIST "L List messages "
MI_MMWRITE "W Write to disk/printer "
MI_MMFREQ "F File request "
! Help topic number associated with READmainmenu changed from 9999 to
+ GoldED+ should now recognize AREAFILE keyword in CrashEcho config
(not tested).
+ GoldED+ should now recognize environment variables in INCLUDE and
area path definitions in Fidoconfig (not tested).
- Fixed small bug in goldkeys.cfg parser so the last line without
the feed was incorrectly processed.
- Fixed pseudo in Internet areas.
- Partially fixed ATTRIBSEMAIL and ATTRIBSNEWS operation. They still
not affected the areas defined as such through the AREAISEMAIL
and AREAISNEWS and if no ATTRIBUTES defined in the Random System
group. It seems will never been fixed but will rather documented as
a feature.
! REPLYLINK defaults changed to DIRECT.
! AREAAUTOID defaults changed to LONG.
! GoldED+ will now show hidden lines and RFC header in the message
editor. This is primarily to be able to add cc:, copy:, etc. lines
in the Internet areas.
- Fixed old bug with ADDRESSLOOKUPFIRST when it set to the ORIGIN and
no valid address defined in the origin.
! InternetRFCBody now could be defined to the digit, which specify the
number of RFC headers will be tried for detection. Only usefull
when you often receive messages multiple times gated by ifmail.
! Synchronized with recent Fidoconfig features. Removed -lame feature,
slashes no longer parsed as escape sequencies in neither case.
+ Added peek URL feature. Goldkeys.cfg keyword: READPeekURLs, help
topic number is 3018. The behaviour is controlled by the
PeekURLOptions keyword: available parameters are SORT, FROMTOP,
NOTFROMTOP. Selected URL will be processed with the commandline
predefined with URLHANDLER (the token replaced with URL is @url).
Language configuration:
WT_PEEKURL "Available URLs"
IL_PEEKINFONOURLS " No valid URLs were found in this msg! "
+ Imlemented READExternUtilMenu. You can now process message by
entering command line. Command line executed using EXTERNOPTIONS.
Associated help topic number is 3017. Language configuration:
WT_EXTERNUTIL "External utilities"
ST_EXTERNUTIL "Select external utility to execute"
WT_EXECCMDLINE "Enter command line to execute"
MI_ENTERCMDLINE " Enter command line "
+ Added new keyword InternetViaGate (default to no). Allows usage of
SoupGate with AreaIsEmail. When set to yes GoldED+ will generate
only To: line for e-mail areas, but will also encrypt message header
in quoted printable if enabled by EncodeEmailHeaders keyword.
+ Added new keyword HighlightURLs (default to yes). Allows enable or
disable URLs and emails highlighting.
! Removed HappyBirthday and InternetServer keywords. Anyway, they were
- Fixed more quirks with charset.
- Fixed quotewrap in internal editor if quotestring contains a space
! GoldED+ will no longer add new entry to addressbook if it is an
! Updated uulib to the latest version. Few bugs fixed. Unordered
UU encode now should be processed more accurately than with original
- Fixed improper charset conversion when replying on message without
charset between areas with different Xlatimport.
- Fixed externutils/external editor with freshly created messages.
- Fixed bug in Latin-x to ISO-8859-x converter, now charset in
Internet mail should be properly specifyed as ISO rather than as
- When you change mail to the UUCP gate and InternetRFCBody is on
GoldED+ WILL insert new To: line in the message, stripping old one.
! Completely redone Synchronet support. Should be more stable and
+ Added support for SpaceToss areafile. WARNING: there's no known way
to obtain primary AKA for echo areas from tosser config ver 1.10 so
you'll need to define them manually. Main AKA will be used by
default. On newer versions (with UseAKA support) you should not
expirience this problem.
- Thanks to Pavel Tsekov few more memory leaks was eliminated.
! Added "COLOR READER URL" for highlighting URLs and e-mail's.
! Message now saved by default in local codepage.
! Thread list optimized a bit by speed. It aslo should not crash on
long threads now.
- Fixed serious bug with forwarding when ADDRESSLOOKUPFIRST set to
MSGID (or no Origin line available) and you call either spellchecker
or EditLoadFile function. The address was set to the address of
original mail author.
+ Added USEAREA keyword which may be used in Random System Groups. If
defined to NO then GoldED+ will not recognize AREA kludge.
! If USEFWD is set to NO then GoldED+ will not recognize FWD* kludges.
- You may now disable one or more stylecodes by including them in
- Fixed hang on undo of text deletetion when text is greater than
screen size.
- Fixed crash on calling Externutil in empty area.
- GoldED+ will now treat all unknown charsets to be equal to
- Fixed AreaReplyDirect operation when AreaReplyTo is defined (Thanks
to Pavel Gulchouck for the patch).
- Fixed problem with incorrect updating of timesread field when
! @pseudo creation stops at dot now as well.
- Added EditDeleteSOL action: delete text to the start of line. It
works the same way as EditDeleteEOL in terms of what we consider to
be a line, since it deletes to the start of the line as it seen in
viewer, not as the line is internally represented.
- MapPath now applied to GoldPath and XlatPath.
- GoldNode now supports MapPath keyword.
- Extended conditionals in GoldNode to the same set as in GoldED.
- Fixed SHAREMODE in GoldNode.
- Fixed *.?lo file creation where the character in '?' was uppercase,
in file requests.
! Old logo returned back with Pavel Gulchouck's patch :-)
- Fixed double WAZOO FREQ bug (Thanx to Dmitry Lebus for discovering
! Random lines not taken from template for Changed, Write, Header and
WriteHeader lines if not explicitly specifyed.
+ MAPPATH now affects pathes in INCLUDE and AREAFILE keywords.
- Fixed quote reflow when NLS and recoding used (Thanx, Alexey! :))
! Reverted back to old behaviour of ZapQuotesBelow.
- Fixed EDITHEADERFIRST operation.
+ Added new keyword AreaListGroupOrder to specify groups sorting order
in arealist. The only parameter is string which specifies groups
order (case sensitive!). If some groups are not found in the list
they will be placed below specifyed ones in regular order.
+ Implemented FSP-0013 support. You may notice warnings about obsolete
codepages in your config, please fix them. If you use XLATEXPORT to
obsolete codepage and this is required on some reason you may prevent
error by setting USECHARSET to No.
+ GoldED+ now tries to set up correct values for XLATLOCALSET,
XLATIMPORT and XLATEXPORT basing on your locale settings.
+ Added Serg Borodin's patch for X-Comment-To recognition on SOUP
- Fixed crash on long Message ID in Internet messages.
- Fixed crash on very long name in Internet messages.
! ZapQuotesBelow now acts only on the single quotation block, not on
the all quotes below. It's more handy, especially in case of
removing attach from the file.
! A lot of improvements in charset handling added. QP postfix now
could be used with any charset, not only with LATIN1. Completely
! Changed InternetRFCBody parsing algorithm. Should be quicker.
! A lot of manipulations with Internet addressing was done.
! GoldED+ now produce Internet addresses in RFC preferable form
"name" <email@address> instead of email@address (name).
+ Added ShowDeleted indicator to status line.
- Fixed few bugs in Undo feature.
+ Added support for AdeptXBBS for non-OS/2 systems.
+ Thanks to Alexey Froloff added support for CrashEcho tosser.
- Fixed Y2K bug in WildCat! and PCBoard bases.
- Fixed cursor position in XlatImport menu when Auto encoding
- Added support for CommentChar token in FidoConfig (untested).
- Added code for trimming particular subfields in JAM as required by
JAM specification.
- Fixed users.bbs handling for *.msg and Squish areas.
- Soft-deleted messages no longer hidden from messagelist right after
deletion any more.
+ Added new switch JamSMAPIHighwater. If defined GoldED+ will handle
highwaters just like SMAPI do. Recommended for use with HPT.
Defaults to No. Support for Crashmail II style highwaters added as
! Message lister redesigned. Should be quicker if you roll up and down
but consumes more memory.
+ Added tonn of configuration keywords to goldkeys.cfg:
Keyword Default Assignment
AddressbookPack Alt-P
AddressbookDelete Del
AddressbookSelect Enter
AddressbookAdd Ins
AddressbookQuit Esc
HeaderToggleScanned Alt-4
HeaderToggleGroupmsg Alt-2
HeaderToggleZonegate Alt-G
HeaderToggleHubhost Alt-V
HeaderToggleRetrecreq Alt-M
HeaderToggleCrash Alt-C
HeaderToggleLocked Alt-L
HeaderToggleReceived Alt-R
HeaderToggleLocal Alt-W
HeaderToggleRetrec Alt-N
HeaderToggleFreq Alt-F
HeaderLookup Shift-F10
HeaderToggleImm Alt-I
HeaderToggleAttrWin Alt-F1
HeaderAddressbook F10
HeaderToggleArcsent Alt-B
HeaderToggleHold Alt-H
HeaderToggleAudit Alt-Q
HeaderToggleXmail Alt-X
HeaderToggleTrunc Alt-T
HeaderToggleUpdreq Alt-U
HeaderClearAttrib Alt-Z
HeaderToggleKill Alt-K
HeaderToggleTransit Alt-J
HeaderToggleCfmrecreq Alt-Y
HeaderToggleOrphan Alt-O
HeaderToggleFile Alt-A
HeaderToggleDelsent Alt-E
HeaderToggleDirect Alt-D
HeaderToggleReserved Alt-1
HeaderTogglePvt Alt-P
HeaderToggleSent Alt-S
! READuserbase renamed to READaddressbook.
! Changed default values for the following keywords:
Keyword New Default Old Default
- Fixed leading space macroses in date/time format strings.
- Fixed double recoding of header during forward, quote-reply, and
+ Added new keyword WRITETEMPLATE which defines template to be used on
saving messages. Could be used in Random System Groups or globally.
+ You can explicitly select built-in template by defining "built-in".
! Fixed filelocking in UNIX version.
- Fixed "Via" kludge handling in JAM areas.
! Quote wrapping algorithm slightly changed.
- Fixed some quirks in internal editor.
- Fixed EDITHARDLINE keyword operation.
- Fixed QUOTEWRAPHARD keyword operation.
! Freed lot of stack on displaying message header. Please report
(cosmetic?) bugs if any.
- Fixed small bug in parser.
+ Added new keyword INTERNETGATEEXP to configure expansion of UUCP
gated e-mail into To: line:
INTERNETGATEEXP Address, Name // To: (Bob Fisher)
INTERNETGATEEXP Name, Address // To: "Bob Fisher" <>
Other combinations treated as "Address, Name". Default assignment
"Name, Address".
- Addressbook now more accurate with e-mail addresses in FTN areas,
it no longer update FTN address with Internetgate (define it in
the group if it is different from default) and put Internet address
in corresponding field.
- Template keyword now properly extracts filename within random system
! @*addr macroses now expanded by default without domain, if you ever
need 5d addresses use @*addr{domain} scheme.
- Fixed @ofrom, @oto recoding.
! Header of message saved from Golded now defined in template, default
assignment (for built-in template, not for yours):
@header= @oecho (@caddr) @align{79}{=}
@header Msg : @msgno of @msgs@align{44}@attr
@header From : @_oname @_oaddr @odtime
@header To : @dname
@header Subj : @subject
String beyond @header used when you asked for a header. You may also
use @write as prefix to store something special if you asked for a
message body (with or without header), though have no idea when
@write may be useful except of changing first line of template to:
@write= @oecho (@caddr) @align{79}{=}
+ Added new macroses:
@msgno current message number in messagebase
@msgs number of messages in current messagebase
@attr attribute string
@align{pos}{char} align to `pos' with `char'
@cfrom same as @ofrom but for current message
@cto same as @oto but for current message
@odtime expanded according to MS_DateTimeFmt for original
message time
@cdtime current time in MS_DateTimeFmt format
@fpgp either e-mail or name from "From" field
@dpgp either e-mail or name from "To" field
@osver operation system version
- Fixed bug in expanding fixed lenght macroses.
- Removed useless macroses: @serialno, @os2slash.
+ Search speed significantly improved in Win32 version.
! Window size in Win32 version now calculated from different
parameters, you may need to adjust screen properties before running
GoldED+ (especially in Win2k with it's defaults 300 rows :)). Though
most users shouldn't noticed this change.
+ Status line update speed improved.
- Fixed character stripping on the clipboard block boundary.
! Default value for DispTabSize changed to 8.
! If @pseudo token created from address it now stops not only on space
but at @ as well, so no more "Hello!" :-)
! Maximum number of commands that could be assigned to single macro
extended upto 127 commands.
- ViewQuote operation fixed for locales different from ASCII.
- @cdate and @ctime now should be correct for changed messages.
! PGP encoded/signed messages now detected by substring
"-----BEGIN PGP "
in first line of message rather than
- Fixed keyboard handling in Win9x/ME (not well tested).
- Control characters (except tab, CR and LF) no longer stripped at the
end of line.
+ If there's Reply-To: line in the beginning of message then it
processed internally like REPLYADDR kludge with higher priority.
- Fixed EditMacro command to be able to execute commands which
operates on selected block.
- Fixed expansion of environment variables in GoldNode and for
includes and areafile definition.
+ Added new keyword QUOTESTOPS. If one of characters defined by this
keyword found before quotechar then line will be not treated as
quote. Defaults to "<\"'-", may be used as global keyword or in
random system groups.
- Fixed page wrapping in help window.
- Added some improvements for better charset handling.
- Fixed decoding of MIME-encoded From and To fields.
- Fixed block keyboard mode under Win9x/ME.
- Fixed crash if GoldED+ was unable to open Crashmail II config.
