/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: Create Message Area * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2006 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "../lib/msg.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "../lib/mbsedb.h" #include "mgrutil.h" #include "createm.h" #define MCHARS "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" extern int areas_changed; int create_msgarea(char *marea, faddr *p_from) { char *temp; FILE *gp; Syslog('m', "create_msgarea(%s)", marea); temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/mgroups.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((gp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("Can't open %s", temp); free(temp); return FALSE; } fread(&mgrouphdr, sizeof(mgrouphdr), 1, gp); free(temp); fseek(gp, mgrouphdr.hdrsize, SEEK_SET); while ((fread(&mgroup, mgrouphdr.recsize, 1, gp)) == 1) { if ((mgroup.UpLink.zone == p_from->zone) && (mgroup.UpLink.net == p_from->net) && (mgroup.UpLink.node == p_from->node) && (mgroup.UpLink.point == p_from->point) && strlen(mgroup.AreaFile)) { if (CheckEchoGroup(marea, FALSE, p_from) == 0) { fclose(gp); return TRUE; } } } fclose(gp); return FALSE; } /* * Check echomail group AREAS file if requested area exists. * If so, create echomail area and if SendUplink is TRUE, * send the uplink a AreaMgr request to connect this area. * The echomail group record (mgroup) must be in memory. * Return codes: * 0 - All Seems Well * 1 - Some error * * The current nodes record may be destroyed after this, * make sure it is saved. */ int CheckEchoGroup(char *Area, int SendUplink, faddr *f) { char *temp, *buf, *tag, *desc, *p; FILE *ap, *mp; int offset; int i, rc = 0; sysconnect System; faddr *From, *To; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); Syslog('m', "Checking echogroup %s %s", mgroup.Name, mgroup.Comment); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", CFG.alists_path , mgroup.AreaFile); if ((ap = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("Echogroup %s: area taglist %s not found", mgroup.Name, temp); free(temp); return 1; } buf = calloc(4097, sizeof(char)); while (fgets(buf, 4096, ap)) { if (strlen(buf) && isalnum(buf[0])) { tag = strtok(buf, "\t \r\n\0"); p = strtok(NULL, "\r\n\0"); if (p == NULL) p = tag; /* If no description after the TAG, use TAG as description */ desc = p; while ((*desc == ' ') || (*desc == '\t')) desc++; if (strcasecmp(tag, Area) == 0) { /* * Make sure the tag is uppercase */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(tag); i++) tag[i] = toupper(tag[i]); Syslog('m', "Found tag \"%s\" desc \"%s\"", tag, desc); /* * Area is in AREAS file, now create area. * If needed, connect at uplink. */ if (SendUplink && SearchNode(mgroup.UpLink)) { if (nodes.UplAmgrBbbs) snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "echo +%s", tag); else snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "+%s", tag); From = fido2faddr(mgroup.UseAka); To = fido2faddr(mgroup.UpLink); if (UplinkRequest(To, From, FALSE, temp)) { WriteError("Can't send netmail to uplink"); fclose(ap); free(buf); free(temp); tidy_faddr(From); tidy_faddr(To); return 1; } tidy_faddr(From); tidy_faddr(To); } snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/mareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((mp = fopen(temp, "r+")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", temp); fclose(ap); free(buf); free(temp); return 1; } fread(&msgshdr, sizeof(msgshdr), 1, mp); /* * Verify the file is large enough */ fseek(mp, 0, SEEK_END); offset = msgshdr.hdrsize + ((mgroup.StartArea -1) * (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize)); Syslog('m', "file end at %ld, start area offset at %ld", ftell(mp), offset); if (ftell(mp) < offset) { /* * Start area record not in database, expand until start record exists. */ Syslog('m', "Database too small, expanding..."); memset(&msgs, 0, sizeof(msgs)); memset(&System, 0, sizeof(System)); while (TRUE) { fwrite(&msgs, sizeof(msgs), 1, mp); for (i = 0; i < (msgshdr.syssize / sizeof(System)); i++) fwrite(&System, sizeof(System), 1, mp); if (ftell(mp) >= msgshdr.hdrsize + ((mgroup.StartArea -1) * (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize))) break; } } if (fseek(mp, offset, SEEK_SET)) { WriteError("$Can't seek in %s to position %ld", temp, offset); fclose(ap); fclose(mp); free(buf); free(temp); return 1; } /* * Search a free record */ while (fread(&msgs, sizeof(msgs), 1, mp) == 1) { if (!msgs.Active) { fseek(mp, - msgshdr.recsize, SEEK_CUR); offset = ((ftell(mp) - msgshdr.hdrsize) / (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize)) + 1; Syslog('m', "Found free slot at %ld", offset); rc = 1; break; } /* * Skip systems */ fseek(mp, msgshdr.syssize, SEEK_CUR); } if (!rc) { Syslog('m', "No free slot, append after last record"); fseek(mp, 0, SEEK_END); if (ftell(mp) < msgshdr.hdrsize + ((mgroup.StartArea -1) * (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize))) { Syslog('m', "Database too small, expanding..."); memset(&msgs, 0, sizeof(msgs)); memset(&System, 0, sizeof(System)); while (TRUE) { fwrite(&msgs, sizeof(msgs), 1, mp); for (i = 0; i < (msgshdr.syssize / sizeof(System)); i++) fwrite(&System, sizeof(System), 1, mp); if (ftell(mp) >= msgshdr.hdrsize + ((mgroup.StartArea -1) * (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize))) break; } } rc = 1; } /* * Create the record with the defaults from the group record. */ offset = ((ftell(mp) - msgshdr.hdrsize) / (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize)) + 1; memset(&msgs, 0, sizeof(msgs)); strncpy(msgs.Tag, tag, 50); strncpy(msgs.Name, desc, 40); strncpy(msgs.QWKname, tag, 20); msgs.MsgKinds = PUBLIC; msgs.Type = ECHOMAIL; msgs.DaysOld = CFG.defdays; msgs.MaxMsgs = CFG.defmsgs; msgs.UsrDelete = mgroup.UsrDelete; msgs.RDSec = mgroup.RDSec; msgs.WRSec = mgroup.WRSec; msgs.SYSec = mgroup.SYSec; msgs.LinkSec = mgroup.LinkSec; strncpy(msgs.Group, mgroup.Name, 12); msgs.Aka = mgroup.UseAka; strncpy(msgs.Origin, CFG.origin, 50); msgs.Aliases = mgroup.Aliases; msgs.NetReply = mgroup.NetReply; msgs.Active = TRUE; msgs.Quotes = mgroup.Quotes; msgs.Charset = mgroup.Charset; msgs.MaxArticles = CFG.maxarticles; msgs.Created = time(NULL); tag = tl(tag); for (i = 0; i < strlen(tag); i++) if (tag[i] == '.') tag[i] = '/'; snprintf(msgs.Base, 65, "%s/%s", mgroup.BasePath, tag); snprintf(msgs.Newsgroup, 81, "%s.%s", GetFidoDomain(msgs.Aka.zone), tag); for (i = 0; i < strlen(msgs.Newsgroup); i++) { msgs.Newsgroup[i] = tolower(msgs.Newsgroup[i]); if (msgs.Newsgroup[i] == '/') msgs.Newsgroup[i] = '.'; if (msgs.Newsgroup[i] == '_') msgs.Newsgroup[i] = '.'; } fwrite(&msgs, sizeof(msgs), 1, mp); mkdirs(msgs.Base, 0770); if (Msg_Open(msgs.Base)) Msg_Close(); memset(&System, 0, sizeof(System)); System.aka = mgroup.UpLink; System.sendto = System.receivefrom = TRUE; fwrite(&System, sizeof(System), 1, mp); memset(&System, 0, sizeof(System)); for (i = 1; i < (msgshdr.syssize / sizeof(System)); i++) fwrite(&System, sizeof(System), 1, mp); fclose(mp); fclose(ap); free(buf); free(temp); if (f == NULL) Mgrlog("Auto created echo %s, group %s, area %ld", msgs.Tag, msgs.Group, offset); else Mgrlog("Auto created echo %s, group %s, area %ld, for node %s", msgs.Tag, msgs.Group, offset, ascfnode(f , 0x1f)); areas_changed = TRUE; return 0; } /* if (strcmp(tag, Area) == 0) */ } /* if (strlen(buf) && isalnum(buf[0])) */ } /* while (fgets(buf, 4096, ap)) */ Syslog('m', "Area %s not found in taglist", Area); free(buf); fclose(ap); free(temp); return 1; } void msged_areas(FILE *fp) { char *temp, *aka; FILE *no; int i = 0; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/mareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { free(temp); return; } fread(&msgshdr, sizeof(msgshdr), 1, no); fseek(no, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&msgshdr, msgshdr.hdrsize, 1, no); while (fread(&msgs, msgshdr.recsize, 1, no) == 1) { i++; if (msgs.Active) { fprintf(fp, "Jam "); switch (msgs.Type) { case LOCALMAIL: fprintf(fp, "l"); break; case NETMAIL: fprintf(fp, "mp"); break; case ECHOMAIL: fprintf(fp, "e"); break; case NEWS: fprintf(fp, "e"); break; } if (((msgs.Type == NEWS) || (msgs.Type == ECHOMAIL)) && strlen(msgs.Tag) && strlen(msgs.Newsgroup)) { fprintf(fp, "u"); } fprintf(fp, "8"); fprintf(fp, " \"%s\" %s", msgs.Name, msgs.Base); if (msgs.Type == ECHOMAIL) fprintf(fp, " %s", msgs.Tag); if (msgs.Type != LOCALMAIL) { aka = xstrcpy(strtok(aka2str(msgs.Aka), "@")); fprintf(fp, " %s", aka); free(aka); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fseek(no, msgshdr.syssize, SEEK_CUR); } fclose(no); free(temp); } void gold_areas(FILE *fp) { char *temp, *aka, groupid[13]; FILE *no, *fil; int i = 0; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/mareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { free(temp); return; } fread(&msgshdr, sizeof(msgshdr), 1, no); fseek(no, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&msgshdr, msgshdr.hdrsize, 1, no); fprintf(fp, "; Message Areas\n;\n"); fprintf(fp, "AREASCAN *\n"); fprintf(fp, "AREATYPEORDER Net Email Echo News Local\n"); while (fread(&msgs, msgshdr.recsize, 1, no) == 1) { i++; if (msgs.Active) { fprintf(fp, "AREADEF "); if (strlen(msgs.Tag)) fprintf(fp, "%s", msgs.Tag); else fprintf(fp, "AREA%d", i); fprintf(fp, " \"%s\" ", msgs.Name); /* * Set a default groupid */ switch (msgs.Type) { case LOCALMAIL : snprintf(groupid, 13, "O"); break; case NETMAIL : snprintf(groupid, 13, "N"); break; case ECHOMAIL : snprintf(groupid, 13, "C"); break; case NEWS : snprintf(groupid, 13, "I"); break; } /* * Now try to find a real groupid */ if (((msgs.Type == ECHOMAIL) || (msgs.Type == NEWS)) && strlen(msgs.Group)) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/mgroups.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&mgrouphdr, sizeof(mgrouphdr), 1, fil); while (fread(&mgroup, mgrouphdr.recsize, 1, fil) == 1) { if (mgroup.Active && !strcmp(msgs.Group, mgroup.Name) && mgroup.GoldEDgroup) { snprintf(groupid, 13, "%d", mgroup.GoldEDgroup); break; } } fclose(fil); } } fprintf(fp, "%s ", groupid); switch (msgs.Type) { case LOCALMAIL : fprintf(fp, "Local"); break; case NETMAIL : fprintf(fp, "Net"); break; case ECHOMAIL : fprintf(fp, "Echo"); break; case NEWS : fprintf(fp, "News"); break; } aka = xstrcpy(strtok(aka2str(msgs.Aka), "@")); fprintf(fp, " JAM %s %s ", msgs.Base, aka); free(aka); if (msgs.Type == NETMAIL) fprintf(fp, "(Loc Pvt)"); else fprintf(fp, "(Loc)"); fprintf(fp, " \"%s\"\n", msgs.Origin); } fseek(no, msgshdr.syssize, SEEK_CUR); } fclose(no); free(temp); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } void gold_akamatch(FILE *fp) { char temp[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fido; faddr *want, *ta; int i; snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/fidonet.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fido = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) return; fprintf(fp, "; AKA Matching\n;\n"); want = (faddr *)malloc(sizeof(faddr)); fread(&fidonethdr, sizeof(fidonethdr), 1, fido); while ((fread(&fidonet, fidonethdr.recsize, 1, fido)) == 1) { if (fidonet.available) { for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (fidonet.zone[i]) { want->zone = fidonet.zone[0]; want->net = 0; want->node = 0; want->point = 0; want->name = NULL; want->domain = NULL; ta = bestaka_s(want); fprintf(fp, "AKAMATCH %d:* %s\n", fidonet.zone[i], ascfnode(ta, 0xf)); tidy_faddr(ta); } } } } free(want); fprintf(fp, ";\n"); fprintf(fp, "AKAMATCHNET YES\n"); fprintf(fp, "AKAMATCHECHO YES\n"); fprintf(fp, "AKAMATCHLOCAL NO\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "; NODELISTS\n;\n"); fprintf(fp, "NODEPATH %s/\n", CFG.nodelists); fseek(fido, fidonethdr.hdrsize, SEEK_SET); while ((fread(&fidonet, fidonethdr.recsize, 1, fido)) == 1) { if (fidonet.available) { fprintf(fp, "NODELIST %s.*\n", fidonet.nodelist); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (strlen(fidonet.seclist[i].nodelist) || fidonet.seclist[i].zone) fprintf(fp, "NODELIST %s.*\n", fidonet.seclist[i].nodelist); } } // fprintf(fp, "USERLIST golded.lst\n"); fprintf(fp, "LOOKUPNET YES\n"); fprintf(fp, "LOOKUPECHO NO\n"); fprintf(fp, "LOOKUPLOCAL NO\n\n"); fclose(fido); }