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v1.0.7.10 28-Sep-2018 - Andrew Leary
1. Updated the configuration file for using joe as the BBS
external editor to support current versions of joe. joe 4.2
is now the minimum version supported; all releases up to and
including 4.6 have been tested and found to work. Thanks to
Deon George for the patch.
2. When creating a new Services database, mbsetup will now
include AreaFix and FileFix as known services, for the Areamgr
and Filemgr services respectively. Also fixed a bug that
caused the wrong number of records to be returned when creating
a new Services database.
3. Updated the Makefiles to install most of the BBS binaries
as read & execute only. Thanks to Deon George for the patch.
4. Added $DESTDIR support to the Makefiles, to make it easier
to build .DEB packages. This change should be transparent to
users building and installing MBSE. Thanks to Deon George for
the patch.
v1.0.7.9 17-Sep-2018 - Andrew Leary
1. Removed the requirement that incoming .TIC files have
exactly 8 character filenames with the .TIC extension. This
will allow processing incoming .TICs from Mystic BBS without
manual intervention. Mystic does not comply with
FTS-5006.001, which specifies that .TIC files be named with
a DOS compatible 8 character filename, a dot, and the 3
character extension TIC.
v1.0.7.8 07-Sep-2018 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed reading the origin Net from incoming Type 2+
packets from Points. Thanks to Deon George for the report
and a patch.
2. Fixed a minor cosmetic bug in mbmon.
2018-09-07 09:21:16 +00:00
v1.0.7.7 05-Jun-2018 - Andrew Leary
1. Added support for creating the DORINFO1.DEF dropfile, in
addition to DOOR.SYS and DOOR32.SYS.
2018-09-07 09:18:42 +00:00
v1.0.7.6 06-Mar-2018 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed bug that caused netmails posted by MBMSG post to
have a destination address of 0:0/0.
2. Updated copyright notices to 2018.
2018-09-07 09:21:16 +00:00
3. Removed old .cvsignore files from the source tree.
2018-09-07 09:18:42 +00:00
2018-09-07 09:15:37 +00:00
v1.0.7.5 31-Dec-2017 - Andrew Leary/Vince Coen
1. Fixed bug causing the -v option (disable virus check) to
fail when running mbfile adopt.
2018-09-07 09:11:26 +00:00
v1.0.7.4 26-Aug-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Updated to FTSCPROD.019 as released by the FTSC.
2. When creating a new ~/etc/, mbsetup no longer
includes entries for FidoNet zones 5 & 6.
3. Began preliminary work on FTN domain aliases, similar to
the BinkD "domain <new-name> alias-for <name>" option. This
will allow MBSE to fully communicate with systems that use
FTN domain names longer than 8 characters, which are NOT
FTSC compliant.
v1.0.7.3 01-Aug-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Updated to FTSCPROD.018 as released by the FTSC.
v1.0.7.2 18-Jun-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed first time installation on CentOS 7, caused by the
distribution no longer creating a uucp group by default.
v1.0.7.1 14-Apr-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Added /U switch on door optional data line; replaced
with the current user's home directory. Requested by Sean
2017-03-24 14:12:52 +00:00
v1.0.7 24-Mar-2017 - Andrew Leary
Release version of v1.0.6.16 for wide distribution.
v1.0.6.16 20-Mar-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Default routing for hosts will now route out of zone and
region netmail to the ZC if we are the RC.
v1.0.6.15 06-Mar-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed the ability to designate a file echo area as a
passthru by specifying a BBS area of 0.
v1.0.6.14 28-Jan-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Changed the storage format for the last OLR download
date to ensure that the would remain portable
between the x86 and x86_64 versions. It should also now
properly reset the extension back to 0 with each new day.
2. Fixed a minor bug in the New User Registration function.
v1.0.6.13 15-Jan-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed mbfido using LFs instead of CRs in Notify messages.
v1.0.6.12 11-Jan-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. MBSE will now properly number Blue Wave packet
extensions, instead of always using .DD0 (DD being the
current day of the week.) Reported by Sean Dennis.
v1.0.6.11 08-Jan-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Forgot to update the copyright notices to reflect 2017.
