/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: mbtask - chat server * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2005 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "taskutil.h" #include "taskregs.h" #include "taskchat.h" #include "taskibc.h" #define MAXMESSAGES 100 /* Maximum ringbuffer for messages */ /* * Buffer for messages, this is the structure of a ringbuffer which will * hold all messages, private public etc. There is one global input pointer * which points to the current head of the ringbuffer. When a user connects * to a channel, he will get the latest messages in the channel if they * are present. */ typedef struct _chatmsg { pid_t topid; /* Destination pid of message */ char fromname[36]; /* Message from user */ char message[81]; /* The message to display */ time_t posted; /* Timestamp for posted message */ } _chat_messages; /* * The buffers */ _chat_messages chat_messages[MAXMESSAGES]; int buffer_head = 0; /* Messages buffer head */ extern struct sysconfig CFG; /* System configuration */ extern int s_bbsopen; /* The BBS open status */ extern srv_list *servers; /* Connected servers */ extern usr_list *users; /* Connected users */ extern chn_list *channels; /* Connected channels */ extern int usrchg; extern int chnchg; extern int srvchg; extern pthread_mutex_t b_mutex; /* * Prototypes */ void chat_dump(void); void system_msg(pid_t, char *); void chat_help(pid_t); int join(pid_t, char *, int); int part(pid_t, char*); void chat_dump(void) { int first; usr_list *tmpu; first = TRUE; for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (tmpu->pid) { if (first) { Syslog('c', " pid username nick channel sysop"); Syslog('c', "----- ------------------------------------ --------- -------------------- -----"); first = FALSE; } Syslog('c', "%5d %-36s %-9s %-20s %s", tmpu->pid, tmpu->realname, tmpu->nick, tmpu->channel, tmpu->sysop?"True ":"False"); } } } /* * Put a system message into the chatbuffer */ void system_msg(pid_t pid, char *msg) { if (buffer_head < MAXMESSAGES) buffer_head++; else buffer_head = 0; Syslog('c', "system_msg(%d, %s) ptr=%d", pid, msg, buffer_head); memset(&chat_messages[buffer_head], 0, sizeof(_chat_messages)); chat_messages[buffer_head].topid = pid; snprintf(chat_messages[buffer_head].fromname, 36, "Server"); strncpy(chat_messages[buffer_head].message, msg, 80); chat_messages[buffer_head].posted = time(NULL); } /* * Shout a message to all users */ void system_shout(const char *format, ...) { char *buf; va_list va_ptr; usr_list *tmpu; buf = calloc(512, sizeof(char)); va_start(va_ptr, format); vsnprintf(buf, 512, format, va_ptr); va_end(va_ptr); for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) if (tmpu->pid) { system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } free(buf); } /* * Show help */ void chat_help(pid_t pid) { system_msg(pid, (char *)" Help topics available:"); system_msg(pid, (char *)""); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /BYE - Exit from chatserver"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /ECHO - Echo message to yourself"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /EXIT - Exit from chatserver"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /JOIN #channel - Join or create a channel"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /J #channel - Join or create a channel"); // system_msg(pid, (char *)" /KICK - Kick nick out of the channel"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /LIST - List active channels"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /NAMES - List nicks in current channel"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /NICK - Set new nickname"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /PART - Leave current channel"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /QUIT - Exit from chatserver"); system_msg(pid, (char *)" /TOPIC - Set topic for current channel"); system_msg(pid, (char *)""); system_msg(pid, (char *)" All other input (without a starting /) is sent to the