/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: All the file sub functions. * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2004 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "../lib/mbse.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "filesub.h" #include "funcs.h" #include "language.h" #include "input.h" #include "misc.h" #include "timeout.h" #include "exitinfo.h" #include "change.h" long arecno = 1; /* Area record number */ int Hcolor = 9; /* Color of area line in xxxScan() functions */ /* * Variables for file tagging */ int Tagnr; _Tag Tagbuf[100]; /* * Reset the tag ringbuffer. */ void InitTag() { int i; Tagnr = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { memset(&Tagbuf[i], 0, sizeof(_Tag)); } } /* * Add a file in the tag ringbuffer. */ void SetTag(_Tag tag) { if (Tagnr < 99) Tagnr++; else Tagnr = 1; Tagbuf[Tagnr] = tag; } int ForceProtocol() { /* * If user has no default protocol, make sure he has one. */ if (strcmp(sProtName, "") == 0) { Chg_Protocol(); /* * If the user didn't pick a protocol, quit. */ if (strcmp(sProtName, "") == 0) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* * Get string, no newline afterwards. */ void GetstrD(char *sStr, int iMaxlen) { unsigned char ch = 0; int iPos = 0; fflush(stdout); if ((ttyfd = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) < 0) { perror("open 6"); return; } Setraw(); strcpy(sStr, ""); alarm_on(); while (ch != 13) { ch = Readkey(); if (((ch == 8) || (ch == KEY_DEL) || (ch == 127)) && (iPos > 0)) { printf("\b \b"); fflush(stdout); sStr[--iPos]='\0'; } if (ch > 31 && ch < 127) { if (iPos <= iMaxlen) { iPos++; sprintf(sStr, "%s%c", sStr, ch); printf("%c", ch); fflush(stdout); } else ch=07; } } Unsetraw(); close(ttyfd); } /* * Open FileDataBase. */ FILE *OpenFileBase(unsigned long Area, int Write) { FILE *pFile; char *FileBase; FileBase = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(FileBase,"%s/fdb/fdb%ld.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Area); if (Write) pFile = fopen(FileBase, "r+"); else pFile = fopen(FileBase, "r"); if (pFile == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open file: %s", FileBase); /* Can't open file database for this area */ printf("%s\n\n", (char *) Language(237)); sleep(2); } free(FileBase); return pFile; } /* * Open the fareas.data file for read or R/W and read the headerrecord. * The filepointer is at the start of the first record. */ FILE *OpenFareas(int Write) { FILE *pAreas; char *FileArea; FileArea = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(FileArea, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if (Write) pAreas = fopen(FileArea, "r+"); else pAreas = fopen(FileArea, "r"); if (pAreas == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open FileBase %s", FileArea); /* FATAL: Unable to open areas database */ printf("%s\n\n", (char *) Language(243)); sleep(2); } else fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, pAreas); free(FileArea); return pAreas; } /* * Pageheader for filelistings */ void Header() { colour(4, 7); printf(" Area "); colour(4, 7); printf("%-5d ", iAreaNumber); colour(1,7); printf("%-65s\n", sAreaDesc); colour(15,0); fLine(79); } /* * Searchheader for areas during xxxxScan(). */ void Sheader() { colour(Hcolor, 0); printf("\r %-4ld", arecno); colour(9, 0); printf(" ... "); colour(Hcolor, 0); printf("%-44s", area.Name); fflush(stdout); if (Hcolor < 15) Hcolor++; else Hcolor = 9; } /* * Blank current line without newline. */ void Blanker(int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) printf("\b"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) printf(" "); printf("\r"); fflush(stdout); } /* * Mark one or more files for download by putting them into the "taglist" * in the users homedirectory. Check against dupe tags. */ void Mark() { char *temp; FILE *fp; int i, Found; int Count, Size; temp = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); /* * First