+ If filenames specified without path and File Attach attribute is set
Attachpath automatically prepended to every filename.
- Fixed date in attach selection menu.
- If directory typed in subject field without slash at the end files
from proper directory selected instead of GOLDEDPATH.
- Fixed attached file size display if path starts from slash.
- Support for old Fastechoes reverted back.
- Area Catch-up and Scan now disabled if there's active area. This
should improve stability.
! Returned NETNAME keyword in another incarnation:
* Origin: bla-bla-bla (2:5020/604.19@fidonet)
This style doesn't break any of FTS or FSC. Domain from Address or
AKA keywords override Netname keyword if specific address used.
This keyword could be used in random system groups.
+ Added READDirQuoteMsg and READMoveDirQuoteMsg entries for
goldkeys.cfg: quote message ignoring Reply-To kludge (in current and
another area correspondingly). Both added to READMainmenu menu.
There's no default keyboard assignment.
- Fixed READMainmenu operation.
- Fixed incorrect filenames displaying in /w32 version.
- Fixed crash of Win32 version when output/input redirected to/from
- Fixed case sensivity in macro expansion.
- Fixed insertion of extra space before Origin line if entry is taken
from file.
Notes for GoldED+, December 02 2000
- It is now possible to use filepicker if there's very long filenames.
- Fixed filelist parser for national languages.
+ It is now possible to edit Group field in addressbook even though
there's no sence for this :-)
- Added workaround for inserting of random line into message.
- Fixed incorrect help category display after EDITHeader.
! Removed unused help entries from READMainmenu.
- Fixed memory overrun in file attach creation.
- Fixed insertion of extra spaces around Origin line if entry is taken
from file.
+ Logged version name now combined with release date (for easy sorting
out the logs received).
- It was impossible to change To: field when replying to the Internet
gated message when lookup turned off. Fixed.
+ Via, Recd and Forwarded kludges now displayed in the bottom of
message in JAM areas.
- Cut-n-paste Unicode clipboard under Windows NT now properly filled
with Unicode version of control characters with the exception of CR,
LF, tabulation. It's fun to copy kludges from GoldED+ to WordPad ;-)
- Fixed lockout/crash on errorneous exit.
- Now if there is no address defined GoldED+ will exit with error at
startup rather than crashes later.
! Low-level screen handling routines rearranged. New implementation of
Win32 code included. This code should work well with Win2k raster
fonts without registry patching.
- Fixed incorrect timeslicing in DPMI32 version.
- BADAREA and DUPEAREA now "local"s rather then "echo"s for
! Changed keyboard handling under Win32, Win9x code seems to work
better. Shift-Tab no longer require additional keypress of Tab.
+ Address typed in name field now searched in addressbook as well.
- Cosmetic fix: MI_CHARSETAUTO now defaults to " Auto " (i.e. with two
spaces around).
! Being annoyed by users who dislike read notework, added COLOR READER
QUOTE1. COLOR READER QUOTE now set color for QUOTE1 and QUOTE2 as in
old good times. If QUOTE appears before QUOTE2 you may change
nothing in your config.
- Fixed some bugs in undo feature.
- Fixed empty message creation (used in attach, filerequest, etc.)
! Message header now translated with default rules in most cases. If
there's something wrong with it (f.e. double decoding or no decoding
at all) please report. Also, original message header should be
handled more carefully now.
+ Asciitilde now recognized more properly, so even ~anotheruser/file
should work. Also environment variables defined as %TEMP%/file
should be expanded in more cases. Feel free to report bug if
something doesn't work.
- @CC kludges now created at top of message rather than in place
where CC: found (this feature was also silently introduced in binaries for some platforms).
! Added historical section to this file regarding to 3.0.1-asa8 and
-asa4 releases. No more history left, only guesses...
- Fixed Bug #109368: Ged+ crashes if there are more than 30 links in
the help. Now accepts up to 50, and ignores more.
- Fixed bug that made GoldED+ not behave well with daylight savings
time (it showed an hour less).
Notes for GoldED+, September 19 2000
+ GoldEd+ now recognizes the asciitilde (~) alias for the home
directory, in Linux.
- Fixed small bug in console shiftstate code under Linux.
+ Filenames in file requests are not converted to uppercase in Linux
any more.
+ Now it is possible to exclude config file formats and messagebase
formats from GoldEd+ at compile-time.
- Fixed the message-forward feature.
- Fixed a bug in message quoting if QUOTEWRPHARD == YES
+ You can now read the output of a command instead of a file, using
the syntax |command as the input filename.
Notes for GoldED+, June 18 2000
- Fixed some memory leaks regarding to GROUP feature, REPLYADDR
parsing, undo.
- Fixed small bug in fidoconfig parser that brokes correct handling of
INCLUDE keyword.
- Adjusted buffer size in Crashmail II parser, added LOCALAREA
- EditExportText now saves whole the message to file, this is more
predictable behaviour than before.
- Fixed incorrect lines chain after insertion from file/clipboard.
- Function that builds full pathname bit adjusted for non-UNIX
systems. This should lead to better results there.
- Fixed wrong character display in editor mode when line empty.
- Filed incorrect cutting of line portion.
- Fixed FREQ feature.
- Fixed addressbook, nodelist browser when in edit header mode.
- Fixed small cosmetic bug in nodelist window regarding to filepath.
- Bit rearranged code that encodes RFC headers for latin-xx codepages.
Now GoldED+ automatically generates proper iso-8859-xx charset.
Please response if it doesn't work.
+ Added dirty hack for Linux console users, so now CUI interface more
functional there.
- Fixed broken MAPPATH / MAPDRIVE keywords.
Notes for GoldED+, April 25 2000
- Fixed sound support under DOS (GSNDAPI).
- From the previous version GoldED+ does not read goldrand.cfg
separately. Just include it with INCLUDE if not yet ;-)
- Fixed some memory leaks.
- Fixed small bug regarding cursor position after deleting stuff
in input fields.
- Fixed crash after saving message to text file.
- Fixed incorrect Editcompletion behaviour in overwrite mode.
- Fixed incorrect "this message is not from you" message appearance
in netmail areas.
Notes for GoldED+, February 21 2000
- Fixed incorrect timestamps on messages.
+ Implemented full access to Synchronet bases. Deleting implemented by
setting DEL attribute to the message.
- Fixed bugs in origin and tagline selection menus.
! A lot of GoldED+ internals was rearranged once again.
- Fixed one more mistyping in TOPT/FMPT kludge fix.
! Maximus 2.x is obsolete by Y2K, removed.
- Fixed small bug in CC: processing.
- Fixed small cosmetic bug in hexdump.
Notes for GoldED+, February 10 2000
! Alexander's charset patch replaced with the similar patch which
uses different mechanism: now if charset manually selected then
IgnoreCharset option automatically became active. To disable option
state you need to select "Auto" charset.
+ Added new .lng file keyword MI_CHARSETAUTO, defaults to "Auto".
! SWAPPATH removed since it useless.
! GoldED+ no longer uses most of binary configuration files. The
required files are:,, and
Some of them probably will be removed soon too.
! Added Synchronet message base support in read-only mode. Could be
defined in configuration files by using SMB (AreaDef) and Y (Area)
AREADEF SYNCHRO.TEST "" 0 Local SMB e:\ged\smb\smb\msgbase . (R/O)
Please do not try to delete messages or reply in SMB areas, this not
implemented yet so the result is unpredictable.
- Fixed partially implemented TOPT/FMPT kludges appearance after
copying/moving from squish message bases.
- Right side slashes now used again when calling externutils.
Notes for GoldED+, January 31 2000
- GoldED+ now correctly recognizes RFC-style Date kludge which
contains 4 digits year field (not 2 digits as described in RFC-822).
- When moving/copying messages from squish netmail to non-squish
netmail TOPT and FMPT kludges now added if required.
- Fixed date handling in Hudson and GoldBase message bases.
! The following keywords was renamed due to an internal collision:
- Fixed broken sound support in GoldED+/386.
- Fixed set of bugs in fidoconfig parser (broken since moved to STL).
- Fixed missed %E token in time format.
- Fixed broken @cdate, @ctime macroses.
- Added option "lame" to fidoconfig parser. This disables expansion of
backslashes as escape-sequences:
Areafile fidoconfig -lame m:\y\lame\fidoconfig\is\here
+ Added keyword BeepFactor, the default value is 1000. This used as
multiplier to sound lenght.
- One more reason why GoldED+ could crashes at startup fixed.
+ It is now possible to remove ftn address from the addressbook by
cleaning field, not by entering address 0: :-)
- Wrapped RFC kludges now properly processed too.
! Casted voodoo spell on STL =%-) Probably GoldED+ stands bit stable
- Fixed truncation of clipboard name on slashes.
+ Integrated patches by Alexander Tsvyashchenko:
Added new keyword SHOWDELETED to set status of "soft"-deleted
messages in Jam bases. Could be switched on the fly by AreaShowDel
(default assignment to Alt-F8) in golded.cfg.
Added "magic" charset Auto. Now if user have choose translation
table manually (by Ctrl-J) GoldED+ will use selected page for
translation regardless of the CHRS and CHARSET kludge. If Auto
charset selected then GoldED+ will look at the CHARSET kludges
first. Please, add something like this to your config if you use
XLAT feature and want to use Auto feature:
XLATCHARSET AUTO CP866 rus_rus.chs
Notes for GoldED+ 1.1.4, January 14 2000
Happy Old New Year! :-)
- Fixed bug in environment variable extension (introduced in 1.1.3).
+ GermanKeyboard now also active by default for Polish locale.
+ Added new template keyword @widepid which is expanded to X-Mailer
like string.
- Fixed small unsignificant bug in installation procedure which causes
leaving zero-sized config if install was terminated.
- Fixed memory leak in geline.cpp.
+ Removed poor stack limitation in DPMI version.
- Fixed set of small bugs in internal editor (especially in undo
feature). EDITUNDELETE now has same functionality as before GoldED+
1.1.2 been released.
- Fixed two bugs which cause misterious crash in some circumstances
on startup.
+ If TaskTitle defined to empty string then GoldED+/386 will not
change virtual machine name.
+ Added %C in date macroses (short for "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y"). If
strftime from RTL of compiler used for build your version of GoldED+
supports undescribed in manual macroses you may use them also but
remember that language support via GoldED+ internals provided only
for %a, %A, %b, %B, and %C.
! Warning: a lot of code was rearranged once again. This may cause
new bugs but it simplifies further development.
- Fixed some date-parsing problems.
+ Thanks to Jacobo Tarrio GoldED+ now have priliminary ncurses support
under Linux. It is probably will be easier to port (or even just
compile :)) GoldED+ to other x86 UNIX like OS'es.
- Fixed bug which breaks creation of "To: bla-bla-bla" line using
information taken from addressbook in messages to be gated.
+ If page from GoldHelp.cfg (the data between two *P identifyers) not
fit to single screen it now will be splitted on the window boundary
+ Tabulations in inserted text now properly replaced. Please note that
expanded lines should not exceed 2Kb boundary (I hope that's ok for
most users).
- Repaired "Color Reader Hidden" keyword. If something still painted
in the regular kludge color please report.
+ Added new option to "Write to" menu and new keyword for goldlng.cfg
file associated with this option:
Now you may write only header to file/printer/clipboard if required.
- Fixed nodelist index creation in GoldNode if one or more nodelist is
Notes for GoldED+, December 25 1999
- Fixed memory problems in screen handling of Linux and OS/2 versions.
Notes for GoldED+, December 18 1999
- Fixed bug in dir handler under Linux.
- UNDO now bit properly restore screen after undone of "zap quotes
below" and importing file.
- Fixed small bug in ZapQuotesBelow.
! Hudson/Goldbase code was merged in single template. Please report
any new problem immediately. (For source code users: there is
probably no more chance to compile this code with anything except
! Removed support for FastEcho < 1.42 (anyway all of them is not Y2K
- Fixed serious bug appeared somewhere in latest -asa's or first
GED+'s: if Areareplyto was defined to unexisted area or there was
problems with the first area definition then GoldED+ crashed while
saving echomail messages.
- Probably completely fixed bug in handling netmail.
Notes for GoldED+, December 06 1999
- Fixed small bug in directory handling class.
- Fixed bug in REPLYADDR/REPLYTO handling.
- Fixed bug in ADDRESSMACRO keyword handling.
- Fixed GoldNode timestamp checking.
- Fixed small bug in InternetRFCBody processing (untested).
- Fixed incorrect time of files in attach window (only Win32 version
was affected).
+ Added support for Crashmail II areafile:
Areafile Crashmail c:\where\is\config.ext
Notes for GoldED+ 1.1.3, November 27 1999
+ A lot of memory leaks removed from window library.
! RDDT ported to STL.
+ Fidoconfig parser now could recognize Jam option.
+ GoldNode now could compile as many nodelists/userlists as you want
and made bit faster.
+ AREACOPYDIRECT no longer influence on forwarding. If you like old
behaviour there is new keyword AREAFORWARDDIRECT for you which could
be defined to Yes or No and used in Random System Group as well as
- CROSSPOST now defaults to Ask as promised before ;-)
- Fixed creation of broken @CC kludge.
! MS_LISTCC now defaults to "%s %s", ST_STATUSCC - "CC: %s of %s".
Please adjust it in your goldlang.cfg if you use it.
! WARNING: Some basic internal classes (filebrowser, *.msg scanning
code, string class, crossposting, carbon copying, addressbook) was
redesigned or significantly changed.
- Minor fixes in editor.