channel."); } /* * Join a channel */ int join(pid_t pid, char *channel, int sysop) { char buf[81]; chn_list *tmp; usr_list *tmpu; Syslog('c', "Join pid %d to channel %s", pid, channel); if (channels) { for (tmp = channels; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (strcmp(tmp->name, channel) == 0) { for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (tmpu->pid == pid) { pthread_mutex_lock(&b_mutex); strncpy(tmpu->channel, channel, 20); tmp->users++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&b_mutex); Syslog('+', "IBC: user %s has joined channel %s", tmpu->nick, channel); usrchg = TRUE; srvchg = TRUE; chnchg = TRUE; chat_dump(); snprintf(buf, 81, "%s has joined channel %s, now %d users", tmpu->nick, channel, tmp->users); chat_msg(channel, NULL, buf); /* * The sysop channel is private to the system, no broadcast */ if (strcasecmp(channel, "#sysop")) send_all("JOIN %s@%s %s\r\n", tmpu->nick, CFG.myfqdn, channel); return TRUE; } } } } } /* * A new channel must be created, but only the sysop may create the "sysop" channel */ if (!sysop && (strcasecmp(channel, "#sysop") == 0)) { snprintf(buf, 81, "*** Only the sysop may create channel \"%s\"", channel); system_msg(pid, buf); return FALSE; } /* * No matching channel found, add a new channel. */ for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (tmpu->pid == pid) { if (add_channel(&channels, channel, tmpu->nick, CFG.myfqdn) == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&b_mutex); strncpy(tmpu->channel, channel, 20); pthread_mutex_unlock(&b_mutex); Syslog('+', "IBC: user %s created and joined channel %s", tmpu->nick, channel); usrchg = TRUE; chnchg = TRUE; srvchg = TRUE; snprintf(buf, 81, "* Created channel %s", channel); chat_msg(channel, NULL, buf); chat_dump(); if (strcasecmp(channel, "#sysop")) send_all("JOIN %s@%s %s\r\n", tmpu->nick, CFG.myfqdn, channel); return TRUE; } } } /* * No matching or free channels */ snprintf(buf, 81, "*** Cannot create chat channel %s, no free channels", channel); system_msg(pid, buf); Syslog('+', "%s", buf); return FALSE; } /* * Part from a channel */ int part(pid_t pid, char *reason) { char buf[81]; chn_list *tmp; usr_list *tmpu; if (strlen(reason) > 54) reason[54] = '\0'; Syslog('c', "Part pid %d from channel, reason %s", pid, reason); for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if ((tmpu->pid == pid) && strlen(tmpu->channel)) { for (tmp = channels; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (strcmp(tmp->name, tmpu->channel) == 0) { /* * Inform other users */ if (reason != NULL) { chat_msg(tmpu->channel, tmpu->nick, reason); } snprintf(buf, 81, "%s has left channel %s, %d users left", tmpu->nick, tmp->name, tmp->users); chat_msg(tmpu->channel, NULL, buf); if (strcasecmp(tmp->name, (char *)"#sysop")) { if (reason && strlen(reason)) send_all("PART %s@%s %s %s\r\n", tmpu->nick, CFG.myfqdn, tmp->name, reason); else send_all("PART %s@%s %s\r\n", tmpu->nick, CFG.myfqdn, tmp->name); } /* * Clean channel */ pthread_mutex_lock(&b_mutex); tmp->users--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&b_mutex); Syslog('+', "IBC: nick %s leaves channel %s", tmpu->nick, tmp->name); if (tmp->users == 0) { /* * Last user in channel, remove channel */ Syslog('+', "IBC: removed channel %s, no more users left", tmp->name); del_channel(&channels, tmp->name); chnchg = TRUE; } /* * Update user data */ pthread_mutex_lock(&b_mutex); tmpu->channel[0] = '\0'; pthread_mutex_unlock(&b_mutex); usrchg = TRUE; chnchg = TRUE; srvchg = TRUE; chat_dump(); return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } void chat_init(void) { memset(&chat_messages, 0, sizeof(chat_messages)); } void chat_cleanuser(pid_t pid) { part(pid, (char *)"I'm hanging up!"); } /* * Send message into channel */ void chat_msg(char *channel, char *nick, char *msg) { char buf[79], *logm; usr_list *tmpu; if (nick == NULL) snprintf(buf, 79, "%s", msg); else snprintf(buf, 79, "<%s> %s", nick, msg); if (CFG.iAutoLog && strlen(CFG.chat_log)) { logm = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(logm, PATH_MAX, "%s/log/%s", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), CFG.chat_log); ulog(logm, (char *)"+", channel, (char *)"-1", buf); free(logm); } for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (strlen(tmpu->channel) && (strcmp(tmpu->channel, channel) == 0)) { system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } } } /* * Connect a session to the chatserver. */ char *chat_connect(char *data) { char *pid, *realname, *nick; static char buf[200]; int count = 0, sys = FALSE; srv_list *sl; usr_list *tmpu; Syslog('c', "CCON:%s", data); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (IsSema((char *)"upsalarm")) { snprintf(buf, 200, "100:1,*** Power failure, running on UPS;"); return buf; } if (s_bbsopen == FALSE) { snprintf(buf, 200, "100:1,*** The BBS is closed now;"); return buf; } /* * Register with IBC */ pid = strtok(data, ","); /* Should be 3 */ pid = strtok(NULL, ","); /* The pid */ realname = xstrcpy(cldecode(strtok(NULL, ",")));/* Username */ nick = xstrcpy(cldecode(strtok(NULL, ","))); /* Nickname */ sys = atoi(strtok(NULL, ";")); /* Sysop flag */ add_user(&users, CFG.myfqdn, nick, realname); send_all("USER %s@%s %s\r\n", nick, CFG.myfqdn, realname); /* * Now search the added entry to update the data */ for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if ((strcmp(tmpu->server, CFG.myfqdn) == 0) && (strcmp(tmpu->name, nick) == 0) && (strcmp(tmpu->realname, realname) == 0)) { /* * Oke, found */ pthread_mutex_lock(&b_mutex); tmpu->pid = atoi(pid); tmpu->pointer = buffer_head; tmpu->sysop = sys; pthread_mutex_unlock(&b_mutex); usrchg = TRUE; srvchg = TRUE; Syslog('c', "Connected user %s (%s) with chatserver, sysop %s", realname, pid, sys ? "True":"False"); /* * Now put welcome message into the ringbuffer and report success. */ snprintf(buf, 200, "MBSE BBS v%s chat server; type /help for help", VERSION); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); snprintf(buf, 200, "Welcome to the Internet BBS Chat Network"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); snprintf(buf, 200, "Current connected servers:"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); for (sl = servers; sl; sl = sl->next) { snprintf(buf, 200, " %s (%d user%s)", sl->fullname, sl->users, (sl->users == 1) ? "":"s"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); count += sl->users; } snprintf(buf, 200, "There %s %d user%s connected", (count != 1)?"are":"is", count, (count != 1)?"s":""); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); snprintf(buf, 200, "100:0;"); return buf; } } snprintf(buf, 200, "100:1,Too many users connected;"); return buf; } char *chat_close(char *data) { static char buf[81]; char *pid; usr_list *tmpu; Syslog('c', "CCLO:%s", data); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); pid = strtok(data, ","); pid = strtok(NULL, ";"); for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (tmpu->pid == atoi(pid)) { /* * Remove from IBC network */ send_all("QUIT %s@%s Leaving chat\r\n", tmpu->name, CFG.myfqdn); del_user(&users, CFG.myfqdn, tmpu->name); Syslog('c', "Closing chat for pid %s", pid); snprintf(buf, 81, "100:0;"); return buf; } } Syslog('c', "Pid %s was not connected to chatserver"); snprintf(buf, 81, "100:1,*** ERROR - Not connected to server;"); return buf; } char *chat_put(char *data) { static char buf[200]; char *pid, *msg, *cmd; int first, count; int found; usr_list *tmpu, *tmp; chn_list *tmpc; char temp[81]; Syslog('c', "CPUT:%s", data); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (IsSema((char *)"upsalarm")) { snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,*** Power alarm, running on UPS;"); return buf; } if (s_bbsopen == FALSE) { snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,*** The BBS is closed now;"); return buf; } pid = strtok(data, ","); pid = strtok(NULL, ","); msg = xstrcpy(cldecode(strtok(NULL, ";"))); for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (tmpu->pid == atoi(pid)) { if (msg[0] == '/') { /* * A