count the already tagged files. */ Count = Size = 0; if ((fp = fopen("taglist", "r")) != NULL) { while (fread(&Tag, sizeof(Tag), 1, fp) == 1) { if (Tag.Active) { Count++; Size += (Tag.Size / 1024); } } fclose(fp); } colour(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB); /* Marked: */ printf("%s%d, %dK; ", (char *) Language(360), Count, Size); /* Mark file number of press to stop */ printf("%s", (char *) Language(7)); colour(CFG.InputColourF, CFG.InputColourB); GetstrD(temp, 10); Blanker(strlen(Language(7)) + strlen(temp)); if (strlen(temp) == 0) { free(temp); return; } i = atoi(temp); if ((i > 0) && (i < 100)) { if ((Tagbuf[i].Area) && (strlen(Tagbuf[i].LFile))) { if (Access(exitinfo.Security, area.DLSec)) { if ((fp = fopen("taglist", "a+")) != NULL) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); Found = FALSE; while (fread(&Tag, sizeof(Tag), 1, fp) == 1) if ((Tag.Area == Tagbuf[i].Area) && (strcmp(Tag.LFile, Tagbuf[i].LFile) == 0)) { Found = TRUE; Syslog('b', "Tagbuf[i].File already tagged"); } if (!Found) { memset(&Tag, 0, sizeof(Tag)); Tag = Tagbuf[i]; Tag.Active = TRUE; fwrite(&Tag, sizeof(Tag), 1, fp); Syslog('+', "Tagged file %s from area %d", Tag.LFile, Tag.Area); } fclose(fp); } } else { colour(12, 0); /* You do not have enough access to download from this area. */ printf("%s", (char *) Language(244)); fflush(stdout); sleep(3); Blanker(strlen(Language(244))); } } } free(temp); } /* * More prompt, returns 1 if user decides not to look any further. */ int iLC(int Lines) { int x, z; x = strlen(Language(131)); iLineCount += Lines; if ((iLineCount >= exitinfo.iScreenLen) && (iLineCount < 1000)) { iLineCount = 0; while(TRUE) { /* More (Y/n/=) M=Mark */ pout(CFG.MoreF, CFG.MoreB, (char *) Language(131)); fflush(stdout); alarm_on(); z = toupper(Getone()); Blanker(x); if (z == Keystroke(131, 1)) { printf("\n"); return 1; } if (z == Keystroke(131, 2)) { iLineCount = 1000; return 0; } if ((z == Keystroke(131, 0)) || (z == '\r') || (z == '\n')) { return 0; } if (z == Keystroke(131, 3)) { Mark(); } } } return 0; } /* * Show one file, return 1 if user wants to stop, 0 to show next file. */ int ShowOneFile() { int y, z, fg, bg; if ((!file.Deleted) && (!file.Missing)) { colour(7, 0); printf(" %02d ", Tagnr); colour(CFG.FilenameF, CFG.FilenameB); printf("%-12s", file.Name); colour(CFG.FilesizeF, CFG.FilesizeB); printf("%10lu ", (long)(file.Size)); colour(CFG.FiledateF, CFG.FiledateB); printf("%-10s ", StrDateDMY(file.UploadDate)); colour(12, 0); printf("[%4ld] ", file.TimesDL); if ((strcmp(file.Uploader, "")) == 0) strcpy(file.Uploader, "SysOp"); colour(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB); printf("%s%s\n", (char *) Language(238), file.Uploader); if (iLC(1) == 1) return 1; for (z = 0; z <= 25; z++) { if ((y = strlen(file.Desc[z])) > 1) { if ((file.Desc[z][0] == '@') && (file.Desc[z][1] == 'X')) { /* * Color formatted description lines. */ if (file.Desc[z][3] > '9') fg = (int)file.Desc[z][3] - 55; else fg = (int)file.Desc[z][3] - 48; bg = (int)file.Desc[z][2] - 48; colour(fg, bg); printf(" %s\n",file.Desc[z]+4); } else { colour(CFG.FiledescF, CFG.FiledescB); printf(" %s\n",file.Desc[z]); } if (iLC(1) == 1) return 1; } } } return 0; } int CheckBytesAvailable(long CostSize) { if (LIMIT.DownK) { if ((exitinfo.DownloadKToday <= 0) || ((CostSize / 1024) > exitinfo.DownloadKToday)) { /* You do not have enough bytes to download \" */ pout(LIGHTRED, BLACK, (char *) Language(252)); Enter(1); Syslog('+', "Not enough bytes to download %ld", CostSize); colour(WHITE, BLACK); /* You must upload before you can download. */ pout(LIGHTRED, BLACK, (char *) Language(253)); Enter(2); colour(YELLOW, BLACK); /* Kilobytes currently available: */ printf("%s%lu Kbytes.