! SoftCR now replaced in right place ;-) I mean it is replaced on
saving message to base, not at the moment of entering message. So
probably spellcheckers could be used more safely. Also this fixes
problem with replacing SoftCR under Linux. SoftCR not translated
in Subject field of Attach, Freq and UReq messages which looks to
be ok. SoftCRs now properly used in Squish message base with
DispSoftCR turned on (they was stripped at the beginning of new
line regardless of this keyword option). If EditHardTerm turned OFF
but DispSoftCR turned ON SoftCRs no longer produced in Ezycom bases.
This may broke something but I don't see any reason why this should
fail. I should also note that this feature is works ONLY in
combination with DispSoftCr Yes. Russian users may copy following
two lines to forget about SoftCR-problem completely:
-- cut here --
DispSoftCr Yes
EditSoftCrXlat H
-- cut here --
Notes for GoldED+ 1.1.2, November 04 1999
+ GoldED+ now have undo in internal editor. *BIG* thanx to Denis
Zavorotny (2:467/28) who implement it. Default assignment to
@Backspace EditUndo
NB! As undo stack is currently unlimited, to avoid unpredictable
behaviour when the top of stack reaches an item with freed line, the
kill-buffer (Ctrl-Y) was made unlimited also (i.e. EDITUNDELETE has
no effect in this version).
- Fixed bug with incorrect handling of USER.BBS file.
- #Del now supported in goldkeys.cfg under DOS, Win32, and OS2.
- Added new keyword CROSSPOST to configure query appearence before
crosspossting, defaults to Ask. Possible values: Yes, No, and Ask.
- Added LOCALAREA support to fidoconfig parser.
- Canceling nodelist browser while lookup carbon copies to unexisted
address no loner produce letters to your address.
Notes for GoldED+, September 20 1999
- Fixed 'unfreed memory' error message appearence (broken in
Notes for GoldED+, September 08 1999
- Fixed pasting from clipboard broken since 1.1.1.
- Squish config parser once again uses -$ at the beginning as
identifier of squish format for echo. This behaviour confirmed by
Scott Dudley so Partoss users should use -f flag at the end if they
uses groups (-$g) or descriptions (-$n) for Fido-style bases.
- I forgot to mention that there are new goldlang keyword added:
MS_CCTO "* Carbon copied to %s"
Thanks to Andrew again :-)
Notes for GoldED+ 1.1.1, August 16 1999
- Fixed triming of spaces when pasting from clipboard.
- Probably fixed appearence of AREA: kludge on crossposting / carbon
copying when AreaYouWroteTo used.
- Fixed memory overrun in CHS table reader.
! Added three new tokens that could be invalidated: cc, xc, xp. This
lines only invalidated when message forwarded or text inserted via
EDITRead menu.
- Probably fixed memory overrun that appeared while invalidating.
- Fixed incorrect cc: processing in Names mode ("CC: " was missed in
first line).
- Fixed bug in USERNAME parser.
- Fixed bug in crosspost hiding.
- Fixed bug with missed headers in written messages.
Notes for GoldED+ 1.0.0, July 15 1999
- Actually print device should be left open so I just broke printing,
sorry :(
+ Added powerful uu/xx/mime/binhex multi-messages decoder using uulib
from well-known uudeview by Frank Pilhofer. Please note that it
writes all selected messages to disk before decoding so selecting
whole base simultaneously is not a good idea ;-)
+ Fixed bug rarely appeared while uudecoding messages (caused by long
- Fixed quoting that was broken in 1.1.0 version.
+ Added new keywords to Goldkeys.cfg: EditCopy, EditCut, EditDelete,
EditPaste, EditBlockPgUp, EditBlockPgDn, EditBlockHome,
EditBlockEnd, EditBlockUp, EditBlockDown, EditBlockLeft,
+ Added keyword AreaCFMReplyTo to send CFM messages to particular
Notes for GoldED+ 1.1.0, July 07 1999
+ Added new keyword GermanKeyboard <yes/no>, defaults to autodetect.
Processed only by Win32 version, ignored by others. When active
right Alt key will be processed as AltGr, otherwise it will have
same functionality as left Alt. This keyword replaces command-line
switch -R.
! Removed support for Netname keyword since it breaks our primary FTS
- Kludge ROUTE actually looks like #ROUTE. Fixed.
+ Fixed crossposting to 5D FTN addresses.
- Fixed destruction of various long wrapped kludges (mostly relies to
Internet kludges). Please report if there's something new broken ;-)
- Fixed fix intended for long kludges wrapping problem resolving.
+ Added new keyword FormFeedSeparator. Switched off by default, when
enabled inserts Form Feed (0x0c) character between messages while
saving to file.
- Fix bug which causes printer device left open after printing.
+ It is now possible to write multiple messages to clipboard.
- @d*name, @dpseudo tokens now accept third parameter to specify
"all" name, this feature replaces previously announced feature with
automatic conversion Whoto to lowercase.
- Fixed stupid bug in sqafix config parser which broke it completely.
- Slightly changed keyboard behaviour in DOS and OS/2 versions: if
NUMLOCK is active then numpad keys pressed together with shift-keys
treated just like grey keys (without shifts). Now it is common
behaviour for OS/2, DOS and Win32 versions. Linux version only
missed... Till 1.0.2 hopefully ;-)
- Fixed entering of russian letter 'p' (0xe0) in OS/2 version on
extended keyboards, and entering of dot from numpad in Win95.
! Changed name of product to GoldED+, naming convention for archives
now: gpPABCCC.ext, where gp stands for GoldED Plus, P - platform ID
(x - DOS32, w - Win32, o - OS/2, l - Linux, s - sources, and
m - manual), A - major version, B - middle version (odd for stable,
even for unstable), CCC - minor version.
- Fix in Squish config parser: according to documentation -$mXXX
implicitly turns on -$ switch.
- Fixed endless loop when answering on message with Area kludge
pointed to current area.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa10 beta3, June 30 1999
(Happy Birthday, Svetik & Kira! ;-))
! Due to limitations of Windows 9x Title in /386 version works only if
GoldEd runned from DOS console application and not from within Win32
console application. Bit improved.
+ Some new language configuration keywords added:
MS_ORIGINALLYIN "* Originally in %s"
WT_CROSSPOST " Crosspost "
MI_XCPROCESS "P Process XC's "
MI_XCIGNORE "I Ignore XC's "
MI_XCLISTFMT "L List Format "
WT_ADDRESSBOOK " Addressbook "
WT_ADVANCEDSEARCH " Advanced Search "
IL_NOMOREMATCHES " No more matches found "
WT_HEADEREDITHELP1 " #F10: Nodelist "
WT_HEADEREDITHELP2 " F10: Addressbook "
WT_THREADLISTTITLE " Message Thread List "
WT_ADVANCEDMARKING " Advanced Marking "
ST_USERSTATUSLINE "GoldED's Address Book - %d of %d (%d left)"
IL_USERWAIT " Wait - Browsing Address Book... "
+ It is possible to make carbon copies directly from echo to
AreaReplyTo area if this area is netmail.
- Added experimental support for QEcho by Eugene Sorochinsky (with JAM
messagebases) AreaList file. Specifying primary address by number is
not supported. If location is not specified then GoldEd takes
default value /etc/qecho/AreaList (untested).
AREAFILE qecho /etc/qecho-jam/AreaList
+ Added support for DZ echolist format:
AREAFILE echolist echo5020.lst -dz
- Fixed small bug in sqafix arealist parser.
- Fixed buggy feature of squish parser that forces area to squish
format as long as it parses -$ at the beginning of switch (now exact
token -$ should be present).
- If typing over selected block in internal editor selected text will
be killed.
- Locale now supported in djgpp and emx verions. Please note, that
to use locale in DOS you should have COUNTRY properly configured in
! Removed support for GIF kludge.
- Fixed output of attribute window if it out of screen bounds.
- Removed fix of output in non-standart screen modes ;-)
- Fix origin line in carbon copies.
! If first lines in message begins with From: or To: such lines will
be parsed like an internet address.
- A lot of fixes / features related to carbon copies creation: it is
possibe now to use addressbook and addressmacro (subject and
attributes not changed though) with it, if replying on internet
originated message it is possible now to override address, To: lines
in carbon copies used only when appropriate, it is now possible to
specify full name of addresse in internet carbon-copies (for
example, cc: "Alexander S. Aganichev" <>).
Notes for 3.0.1-asa10 beta2, June 21 1999
- Fix problem with hiding stylecodes after hexdump viewing.
- Fix problem painting stylecodes while editing.
- Fix incorrect behaviour of RcvDisablesCfm in some cases.
- Fix EditChangeDate Always behaviour.
- Fix/cleanup D'Bridge, EzyCom, FMail 0.98, GEcho prior to 1.20,
IMail, InterMail, LoraBBS, Maximus 3.xx, Opus, PCBoard, ProBoard,
Portal of Power, QuickBBS, QFront, QWK, RemoteAccess, RA-Echo,
SuperBBS, TosScan, WMail, XMail, and XBBS config parsers.
- Fixed output in non-standart screen modes (i.e. in 72x25: GoldEd
sometimes outputs characters out of screen range).
+ Added support for ANSIPLUS clipboard under DOS (untested).
+ Added Title support in /386 version under Win9x.
+ Golded now will prompt before crossposting.
! Invalidation of tearline, origins, and seen-by's also done at
savetime. Please note that if you don't like quotation of tearline
and/or origin you should use QUOTECTRL keyword and not INVALIDATE
- Kludge ROUTE added to default list of known kludges.
! Keyword IFMAILGATES replaced with ADDRESSLOOKUPFIRST with possible
values MSGID and Origin.
+ Added keyword QUOTECTRL with possible list of values Yes, No,
Tearline, and Origin. Default Yes. This keyword could be used in
random system groups.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa10 beta1, June 13 1999
(Happy Birthday, Lubashka! ;-))
+ Added keyword RcvDisablesCfm (default yes) that controls checking of
Cfm and RRq flags on mail with Rcv one.
- Fix Fileattach-problem in Linux-version (filenames got uppercased)
+ GoldED now produces a more standard-conforming and informative
X-Mailer string, like i.e. "GoldED 3.0.1-dam3 (Linux 2.2.9 i586)".
The information is (of course) calculated at runtime rather at
compile time.
! A '%' in the domainpart of the Message-ID (internet part) caused some
braindead spamfilters to activate. Therefore it is now again replaced
by a dot, as ever before. Note that you can configure the domain-part
Most users won't care about it, however.
! X-Mailer seems to be more often used than X-Mailreader. So GoldED now
also sets X-Mailer instead of the second one.
- Don't automatically add new entries to the addressbook if
- name is an email address
- address is a MAILINGLIST sender address
! Made the "Organization" coloumn a little bit smaller, so
address coloum is larger (useful for inet-style addresses)
! Fidoconfig now parsed more properly and even properly than with
original library by Matthias Tichy. I don't think that someone
should continue using fidoconfig library due to a lot of bugs and
incompletions in it. On some unexplainable reasons comments in
fidoconfig stripped from the back, so following line broke parser:
Sysop Test line # with bug # and " features
The only supported version is 0.15 since Matthias ignore my question
about backward compatibility of configuration files.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa9 SR3, June 8 1999
(Win32 binary only)
- Fixed bug in FrontDoor config parser.
+ Added support for Fidoconfig (HPT).
- Fixed bug in text selection when cursor wrapped at the beginning or
end of line.
- Due to reinstalling system there are no support for sound in Mingw32
binary. It will return as soon as I upgrade libraries.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa9 SR2, May 28 1999
(diffs to 990518 snapshot)
- Fixed bug in clipboard handling in /386 version under windows.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa9 SR1, May 28 1999
(binary release DOS/386g, win32, diffs to 990518 snapshot)
- Fixed bug with broken TZUTC.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa9, May 28 1999
(binary release DOS/386g, win32, diffs to 990518 snapshot)
+ Multimedia now supported in Mingw32 version (requires dirty hacks in
standart headers. If you don't like hacks you could disable support
in gall/gsnd.cpp and wait for a new version of headers.
+ Timestamps in Mingw32 version now compatible with other versions.
Old timestamps now used again.
+ Locale now used where available, so at least Win32 version will
properly handle case conversion.
+ IfmailGates (yes/[no]) - do not use address from Origin.
+ TaskTitle "string" - window title (Win32 and OS/2 only).
+ TitleStatus ([yes]/no) - adds brief description to title.
+ GedHandshake ([yes]/no) - hides handshake in statusline.
+ UseTZUTC (yes/[no]) - activates TZUTC kludge. (NB! This keyword
makes TimeZoneOffset obsolete. You should also set up timezone.
Probably you should add TZ variable to your environment. At my
system (Moscow, Russia) it setted up to:
+ AreaYouWroteTo now could be used in random groups.
+ Subjects now autoconverted from mime encoding.
+ Golded now uses system clipboard in internal editor.
+ If clipboard not provided by OS or not supported (DOS, OS/2 without
PM, UNIX'es) GoldEd use fake clipboard, so you still able to copy
mail from area to buffer and then insert it in your message.
+ Fixed crashes on viewing some messages and hexdump appeared since
-asa8 release.
+ Fixed insertion of lines sized 79-80 chars without <CR> from
clipboard that was broken in early -asa.
+ Fixed painting of wrapped kludges.
+ Fixed wrapping of quotes that was broken in early -asa.
- Removed obsolete keywords: AREAAUTOFREQ, AREABADMSGS, AREASORT,
+ SqaFix configuration parser added:
AreaFile EchoList -sqafix c:\fido\mail\squish\sqafix.cfg
+ It is possible now to use Shift-... with clipboard.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa8, April 22 1999
+ Added @Moderator template token that enables line only if substring
"moderator" found in the "From" line.