2. Update the product information screen in the BBS to
reflect the SourceForge website.
v1.0.6.10 03-Jan-2017 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed a bug in the nodelist flag parsing code that resulted
in finding the wrong FQDN when a nodelist entry had both an
email address (IEM: flag) and an INA: flag.
2. Updated the default English language file to correct
grammar and spelling issues. Thanks to Sean Dennis for this
v1.0.6.9 28-Sep-2016 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed compiler warnings while building the BBS. Thanks to
Ken Bowley for the patches.
2. Fixed a bug with the use of an external editor, and removed
a limitation that forced a message to have at least two lines.
Thanks to Ken Bowley for these patches as well.
v1.0.6.8 20-Jul-2016 - Andrew Leary
1. Fixed the script to handle installing on fresh
installations of Ubuntu 12.04+. These versions do not install
an admin group, which MBSE uses to enable the mbse user to run
sudo. will now add the admin group if it doesn't
exist, to prevent useradd failing to create the mbse user.
This change only affects first time installations on Ubuntu
12.04 or later.
v1.0.6.7 28-Jun-2016 - Andrew Leary
1. Added the ability to disable cross-zone SEEN-BY
stripping to mbfido. This is currently a global toggle,
defaulting to strip SEEN-BYs when crossing zone boundaries.
In situations where this behavior is not desired, toggle the
SBstrip option to "No" in mbsetup 1.11.20. If there is
enough call for it, I will consider making this configurable
on a group and/or area basis.
v1.0.6.6 23-Jun-2016 - Andrew Leary
1. Several spelling and grammar corrections in mbsebbs.c,
chat.c, offline.c, and newuser.c. Thanks to Sean Dennis for
the updates.
2016-02-12 16:30:32 +00:00
v1.0.6.5 12-Feb-2016 - Robert James Clay
1. Edit README file to better reflect current practice.
v1.0.6.4 22-Nov-2015 - Andrew Leary
1. Updated mbfido's .tic file support to use "Lfile" instead
of "Fullname" when creating .tic files. This is to increase
compatibility with HTick, and comply with the recently
released FSP-1039. Both keywords will be accepted in
incoming .tic files.
v1.0.6.3 05-Nov-2015 - Robert James Clay
1. Update the Dev Team information in the AUTHORS file.
03-Nov-2015 - Vincent Coen
1. Add mbse-1.odt to the docs directory.
v1.0.6.2 17-Oct-2015 - Vincent Coen
1. Amended mbmon.c and mbsetup.c to reflect new hosting
for the sources etc at
2. Other very minor cosmetics.
3. Add mbse-1.pdf to a new docs directory.
v1.0.6.1 07-Aug-2015 - Andrew Leary
1. Removed the Precise field from Via lines in netmail, as
it was not actually accurate anyway. Forwarded netmails had
this field set to .00, and locally generated netmails had this
field set to .01. This field is optional in FTS-4009, but
if used is supposed to indicate fractions of a second.
v1.0.6 03-Aug-2015 - Andrew Leary
1. Added support for specifying a literal IPv6 address
encased in square brackets for a node. Previously, IPv6 was
only supported for nodes having an AAAA record for their
hostname in DNS.
2. The BBS now allows alphanumeric and punctuation
characters in user passwords. Previously, only alphanumeric
characters were permitted.
3. Several minor grammar and punctuation corrections.
v1.0.5 02-Nov-2014 - Andrew Leary (Never officially released)
1. Adjusted mbcico's .flo file logic to support a space
character as the first character of the .flo file line.
This character indicates that the file named in the
remainder of the line should be sent to the remote system.
This is needed to allow transmitting filenames that start
with .flo file reserved characters such as ^, #, -, or @.
2. Worked on increasing reliability of Binkp NR mode. It
is strongly recommended that CRC mode be enabled for any
node which NR mode is enabled for.
v1.0.4 03-Sep-2014 - Andrew Leary
2013-08-03 12:15:13 +00:00
1. Reverted Vince Coen's packaging changes until an upgrade
script can be written and tested.