\n\n", (char *) Language(254), exitinfo.DownloadKToday); Pause(); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* * Change back to users homedir. */ void Home() { char *temp; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name); chdir(temp); free(temp); } /* * Scan a .COM or .EXE file in users upload directory. */ int ScanDirect(char *fn) { FILE *fp; int err, Found = FALSE; char *temp, *temp1; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/%s/upl/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name, fn); sprintf(temp1, "%s/etc/virscan.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp1, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&virscanhdr, sizeof(virscanhdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&virscan, virscanhdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { if (virscan.available) { colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); /* Scanning */ /* with */ printf("%s %s %s %s ", (char *) Language(132), fn, (char *) Language(133), virscan.comment); fflush(stdout); Altime(3600); if ((err = execute(virscan.scanner, virscan.options, temp, (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null" , (char *)"/dev/null")) != virscan.error) { WriteError("VIRUS ALERT: Result %d (%s)", err, virscan.comment); colour(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB); /* Possible VIRUS found! */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(199)); Found = TRUE; } else { /* Ok */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(200)); } Altime(0); fflush(stdout); } } fclose(fp); } free(temp); free(temp1); return Found; } /* * Scan archive using users ./tmp directory. * Return codes: * 0 - All seems well * 1 - Error unpacking archive * 2 - Possible virus found * 3 - Not a known archive format. */ int ScanArchive(char *fn, char *ftype) { FILE *fp; int err = 0, Found = FALSE; char *temp; char *cwd = NULL; /* * First search for the right archiver program */ temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/archiver.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { free(temp); return 3; } fread(&archiverhdr, sizeof(archiverhdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&archiver, archiverhdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { if ((strcmp(ftype, archiver.name) == 0) && (archiver.available)) { break; } } fclose(fp); if ((strcmp(ftype, archiver.name)) || (!archiver.available)) { free(temp); return 3; } cwd = getcwd(cwd, 80); sprintf(temp, "%s/%s/tmp", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name); if (chdir(temp)) { WriteError("$Can't chdir(%s)", temp); free(temp); return 1; } colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); /* Unpacking archive */ printf("%s %s ", (char *) Language(201), fn); fflush(stdout); if (!strlen(archiver.funarc)) { WriteError("No unarc command available"); } else { sprintf(temp, "%s/%s/upl/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name, fn); if (execute(archiver.funarc, temp, (char *)NULL, (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null")) { WriteError("$Failed %s %s", archiver.funarc, temp); system("rm -f -r ./*"); chdir(cwd); free(cwd); colour(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB); /* ERROR */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(217)); fflush(stdout); return 1; } } /* Ok */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(200)); fflush(stdout); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/virscan.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&virscanhdr, sizeof(virscanhdr), 1, fp); while (fread(&virscan, virscanhdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { if (virscan.available) { colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); /* Scanning */ /* with */ printf("%s %s %s %s ", (char *) Language(132), fn, (char *) Language(133), virscan.comment); fflush(stdout); Altime(3600); err = execute(virscan.scanner, virscan.options, (char *)"*", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null"); if (err != virscan.error) { WriteError("VIRUS ALERT: Result %d (%s)", err, virscan.comment); colour(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB); /* Possible VIRUS found! */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(199)); Found = TRUE; } else { /* Ok */ printf("%s\n", (char *) Language(200)); } fflush(stdout); Altime(0); Nopper(); } } fclose(fp); } system("rm -f -r ./*"); chdir(cwd); free(cwd); free(temp); if (Found) return 2; else return 0; } /* * Try to find out the type of uploaded file. */ char *GetFileType(char *fn) { unsigned char buf[8], dbuf[80]; FILE *fp; int i; if ((fp = fopen(fn, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open file %s", fn); return NULL; } if (fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp) != sizeof(buf)) { WriteError("$Can't read head of file %s", fn); return NULL; } fclose(fp); dbuf[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) if ((buf[i] >= ' ') && (buf[i] <= 127)) sprintf((char*)dbuf+strlen(dbuf), " %c", buf[i]); else sprintf((char*)dbuf+strlen(dbuf), " %02x", buf[i]); /* * Various expected uploads. Not that the standard MS-DOS archivers * must return the exact format, ie "ZIP" for PKZIP. These strings * are tested against the archivers database. Others that aren't * compressed files are not important, they just pop up in your * logfiles. */ if (memcmp(buf, "PK\003\004", 4) == 0) return (char *)"ZIP"; if (*buf == 0x1a) return (char *)"ARC"; if (memcmp(buf+2, "-l", 2) == 0) return (char *)"LHA"; if (memcmp(buf, "ZOO", 3) == 0) return (char *)"ZOO"; if (memcmp(buf, "`\352", 2) == 0) return (char *)"ARJ"; if (memcmp(buf, "Rar!", 4) == 0) return (char *)"RAR"; if (memcmp(buf, "HA", 2) == 0) return (char *)"HA"; if (memcmp(buf, "MZ", 2) == 0) return (char *)"EXE"; if (memcmp(buf, "\000\000\001\263", 4) == 0) return (char *)"MPEG"; if (memcmp(buf, "MOVI", 4) == 0) return (char *)"MOVI"; if (memcmp(buf, "\007\007\007", 3) == 0) return (char *)"CPIO"; if (memcmp(buf, "\351,\001JAM", 6) == 0) return (char *)"JAM"; if (memcmp(buf, "SQSH", 4) == 0) return (char *)"SQSH"; if (memcmp(buf, "UC2\0x1a", 4) == 0) return (char *)"UC2"; if (memcmp(buf, ".snd", 4) == 0) return (char *)"SND"; if (memcmp(buf, "MThd", 4) == 0) return (char *)"MID"; if (memcmp(buf, "RIFF", 4) == 0) return (char *)"WAV"; if (memcmp(buf, "EMOD", 4) == 0) return (char *)"MOD"; if (memcmp(buf, "MTM", 3) == 0) return (char *)"MTM"; if (memcmp(buf, "#!/bin/", 7) == 0) return (char *)"UNIX script"; if (memcmp(buf, "\037\235", 2) == 0) return (char *)"Compressed data"; if (memcmp(buf, "\037\213", 2) == 0) return (char *)"GZIP"; if (memcmp(buf, "\177ELF", 4) == 0) return (char *)"ELF"; if (memcmp(buf, "%!", 2) == 0) return (char *)"PostScript"; if (memcmp(buf, "GIF8", 4) == 0) return (char *)"GIF"; if (memcmp(buf, "\377\330\377\340", 4) == 0) return (char *)"JPEG"; if (memcmp(buf, "\377\330\377\356", 4) == 0) return (char *)"JPG"; if (memcmp(buf, "BM", 2) == 0) return (char *)"Bitmap"; if (memcmp(buf, "%PDF", 4) == 0) return (char *)"PDF"; if (memcmp(buf, "THNL", 4) == 0) return (char *)"ThumbNail"; if ((memcmp(buf, "", 6) == 0) || (memcmp(buf, "", 6) == 0)) return (char *)"HTML"; if (memcmp(buf, "MSCF", 4) == 0) return (char *)"CAB"; if (memcmp(buf, "BZ", 2) == 0) return (char *)"BZIP"; /* * .COM formats. Should cover about 2/3 of COM files. */ if ((*buf == 0xe9) || (*buf == 0x8c) || (*buf == 0xeb) || (*buf == 0xb8)) return (char *)"COM"; return NULL; } /* * Import file in area. Returns TRUE if successfull. */ int ImportFile(char *fn, int Area, int fileid, time_t iTime, off_t Size) { char *temp, *temp1; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", area.Path, fn); sprintf(temp1, "%s/%s/upl/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name, fn); if ((file_mv(temp1, temp))) { WriteError("$Can't move %s to %s", fn, area.Path); } else { chmod(temp, 0664); if (Addfile(fn, Area, fileid)) { ReadExitinfo(); /* * If Size is equal to Zero, don't increase file counters else * Increase file counters if