+ Improved handling of @_token's and extend tokens with @*pseudo
(lookup addressbook), @f* (current from), @*3daddr (boss address).
+ Incorporated Pavel Gulchouck's stream clipboard patch.
+ New command-line switch -R: right Alt key will work same as left.
- Fixed a bug with stripping block of lines after long kludge.
- Fixed stylecodes support for origin line.
- Fixed national language word left, word right movement.
- Areas.BBS parser now properly handles echos with exclamation mark.
- Fixed ImportEnd flow while importing file without CR at end and
option EDITHardTerm set to NO.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa7 build 2, April 05 1999
(binary release DOS/386g, win32. diffs could be provided on request)
- Now UsePID actually works. It was a bad idea to save two bytes on
brackets ;)
- Major fix to strlwr, strupr appeared in many places in DJGPP version
introduced in -asa7
- Fixed clipboard handling in DJGPP version
Notes for 3.0.1-asa7, March 31 1999
(binary release DOS/386g, win32)
+ Next experiment on stylecodes.
- Fixed problem with long ImportBegin and ImportEnd lines by cutting
to display margin.
+ Global Macro now supported while in edit mail header mode.
- Fixed bug with missed sound support in DJGPP version
+ Proper charset ID now used in encoded e-mail headers
- Fixed serious bug in Windows clipboard handling in Win32 version
introdused in -asa6
+ Incorporated patches by Igor Vanin:
ExternUtils did not work if compiled using Watcom C++ 10.0b for OS/2
because of using spawnvpe() RTL-call instead of system(). Fixed.
Added new keywords into configuration file:
USEPID <yes/no> (default = yes)
If disabled, the PID kludge is not inserted in messages (for those,
who does not like many kludges in messages).
USECHARSET <yes/no> (default = yes)
If disabled, the CHRS kludge is not inserted in messages (for those,
who does not like many kludges in messages).
Added/fixed system clipboard support in OS/2 version.
Menu commands: Import -> From clipboard, Write to -> Clipboard.
Function gposixdir::open did not work because of backslash at the
end of path (compiler WC/2 10.0b). Fixed (as in 3.0.0).
There were problems with cursor size in non-standard _fullscreen_
video modes (for example, 80x30) in OS/2 version. Fixed.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa6, March 22 1999
(binary release DOS/386g, win32)
- Fixed bug in Windows clipboard handling
- Fixed old bug with quoting text after long kludge.
+ Added keyword EncodeEMailHeaders (default Yes). If No then RFC
header will not be encoded with quoted-printable.
- @changed in default template fixed to use @cname instead of
- Little fix to stylecodes detection.
- Little fix in origin/tearline detection.
+ It is possible now to use Windows 3.x / Windows 9x clipboard in
DOS/386g version.
+ @*addr now use internet addresses if required.
+ GoldNODE can now compile more than 65500 nodes
(only 32-bit versions).
Notes for 3.0.1-asa5, March 09 1999
(binary release DOS/386g)
- GoldEd no longer lookups pseudonyms in addressbook if not required.
- Fixed DJGPP compiled version output interface to work properly under
Windows NT. I don't know if it properly works under DESQView now.
- Fixed small bug with importing unterminated long lines.
- Little fix to stylecode-detection to skip marking of c:* c:\*.*,
also could be done by STYLECODESTOPS/STYLECODEPUNCT in config.
- Bugfix in @*pseudo handling. I've stupidly copied portion of code...
Sorry to all ;(
- Bugfix in origin detection.
Notes for 3.0.1-asa4, February 21 1999
(binary release DOS/386g, Win32)
+ FSC-0032 compliant quote-check, except for space after '>'. Bound
is set to 10 chars.
+ New stylecode-detection algorithm. /usr/sbin/ftpd and *.* no longer
will be marked. Please report any problems to <> or
+ READaddressbookadd now checks for the marked messages.
+ CROSSPOSTLIST now could be defined to YES to produse more compact
lines. Also there are little fix to missed name of current echo in
lists. You still be able to hide it's name if put # in front of it
in first line with xc:
- Repaired STYLECODES keyword (gccfgg0.cpp, gdefs.h, gutlmisc.cpp).
Valid options are YES (show and mark), NO (show and do not mark),
HIDE (strip and mark).
+ New macroses (gemsgs.cpp):
@faddr Current address.
@ffname Current first name.
@flname Current last name.
@fname Current name.
@_faddr Current address (fixed width: 19 chars).
@_fname Current name (fixed width: 34 chars).
@f* is differ from @c* in that fact, that it's actual "From:"
@?pseudo pseudonym (see addressbook), or @?fname, where ? is one
of the "dotfc".
+ DJGPP version now support long filenames (if provided by OS), you
could disable it by setting environment variable LFN to N.
- small bug in USERNAME, which added an invalid aka if there was
a comma in the parameter.
! Because of the linux paths which may start with a "/", AREAFILE
options parser has changed. Previously, it inofficially accepted a
slash as a starting charactor for an option (note this wasn't
documented!). Now, options may only start by an "-". Please adjust
your config, if you used such undocumented behaviour!
AREAFILE Imail c:\im /NoChk
AREAFILE Imail c:\im -NoChk.
- @origin, @tearline and @tagline tokens weren't replaced by random
lines when using them in a template file. Fixed.
Notes for 3.0.1, February 7 1999
(binary version release)
+ GoldNODE can now handle IF/ELSE/ENDIF conditional and INCLUDE
directives in configuration file.
+ Extended syntax of the following template tokens:
@oname, @ofname, @olname, @dname, @dfname, @dlname. You can now
add up to two replacement tokens according to the following sheme:
@oname{I}{You} wrote a mail to @dname{me}{you}:
GoldED will select the right replacement strings. You can specify
empty braces, like @oname{}{You} or @oname{I}{} (shorter, but
equivalent variant is @oname{I}). Note that the new syntax is of
course optional, you can use @oname like before and don't care
about this new feature.
+ Added READaddressbookadd, defaults to Ctrl-B. When using this key,
GoldED will add the current writer of the mail to the addressbook,
unless it's already known to it.
+ Added packing of Addressbook. Default key-assignment (which cannot
be changed at the moment) is ALT-P. When you call that function,
GoldED will remove all "soft" deleted (by pressing <DEL>) entries
physically on disk. With other words, there is no undo, so be care-
ful with it!
+ Addressbook now uses filesharing. That means to can work simultan-
eously in two different GoldED instances and editing in both the
+ Added new keyword NICKNAME to define a nickname for main USERNAME.
Keyword can be used globally and in random user groups.
- GoldED/Lnx: Don't reset to 80x24 on exit (xterm only).
- GoldED/Lnx: For those who had problems with the screen output,
those problems should be now gone. If not, please report.
+ Added INTERNETDOMAIN <domainstring>, default "",
which is taken from INTERNETADDRESS "". Here you
can define what domain the outgoing mails should represent in the
Message-ID headerline. If you don't know what I'm talking about,
leave it as default, simply ignore it. It's for those who want to
tweak GoldED to be maximum RFC1036 compatible.
! Again adjusted the "message origiating" AKA guessing code. See
ChangeLog (as always) for details.
- GoldED/W32: Due to another bug in the Windows API, GoldED cannot
really hide the cursor if it is in window mode. So the cursor will
be moved to the lower left of the screen, where it's tolerable.
[Odinn: This fix was not good - commented out in the release]
- Fixed SOUPEXPORTMARGIN-Bug. You can now set it back to the default
- Several fixes to the W32 keyboard code, thanks to Leonid Lisovsky.
- When using MAPPATH in connection with AREAFILE Squish, GoldED some-
times couldn't read the squish.cfg correctly. Fixed.
- GoldED/W32: Fixed "Escape-key" bug under WinNT, and also some other
keyboard mapping problems (Leonid Lisovsky <>).
! GoldED now knows the "Mailing-List" headerline. It ignores the line,
- The MSGID/REPLY crc values of SOUP imported emails was incorrectly
calculated. Fixed.
- GoldED/Lnx: Fileattach-filenames won't be translated to upper-case
any more.
- The fileattach-filebrowser now also works in Linux-version, thanks
to patches by Leonid Lisovsky <>!
- There was a Y2K bug in the filebrowser fileyear display routine.
(Yes, is difficult to explain). Fixed.
- PMSCANning in *.msg-areas didn't check the newest msg in the area.
- READmarkingoptions/Mark your personal mail was broken.
- Fixed small quirks in Goldnode/Lnx code.
- Goldnode crashed when it was unable to read even a single NODELIST.
- Goldnode/Lnx was unable to handle wildcards in NODELIST file names.
- GoldED/Lnx wrote wrong REPLIES-files during soup-exporting. Fixed.
- GoldED crashed while accessing the addressbook. Fixed.
Notes for pre-3.0.0-1, December 27 1998
(first open source release)
- Goldnode/Lnx couldn't access paths as they were converted to upper
case during config read. Fixed.
- When SOUP importing, the mailing list feature also processed newsgroup
articles instead of only emails as it should.
! Removed the following GOLDKEYS.CFG commands, as they're already
replaced by newer ones since years:
(old keyword) (replacement)
READgotodownlink READgotoreplyprev
READgotouplink READgotoreplies
<none> READgotoreply1st
<none> READgotoreplynext
Please adjust your config files.
- GoldED didn't update goldlast.lst when doing soupimport/soupexport
and using the -noscan cmdline parameter.
- GoldED had not always read the goldlast.lst file correctly,
especially if the user removed one or more areas between two
- The advanced search feature didn't find all occurences. Previously,
GoldED did a "shortcircuit"-evaluation to speed up the search, that
means GoldED stopped scanning a mail before all branches of a
boolean condition were evaluated under certain conditions. Now,
GoldED will search a "hit" mail again completely to mark all
occurences of search-patterns.
! Because some users complained that the popping-up "Wait" - window
during autosaving is irritating them too much, the window has been
now replaced by a small statusline message.
- The following goldlang.cfg keywords were incorrectly documented:
MO_NODROP "N No Drop / ESC "
Of course, they are in fact called:
MI_NODROP "N No Drop / ESC "
- If you used Goldnode, USERLIST statements and accessed these entries
in the GoldED nodelist browser, it was likely that GoldED crashed.
This is now finally fixed.
! Raised the maximum nodelist limit to 45 lists in goldnode.
- Fixed a very serious bug in GoldNode, that caused mysterious
crashes, misbehaviour or broken index files when compiling. This bug
has been existing since years in Goldnode, and is most probably the
cause for any misbehaviour GoldNode users reported in the past time.
- When using "XC: *" or similiar commands, GoldED tried to crosspost
also to the area separators. Fixed.
- GoldED sometimes jumped to the second marked area after startup when
using AREAAUTONEXT YES. Hopefully fixed all cases.
- The READthreadtree didn't allow to mark more messages than one
screensize, because GoldED stopped to advance the cursor-position at
the end of the window.
! Changed the "INVALIDATE Tearline" default back to the value like it
was in older days:
INVALIDATE Tearline "---" "-+-"
Because of a changed INVALIDATE-handling, the old default work-
around default setting isn't needed any longer and caused other
! The @pseudo will now also be used in the default internal template
instead of @tfname.
- The @pseudo-token was not always expanded correctly, i.e. when
quote-replying a mail without using the addressbook during
- Fixed a bug in Hudson areas where GoldED set the "Snd" flag even if
Rcv flag was set.
- Fixed '5' key if NUM LOCK was turned off.
- The screen got garbled when doing a addressbook-lookup while editing
the header and pressing a key that changed a message attribute.
- GoldED didn't set CHRS-kludge correctly if charset translation level
was != 2.
Notes for Beta5, August 16 1998
* The Linux version is now compiled with pgcc c++ 1.0.3a with Pentium
optimization (will still run on 386/486) and is statically linked.
- Fixed Ctrl-J keyboard bug when running the W32 version on NT.
LATIN-1 (typical setup for GoldED/Lnx users), GoldED set a wrong
charset kludge when changing the header of mails. Fixed.
- GoldED will no longer insert the Reply-To: headerline in News/Email
areas if it is the same as From: headerline.
! During SOUPimport, GoldED will no longer kill mails which are from
INTERNETADDRESS. Instead, GoldED will now honour the k/s flag during
SOUPexport, which means that GoldED will delete your selfwritten
mails after export if you set the k/s flag.
- When using the AREAcatchup key with "marked areas", GoldED did not
always update the display correctly. Fixed.
- Fixed printing bug.
+ The advanced search features are now also available for marking
messages via the Alt-S marking menu in the reader. See the Beta4
notes for details on the capabilities.
+ Implemented better support for tossing mailing list emails to
different areas. The syntax of the MAILINGLIST keyword was
inadequate to support pattern matching, so a new keyword MAILTOSS
has been added, which is actually MAILINGLIST in disguise with the
parameters reordered and enabling the full set of pattern matching
as in the new advanced search feature. The syntax of the new keyword
MAILTOSS <echoid> <contribution-address> <pattern>
Note that the contribution address is required. The pattern can be
written exactly as if in the prompt for the advanced search feature
(see notes from Beta4).
Any number of MAILTOSS lines can be given for a particular list, if
for some reason there is no single way to identify the list.
When determining the contribution address, the first MAILTOSS (or
MAILINGLIST) that matches the echoid is chosen.
MAILTOSS and MAILINGLIST can both be used at the same time and for
the same lists. MAILINGLIST is always the faster, because it looks
only at specific headerlines. MAILTOSS uses much more complex
pattern matching and can even match based on message body content.