2. Added Binkp CRC support (FSP-1020) to mbcico.
3. Changed the No Binkp/1.1 setting for nodes to be
effective on outbound calls only. It was causing issues
with other mailers (including BinkD) on inbound calls,
because mbcico was reporting binkp/1.1 in the VER string and
then downshifting to binkp/1.0.
4. Updated the Internet Rex binkp/1.1 bug workaround to
reflect that versions 2.31 and 2.67 are also affected.
v1.0.3 13-Jun-2014 - Vincent Coen
1. Changed unix/mbuseradd.c
Added extra arg to useradd -p 12345 to avoid a locked
record under Mageia v4 that prevents the password
adding a record due to a file busy may be: Lets see.
No it is not so reverted back.
2. Still looking for cause of bug.
v1.0.2 14-Mar-2014 - Vincent Coen
Changed packaging to use /home/mbse instead of /opt/mbse
to suit users with a seperate / and a /home partitions.
WHERE mbse & bbs users are set up to use /opt/mbse.
The supplied INSTALL script has been changed.
To do this you will need to change:
1. Users mbse, bbs and all bbs users to reflect the change
of home directory from /opt/mbse to /home/mbse using your
distro's graphic system editing tool for users or if not
available use usermod via sudo etc:
usermod -m -d /home/mbse mbse
usermod -m -d /home/mbse/home/bbs bbs
usermod -m -d /home/mbse/home/user-name bbs user-name
Note that the '-m' option in usermod option is to move the
contents from the existing to the new location.
You can see the list of bbs users by running:
ls -la /opt/mbse/home
2. Using your favourite editor Change
/etc/services and
Replacing all instances of /opt/mbse with
3. Now do the same with http and ftp config files in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and
/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf (or whatever ftp & web service
you use.
4. Having installed/upgraded the mbse system you must
reboot the system or stop and start mbse, xinetd, ftp,
httpd etc
services. It is easier just shuting down and starting
the system.
5. As su run cp -ap /opt/mbse /home
6. If not already done so, build the system using the usual
./configure & make and now run make install as su or if
not available do, sudo bash then su then make install
7. Change all crontab processes that deal with mbse both as
user mbse and root to reflect new directory using:
crontab -l to see what is current and then as crontab -e
to edit.
8. After rebooting the system check everything is working
Then I would suggest renaming /opt/mbse say from /opt/mbse
/opt/old-mbse and leave it a few days before deleting when
you are SURE that all is working.
9. Now when you change the /boot partition or install a new
version of your distro you can continue to use your /home
as is but do not forget to recreate the crontab, xinetd,
rc.d/init.d/mbseb etc as needed by using cp -vp from the
old partition to the new or failing that create a modified
version of as needed and run it.
...........NOW READ THE ABOVE, AGAIN..................
Replaced ftscprod.014 with ftscprod.016
v1.0.1 Dec 2013 - Vincent Coen
Fixed packaging and compiling the correct ftscprod
file to ftscprod.014.
v1.0.0 Dec 2013?
2013-08-03 12:15:13 +00:00
This is the last version of mbsebbs submitted by me,
2013-07-20 12:15:31 +00:00
2012-12-31 19:18:29 +00:00
Updated to ftscprod.012.
v0.95.15 26-Dec-2012
2013-07-20 12:15:31 +00:00
Logs to facility LOG_AUTHPRIV instead of LOG_AUTH.
2013-07-20 12:15:31 +00:00
Logs to facility LOG_AUTHPRIV instead of LOG_AUTH.
2013-07-20 12:15:31 +00:00
Logs to facility LOG_AUTHPRIV instead of LOG_AUTH.
v0.95.14 01-Dec-2011
Fixed the main manual html page.
2011-08-08 12:39:53 +00:00
v0.95.13 08-Aug-2011
2011-05-22 20:25:12 +00:00
2011-05-23 13:29:26 +00:00
Added support for Arch Linux.
2011-05-23 13:49:34 +00:00
Added some IPv6 configurations to the manual.
2011-06-21 19:00:06 +00:00
Changed META description lines in the manual.
Fixed a six year old documentation error.
All manual pages have only the .html extention.
2011-05-23 13:49:34 +00:00
2011-06-28 11:13:47 +00:00
Each html file index page now has an unique name to help
search engines.
