Last update 28-Jun-2002


MBSE BBS Setup - Fidonet nodes.


Unlike many other bbs packages, for each node you need only one record. If you have a relation with a node for one network with costsharing, and other networks without costsharing you need two records for that node. For each node you can setup the aka's, mail, files and session handshake. There are eight screens for each node.


Edit general setup

This screen has the general information for the node. The contact info fields are just for private use, these fields are only used in this screen. The Outbox dir is for files to sent to the node, all file you put in there will be sent to the remote if user mbse has read/write access to the file. Only real files are allowed, not symlinks etc.

Sysop name       The name of the system operator.
Outbox dir       Private extra outbound directory for this node.
Pvt. phone       Contact info, node private phone.
Pvt. fax         Contact info, node private fax.
Pvt. cellphone   Contact info, node cellphone (GSM).
Pvt. e-mail      Contact info, node e-mail address.
Pvt. remark      Contact info, node remark.
Route via        A route via Fido address. All mail for this
                 node will be send via this Aka, even mail 
                 and files for other networks. This can be
                 usefull if this node has internet access
                 so you can send everything to this node
                 over the internet.
Netmail direct   Set "direct" flag in netmail to this node.
Netmail crash    Send netmail always "crash" to this node.
Netmail hold     Put mail on "hold" for this node.
Pack netmail     Should netmail be packed in arcmail archives.
Send notify      Send automatic generated notify messages.
Language         The language to use for areamgr msgs.
Deleted          If this node must be deleted.


Edit nodes aka's

In this screen you can setup 20 aka's for the node.


Edit node session

In this screen you can setup the session defaults. Items 5/8 will be added later.

Session passwd   This is the mailer session password.
Dial command     You can put an override here for the normal
                 dial command. If you leave this empty the
                 command from the modem setup is used.
Phone number 1   An alternative phone number/ip address to dial.
Phone number 2   An alternative phone number/ip address to dial.
                 Use these above commands if the node has
                 another phone number as mentioned in the
                 nodelist. If you call this node via TCP/IP
                 and the IP address can't be resolved by
                 the nodelist, you may enter an IP address
                 or hostname here.
No EMSI          Disable EMSI handshake.
No YooHoo/2U2    Disable FTSC-0006 handshake.
No Filerequest   Disable filerquest from this node.
Don't call       Do not call this node.
8.3 names        Set this if the node only accepts 8.3 filenames.
No Zmodem        Disable Zmodem protocol.
No Zedzap        Disable Zedzap protocol.
No Hydra         Disable Hydra protocol.
No TCP/IP IBN    Disbale TCP/IP IBN (binkp) protocol.
No TCP/IP IFC    Disable TCP/IP IFC (ifcico) protocol.
No TCP/IP ITN    Disable TCP/IP ITN (telnet) protocol.


Edit node - mail processing

PKT password     The password to insert in .pkt files.
Check PKT pwd    Check password in received .pkt files. If not,
                 errors or missing passwords are only logged.
                 If set, errors or missing password are refused
                 and the .pkt files are renamed to .bad
UplMgr program   The name of the Areamgr program of this node.
                 This could be AreaFix, AreaMgr etc.
UplMgr passwd    The password for the Areamgr of this node.
Mail forward     Not in use yet.
ARCmail comp.    Use ARCmail 0.60 file naming convention for out of zone mail.
ARCmail a..z     Allow a..z last character for ARCmail filenames.


Edit mail groups

Here you can tag which mail groups are available for this node. Note that all groups are visible here, even for networks this node has no aka's in. Be carefull not to allow a node to connect areas from networks he has no aka in.


File setup

Files password   The password for .tic files.
Mgr password     The password for the Areamgr and Filemgr.
UplMgr program   The name of the Filemgr progrom of this node.
                 This could be FileMgr, Allfix, Raid etc.
UplMgr passwd    The password of the Filemgr if this node.
UplMgr Add +     Add a "+" in the command to connect areas.
Incl. message    Send a netmail message for each file to send.
Send TIC file    Send .tic file to this node.
Advanced TIC     Send advanced or standard .tic files.
File forward     Forward TIC files for this node (not yet).
Billing          Is Costsharing active for this node.
Bill direct      Send the bill direct or on command.
Credit           The credit this node has in units.
Debet            The debet we have with this node (informational).
Add              Add (or substract) factor to the bill.
Warn level       The debet level when to write a warning mesage.
Stop level       The debet level when to stop sending files.


File groups

The same story as for mail groups is true for the file groups.



In this statistics screen you can see the mail and files flow with this node. Values are stored for the current week, the previous week, the current month and previous month and the overall total since you defined this node. There are actual 12 months of statistics stored in the nodes record, only 2 are visible.

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