/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: FullScreen Message editor. * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2005 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "../lib/mbse.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "mail.h" #include "input.h" #include "language.h" #include "timeout.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "fsedit.h" #include "term.h" #include "ttyio.h" extern int cols; extern int rows; void Show_Ins(void) { locate(1, 70); colour(YELLOW, BLUE); if (InsMode) PUTSTR((char *)"INS"); else PUTSTR((char *)"OVR"); } void Top_Help() { char temp[81]; locate(1,1); colour(YELLOW, BLUE); snprintf(temp, 81, "%s", padleft((char *)"Press ESC for menu, other keys is edit text", 79, ' ')); PUTSTR(temp); Show_Ins(); } void Top_Menu(void) { char temp[81]; locate(1,1); colour(WHITE, RED); snprintf(temp, 81, "%s", padleft((char *)"(A)bort (H)elp (S)ave - Any other key is continue edit", 79, ' ')); PUTSTR(temp); } void Ls(int a, int y) { locate(y, 10); PUTCHAR(a ? 179 : '|'); } void Rs(int a) { colour(LIGHTGREEN, BLUE); PUTCHAR(a ? 179 : '|'); } void Ws(int a, int y) { int i; Ls(a, y); for (i = 0; i < 58; i++) PUTCHAR(' '); Rs(a); } void Hl(int a, int y, char *txt) { Ls(a, y); colour(WHITE, BLUE); PUTSTR(padleft(txt, 58, ' ')); Rs(a); } void Full_Help(void) { int a, i; a = exitinfo.GraphMode; colour(LIGHTGREEN, BLUE); /* Top row */ locate(1, 10); PUTCHAR(a ? 213 : '+'); for (i = 0; i < 58; i++) PUTCHAR(a ? 205 : '='); PUTCHAR(a ? 184 : '+'); Ws(a, 2); Ls(a, 3); colour(YELLOW, BLUE); PUTSTR(padleft((char *)" Editor Help", 58, ' ')); Rs(a); Ws(a, 4); Hl(a, 5, (char *)"Ctrl-S or LeftArrow - Cursor left"); Hl(a, 6, (char *)"Ctrl-D or RightArrow - Cursor right"); Hl(a, 7, (char *)"Ctrl-E or UpArrow - Cursor up"); Hl(a, 8, (char *)"Ctrl-X or DownArrow - Cursor down"); Hl(a, 9, (char *)"Ctrl-V or Insert - Insert or Overwrite"); Hl(a, 10, (char *)"Ctrl-N - Insert line"); Hl(a, 11, (char *)"Ctrl-Y - Delete line"); Ws(a, 12); Hl(a, 13, (char *)"Ctrl-L - Refresh screen"); Hl(a, 14, (char *)"Ctrl-R - Read from file"); Ws(a, 15); locate(16,10); PUTCHAR(a ? 212 : '+'); for (i = 0; i < 58; i++) PUTCHAR(a ? 205 : '='); PUTCHAR(a ? 190 : '+'); } void Setcursor(void) { CurRow = Row + TopVisible - 1; locate(Row + 1, Col); } void Beep(void) { PUTCHAR('\007'); } /* * Refresh and rebuild screen in editing mode. */ void Refresh(void) { int i, j = 2; clear(); Top_Help(); locate(j,1); colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); for (i = 1; i <= Line; i++) { if ((i >= TopVisible) && (i < (TopVisible + rows -1))) { locate(j, 1); j++; PUTSTR(Message[i]); } } Setcursor(); } void GetstrLC(char *sStr, int iMaxlen) { unsigned char ch = 0; int iPos = 0; strcpy(sStr, ""); alarm_on(); while (ch != 13) { ch = Readkey(); if ((ch == 8) || (ch == KEY_DEL) || (ch == 127)) { if (iPos > 0) { BackErase(); sStr[--iPos] = '\0'; } else { Beep(); } } if ((ch > 31 && ch < 127) || traduce(&ch)) { if (iPos <= iMaxlen) { iPos++; snprintf(sStr + strlen(sStr), 5, "%c", ch); PUTCHAR(ch); } else { Beep(); } } } Enter(1); } void ScrollUp() { if (TopVisible > 12) { TopVisible -= 12; Row += 12; } else { Row += TopVisible - 1; TopVisible = 1; } Refresh(); } void ScrollDown() { if ((TopVisible + 12) <= Line) { Row -= 12; TopVisible += 12; } Refresh(); } void FsMove(unsigned char Direction) { switch (Direction) { case KEY_RIGHT: /* * FIXME: FsMove KEY_RIGHT * Handle long lines better. * For now, we will just refuse to go past col 80 */ if ((Col <= strlen(Message[CurRow])) && (Col < cols)){ Col++; Setcursor(); } else if (Row < (Line - TopVisible +1)) { Row++; Col = 1; if (Row > (rows -1)) ScrollDown(); Refresh(); } else Beep(); break; case KEY_LEFT: if (Col > 1) { Col--; Setcursor(); } else if (CurRow > 1) { Col = strlen(Message[CurRow-1]) +1; /* * FIXME: FsMove KEY_LEFT * Handle long lines better. * For now, we will just refuse to go past col 80 */ if (Col > cols) Col = cols; if (Row == 1) ScrollUp(); Row--; Setcursor(); } else Beep(); break; case KEY_UP: if (CurRow > 1) { Row--; if (Col > strlen(Message[CurRow-1]) + 1) Col = strlen(Message[CurRow-1]) +1; if ((Row < 1) && (CurRow != Row)) ScrollUp(); else Setcursor(); } else Beep(); break; case KEY_DOWN: if (Row < (Line - TopVisible + 1)) { Row++; if (Col > strlen(Message[CurRow+1]) + 1) Col = strlen(Message[CurRow+1]) + 1; if (Row <= (rows -1)) Setcursor(); else ScrollDown(); } else Beep(); break; } } int FsWordWrap() { int WCol, i = 0; unsigned char tmpLine[81]; tmpLine[0] = '\0'; /* * FIXME: FsWordWrap * The word wrap still fails the BIG WORD test * (BIG WORD = continuous string of characters that spans multiple * lines without any spaces) */ Syslog('b', "FSEDIT: Word Wrap"); WCol = 79; while (Message[CurRow][WCol] != ' ' && WCol > 0) WCol--; if ((WCol > 0) && (WCol < cols)) WCol++; else WCol=cols; if (WCol <= strlen(Message[CurRow])) { /* * If WCol = 80 (no spaces in line) be sure to grab * character 79. Otherwise, drop it, because it's a space. */ if ((WCol == 80) || (WCol-1 == Col)) snprintf(tmpLine + strlen(tmpLine), 5, "%c", Message[CurRow][79]); /* * Grab all characters from WCol to end of line. */ for (i = WCol; i < strlen(Message[CurRow]); i++) { snprintf(tmpLine + strlen(tmpLine), 5, "%c", Message[CurRow][i]); } /* * Truncate current row. */ Message[CurRow][WCol-1] = '\0'; /* * If this is the last line, then be sure to create a * new line.x */ if (CurRow >= Line) { Line = CurRow+1; Message[CurRow+1][0] = '\0'; } /* * If the wrapped section and the next row will not fit on * one line, shift all lines down one and use the wrapped * section to create a new line. * * Otherwise, slap the wrapped section on the front of the * next row with a space if needed. */ if ((strlen(tmpLine) + strlen(Message[CurRow+1])) > 79) { for (i = Line; i > CurRow; i--) snprintf(Message[i+1], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i]); snprintf(Message[CurRow+1], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", tmpLine); Line++; WCol = strlen(tmpLine) + 1; } else { if ((WCol == 80) && (Col >= WCol)) WCol = strlen(tmpLine)+1; else { if (tmpLine[strlen(tmpLine)] != ' ') snprintf(tmpLine + strlen(tmpLine), 1, " "); WCol = strlen(tmpLine); } snprintf(Message[CurRow+1], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", strcat(tmpLine, Message[CurRow+1])); } } return WCol; } int Fs_Edit() { unsigned char ch; int i, Changed = FALSE; char *filname, *tmpname; FILE *fd; Syslog('b', "FSEDIT: Entering FullScreen editor"); clear(); InsMode = TRUE; TopVisible = 1; Col = 1; Row = 1; Refresh(); while (TRUE) { Nopper(); alarm_on(); ch = Readkey(); CurRow = Row + TopVisible - 1; switch (ch) { case KEY_ENTER: if (Col == 1) { /* Enter at beginning of line */ for (i = Line; i >= CurRow; i--) { snprintf(Message[i+1], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i]); } Message[i+1][0] = '\0'; } else { for (i = Line; i > CurRow; i--) { snprintf(Message[i+1], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i]); } Message[CurRow+1][0] = '\0'; if (Col <= strlen(Message[CurRow])) { /* Enter in middle