/***************************************************************************** * * File ..................: setup/m_task.c * Purpose ...............: Setup TaskManager. * Last modification date : 19-Oct-2001 * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MB BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MB BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../lib/libs.h" #include "../lib/structs.h" #include "../lib/records.h" #include "../lib/common.h" #include "../lib/clcomm.h" #include "screen.h" #include "mutil.h" #include "ledit.h" #include "m_task.h" struct taskrec TCFG; unsigned long crc1, crc2; /* * Open database for editing. */ int OpenTask(void); int OpenTask(void) { FILE *fin; char fnin[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(fnin, "%s/etc/task.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fin = fopen(fnin, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&TCFG, sizeof(TCFG), 1, fin); fclose(fin); crc1 = 0xffffffff; crc1 = upd_crc32((char *)&TCFG, crc1, sizeof(TCFG)); return 0; } return -1; } void CloseTask(void); void CloseTask(void) { char fin[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fp; crc2 = 0xffffffff; crc2 = upd_crc32((char *)&TCFG, crc2, sizeof(TCFG)); if (crc1 != crc2) { if (yes_no((char *)"Configuration is changed, save changes") == 1) { working(1, 0, 0); sprintf(fin, "%s/etc/task.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(fin, "w+")) != NULL) { fwrite(&TCFG, sizeof(TCFG), 1, fp); fclose(fp); Syslog('+', "Updated \"task.data\""); } } } working(1, 0, 0); } /* * Edit task record. */ int EditTask(void); int EditTask() { int j; char temp[20]; clr_index(); IsDoing("Edit Taskmanager"); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 4, 1, "18. EDIT TASK MANAGER"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw( 6, 1, " 1. Mailout"); mvprintw( 7, 1, " 2. Mailin"); mvprintw( 8, 1, " 3. Newnews"); mvprintw( 9, 1, " 4. Index 1"); mvprintw(10, 1, " 5. Index 2"); mvprintw(11, 1, " 6. Index 3"); mvprintw(12, 1, " 7. Msglink"); mvprintw(13, 1, " 8. Reqindex"); mvprintw(14, 1, " 9. ISP conn"); mvprintw(15, 1, "10. ISP disc"); mvprintw(16, 1, "11. Ping #1"); mvprintw(17, 1, "12. Ping #2"); mvprintw(18, 1, "13. ISP blks"); mvprintw(19, 1, "14. Max Load"); mvprintw(18,29, "15. ZMH start"); mvprintw(19,29, "16. ZMH end"); mvprintw(16,55, "17. Debug"); mvprintw(17,55, "18. Max POTS"); mvprintw(18,55, "19. Max ISDN"); mvprintw(19,55, "20. Max TCP"); for (;;) { set_color(WHITE, BLACK); show_str( 6, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_mailout); show_str( 7, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_mailin); show_str( 8, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_newnews); show_str( 9, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_mbindex1); show_str(10, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_mbindex2); show_str(11, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_mbindex3); show_str(12, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_msglink); show_str(13, 15,65, TCFG.cmd_reqindex); show_str(14, 15,65, TCFG.isp_connect); show_str(15, 15,65, TCFG.isp_hangup); show_str(16, 15,40, TCFG.isp_ping1); show_str(17, 15,40, TCFG.isp_ping2); show_bool(18,15, TCFG.ipblocks); sprintf(temp, "%0.2f", TCFG.maxload); show_str(19, 15,5, temp); show_str( 18,44, 5, TCFG.zmh_start); show_str( 19,44, 5, TCFG.zmh_end); show_bool(16,69, TCFG.debug); show_int( 17,69, TCFG.max_pots); show_int( 18,69, TCFG.max_isdn); show_int( 19,69, TCFG.max_tcp); j = select_menu(20); switch(j) { case 