Some examples:
MAILTOSS list.xircon : "[XIRCON]"
(match in the subject)
MAILTOSS list.qmail > "djb-qmail"
(match in the to/cc/bcc field)
+ Added very limited support for the headerlines Cc: and Bcc:. They
are now stored internally so that they can be used for the MAILTOSS
feature. When matching on the To: field, Cc: and Bcc: are checked
too, if To: doesn't match.
- If F10 was used during editing the header, GoldED did not always
filled the header fields with correct values.
! GoldED will now jump to the first area with unread mail even at
startup if using AREAAUTONEXT YES.
- In *.msg netmail areas, but probably at other places too, GoldED
showed incorrect originating akas if there were no Origin line given
in the msg. Fixed.
! The GoldED/386 version is released in two editions, one GED386.EXE
compiled with Watcom and requiring DOS4GW as in versions before
Beta4. The other is GED386G.EXE, which is compiled with DJGPP (gcc
2.8.1) and requiring DPMI memory (CWSDPMI.EXE is included to provide
this service, as DOS4GW does it for the Watcom edition).
- Fixed one cause of the unfreed allocations in geline.cpp. This
happened during SOUP import, if there were msgs from your
INTERNETADDRESS. This bug was introduced in Beta3. There may still
be another cause for the unfreed allocations, since many of the
reports did not deal with SOUP import. Please check your GOLDED.LOG
sometimes after starting to run Beta5, to see if these unfreed
allocations still occur. Don't worry too much about them, they are
just fairly harmless memory leaks.
- Fixed a small bug that could cause a crash during startup when using
the COLOR config keyword incorrectly.
+ It's now possible to use <F10> during editing the header, which
allows browsing the addressbook to select a dest name and address.
- COLOR HEADER BTYPE 7 didn't work. Fixed.
! Ged/Lnx: The ESCDELAY will now be only around 100ms, so you probably
won't notice it any more.
- Fixed another "UNREG UNREG" issue.
- GoldED will no longer auto-add new users to the addressbook if the
user's name matches one or more of the following conditions:
1) It's a USERNAME
3) It's the same as WHOTO
4) Aka/Address is unknown
! There are now again built-in defaults for ROBOTNAME and FRQEXT as in
all previous versions.
- When selecting the same addressbook-entry for editing twice, GoldED
showed wrong values the second time. Fixed.
- Under some circumstances, GoldED jumped to the end-of-list instead
of just one page down when pressed PgDwn in the arealist-screen.
! The "scaled down echoid feature" in the arealist-screen has been
removed again, until it's possible to make it configurable using
! GoldED will now try to use a valid fido-aka taken from the origin
line (if existing) before using a valid fido-aka taken from the
msgid as the originating aka. This is experimental code, please
report if there are any disadvantages using this method.
! If an area was excluded from pm-scanning, and the user performed a
pm-scan, the area will now scanned normally. Previously, GoldED
didn't scan the area at all.
- When forwarding a mail, GoldED selected the origin-line of the
forwarded message as the origin line of the forwarder message.
- Keyboard commands on key '5' did only work if Num lock was enabled.
Probably fixed.
! BEEPFACTOR is now obsolete and has no function any more.
- GoldED did not write GOLDED.MSG if it already existed and the user
selected External Editor for editing. Fixed.
- GoldED/386 (DJGPP port) did always report "xxx reports error 0: no
error" when error-exiting. Fixed.
- If ESC was pressed during adding a new addressbook entry, the cursor
bar disappeared and the program was no longer useable. Fixed.
- If EMPTYTEARLINE YES was used, GoldED filled the tearline with
garbage. Fixed.
- Fixed a memory overrun problem which occured under some
circumstances when working with *.MSG areas. It was reported in the
log as "Pointer error exit at [gmofido1.cpp,112]".
- The addressbook was not properly portable between the Win32 and OS/2
Notes for Beta4, July 12 1998
! GoldED/386 is now compiled with DJGPP (GCC 2.8.1). Because of this,
DOS4GW.EXE is no longer necessary for GoldED/386.
! In this version, there are no built-in defaults for ROBOTNAME and
FRQEXT. See the manual for lists that you can include in your
GOLDED.CFG, if you need these definitions.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the "Could not find anything to
uudecode in this message" even for valid uuencoded content in a
- Fixed keyboard code in the Win32 version to work properly with
Windows 98.
+ Implemented advanced searching features. Currently as an extended
edition of the find function (alt-f, alt-z), but later a search
manager (similar to those seen in other programs) and other
The advanced search is used in much the same way as the old find
function, but many more options are available and there is some
changes in behavior.
Highlights of the new features:
* Four different pattern matching algorithms to chose from:
Plain (same as always).
Shell-style wildcard matching (using * and ?).
Regex. Uses the FSF extended regular expression library.
Fuzzy matching. Like plain, but allows one or more mismatches.
* Logic expressions with "and", "or", "not" can be used.
* Spaces and option characters can be included in patterns.
* Exclude or include kludges, tagline, tearline, origin, signature.
- Search backward. Must be first character, if used.
+ Search forward (default). Must be first character, if used.
! Logic not (match when NOT found).
& Logic and (match this AND that).
| Logic or (match this OR that).
< Match "from" header field.
> Match "to header field.
: Match "subject" header field.
# Match message body (but not any control lines).
. Match tagline.
_ Match tearline.
* Match origin line.
@ Match signature.
% Match kludges/headerlines.
= Match case-sensitive (defaults to not case-sensitive).
' Do not match. Place after an option.
^ Toggle match. Place after an option.
?p Plain search (default).
?r Regex search.
?w Wildcard search.
?f Fuzzy search with one mismatch allowed.
?f2 Fuzzy search with two mismatches allowed.
?f3 Fuzzy search with three mismatches allowed.
You can enclose a pattern string with double ("") or single ('')
quotes if you want to match a sentence with spaces or which contains
option characters.
The backslash is a literal-escape character. If a backslash is
found, the next character is treated as part of the pattern, not as
an option character. Use this for example to search for a sentence
with quotes and spaces.
Spaces are used as separation characters and are ignored, except
when enclosed in quotes.
The first set of option characters on a search expression line is
used as the "global default". The next set of option characters is
bound to the following pattern. A pattern is completed by the end of
the line or by the logic options '&' or '|'.
If none of the options '<', '>' or ':' are used in the global
default part, the default is to search all three.
Some examples:
To search for the authors name, allowing most common misspellings:
?f1 odinn (matches odin, odinn, oddin, odiin etc)
To search for OS/2 and Warp 4:
OS/2 & "Warp 4"
To search for any occurrance of Odinn or Dirk in the from-line:
< Odinn | Dirk
To search for zip file announcements using wildcard matching:
?w "*.zip*"
To search case-sensitive for some string:
= "All Comes To Those Who Wait"
Some regular expression searches:
?r "Warp *4" (matches both "Warp 4" and "Warp4")
?r "OS/*2" & "Warp *4"
Due to the many different matching algorithms, the search highlight
can no longer highlights a matching word, but will instead highlight
the whole line.
NOTE: A common mistake will be to forget to escape or quote-enclose
option characters in pattern strings. For example, what's
wrong with this, if you want to search for zip files:
?w *.zip*
Nothing, but the first '*' is interpreted as if you want to
search in origin lines, which is not what you want.
- If echoid of an area was longer than 45 chars and no description was
given, GoldED was unable to access the area. Fixed.
+ The Echoid's in the arealist screen will now be "scaled down" to
the maximum available width instead of just being cut off.
- The WaZOO style filerequests didn't work in the Linux-version
because GoldED used the wrong slashes for the directories. Hopefully
fixed now.
- FILEALIASes didn't work when using READmakepathreport.
- Fixed write-to-file. When there was an existing file of the same
name as you wanted to write to, append did not work, but overwrote
instead. Because of this bug, writing several marked msgs to a file
did not work either.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the GoldED Win32 version to crash when
writing to a file.
- Fixed a bug that caused mis-formatted GOLDAREA.INC output.
+ Added AREAFILE Watergate <path>. Reads WaterGate v0.93 and newer.
Currently none of the imported areas have any group assigned,
because the group system WaterGate uses is incompatible to GoldED's.
Suggestions are welcome.
+ Added template expansion token @pseudo. It contains the nick name
(address book feature) of the destination user if available, else
Hello @pseudo!
! GoldED will now check SEMAPHORE EXITNOW before any (re-)scanning
semaphores. This gives you the chance to restart GoldED first before
scanning the areas (for the case that a new area has arrived).
- GoldED sometimes showed the wrong help category when pressing F1.
This is now fixed.
+ Added an Address Book for GoldED. It's contents is stored in a file
named GOLDUSER.LST in the GoldED directory. To list it's contents,
press ALT-F10 while reading mails. If you press Enter on an entry,
you can view/edit it. If you press <Ins>, you can manually add a new
GoldED will use the aka/address you specified when writing mails.
[description not complete]
! Changed the default keyboard layout:
@F10 READtogglemarkread
@F10 READuserbase
- GoldED sometimes tried to enter an AREASEP area immediately after
startup. Fixed.
! GoldED will no longer add an AREA-Kludge in crossposted mails.
+ Updated some menus based on ideas posted in GOLDED.BETA echo.
- Fixed a bug in the Internet address parsing routines that may caused
- the @tmpfile had wrong file modes under GoldED/Lnx. Fixed.
- Previously, it was impossible to save a mail to a file in the
GoldED/Lnx version. Fixed.
+ It's now possible to use XLATEXPORT ASCII in Email/News areas.
GoldED will now create appropiate headerlines.
+ Added a very rough mime header encoding routine.
- If GoldED were run in unregistered mode, the statusbar product
identifier did contain one space too much under some circumstances.
Cosmetical bug, which is now fixed.
+ Added a new golded.cfg configuration keyword:
GoldED will automatically copy mails written by you to the specified
area during saving the mail. GoldED will also add an AREA-Kludge so
you can see from where the mail originally is copied from.
+ Added a new golded.cfg configuration keyword:
ADDRESSBOOKADD <no/yes/always>
Setting it to ALWAYS means that GoldED will always add unknown users
to the addressbook. If you set the value to YES, GoldED will add
them only if it's a netmail/email. ADDRESSBOOKADD NO will never
automatically add a user.
! Temporarily disabled the Zon-Attribute adding in the JAM-Messagebase
routines. Please report if there are now problems.
- Hopefully fixed a keyboard code bug that caused detecting a "Esc"
keypress instead of the i.e. cursor keys. If GoldED will detect an
Esc now, it waits up to half an second if there is in fact a
different key pressed or not.
- Fixed a bug that caused GoldED to hang/crash when a mail with "?=?"
in the subject line is read.
- Fixed a bug that caused absolute paths to appear where only
filenames where requested in the GoldED/Lnx Version. (i.e. the
@file-token in connection with IMPORTBEGIN).
- Fixed a small bug in search-routines that may cause crashes.
+ Added optional switch /G to AREAFILE Squish. You can now define a
default group for areas that are imported from squish.cfg by
AREAFILE Squish c:\squish\ /g=G
AREAFILE Squish c:\squish2\ /g=#103
- Fixed a Test Error Exit at [geedit.cpp, 112] if the quote string got
longer than (EDIT)QUOTEMARGIN.
+ The READchangetemplate menu will now also display the matching aka
for every template file if defined.
- If one or more AREASEP's but no mail areas where defined, GoldED
hung in an infinite loop after startup. Fixed.
- Fixed a crash if msgbase rescanning was performed while selecting a
destination area for copy/move/forward.
- Fixed Zap Area / Heat Area functionality.
! The arealister will now automatically go one line down after
pressing AREAtoggle.
+ Advanced the AREAcatchup feature. It'll now display a menu where you
select whether to catch-up all areas, all marked areas or only the
current area (default).
+ Added EDITtabreverse, default to #Tab. It's simply the opposite to
+ Added AREAdropmsgmarks, default to ^M. [description not complete]
- If the contents of SEMAPHORE EXPORTLIST changed while GoldED was
running, mail could have been left unscanned in the msgbase. Fixed.
GoldED will now also try infinite if it can't update one of the
below mentioned files because of a sharing violation. This is more
secure than before. If you had problems with unscanned mails in the
msgbase with older versions, then please try this version and report
if it works. It should. ;-)
! GoldED will now only update NET/ECHOMAIL.JAM, GOLDQWK.LST,
GOLDSOUP.LST or SEMAPHORE EXPORTLIST file if it's really necessary.
This is actually a bugfix in connection with AREAFILE IMail, but
also may speed up scanning with other tossers.
+ Added sound event EDITCOMPLETION, which happens after a completion
was done in the internal editor.
! Since it seems that increasing the thread priority for the Win32
version is a mixed blessing, the default is now to NOT increase the
priority. Added new commandline option -P to increase the priority
(Win32 only).
- Fixed keyboard bug in the Win32 version running under NT, where
Ctrl-Enter did not work.
! For the SOUP feature, the filenames (AREAS, *.MSG etc.) are now
again uppercase, since it seems that certain programs such as UQWK
rely on that.
- Fixed "Generate Userlist" feature.
- Fixed a Test Error Exit when crossposting from and into
+ Added two new functions to the READthreadtree feature, currently
hardcoded on ^PgUp/^PgDown and <Left>/<Right>. They jump to the
prev/next new thread. Please make suggestions what you would also
like to have in the READthreadtree feature.
- Under some rare circumstances, GoldED inserted a space between "---"
and the tearline text. Fixed.
- When exporting a message from EMail/News areas, the exported header
wasn't correct. Fixed.
- If GoldED searched for a string and found one exact matching line,
it didn't detect it as matching. Fixed.