of line */ for (i = Col-1; i <= strlen(Message[CurRow]); i++) { snprintf(Message[CurRow+1] + strlen(Message[CurRow+1]), 5, "%c", Message[CurRow][i]); } Message[CurRow][Col-1] = '\0'; } /* else Enter at end of line */ } Line++; Row++; Col = 1; if (Row >= (rows -1)) ScrollDown(); Refresh(); Changed = TRUE; break; case ('N' - 64): /* Insert line, scroll down */ for (i = Line; i >= CurRow; i--) snprintf(Message[i+1], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i]); Message[CurRow][0] = '\0'; Line++; Col = 1; Refresh(); Changed = TRUE; break; case ('Y' - 64): /* Erase line, scroll up */ if (Line == CurRow) { /* Erasing last line */ if ((Line > 1) || (strlen(Message[CurRow]) > 0)) { Message[CurRow][0] = '\0'; if (Line > 1) { Line--; if (Row == 1) ScrollUp(); Row--; } if (Col > strlen(Message[CurRow])) Col = strlen(Message[CurRow]); Refresh(); Changed = TRUE; } else Beep(); } else { /* Erasing line in the middle */ for (i = CurRow; i < Line; i++) { snprintf(Message[i], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i+1]); } Message[i+1][0] = '\0'; Line--; if (Col > strlen(Message[CurRow]) + 1) Col = strlen(Message[CurRow]) + 1; Refresh(); Changed = TRUE; } break; case KEY_UP: case ('E' - 64): FsMove(KEY_UP); break; case KEY_DOWN: case ('X' - 64): FsMove(KEY_DOWN); break; case KEY_LEFT: case ('S' - 64): FsMove(KEY_LEFT); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case ('D' - 64): FsMove(KEY_RIGHT); break; case KEY_DEL: if (Col <= strlen(Message[CurRow])) { /* * If before the end of the line... */ Setcursor(); for (i = Col; i <= strlen(Message[CurRow]); i++) { Message[CurRow][i-1] = Message[CurRow][i]; PUTCHAR(Message[CurRow][i]); } PUTCHAR(' '); PUTCHAR('\b'); Message[CurRow][i-1] = '\0'; Setcursor(); } else if (((strlen(Message[CurRow]) + strlen(Message[CurRow+1]) < 75) || (strlen(Message[CurRow]) == 0)) && (CurRow < Line)) { for (i = 0; i < strlen(Message[CurRow+1]); i++) snprintf(Message[CurRow] + strlen(Message[CurRow]), 5, "%c", Message[CurRow+1][i]); for (i = CurRow+1; i < Line; i++) snprintf(Message[i], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i+1]); Message[Line][0] = '\0'; Line--; Refresh(); } else Beep(); /* * Trap the extra code so it isn't * inserted in the text */ if (ch == KEY_DEL) Readkey(); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_RUBOUT: if (Col == 1 && CurRow == 1) { /* BS on first character in message */ Beep(); } else if (Col == 1) { /* BS at beginning of line */ if ((strlen(Message[CurRow-1]) + strlen(Message[CurRow]) < 75) || strlen(Message[CurRow]) == 0) { Col = strlen(Message[CurRow-1]) + 1; strcat(Message[CurRow-1], Message[CurRow]); for ( i = CurRow; i < Line; i++) snprintf(Message[i], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", Message[i+1]); Message[i+1][0] = '\0'; Line--; if (Row == 1) ScrollUp(); Row--; Refresh(); Changed = TRUE; } else { i = strlen(Message[CurRow-1]) + strlen(Message[CurRow]); Beep(); } } else { if (Col == strlen(Message[CurRow]) + 1) { /* BS at end of line */ BackErase(); Col--; Message[CurRow][Col-1] = '\0'; Changed = TRUE; } else { /* BS in middle of line */ Col--; Setcursor(); for (i = Col; i <= strlen(Message[CurRow]); i++) { Message[CurRow][i-1] = Message[CurRow][i]; PUTCHAR(Message[CurRow][i]); } PUTCHAR(' '); PUTCHAR('\b'); Message[CurRow][strlen(Message[CurRow])] = '\0'; Setcursor(); Changed = TRUE; } } break; case KEY_INS: /* Toggle Insert Mode */ case ('V' - 64): InsMode = !InsMode; Show_Ins(); colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); Setcursor(); /* * Trap