0: return 0; case 1: E_STR( 6,15,65,TCFG.cmd_mailout, "The command to execute on semafore ^mailout^") case 2: E_STR( 7,15,65,TCFG.cmd_mailin, "The command to execute on semafore ^mailin^") case 3: E_STR( 8,15,65,TCFG.cmd_newnews, "The command to execute on semafore ^newnews^") case 4: E_STR( 9,15,65,TCFG.cmd_mbindex1, "The compiler 1 command to execute on semafore ^mbindex^") case 5: E_STR( 10,15,65,TCFG.cmd_mbindex2, "The compiler 2 command to execute on semafore ^mbindex^") case 6: E_STR( 11,15,65,TCFG.cmd_mbindex3, "The compiler 3 command to execute on semafore ^mbindex^") case 7: E_STR( 12,15,65,TCFG.cmd_msglink, "The command to execute on semafore ^msglink^") case 8: E_STR( 13,15,65,TCFG.cmd_reqindex, "The command to execute on semafore ^reqindex^") case 9: E_STR( 14,15,65,TCFG.isp_connect, "The command to ^connect^ the Internet Connection") case 10:E_STR( 15,15,65,TCFG.isp_hangup, "The command to ^hangup^ the Internet Connection") case 11:E_STR( 16,15,40,TCFG.isp_ping1, "The ^IP address^ of host 1 to check the Internet Connection") case 12:E_STR( 17,15,40,TCFG.isp_ping2, "The ^IP address^ of host 2 to check the Internet Connection") case 13:E_BOOL(18,15, TCFG.ipblocks, "The ^internet^ connection ^blocks^ dial connections") case 14:strcpy(temp, edit_str(19,15,5,temp, (char *)"^Maximum system load^ at which processing stops (1.00 .. 3.00)")); sscanf(temp, "%f", &TCFG.maxload); break; case 15:E_STR( 18,44,5, TCFG.zmh_start, "^Start^ of Zone Mail Hour in UTC") case 16:E_STR( 19,44,5, TCFG.zmh_end, "^End& of Zone Mail Hour in UTC") case 17:E_BOOL(16,69, TCFG.debug, "Enable ^debug^ logging") case 18:E_INT( 17,69, TCFG.max_pots, "Maximum simultanous ^POTS^ (analogue) connections") case 19:E_INT( 18,69, TCFG.max_isdn, "Maximum simultanous ^ISDN^ connections") case 20:E_INT( 19,69, TCFG.max_tcp, "Maximum simultanous ^TCP/IP^ connections") } } return 0; } void task_menu(void) { OpenTask(); EditTask(); CloseTask(); } int task_doc(FILE *fp, FILE *toc, int page) { char temp[PATH_MAX]; FILE *no; sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/task.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) return page; fread(&TCFG, sizeof(TCFG), 1, no); fclose(no); page = newpage(fp, page); addtoc(fp, toc, 16, 0, page, (char *)"Task manager"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, " Command on mailout %s\n", TCFG.cmd_mailout); fprintf(fp, " Command on mailin %s\n", TCFG.cmd_mailin); fprintf(fp, " Command on newnews %s\n", TCFG.cmd_newnews); fprintf(fp, " Command on mbindex 1 %s\n", TCFG.cmd_mbindex1); fprintf(fp, " Command on mbindex 2 %s\n", TCFG.cmd_mbindex2); fprintf(fp, " Command on mbindex 3 %s\n", TCFG.cmd_mbindex3); fprintf(fp, " Command on msglink %s\n", TCFG.cmd_msglink); fprintf(fp, " Command on reqindex %s\n\n", TCFG.cmd_reqindex); fprintf(fp, " Zone Mail Hour start %s\n", TCFG.zmh_start); fprintf(fp, " Zone Mail Hour end %s\n\n", TCFG.zmh_end); fprintf(fp, " ISP connect command %s\n", TCFG.isp_connect); fprintf(fp, " ISP hangup command %s\n", TCFG.isp_hangup); fprintf(fp, " ISP ping host 1 %s\n", TCFG.isp_ping1); fprintf(fp, " ISP ping host 2 %s\n", TCFG.isp_ping2); fprintf(fp, " Internet blocks dial %s\n\n", getboolean(TCFG.ipblocks)); fprintf(fp, " Enable denug logging %s\n", getboolean(TCFG.debug)); fprintf(fp, " Maximum system load %0.2f\n", TCFG.maxload); fprintf(fp, " Max POTS connections %d\n", TCFG.max_pots); fprintf(fp, " Max ISDN connections %d\n", TCFG.max_isdn); fprintf(fp, " Max TCP/IP connections %d\n", TCFG.max_tcp); return page; }