- Fixed several small problems in the filerequest filename detection
- When using EDITSPELLCHECK, GoldED reset the cursor position to 1,1
after re-importing the file into the internal editor. Fixed.
- When forwarding a msg with tagline to an area with disabled
TAGLINESUPPORT, GoldED inserted a random tagline. Fixed.
- Fixed some minor problems in the arealist screen.
+ Added rough Clipboard support in W32 and OS/2-versions. I'm sorry,
but "pasting" from Clipboard is currently not possible in OS/2
+ Added support for 80x28 mode in DOS versions. It's enabled by
- Fixed two minor problems with INVALIDATE.
- Fixed two minor Squish msgbase problems.
- GoldED sometimes always showed Snt attribute in local hudsonbase
areas. Fixed.
! GedLnx: AREAFILE filenames should be now all in lowercase.
- Fixed a bug in GoldNODE if german POINTS24 format was used.
- Fixed a bug if STYLECODES NO was set and ToggleStyles was used.
- Fixed display of multiple Replies selection menu in Internet style
+ It's now possible to use DOS/4DOS style wildcards for crossposts,
i.e. "XC: GOLDED*".
- GoldED showed the Internet-address of self-written mails in the
message lister if MSGLISTFAST YES was set in internet areas. This is
now fixed for new written mails.
- Previously, GoldED Mime-Header-translated the real name in the mail
header, but the template @ofrom token contained the non-translated
variant. Fixed.
! Mime-Header decoding will now also be done in the Replies window, in
the messagelist and in the threadlist.
! SOUPEXPORTMARGIN will now also be used int the internal editor in
Internet-areas. This has been added for more WYSIWYG in the editor.
Note that is still recommended to set EDITHARDTERM NO if
Soup-Exporting is done via GoldED. If you use a third party software
for that job, you should set EDITHARDTERM YES for those areas.
! AREACOPYADDID YES: GoldED will now insert an ^aAREA Kludge instead
of the old AREA: - so called "kludge". In addition it won't insert a
kludge if the destination is a netmail area. This is because of some
problems with mails containing an "AREA:" line.
- When Deleting marked messages that had DEL and Loc/Uns attributes
set, GoldED asked for confirmation. Fixed.
- Fixed two bugs in AREALISTSORT in connection with the AREASEP
feature. Now sortspecs like "GE" or "GTE" should work as expected.
Note: If "T" is one of the primary sortings (i.e. prior to "G"),
AREASEP X "desc" 0 Net
means that this Area-Separator is sorted in front of the first
Netmail area, regardless which group it has.
Otherwise, if "G" is one of the primary sortings (prior to "T"),
AREASEP Y "desc 2" 0 Echo
means that this Area-Separator is sorted in front of the first area
without group (Groupid = '0'). If "T" is one of the secondary
sorting types, the Area-Separator is sorted in front of the first
area with group = 0 and Type = Echo. If there's an area with group=0
and type=Net, the Area-Separator is sorted below that area, i.e.:
AREADEF NETMAIL "..." 0 Net [...]
AREASEP Y "..." 0 Echo
AREADEF ECHO1 "..." 0 Echo [...]
+ Added AREAselectmarks. Default is ALT-R. [description not complete]
- AREACOPYADDID YES/NO didn't work if globally defined.
- Fixed a crash if -INSTALL was used and no AREAFILE was detected.
+ MAPPATH can now remap up to 127 chars long paths.
- Hopefully fixed NODELISTWARN YES bug.
+ Added functions for deletion of left/right words in the header edit.
You can use them by pressing ^Backspace and ^T.
- GEDLNX -? didn't work. Fixed.
- Fixed some problems with the new format of GOLDLAST.LST.
- GoldED did not always show the size of attached files correctly if
MAPPATH was used. Fixed.
- If AREAPMSCAN * wasn't in golded.cfg, ALT-P, A in the
arealist-screen didn't work. Fixed.
! The READtogglestyles-menu has been removed and replaced by a variant
similar to the Toggle Twits dialog.
! Changed the handling of the Toggle Twits dialog. You can now browse
through it by pressing READtoggletwits several times. Previously,
after you accidently came over "Kill Twit msgs", they were killed.
You can now select a mode by waiting around 3 seconds of by pressing
- The strings for "Twit displayed " and "Twit killed" in the Toggle
Twits dialog were swapped. Fixed.
- The arrived/received date wasn't updated during saving the mail.
+ EDITSOFTCRXLAT-translation is now also done in the header.
- Fixed some problems in Stylecodes-detection.
- There were several problems in the updated fast-filerequest feature
of Beta3. They're now fixed. Note if you still have problems or if
GoldED doesn't detect something/detects something wrong, please
report it!
- If you were in the "attach files" dialog and tried to toggle a
header message attribute, the screen was garbled. Fixed it by
disabling editing the attributes while you're in this dialog. Note
that it still works during editing the header, so there should be no
+ Added a new menu to the Import File - dialog in the internal editor.
You can now import binary files as base64 encodings. It's now also
possible to select the charset the imported file has. (i.e. if you
import a text that was written in a Windows-application or under
Linux, you should select "LATIN1 -> IBMPC" translation).
+ GoldED will now write messages to the file "golded.txt" if you
entered in fact a directory.
- Fixed NetName-detection in origin if a message was changed.
- If you changed the attributes of a message, the MSGID was changed.
- If you used a random origin/tearline/tagline, it wasn't expanded
under every circumstance. Fixed.
- Fixed unfreed allocation at [gecmfd.cpp,304].
- Fixed unfreed allocation at [gerand.cpp,163].
- If you were in FromNode/DestNode Lookup (F10/#F10) and pressed ^Q,
Golded didn't quit. Fixed.
! READthreadtree has now keyboard default '#', to be compatible to the
german point program "Crosspoint".
- GoldED didn't detect changes to GOLDED.KEY. Fixed.
+ Added global switch AREACATCHUPREAD <yes/no>. Default is YES. If set
to NO, GoldED won't reset new messages to read if HIGHLIGHTUNREAD
YES is used and AREAcatchup is executed.
- Fixed wrong paths in NET/ECHOMAIL.JAM in Linux-version.
- Fixed GoldNODE-Index lookup in Linux-version.
- Fixed Logfile-Dump of Linux-version. Previously, GoldED just
wrote "Linux 0.00 reports error 0: no error" ;-)
- Fixed a bug in the " Exit Area? " menu.
- GoldED set the ReCeiVed attribute on messages with empty to:-lines
if INTERNETADDRESS wasn't set.
! Replaced the stylecodes - menu by a variant similiar to the
ToggleTwitsettings menu as requested by some users.
+ Added the following help categories to GOLDHELP.CFG:
1010 menu READchangexlatimport
2007 menu AREAdropmsgmarks
2008 menu AREAcatchup
3015 menu READgotouplink
3016 READreplythread lister
5003 menu when importing files in the internal editor
6000 addressbook users lister
6001 menu when editing an addressbook user
- The LOOKUPNET NO fix was broken. Fixed.
- Fixed several small bugs in the UUCP-mails handling that were
introduced in Beta3 and before.
! Changed the STYLECODES YES code to be less restrictive. If it fails,
please report the error.
- If INTENSECOLORS NO was set, GoldED didn't toggle on the blinking
attribute. Fixed.
! It's now again possible to forward messages from areas that were
- Fixed a GoldED-SOS-Dump when using AREAcatchup with a Hudsonbase
area that contained only one (new) message.
- Fixed crashes and faulty display in the arealist screen.
! Removed the following GOLDLANG.CFG keywords, as they are no longer
+ Added the following GOLDLANG.CFG keywords with the given defaults:
MI_GOTONEXTNEW "U Yes, Next Unread Area. "
WT_FORWARD " Use FWD kludges? "
MI_FORWARDYES "Y Yes Please. "
IL_WARNLOCKED " WARNING! This message is LOcKed! "
IL_NOTHREADLIST " Sorry, no thread available. Press key "
IL_STYLECODESNO " Stylecodes disabled "
IL_STYLECODESYES " Stylecodes enabled "
IL_STYLECODESHIDE " Stylecodes enabled and stripped "
" Invalid path for uudecoding - file not written "
IL_PATHREPORT " Generating PATH report "
MI_IMPORTTXTCLIP "C From Clipboard "
MI_IMPORTTXTXLAT "s Use Charset.. "
MI_IMPORTTXTQUIT "N Nothing / Quit "
MS_HIDINGTWIT "This is a Twit Message - Press <Home> to read."
MS_KILLINGTWIT "Killing Twit Message..."
WT_SELECTMARKS " Select Mark "
WT_SELECTMARKSEDIT " Edit Mark Description "
MI_CLIPBOARD "C Clipboard "
IL_DROPMARKSINFO "%s Messages Are Marked "
WT_DROPMARKS " Drop Msg Marks "
MI_DROPALL "A Drop All "
MI_DROPMARKED "M Drop Marked "
MI_DROPCURRENT "C Drop Current "
MO_NODROP "N No Drop / ESC "
WT_CATCHAREAS " Catch-Up Areas "
MI_CATCHALL "A Catch All "
MI_CATCHMARKED "M Catch Marked "
MI_CATCHCURRENT "C Catch Current "
MI_NOCATCH "N No Catch / ESC "
! The 16-bit DOS version was too large to compile, so to be able to
continue to release it at all, I had to remove some of the least
used msgbase formats. This means that the 16-bit DOS version no
longer has support for Ezycom, PCBoard, WildCat! and Goldbase. If
you need these msgbase formats, please use the 32-bit DOS version or
another platform.
Even with these msgbase formats removed, the 16-bit DOS version
still doesn't have much free memory to work with, and you will
probably experience "out of memory" often. You should seriously
consider switching to one of the 32-bit versions instead.
Notes for Beta3a, March 21 1998
- Fixed crash when trying to decode malformed RFC2047 encoded words.
- Under some circumstances, FTN addresses could appear in the header
display when in an area marked as email or news. This would happen
in cases where there was no To: or From: header. Cosmetic.
- When entering a msg in echomail or local areas, a date was shown in
the to-line in the header editor. Cosmetic.
- Fixed a crash in the arealist when there were not enough areas to
fill the window.
- Fixed AREAFILE Squish, which did not find Squish areas if there was
no "-$" on its own in NETAREA/ECHOAREA lines.
- Through a horrifying mistake, the AdeptXBBS msgbase code was in fact
never included in Beta1, 2 and 3. Fixed. SORRY!!!!!!!!!
Notes for Beta3, March 17 1998
! The 16-bit DOS version is now compiled in the "huge" memory model.
This was necessary to be able to compile it at all. Unfortunately
this decreases performance and bloats the EXE, and you still need
quite a lot of free DOS memory to run it for any length of time. You
should be prepared that this is probably near the end of the line
for the 16-bit DOS versions :-(
- Fixed a bug that caused problems if you were overriding an area with
one echoid with another with the same echoid, but a different
msgbase type.
+ Added commandline option -exportsoup. If used, GoldED exports
mail/news to SOUP at startup. If both -exportsoup and -importsoup is
used, import is performed first, then export.
+ Added commandline option -noscan. If used, the startup scan (if any)
is skipped. This is useful for automated SOUP import/export in a
batch file. For example "-noscan -importsoup @x y" imports SOUP then
- Fixed a bug in the JAM-routines that garbled messages if they were
copied from and to JAM-areas. Some kludges (like REPLYTO, REPLYADDR
and many others) were removed from the subfields. This caused
problems with third-party utils that accessed the copied mails.
- DateReceived will now be set to the current local time when a
self-written mail is saved the first time. If the msgbase doesn't
support DateReceived, DateProcessed will be set instead. This
prevents some problems with stupid msgbase-maintenance utils.
- If a mail was copied from an non-squish-area to a squish-area, it
was scanned out again as a duplicate message. Fixed.
- Fixed "Snd"-Attribute - detection in Hudson/Goldbase areas. If a
mail was copied from an Hudson/Goldbase area to another, it was
scanned out again as a dupe message. Fixed.
- FRQWAZOO YES has been updated to handle the "dir" attribute
- If LOOKUPNET NO was used, it had been impossible to enter a
destination address in netmail areas. Fixed.
+ Added AREAFILE Partoss <filespec>. Note that "filespec" must be the
full path to and including "partoss.cfg", because AREAFILE ParToss
currently calls the same config reader as AREAFILE Squish.
+ AREAFILE Squish has been updated to interpret the following flags in
area definitions:
-$gX Set group of area to 'X'. 'X' may be 'A'..'Z'.
-$n<desc> Set desc of area to 'desc'. 'desc' must be enclosed by
'"'s if it contains spaces.
ParToss, a Squish-clone written by Serge V. Koghin (2:5030/177), can
handle and inserts these flags.
! AREAFILE Squish <filespec> can now also handle the case when
<filespec> points to a file, not to a directory, i.e.
AREAFILE Squish d:\path\mysquish.cfg
The previously used syntax:
AREAFILE Squish d:\path -c=mysquish.cfg
has been removed.
- Fixed shelling in the Linux version.
- Fixed printing in the Linux version.
- Fixed the disappearing cursor in the Linux version.
- Fixed faulty right borders in the Linux version.
- Fixed Tab key in the Linux version.
- Fixed mangling of highbit characters in the Linux version after an
overlaying window was closed.
- Fixed a quoting bug that caused quoted text to disappear. This
happened if there was a long kludge just before the normal line to
be quoted.
+ Improved speed of the Win32 version by increasing the thread
priority for the program.
+ AREAFILE IMail is now ready for v1.87. NOTE: This version of IMail
was not yet available at the time of writing.