the extra code so it isn't * inserted in the text */ if (ch == KEY_INS) Readkey(); break; case ('L' - 64): /* Refresh screen */ Refresh(); break; case ('R' - 64): /* Read from file */ Syslog('b', "FSEDIT: Read from file"); tmpname = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); filname = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); Enter(1); /* Please enter filename: */ pout(YELLOW, BLACK, (char *) Language(245)); colour(CFG.InputColourF, CFG.InputColourB); GetstrLC(filname, 80); if ((strcmp(filname, "") == 0)) { Enter(2); /* No filename entered, aborting */ pout(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB, (char *) Language(246)); Enter(1); Pause(); free(filname); free(tmpname); Refresh(); break; } if (*(filname) == '/' || *(filname) == ' ') { Enter(2); /* Illegal filename */ pout(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB, (char *) Language(247)); Enter(1); Pause(); free(tmpname); free(filname); Refresh(); break; } snprintf(tmpname, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/wrk/%s", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name, filname); if ((fd = fopen(tmpname, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", tmpname); Enter(2); /* File does not exist, please try again */ pout(CFG.HiliteF, CFG.HiliteB, (char *) Language(296)); Enter(1); Pause(); } else { while ((fgets(filname, 80, fd)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < strlen(filname); i++) { if (*(filname + i) == '\0') break; if (*(filname + i) == '\n') *(filname + i) = '\0'; if (*(filname + i) == '\r') *(filname + i) = '\0'; } /* * Make sure that any tear or origin lines are * made invalid. */ if (strncmp(filname, (char *)"--- ", 4) == 0) filname[1] = 'v'; if (strncmp(filname, (char *)" * Origin:", 10) == 0) filname[1] = '+'; snprintf(Message[Line], TEXTBUFSIZE +1, "%s", filname); Line++; if ((Line - 1) == TEXTBUFSIZE) break; } fclose(fd); Changed = TRUE; Syslog('+', "FSEDIT: Inserted file %s", tmpname); } free(tmpname); free(filname); Col = 1; Refresh(); break; case KEY_ESCAPE: /* Editor menu */ Top_Menu(); ch = toupper(Readkey()); if (ch == 'A' || ch == 'S') { Syslog('b', "FSEDIT: %s message (%c)", (ch == 'S' && Changed) ? "Saving" : "Aborting", ch); clear(); if (ch == 'S' && Changed) { Syslog('+', "FSEDIT: Message will be saved"); return TRUE; } else { Syslog('+', "FSEDIT: Message aborted"); return FALSE; } } if (ch == 'H') { Full_Help(); ch = Readkey(); Refresh(); } else Top_Help(); colour(CFG.TextColourF, CFG.TextColourB); Setcursor(); break; default: if ((ch > 31) || traduce(&ch) ) { /* * Normal printable characters or hi-ascii */ if (Col == strlen(Message[CurRow]) + 1) { /* * Append to line */ snprintf(Message[CurRow] + strlen(Message[CurRow]), 5, "%c", ch); if (strlen(Message[CurRow]) > 79){ Col = FsWordWrap(); Row++; Refresh(); } else { Col++; PUTCHAR(ch); } Changed = TRUE; } else { /* * Insert or overwrite */ if (InsMode) { for (i = strlen(Message[CurRow]); i >= (Col-1); i--) { /* * Shift characters right */ Message[CurRow][i+1] = Message[CurRow][i]; } Message[CurRow][Col-1] = ch; Col++; if (strlen(Message[CurRow]) > 80) { i = FsWordWrap(); if (Col > strlen(Message[CurRow])+1) { Col = Col - strlen(Message[CurRow]); if (Col > 1) Col--; Row++; } if (Row > (rows -1)) ScrollDown(); else Refresh(); } else { locate(Row + 1, 1); PUTSTR(Message[CurRow]); Setcursor(); } Changed = TRUE; } else { Message[CurRow][Col-1] = ch; PUTCHAR(ch); Col++; Changed = TRUE; } } } } } WriteError("FsEdit(): Impossible to be here"); return FALSE; }