any other size */ if (Size) { exitinfo.Uploads++; exitinfo.UploadK += (Size / 1024); exitinfo.UploadKToday += (Size / 1024); Syslog('b', "Uploads %d, Kb %d, Kb today %d", exitinfo.Uploads, exitinfo.UploadK, exitinfo.UploadKToday); /* You have */ /* extra download KBytes. */ printf("%s %ld %s\n", (char *) Language(249), (long)(Size / 1024), (char *) Language(250)); exitinfo.DownloadKToday += (Size / 1024); Syslog('b', "DownloadKToday %d", exitinfo.DownloadKToday); } iTime /= 60; /* Divide Seconds by 60 to give minutes */ /* You have */ /* extra minutes. */ printf("%s %ld %s\n", (char *) Language(249), iTime, (char *) Language(259)); exitinfo.iTimeLeft += iTime; WriteExitinfo(); free(temp); free(temp1); return TRUE; } } free(temp); free(temp1); return FALSE; } /* * Add file to the FileDataBase. If fileid is true, then try to * get the filedescription from FILE_ID.DIZ if it is in the * archive, else the user must supply the description. * Returns TRUE is successfull. */ int Addfile(char *File, int AreaNum, int fileid) { FILE *id, *pFileDB, *pPrivate; int err = 1, iDesc = 1, iPrivate = FALSE, GotId = FALSE, lines, i, j; char *Filename, *temp1, *idname = NULL, *Desc[26], *lname, temp[81]; struct stat statfile; Filename = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); lname = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(Filename, "%s/%s", area.Path, File); if ((pFileDB = OpenFileBase(AreaNum, TRUE)) != NULL) { /* * Do a physical check of file to see if it exists * if it fails it will return a zero which will not * increase his uploads stats */ if (stat(Filename, &statfile) != 0) { colour(10, 0); /* Upload was unsuccessful for: */ printf("\n%s%s\n\n", (char *) Language(284), File); fclose(pFileDB); free(Filename); free(temp1); free(lname); return FALSE; } memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file)); strcpy(file.LName, File); strcpy(temp1, File); name_mangle(temp1); strcpy(file.Name, temp1); file.Size = (long)(statfile.st_size); file.FileDate = statfile.st_mtime; file.Crc32 = file_crc(Filename, TRUE); strcpy(file.Uploader, exitinfo.sUserName); file.UploadDate = time(NULL); if (strcmp(file.Name, file.LName)) { sprintf(lname, "%s/%s", area.Path, file.Name); if (symlink(Filename, lname)) { WriteError("$Can't create link %s to %s", lname, Filename); } } if (area.PwdUP) { colour(9,0); /* Do you want to password protect your upload ? [y/N]: */ printf("\n%s", (char *) Language(285)); fflush(stdout); if (toupper(Getone()) == Keystroke(285, 0)) { colour(10, 0); /* REMEMBER: Passwords are "CaSe SeNsITiVe!" */ printf("\n%s\n", (char *) Language(286)); colour(14,0); /* Password: */ printf("%s", (char *) Language(8)); fflush(stdout); fflush(stdin); GetstrC(file.Password, 20); } } if (fileid && strlen(archiver.iunarc)) { /* * The right unarchiver is still in memory, * get the FILE_ID.DIZ if it exists. */ sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", area.Path, File); if ((err = execute(archiver.iunarc, temp, (char *)"FILE_ID.DIZ", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null"))) { if ((err = execute(archiver.iunarc, temp, (char *)"file_id.diz", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null", (char *)"/dev/null"))) { Syslog('+', "No FILE_ID.DIZ found in %s", File); } else { idname = xstrcpy((char *)"file_id.diz"); } } else { idname = xstrcpy((char *)"FILE_ID.DIZ"); } if (!err) { Syslog('+', "Found %s", idname); GotId = TRUE; } } if (GotId) { lines = 0; if ((id = fopen(idname, "r")) != NULL) { /* * Import FILE_ID.DIZ, format to max. 25 * lines, 48 chars width. */ while (((fgets(temp1, PATH_MAX -1, id)) != NULL) && (lines < 25)) { Striplf(temp1); if (strlen(temp1) > 51) { /* * Malformed FILE_ID.DIZ */ GotId = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) file.Desc[i][0] = '\0'; lines = 0; Syslog('!', "Trashing illegal formatted FILE_ID.DIZ"); break; } if (strlen(temp1) > 0) { j = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(temp1); i++) { if (isprint(temp1[i])) { file.Desc[lines][j] = temp1[i]; j++; if (j > 47) break; } } /* * Remove trailing spaces */ while (j && isspace(file.Desc[lines][j-1])) j--; file.Desc[lines][j] = '\0'; lines++; } } } fclose(id); unlink(idname); if (GotId) { /* * Strip empty FILE_ID.DIZ lines at the end */ while ((strlen(file.Desc[lines-1]) == 0) && (lines)) { file.Desc[lines-1][0] = '\0'; lines--; } if (lines) { Syslog('+', "Using %d FILE_ID.DIZ lines for description", lines); colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); /* Found FILE_ID.DIZ in */ printf("%s %s\n", (char *) Language(257), File); fflush(stdout); } else { Syslog('!', "No FILE_ID.DIZ lines left to use"); GotId = FALSE; } } } if (!GotId) { /* * Ask the user for a description. */ for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) *(Desc + i) = (char *) calloc(49, sizeof(char)); colour(12,0); /* Please enter description of file */ printf("\n%s %s\n\n", (char *) Language(287), File); while (TRUE) { colour(10,0); printf("%2d> ", iDesc); fflush(stdout); colour(CFG.InputColourF, CFG.InputColourB); GetstrC(*(Desc + iDesc), 47); if ((strcmp(*(Desc + iDesc), "")) == 0) break; iDesc++; if (iDesc >= 26) break; } for (i = 1; i < iDesc; i++) strcpy(file.Desc[i - 1], Desc[i]); for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) free(Desc[i]); } fseek(pFileDB, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFileDB); fclose(pFileDB); sprintf(temp, "%s/log/uploads.log", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((pPrivate = fopen(temp, "a+")) == NULL) WriteError("$Can't open %s", temp); else { iPrivate = TRUE; fprintf(pPrivate, "****************************************************"); fprintf(pPrivate, "\nUser : %s", file.Uploader); fprintf(pPrivate, "\nFile : %s (%s)", file.LName, file.Name); fprintf(pPrivate, "\nSize : %lu", (long)(file.Size)); fprintf(pPrivate, "\nUpload Date : %s\n\n", StrDateDMY(file.UploadDate)); for (i = 0; i < iDesc - 1; i++) fprintf(pPrivate, "%2d: %s\n", i, file.Desc[i]); fclose(pPrivate); } Enter(1); /* Your upload time has been returned to you. Thank you for your upload! */ pout(10, 0, (char *) Language(288)); Enter(1); } free(Filename); free(temp1); return TRUE; } /* * Set file area number, set global area description and path. */ void SetFileArea(unsigned long AreaNum) { FILE *pArea; long offset; memset(&area, 0, sizeof(area)); if ((pArea = OpenFareas(FALSE)) == NULL) return; offset = areahdr.hdrsize + ((AreaNum - 1) * areahdr.recsize); if (fseek(pArea, offset, 0) != 0) { WriteError("$Seek error in fareas.data, area %ld", AreaNum); return; } fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, pArea); strcpy(sAreaDesc, area.Name); strcpy(sAreaPath, area.Path); iAreaNumber = AreaNum; fclose(pArea); } /* * Return size in bytes of all files in the users wrk directory. */ unsigned long Quota() { DIR *dirp; char *FileName, *temp; unsigned long Bytes = 0; struct dirent *dp; struct stat statfile; FileName = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/%s/wrk", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name); if ((dirp = opendir(temp)) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open dir %s", temp); } else { while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { sprintf(FileName, "%s/%s", temp, dp->d_name); if (*(dp->d_name) != '.') if (stat(FileName, &statfile) == 0) Bytes += statfile.st_size; } closedir(dirp); } free(FileName); free(temp); return Bytes; } void ImportHome(char *fn) { char *temp1, *temp2; temp1 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); temp2 = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp1, "%s/%s/wrk/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name, fn); sprintf(temp2, "%s/%s/upl/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name, fn); Syslog('+', "Move %s to home, result %d", fn, file_mv(temp2, temp1)); free(temp1); free(temp2); }