- Fixed some problems with Path-Mapping. It's now possible to use
AREAFILE IMail in connection with MAPPATH (didn't work before).
! Keyword MAPDRIVE has been replaced by MAPPATH. The old keyword
MAPDRIVE is now obsolete, please remove it from your config!
The new syntax is: MAPPATH <filespec> <filespec>.
MAPPATH C: J: ; compatible to MAPDRIVE
MAPPATH C:\ /mnt/dos/c/ ; For GoldED/LNX AREAFILE's.
- Fixed INVALIDATE handling.
- Fixed ADDRESSMACRO in connection with EMail-areas. It is now
possible to use the following:
ADDRESSMACRO dam, (Dirk A. Mueller),,
- Fixed a small bug during header-edit if an EMail was written in a
netmail area. Note that is currently impossible to reply a
gated-EMail into an EMail-area. This will be done in a future
- Fixed a bug if a gated EMail was PGP-encrypted. Previously, the
To:-Line was also encrypted and was missing afterwards. This is now
fixed. Note that is defined behaviour that the To:-line is inserted
during _saving_ the mail, not before editing the text, as before.
If you need to change the destination address, you can do it in the
- GoldED hung the computer if "Toggle all marks" was used and around
the half of all msgs were marked. Fixed.
+ GoldED will now store the message-marks (and Personal Mails) between
! Changed the format of GOLDLAST.LST. You _/should/_ delete GOLDLAST.*
in your GoldED-directory (if AREAKEEPLAST YES) before starting this
new version.
+ GoldED's statusline-clock won't stop any longer if a popup-warning
is on the screen.
- During header-edit, GoldED inserted it's PID in every message.
! SQUISHDIRECT YES will now strip Cra+Hld attribute during header
display. This may be confusing to you at first, but it is much more
- Fixed several "incarnations" of the charset-translation bug. GoldED
did not always translate correctly during crossposting, editing
header attributes and exporting to the quotebuffer.
- Fixed a bug with "AREA:"-Kludge in netmail-areas.
- It was impossible to write a mail with "@position" in the mailtext.
- Fixed another charset-translation bug if READchangeattrs was used.
- Fixed "unfreed allocation" at geread.cpp. This caused crashes if
READgotonextunread/READgotoprevunread was used multiple times.
! If READnewarea is pressed in the message-list, the lastread-pointer
is no longer updated. This is much more intentional.
- It is now possible to use the following Keyboard assignments:
Esc LISTmacro LISTselect READnewarea
Esc READmessagelist
If enabled, you can go to the message-lister by pressing ESC and can
jump from the messagelister directly to the arealist-screen by
pressing ESC _again_.
! Screen output is now much faster in W32-versions. In addition, the
new code is smaller than the old one.
- If READgotonextarea or READgotoprevarea was used, GoldED sometimes
assumed wrong options. Fixed.
+ GoldED won't ask for "Zonegating yes/no?" any longer if Cra or Hld
attribute is set.
+ Added a new menu option in the "Newarea"-Menu. Now you can go to the
arealist-screen by pressing <Y> or <Right>, or immediately jump to
the next area with new mail by pressing <Enter>.
+ Added support for the ^AENCLFILE kludge. This is only used in
JAM-Areas. However GoldED doesn't add it in new mails.
+ Improved the Filerequest-Feature. It should be now much more
reliable and it should also display the filesize of the requestable
files, if given in the announcement. Please tell me if GoldED
detects something wrong.
+ Added error-messages if there was an error during Shelling out.
+ Added a warning if a commandline > 125 chars is used for Externutils
in the GoldED- and GoldED/386 version.
- If no area was marked in the arealist-screen, and the cursor was
just above a separator, AREAjump jumped on the separator. Fixed.
+ Added READthreadtree. There is currently no default key assignment
for it, please make suggestions. This feature is not yet finished,
please tell me if you have any ideas to improve it.
+ Added a menu READtogglestyles. Default assignement: CTRL-H. Toggles
stylecodes-options. The default is "Stripping", if STYLECODES YES is
- "USERNAME Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77" caused GoldED to crash if no
other ADDRESS/AKA was given. Fixed.
- Fixed SYS3175 if undefined AKA was used in AREA or AREADEF.
- SQUISHSCAN API didn't work. Fixed. Note if you experience wrong
values in the arealist-screen after area-scanning, you should use
this switch. If SQUISHSCAN QUICK works under you setup, then use it,
as it is faster.
! The memory debugging code has been re-activated. It'll work also in
the Linux version now. PLEASE NOTE: The debug code caused the EXE to
grow about 100k larger and you should expect some performance
- OS/2: After shelling out, CTRL-S didn't work any longer. Fixed.
- W32: After shelling out, keyboard input was echoed to screen under
some circumstances. Fixed.
! The following obsolete keywords have been removed. Please replace
them with the newer, valid variant if you still have them in your
old new
+ GOLDED.CFG: Literal strings can now also contain string delimiters.
That means you can declare something like:
AREADEF GOLDED "About the message reader \"GoldED\" and tools" [...]
This will be now parsed correctly everywhere.
- If a mail with "MSGID 1:234/567@OS/2-Net" was read by GoldED, it
showed "1:234/2" in the header and not, as it should be,
"1:234/567". Fixed. However, note that only alphanumeric chars are
allowed inside domains!
! GoldED will now also look for "NODEX.SDX" if using the V7-index.
This has been added for greater compatibility with Fastlst 2.xx.
+ Added SEMAPHORE EXITNOW <filepath>. GoldED will exit immediately if
this semaphore file is found and it is idle in the arealist screen.
- Previously, it was impossible to overlay a key with an default
assignment with a user-macro. This is fixed now, so there should be
no need for KEYBDEFAULTS NO any longer!
- Fixed a reflow-bug in the internal editor; if a line with maximum
length was reflowed, GoldED did delete the last character.
- Fixed some small problems with SOUP signatures.
+ Added a warning if you want to delete a message with LOK attribute
- Fixed "Mark thread" function. It will mark now all mails of the
current thread, not just a chain as before. However, the
implementation is yet quick'n'dirty.
- Fixed "Nodelist out of date" warning if the browser was first
- Fixed several "wrong aka/akamatching" problems.
! GoldED will now automatically save the arealist data to GOLDLAST.LST
after a semaphore-rescan has been performed. This is much more save
and useful.
- Fixed a reflow-bug in connection with mails from "Crosspoint" users.
! GoldED will no longer strip leading spaces from quotes. Before,
GoldED reformatted
XX> y = x^2
XX> lim x -> oo
to this:
XX>> y = x^2
XX>> lim x -> oo
Now, it will reformat it to the following:
XX>> y = x^2
XX>> lim x -> oo
Please report if this is ok or if there are any new problems /
problems left.
+ Added "path report" feature. New Keyboard command
READmakepathreport, defaults to Ctrl-K. The output file can be
processed by a new "RDDT" (Route Diagram Drawing Tool) utility,
which will be available separately. [documentation not complete].
- MAPDRIVE will be now also used when writing ECHOMAIL.JAM /
NETMAIL.JAM. This allows you again to use these files if you need
MAPDRIVE for reading the AREAFILEs correctly.
! All global on/off switches in the GOLDED.CFG will now be parsed by a
general cfg reader class. There should be _no_ difference for you as
a user. The current implementation is just smaller and somehow
faster. It is the first step to a better config reader.
+ AREAcatchup (ALT-C in the arealist-screen) will now also set all
messages to "read" if HIGHLIGHTUNREAD is enabled. Note that GoldED
won't reset the complete msgbase but only those messages after the
lastread-pointer, just for speed reasons.
+ Added COLOR READER QUOTE2. The default is White on black. GoldED
shows now quotes with different "quote-levels" in different colors.
To disable this feature, set COLOR READER QUOTE2 to the same value
+ Added support for SOUP-signatures. GoldED will now detect if a
template contains a signature and will handle it correctly.
- Fixed Shift-F10 in the header-edit.
- If TWITMODE KILL was set, GoldED didn't allow to toggle the twitmode
in the reader. Fixed.
+ Added the goldlang.cfg keyword "IL_TWITKILLED". The default is
" Twit Msgs Killed ".
- When forwarding a message, GoldED sometimes used a "random"
template. Fixed.
- When forwarding a message and changing the Subject line, GoldED
replaced the template token "@subject" by the new subject instead of
the old one. Fixed.
+ It is now possible to use "replacement" tokens inside "command
tokens" in templates. Example:
@forward@forcesubj[FWD] @subject
If you forward a message, GoldED will now automatically insert
"[FWD] " in front of the old subject line.
! New entered mails are now always considered as read.
! The "generate userlist" functionality has been changed based on
ideas of Thomas Keusch (Thank you!!). GoldED will now use the aka of
the latest message of each user in the area (Think of situations
where the aka of a user has changed) and it will be now
case-sensitive ("MICHAEL MUELLER" and "Michael Mueller" are now two
different users). As a side-effect, this routine is now MUCH faster.
! GoldED won't import SOUP messages if they are from INTERNETADDRESS
any longer. This is a workaround for the problem that SOUPER re-gets
news that are written by the user and therefore all self-written
news are stored twice in the messagebase.
! GoldED will now update the "DateProcessed" timestamp in JAM-soup
email/news when exporting mails.
- GoldED will now use MAPDRIVE when displaying mails with files
attached to it.
+ GoldED can use now a file as a list for crossposting. This was
considered as a bug, because this is already documented (?), but it
was in fact never implemented. ;-) The stuff has now been added.
! GoldED will now insert an AREA-kludge in crossposts _if_
AREACOPYADDID is enabled in the individual destination area. A
"Youwrote" - function will be added in a later release.
! GoldED will now show the INTERNETADDRESS in the header if the area
is a SOUP area instead of the current aka. This is only cosmetical
and has no effect. ;-)
- Fixed a crash if subject-line is longer than 500 chars. This can
only happen in internet-areas, and has in fact happened with a
subject line of 900 chars. ;-)
+ Improved the keyboard code in the Win32 version to give much better
speed and to work better under both Win95 and NT.
+ Added support for the new version 4 keysystem. A version 4 key is a
file named GOLDED.KEY, which must be in the same directory as
GOLDED.CFG. The first line of a version 4 key file contains an
identifier and the name of the registered user. This name must be in
your list of USERNAME's or REGISTERNAME.
- GoldED wasn't able to update the timesread-field in *.MSG areas if
the Lok-attribute was set. In this case it displayed "<area> is
locked. Wait..." forever. Fixed.
- The destination-lookup invoked in the header by pressing Shift-F10
didn't work. It didn't take over the selected aka. Fixed. Note that
GoldED won`t open the browser window if there's only one entry
matching the current to-name.
- If the user has entered a fuzzy search string in the arealist-screen
and invoked "Zap/Heat areas", GoldED started to behave strangely and
maybe stop working completely. Fixed.
- If SEMAPHORE IDLETIME was used, GoldED didn't start the
screenblanker in the arealist-screen any longer. Now, both the
screenblanker and the scanning-semaphores will work again together.
- GoldED did export SOUP-messages even if they have had a DEL-(JAM) or
Lok-flag. Fixed.
- Fixed a bug that caused V7-NODEFLAGS to be wrong.
+ Added COLOR READER SIGNATURE. This color is used for the internet-style
signatures. The default is DGrey on Black.
- Fixed all (?) "skipping separator" - problems in the arealist.
- Fixed crash at startup if SEMAPHORE IDLETIME was used.
- Fixed the "stuck template" problem.
- Fixed sort order AREALISTSORT GO, when arealist separators (such as
AREASEP !A "A" A Local) where defined as Local, causing them to be
sorted after the areas in their group.
- Fixed AREAFILE AdeptXBBS for the "no areas" bug and added support
for AdeptXBBS areas in Squish, Fido and JAM formats. OS/2 only.
Notes for Beta2
- Fixed several bugs in connection with FIDOUSERLIST that may cause
crashes or strange behaviour.
- Fixed ADDRESSMACROs so that they work in EMail-areas again.
- Fixed crash when SoupExporting and XLATEXPORT was not set to
- Fixed probably most of the AREASEP-sorting problems. If there are
still any left, please report them.
- Fixed broken "End/Home" in the arealist-screen if first/last area
was a AREASEP-line. Note that the wraparound-bug (no wraparound
possible if first/last area is AREASEP, although DISPWRAPAROUND is
enabled) is not yet fixed.
+ During editing in the header, it is now possible to do a NL-lookup
by pressing SHIFT-F10. In addition, the To-Name/Addr-fields will be
updated if the user selected a different destination in the browser.
- GoldED didn't translate MIME-codes in the header in fido (gated
newsgroups) echos. Fixed. Now, if MSGLISTFAST NO is set, GoldED will
also translate the mime-headers while viewing them in the
- Fixed the multiple " UNREG" in tearline problem.
+ Added support for the "X-Mailing-List:" - RFC headerline. The
MAILINGLIST keyword will recognize it.
+ GoldNODE can now handle up to 30 nodelists. The previous limit was
20, otherwise it crashed. GoldNODE will now print an error message.
+ GoldNODE can now read the german POINTS24-format directly! You can
now remove your 3d -> 4d converter.
- Fixed some GoldNODE problems.
- GoldED will now also know lines beginning with "Resent-" as valid
kludge lines (SOUP).
- "RFC: x lines" wasn't detected as a known kludge. Fixed.
- Fixed "cannot decode" if UUDECODEPATH wasn't set.
! GoldED will no longer use the Autoattach-Feature if "a:" or "b:" is
at the beginning of the subject line.