2011-05-23 13:29:26 +00:00
2011-05-22 20:25:12 +00:00
v0.95.12 22-May-2011
Removed several compiler warnings.
Added invisible markers in the html manual.
The virus stream scanner can now uses IPv4 and/or IPv6 to
connect to the clamav server and can use server clusters too.
Connect smtp, pop3 and nntp upgraded to IPv4 and IPv6 use.
Can accept both IPv6 and IPv4 calls.
Can call IPv4 and IPv6 nodes.
Upgraded the ping function to newer system calls. Note that
for now I leave the interbbs chat IPv4 only.
Don't use gethostbyname function.
v0.95.11 14-Jan-2011 (patches by Scott Street).
Fixed memory corruption error in mbnntp.
Added sysop in nodelist search function.
Fixed several (possible) buffer overflows, some serious ones.
Added lookup sysop in nodelist for netmail messages.
Fixed several (possible) buffer overflows.
Added language prompts 480 and 481.
v0.95.10 26-Aug-2010 (released by Vince Coen).
Minor cosmetic errors eg, inormation (information) etc in site
docs & update copyright dates for m_global.c & ledit.c.
Check that when using file attach mode that path is absolute
eg, starts with '/' ('~/ is changed to '/opt/mbse/ etc)
v0.95.7/8 12-Jul-2010 (released by Vince Coen).
Cosmetics and exp. code.
And a few others I don't remember.
NOTE: I am incrementing the version minor number for every build as
mbse does not use build number.
2009-05-15 20:01:56 +00:00
2009-10-04 08:34:10 +00:00
v0.95.6 04-Oct-2009
This may need more patches for Ubuntu 9.10.
Patch to compile on Ubuntu 9.10.
Patch to compile on Ubuntu 9.10.
v0.95.5 29-Nov-2008 - 04-Oct-2009
2009-05-15 20:01:56 +00:00
Start mbsetup, enter global setup, leave and save.
Newsservers can be connected with a port number from the
Fixed a possible array subscript overflow.
Fixed a possible array subscript overflow.
Fixed a possible array subscript overflow.
2009-05-15 20:01:56 +00:00
In screen 1.12 a nntp port number can be set.
Added a switch to force authentication on connect with nntp
Added German menus and textfiles, written by Niels Haedecke.
v0.95.4 31-Aug-2008 - 29-Nov-2008
Start mbsetup, enter global menu, leave and save.
A cosmetic change to add an extra newline before the tearline.
A cosmetic change to add an extra newline before the tearline.
Fixed a buffer overflow in lastcallers display.
Increased the size of the nntp username and password fields to
32 characters.
script: now knows about Slamd64. now knows about Slamd64.
v0.95.3 12-Mar-2008 - 31-Aug-2008.
Fixed another buffer overflow thanks someone who is using a
tic processor that doesn't follow specs and doesn't create
proper ticfiles.
v0.95.2 17-Feb-2008 - 12-Mar-2008.
Added stream scanning for F-Prot.
Fixed missing SEENBY entry of our own aka if a echomail
message came from another zone.
Fixed chapter numbering in the ascii sitedoc.
Fixed hatch script to send File line. Note: you must manually
install to hatch in the bin directory and set the
password again, this script will not automatic install.
Call setprgp is not fatal if it fails.
v0.95.1 07-Jan-2008 - 17-Feb-2008.
Start mbsetup and exit. If you have a clamd running on some
server (or bbs machine), you can switch to use stream
scanning. See the manual for details.
Added file virscan function.
Added stream scanning for ClamAV, scanning is 10 times faster
compared to the commandline scanner.
Don't log errors if execute unzip returned error 11.
Added last changes for MIB counters.
Changed error message on the news gate.
Switched to virus scanner from library.
Switched to virus scanner from library.
Added MIB counters.
Switched to virus scanner from library.
Added support for TCP stream scanners.
Added support for Zenwalk.
v0.95.0 25-Nov-2007 - 07-Jan-2008
The maximum speed to show to the other end is now 4294976295.
Changed the maximum linespeed to display for TCP/IP sessions to
4294976295. Numbers above 2147483647 might display on remote
systems as negative numbers.