$Id: bbsjoerc,v 1.1 2002/03/06 22:37:01 mbroek Exp $ Initialization file for JOE Restricted access Joe JOE looks for this file in: 1 - .joerc 2 - $HOME/.joerc 3 - /usr/local/lib/joerc This file can include other files by placing the following include command in the first column: :include filename FIRST SECTION: Default global options (these options can also be specified on the command line. Also the NOXON, LINES, COLUMNS, DOPADDING and BAUD options can be specified in environment variables): Put each option you want set in the first column: -option Sets the option --option Clears the option -mid Cursor is recentered when scrolling is necessary -marking Text between ^KB and cursor is highlighted (use with -lightoff) -asis Characters 128 - 255 shown as-is -force Force final newline when files are saved -nobackups If you don't want backup files to be created -lightoff Turn off highlighting after block copy or move --exask ^KX always confirms file name -beep Beep on errors and when cursor goes past extremes -nosta Disable top-most status line -keepup %k and %c status line escape sequences updated frequently -pg nnn No. lines to keep for PgUp/PgDn -csmode ^KF after a pervious search does a ^L instead -backpath path Directory to store backup files -nonotice Disable copyright notice -noxon Attempt to turn off ^S/^Q processing -orphan Put extra files given on command line in orphaned buffers instead of in windows -dopadding Output pad characters (for when there is no tty handshaking) -lines nnn Set no. screen lines -baud nnn Set baud rate for terminal optimizations -columns nnn Set no. screen columns --help Start with help on -skiptop 4 Don't use top nnn lines of the screen Status line definition strings. -lmsg defines the left-justified string and -rmsg defines the right-justified string. The first character of -rmsg is the background fill character. The following escape sequences can be used in these strings: %t 12 hour time %u 24 hour time %T O for overtype mode, I for insert mode %W W if wordwrap is enabled %I A if autoindent is enabled %X Rectangle mode indicator %n File name %m '(Modified)' if file has been changed %* '*' if file has been changed %R Read-only indicator %r Row (line) number %c Column number %o Byte offset into file %O Byte offset into file in hex %a Ascii value of character under cursor %A Ascii value of character under cursor in hex %p Percent of file cursor is at %l No. lines in file %k Entered prefix keys %S '*SHELL*' if there is a shell running in window %M Macro recording message These formatting escape sequences may also be given: \i Inverse \u Underline \b Bold \d Dim \f Blink -lmsg \i%k%T%W%I%X %n %m%R %M -rmsg %S Row %r Col %c %t Ctrl-K H for help SECOND SECTION: File name dependant local option settings: Each line with '*' in the first column indicates the modes which should be set for files which match the regular expression. If more than one regular expression matches the file name, then the last matching one is chosen. Here are the modes which can be set: -wordwrap Wordwrap -autoindent Auto indent -overwrite Overtype mode -lmargin nnn Left margin -rmargin nnn Right margin -tab nnn Tab width -indentc nnn Indentation character (32 for space, 9 for tab) -istep nnn Number of indentation columns -french One space after '.', '?' and '!' for wordwrap and paragraph reformat instead of two. Joe does not change the spacing you give, but sometimes it must put spacing in itself. This selects how much is inserted. -spaces TAB inserts spaces instead of tabs. -linums Enable line numbers on each line -rdonly File is read-only -keymap name Keymap to use if not 'main' -lmsg Status line definition strings- -rmsg see previous section for more info. -mnew macro Macro to execute when new files are loaded -mold macro Macro to execute when existing files are loaded -msnew macro Macro to execute when new files are saved -msold macro Macro to execute when existing files are saved Macros for the above options are in the same format as in the key binding section below- but without the key name strings. * -wordwrap *.c -mnew rtn,"/* This is a C file */",rtn -autoindent *.h -autoindent *akefile *AKEFILE *rc *.p -autoindent THIRD SECTION: Named help screens: Use \i to turn on/off inverse video Use \u to turn on/off underline Use \b to turn on/off bold Use \d to turn on/off dim Use \f to turn on/off flash {Basic \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH more help with ESC . (^[.) \i \i \i\uCURSOR\u \uGO TO\u \uBLOCK\u \uDELETE\u \uMISC\u \uEXIT\u \i \i \i \i^B left ^F right ^U prev. screen ^KB begin ^D char. ^KJ reformat ^KX save \i \i \i \i^P up ^N down ^C next screen ^KK end ^Y line ^V Ins/Ovr ^KQ abort \i \i \i \i^Z previous word ^A beg. of line ^KM move ^W >word ^R refresh \i \i \i \i^X next word ^E end of line ^KC copy ^O word< ^@ ins char \i \i \i \i\uSEARCH\u ^KU top of file ^KY delete ^J >line \uSPELL\u \i \i \i \i^KF find text ^KV end of file ^_ undo ^[N word \i \i \i \i^L find next ^KL to line No. ^^ redo ^[L file \i \i } {Windows \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i \i \i^KO Split the window in half \i \i \i \i^KG Make current window bigger ^KT Make current window smaller \i \i \i \i^KN Go to the window below ^KP Go to the window above \i \i \i \i^KQ Eliminate the current window ^KI Show all windows / Show one window\i \i } {Advanced \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i \i \i\uMACROS\u \uMISC\u \uSCROLL\u \uGOTO\u \uI-SEARCH\u \i \i \i \i^K[ 0-9 Record ^K SPACE status ^[W Up ^[B To ^KB ^[R Backwards\i \i \i \i^K] Stop ^K\\ Repeat ^[Z Down ^[K To ^KK ^[S Forwards \i \i \i \i^K 0-9 Play ^[M Math ^K< Left \uQUOTE\u \uDELETE\u \uBOOKMARKS\u \i \i \i \i^K? Query ^KA Center line ^K> Right ` Ctrl- ^[Y yank ^[ 0-9 Goto \i \i \i \i^[D Dump ^[H Message ^\\ Meta- ^[O line< ^[^[ Set \i \i } {Programs \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i \i \i\uGOTO\u \uINDENT\u \i \i \i \i^G Matching ( [ { ^K, less \i \i \i \i^K- Previous place ^K. more \i \i \i \i^K= Next place \i \i \i \i \i \i } {Search \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i \i \iSpecial search sequences: \i \i \i \i \\^ \\$ matches beg./end of line \\? match any single char \i \i \i \i \\< \\> matches beg./end of word \\* match 0 or more chars \i \i \i \i \\c matches balanced C expression \\\\ matches a \\ \i \i \i \i \\[..] matches one of a set \\n matches a newline \i \i \i \i \\+ matches 0 or more of the character which follows the \\+ \i \i \i \iSpecial replace sequences: \i \i \i \i \\& replaced with text which matched search string \i \i \i \i \\0 - 9 replaced with text which matched Nth \\*, \\?, \\c, \\+, or \\[..] \i \i \i \i \\\\ replaced with \\ \\n replaced with newline \i \i } {Joe \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, \i \i \i Send bug reports to: Joe Allen (jhallen@world.std.com) \i \i } FOURTH SECTION: Key bindings: Section names you must provide: :main For editing window :prompt For prompt lines :query For single-character query lines :querya Singe-character query for quote :querysr Search & Replace single-character query Other sections may be given as well for organization purposes or for use with the '-keymap' option. Use: :inherit name To copy the named section into the current one :delete key To delete a key sequence from the current section Keys: Use ^@ through ^_ and ^? for Ctrl chars Use SP for space Use a TO b to generate a range of characters You can also use termcap string capability names. For example: .ku Up .kd Down .kl Left .kr Right .kh Home .kH End .kI Insert .kD Delete .kP PgUp .kN PgDn .k1 - .k9 F1 - F9 .k0 F0 or F10 .k; F10 Macros: Simple macros can be made by comma seperating 2 or more command names. For example: bof,bol ^T Z Goto beginning of last line Also quoted matter is typed in literally: bol,">",dnarw .k1 Quote news article line Macros may cross lines if they end with , :windows Bindings common to all windows type ^@ TO ÿ Type a character abort ^K q Abort window abort ^K Q abort ^K ^Q abort ^K q arg ^K \ Repeat next command explode ^K I Show all windows or show only one window explode ^K ^I explode ^K i help ^K H Help menu help ^K ^H help ^K h hnext ^[ . Next help window hprev ^[ , Previous help window math ^[ m Calculator math ^[ M Calculator math ^[ ^M Calculator msg ^[ h Display a message msg ^[ H Display a message msg ^[ ^H Display a message nextw ^K N Goto next window nextw ^K ^N nextw ^K n pgdn .kN Screen down pgdn ^C pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~ pgup .kP Screen up pgup ^U pgup ^[ [ 5 ~ play ^K 0 TO 9 Execute macro prevw ^K P Goto previous window prevw ^K ^P prevw ^K p query ^K ? Macro query insert record ^K [ Record a macro retype ^R Refresh screen rtn ^M Return shell ^K Z Shell escape shell ^K ^Z shell ^K z stop ^K ] Stop recording :main Text editing window :inherit windows Spell-check macros :def spellfile filt,"cat >ispell.tmp;ispell ispell.tmp /dev/tty;cat ispell.tmp;/bin/rm ispell.tmp",rtn,retype :def spellword psh,nextword,markk,prevword,markb,filt,"cat >ispell.tmp;ispell ispell.tmp /dev/tty;tr -d Pop ^KB ^KK psh ^[ < Push ^KB ^KK swap ^[ x Swap ^KB and cursor tomarkbk ^[ g Switch between beginning and end of marked tos ^[ e Top of screen tw0 ^[ 0 Kill current window (orphans buffer) tw1 ^[ 1 Kill all other windows (orphans buffers) uarg ^[ u Universal argument yank ^[ ^Y Undelete previous text yapp ^[ w Append next delete to previous yank Standard JOE user interface quote8 ^\ Enter Meta chars quote ` Enter Ctrl chars backs ^? Backspace backs ^H backw ^O Backspace word bknd ^K ' Shell window blkcpy ^K C Copy marked block blkcpy ^K ^C blkcpy ^K c blkdel ^K Y Delete marked block blkdel ^K ^Y blkdel ^K y blkmove ^K M Move marked block blkmove ^K ^M blkmove ^K m blksave ^K W Save marked block blksave ^K ^W blksave ^K w bof ^K U Goto beginning of file bof ^K ^U bof ^K u bol .kh Goto beginning of line bol ^A center ^K A Center line center ^K ^A center ^K a crawll ^K < Pan left crawlr ^K > Pan right delch .kD Delete character delch ^D deleol ^J Delete to end of line dellin ^Y Delete entire line delw ^W Delete word to right dnarw .kd Go down dnarw ^N dnarw ^[ O B dnarw ^[ [ B edit ^K E Edit a file edit ^K ^E edit ^K e eof ^K V Go to end of file eof ^K ^V eof ^K v eol .kH Go to end of line eol ^E exsave ^K X Save and exit exsave ^K ^X exsave ^K x ffirst ^K F Find first ffirst ^K ^F ffirst ^K f filt ^K / Filter block fnext ^L Find next fmtblk ^K J Format paragraphs in block fmtblk ^K ^J fmtblk ^K j gomark ^[ 0 TO 9 Goto bookmark groww ^K G Grow window groww ^K ^G groww ^K g insc .kI Insert a space insc ^@ insf ^K R Insert a file insf ^K ^R insf ^K r lindent ^K , Indent to left line ^K L Goto line no. line ^K ^L line ^K l ltarw .kl Go left ltarw ^B ltarw ^[ O D ltarw ^[ [ D macros ^[ d Dump keyboard macros macros ^[ ^D markb ^K B Set beginning of marked block markb ^K ^B markb ^K b markk ^K K Set end of marked block markk ^K ^K markk ^K k mode ^T Options menu nextpos ^K = Goto next position in position history nextword ^X Goto next word open ^] Split line prevpos ^K - Previous position in history prevword ^Z Previous word redo ^^ Redo changes rindent ^K . Indent to right rtarw .kr Go right rtarw ^F rtarw ^[ O C rtarw ^[ [ C ask ^K D Save file- no prompt ask ^K S ask ^K ^D ask ^K ^S ask ^K d ask ^K s save ^K D Save file save ^K S save ^K ^D save ^K ^S save ^K d save ^K s setmark ^[ ^[ Set bookmark shrinkw ^K T Shrink window shrinkw ^K ^T shrinkw ^K t splitw ^K O Split window splitw ^K ^O splitw ^K o stat ^K SP Show status tag ^K ; Tags file search tomatch ^G Goto matching parenthasis undo ^_ Undo changes uparw .ku Go up uparw ^P uparw ^[ O A uparw ^[ [ A :prompt Prompt windows :inherit main complete ^I :menu Selection menus :inherit windows abort ^[ ^[ backsmenu ^? backsmenu ^H bofmenu ^K U bofmenu ^K ^U bofmenu ^K u bolmenu .kh bolmenu ^A dnarwmenu .kd dnarwmenu ^N dnarwmenu ^[ [ B dnarwmenu ^[ O B eofmenu ^K V eofmenu ^K ^V eofmenu ^K v eolmenu .kH eolmenu ^E ltarwmenu .kl ltarwmenu ^B ltarwmenu ^[ [ D ltarwmenu ^[ O D rtarwmenu .kr rtarwmenu ^F rtarwmenu ^[ [ C rtarwmenu ^[ O C rtn SP rtn ^I rtn ^K H rtn ^K h rtn ^K ^H uparwmenu .ku uparwmenu ^P uparwmenu ^[ [ A uparwmenu ^[ O A :query Single-key query window :inherit windows :querya Single-key query window for quoting type ^@ TO ÿ :querysr Search & replace query window type ^@ TO ÿ