- Fixed bug that NODEV7MODEM b0 was not displayed even if correctly
+ Added support for V7+. It's automatically used if your NODEPATHV7 is
set correctly. If GoldED shows "xxxx / NODEX.DTP" at the bottom of
the browser window, the displayed information is taken from the raw
nodelist entry.
- V7 / FD / FU - Nodelist-access will now also work under GoldED/LNX.
+ Added new "catch up" command in the arealist. Key command
AREAcatchup, default assignment Alt-C. The effect of this command is
to point the lastread pointer to the last message in the current
- Fixed some more bugs in the filerequest function.
+ Added new keyword ATTACHPATH <path>. It sets the default path for
- Fixed some bugs in filerequest function if many files were requested
+ Added new functionality to "Select Reply" window. Now unread replies
are marked and the cursorbar is positioned on the first unread reply
by default.
! Previously it wasn't possible to use '^h EDITmacro "^h"' because of
a bug in the internal editor. This is now fixed.
- Fixed bug in the RFC822 Date: header parser, which caused a hang if
the header was not 100% correct. Changed the implementation to a
robust one and also changed the *.MSG date parser to a robust one,
just in case.
- Added GID as a known kludge.
- Fixed PCBoard crossposting bug that caused empty messages to be
- The origins from AREAFILE's were ignored.
- The AREAFILE Maximus reader was not working for Maximus 2.xx. Not
- Fixed a bug that caused strange problems if GOLDED.CFG contained
tabs instead of spaces.
- Fixed bug in the personal mail feature. If there were multiple areas
with personal mails, GoldED didn't always start with the first
unread personal mail but somewhere in between.
- Fixed "Message is already sent" problems in *.MSG-areas (type=echo).
- Fixed "fuzzy search" bug in the arealist-browser.
- Fixed "wrong row in statusline" while editing in the internal
- Fixed editor range check warning if browsing over the end-of-file
- Fixed garbage at the right corner in the internal editor if
- Fixed garbage on screen if DISPMARGIN is bigger than allowed.
! The default wildcard for the filebrowser was "*.*". Changed to "*",
as it should be.
- AREACOPYADDID was only active if enabled in the <from>-area. Now it
is active for the area the mail is copied TO, as it should be. In
addition it does no longer inserts an AREA-kludge if the destination
area is a netmail-area.
- Fixed wrong color "painting" in the fileattach-menu after pressing
- Fixed faulty extended keyboard detection in the DOS-versions.
- Fixed wrong version in the PID.
Notes for Beta1
+ Implemented a different memory debugging feature to GoldED/2. The
feature is enabled with the commandline option -X. When enabled,
GoldED switches to allocating memory directly with DosAllocMem and
places the data so that overruns (access beyond the end of allocated
memory) will cause an immediate SYS3175. If you suspect a bug,
please try running GoldED with this feature enabled for a while.
NOTE: When this feature is enabled, GoldED uses a lot more memory
(for example 8192 bytes per line in a msg), so be sure to have
plently of swapspace.
- GoldED/2 crashed when trying to file attach with wildcards.
- When move-replying a msg from an "AREAREPLYDIRECT YES" area to
another area, and the msg didn't contain an AREA: kludge, GoldED
crashed. If it *did* contain an AREA: kludge, the @oecho and @odesc
template tokens were not correct.
- If a very long WT_NEWAREA language text was used and a long fuzzy
string was entered (such as pressing 'A' continuously), the screen
was garbled and GoldED crashed in some cases.
- You could not enter the '^' character in the normal manner in the
Win32 version.
+ The Win32 version now sets the window titlebar text. Also added a
bit more orderly shutdown when ctrl-break is pressed.
- Fixed bug in the internal editor. When backspacing from column one,
the Linux version crashed.
- The Linux version did not react properly to Ctrl-Q and Ctrl-S keys.
+ Optimized screen access for the Linux version a bit more, and added
support for alternate charset, so that border lines etc. are drawn
using highbit characters, not ugly ascii. NOTE: If you see a lot of
strange characters instead of nice lines, you are most likely using
setfont or something else that destroys the screen mapping that
allows alternate charsets to work. GoldED uses basically the same
method for switching charsets as ncurses and slang, so you would
have the same problems with programs built with those libraries.
+ In the arealist, GoldED now automatically skips past area separator
lines when moving over them.
+ GoldED now decodes MIME (RFC2047) encoded headers (you know, the
ugly =?ISO-8859-1?Q?bl=ABla?= things). Note: The charset is
currently ignored. This is okay for most msgs. Will be done properly
in a later version. Encoding is not supported.
- Fixed MIME quoted-printable support for SOUP export. During export,
the header lines were also quoted-printable encoded.
- When using ALT-Z (EDITzapquotesbelow) and there were only quotes
below the cursor until the end of the mail (nothing else), GoldED
hung or crashed.
- After using ALT-Z (EDITzapquotesbelow) and there was no "normal"
selfwritten line between the cursor-position and the end of the mail
but only a origin/tearline/tagline-line, GoldED displayed these
lines in the wrong color.
- GoldED will no longer crash when importing a 1-byte SOUP message to
a JAM area.
- When exporting news from a Squish area, GoldED forgot to set the Scn
attribute, so the articles afterwards appeared with the attributes
"Snt Uns Loc".
! The FRQOPTION USEFLOFILE option is now permanently on. You can
remove that option from your configuration, if you have it.
+ Changed the MAILINGLIST feature so that it also looks at the From:
line instead of just the Sender: line.
+ GoldED now knows about the Squish "Lok" attribute with attribute
value 0x40000000.
- When changing attributes on a msg in an area like the BAD_MSGS area,
the AREA: line was moved to a position where the mail processor
couldn't find it.
+ In areas marked as e-mail or newsgroups, GoldED now allows full
editing of both name and internet address when in the header editor.
+ Instead of AREAFILE TMail, you can now use AREAFILE Termail. It
calls the same config reader.
- Fixed CARBONCOPYLIST NAMES when using a large amount of CC's (i.e.
taken from a file). GoldED created netmails for all cc-members, but
only inserted the first line of "CC: <name>, <name>, <name>,
<name>"-text and forgot the others.
- Cutting out a large block in the internal editor caused a range
check error message.
- GoldED crashed when copying, moving or forwarding to the same area.
- Fixed crash if the description column "D" was not defined in
+ New feature: GoldED can now jump to the next or previous unread msg
(unread being defined as having timesread = 0). Added the new key
commands READgotonextunread and READgotoprevunread for this feature.
The default key assignements are:
@U READgotonextunread ; Like in Yuppie
@Left READgotoprevunread
@Right READgotonextunread
This feature is very useful when using the reply-linking to read a
complete thread and afterwards switch to the next unread mail
+ Added new keyword: SOUPEXPORTMARGIN <margin>. Defaults to 76. This
is the margin that GoldED will hard-wrap to when exporting to SOUP
packets. If you're getting complaints that your lines are too long,
you may want to set this to 70 or 60. NOTE: You should NOT enable
EDITHARDTERM in email and newsgroups that are exported to SOUP. If
you do, your messages will probably be exported with short line
"droppings" after the wrapping margin.
- The various semaphore files are now deleted *after* performing the
desired action instead of before.
- MAILINGLIST areas were not automatically changed to type "EMail".
+ GoldED now also highlight the to-field if it contains the
+ Added an end-of-message indicator line in the internal editor. It's
a line from left to right and has COLOR READER BORDER.
- GoldED didn't write the correct entry in the .REQ file, when writing
the following in the subj-line of a wazoo-filerequest:
GEOA1026.ZIP $365000
The $-stuff is now saved on the same line as the filename, similiar
to the password - '!' functionality.
- If there were a ^B (0x02) character somewhere in the message, GoldED
also deleted the succeeding character when saving the mail.
- The current LOADLANGUAGE (global or in a group) is now reloaded
after posting a message. This prevents "stuck" language.
- Fixed template-matching bug. It could cause a template to be falsely
matched when entering a new message or a comment-reply in an
echomail or local area.
+ Default colors have now been assigned to the stylecode highlighting:
Remember to enable the DISPSTYLECODES keyword if you want to see
any effect of this.
- If you used CTRL-N/CTRL-P while reading messages to go directly to
the next area and there was a AREASEP-definition in between, GoldED
- In quoted-printable encoded messages, if there was an encoded TAB
character, it was decoded wrongly and the next character was lost.
- When doing large amount of copying/moving that takes a while, GoldED
immediately switched the screensaver on after finishing the job.
+ When using "ORIGIN @path\filename.lst", GoldED now shows a pretty
[filename.lst] in the origin selection menu instead of the whole
ugly thing. This will also be done for the other menus later.
- Fixed a bug that caused a certain form of dates in internet msgs to
be stored incorrectly during SOUP import.
- Fixed wrong file permissions in the Linux version.
- Fixed various bugs that caused core dumps in the Linux version.
- Removed a 500 files limit in the internal editor file selector.
+ Updated AREAFILE TMail support to Terminate 4.00 level (should also
work for 5.00). Not tested much.
+ Added support for numeric Re's ("Re^n:") in the subject when
replying. This is controlled with the EDITREPLYRE keyword, which you
can now set to "NUMERIC" to enable the feature. Stripping of numeric
Re's is also supported, when EDITREPLYRE is set to NO (the default).
Subj: Hello.
Subj: Re: Hello.
Subj: Re^2: Hello.
Subj: Re^3: Hello.
+ Enabled EDITREPLYRE to work in groups as well as globally. Not
- In newsgroups and e-mail areas, GoldED now *forces* the use of "Re:"
in reply subjects, regardless of the EDITREPLYRE setting. The reason
why it is forced in these areas, is because that is the standard for
internet mail/news.
! The default logfile name is now GOLDED.LOG for all platforms.
- Fixed the zero-bytes SOUP replies file. This happened when your
email/news areas were defined as local areas (to prevent being
scanned out by the mail processor) in, for example, Fastecho, but
- Fixed crash when commandline option -N was used.
- Fixed zero bytes allocation at [gmxbbs4.cpp,332].
- When the Imm attribute was toggled on, the Hld attribute (if any)
was not cleared, and vice versa.
- COLOR READER CURSOR now works again.
- The menu to select origins/taglines from a file, named with
@filename, didn't work well if there were long lines. Additionally,
the CR/LF characters were not properly stripped. Not tested.
- During the first nodelist lookup, the statusline said "Checking
nodelists ...", but the previous statusline was not recovered after
checking. Not tested.
this semaphore, it will scan or pmscan all netmail areas.
- Fixed -install and AREAFILE Squish for the situation when SET SQUISH
points to a filename. Works only partially.
more than one frq message when there were more files than could fit
in one subject.
- Some bugs were introduced as a consequence of the separated msgbase
code: EDITMSGSIZE didn't work. DISPSOFTCR didn't work in JAM areas,
the -Y debugging commandline parameter didn't work in Hudson,
Goldbase, JAM, Squish and Fido areas. Logging of msgbase errors and
warnings was fatally flawed - GoldED would simply crash if such an
event occurred.
- Fixed the annoying charset translation problem that caused erratic
translation of ASCII 225 (german sharp s) and other characters, when
in the presence of LATIN-1. Specifically, the characters were
translated wrongly when you entered a new message while "on" a
message with kludge "^aCHRS LATIN-1 2".
- Fixed sound support in GoldED/2. If enabled, it caused a crash
(SYS3175) when attempting to play a sound, typically the startup
sound. Not tested.
+ Added support for the new Fastecho 1.46 groups 1-6.
+ In addressmacros and in NAMES.FD, the '@' character is now allowed
in the macro name.
- Fixed unfree'd allocation at [geread2.cpp,242].
- In the msglist, there were circumstances when double lines appeared
below the list of messages.
- The replies window was deformed when there was many replies.
+ Added new color definitions for highlightning of unread and unsent
mail in the messagelist:
COLOR MENU UNREAD <colors> When a msg is unread.
COLOR MENU UNREADHIGH <colors> Additional highlight of to/from.
COLOR MENU UNSENT <colors> When a msg is unsent.
COLOR MENU UNSENTHIGH <colors> Additional highlight of to/from.
If a msg is both unread and unsent, the unsent colors are used.
The definition of "unread" in this case is a message where the
"timesread" field contains the value 0 (zero) or some kind of "seen"
attribute is not set. See also the description of the new
In msgbases where there is no timesread field or "seen" attribute,
GoldED currently fakes it and always returns a 1 (one) in the
timesread field, so that msgs won't be listed as unread all the
If the HIGHLIGHTUNREAD keyword is set to NO, the UNREAD colors are
These are the defaults:
+ Added new keyword HIGHLIGHTUNREAD <yes/no>. Defaults to NO. If set
to YES, GoldED updates (increases) the "timesread" field in each
message that you read. If set to NO, it doesn't touch the message.
The YES setting causes a slight performance decrease, because the
header of each message has to be read, the timesread field updated
and the header written back to disk. The update happens immediately
after the message is displayed, so you may not notice it at all. A
message is only updated if the timesread field contains the value 0
This keyword only works in the following msgbase formats: Fido
(*.MSG), Hudson, Goldbase, JAM, Squish, Ezycom and AdeptXBBS. In
Squish and Ezycom, there is no timesread field, but I have annexed a
reserved message attribute (in Squish, 0x00080000, now called
MSGSEEN; in Ezycom, extattr 0x80) for the purpose of marking a
message as read at least once. The other formats (PCBoard, WildCat)
have no timesread field, but they have reserved fields or attributes
which *could* be used. Let me know if you want this.
- A bug caused the area description to be used instead of the path in
a few situations: The GOLDAREA.INC file, the quotebuffer file,
The above notes are added since Alpha5