command, process this */ if (strncasecmp(msg, "/help", 5) == 0) { chat_help(atoi(pid)); goto ack; } else if (strncasecmp(msg, "/echo", 5) == 0) { snprintf(buf, 200, "%s", msg); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); goto ack; } else if ((strncasecmp(msg, "/exit", 5) == 0) || (strncasecmp(msg, "/quit", 5) == 0) || (strncasecmp(msg, "/bye", 4) == 0)) { part(tmpu->pid, (char *)"Quitting"); snprintf(buf, 200, "Goodbye"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); goto hangup; } else if ((strncasecmp(msg, "/join", 5) == 0) || (strncasecmp(msg, "/j ", 3) == 0)) { cmd = strtok(msg, " \0"); Syslog('c', "\"%s\"", cmd); cmd = strtok(NULL, "\0"); Syslog('c', "\"%s\"", cmd); if ((cmd == NULL) || (cmd[0] != '#') || (strcmp(cmd, "#") == 0)) { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Try /join #channel"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } else if (strlen(tmpu->channel)) { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Cannot join while in a channel"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } else { Syslog('c', "Trying to join channel %s", cmd); join(tmpu->pid, cmd, tmpu->sysop); } chat_dump(); goto ack; } else if (strncasecmp(msg, "/list", 5) == 0) { first = TRUE; for (tmpc = channels; tmpc; tmpc = tmpc->next) { if (first) { snprintf(buf, 200, "Cnt Channel name Channel topic"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); snprintf(buf, 200, "--- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } first = FALSE; snprintf(buf, 200, "%3d %-20s %-54s", tmpc->users, tmpc->name, tmpc->topic); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } if (first) { snprintf(buf, 200, "No active channels to list"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } goto ack; } else if (strncasecmp(msg, "/names", 6) == 0) { if (strlen(tmpu->channel)) { snprintf(buf, 200, "Present in channel %s:", tmpu->channel); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); snprintf(buf, 200, "Nick Real name Flags"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); snprintf(buf, 200, "---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); count = 0; for (tmp = users; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (strcmp(tmp->channel, tmpu->channel) == 0) { snprintf(temp, 81, "%s@%s", tmp->nick, tmp->server); snprintf(buf, 200, "%-40s %-30s %s", temp, tmp->realname, tmp->sysop ? (char *)"sysop" : (char *)""); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); count++; } } snprintf(buf, 200, "%d user%s in this channel", count, (count == 1) ?"":"s"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } else { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Not in a channel"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } goto ack; } else if (strncasecmp(msg, "/nick", 5) == 0) { cmd = strtok(msg, " \0"); cmd = strtok(NULL, "\0"); if ((cmd == NULL) || (strlen(cmd) == 0) || (strlen(cmd) > 9)) { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Nickname must be between 1 and 9 characters"); } else { found = FALSE; for (tmp = users; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if ((strcmp(tmp->name, cmd) == 0) || (strcmp(tmp->nick, cmd) == 0)) { found = TRUE; } } if (!found ) { strncpy(tmpu->nick, cmd, 9); snprintf(buf, 200, "Nick set to \"%s\"", cmd); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); send_all("NICK %s %s %s %s\r\n", tmpu->nick, tmpu->name, CFG.myfqdn, tmpu->realname); usrchg = TRUE; chat_dump(); goto ack; } snprintf(buf, 200, "Can't set nick"); } system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); chat_dump(); goto ack; } else if (strncasecmp(msg, "/part", 5) == 0) { cmd = strtok(msg, " \0"); Syslog('c', "\"%s\"", cmd); cmd = strtok(NULL, "\0"); Syslog('c', "\"%s\"", printable(cmd, 0)); if (part(tmpu->pid, cmd ? cmd : (char *)"Quitting") == FALSE) { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Not in a channel"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); } chat_dump(); goto ack; } else if (strncasecmp(msg, "/topic", 6) == 0) { if (strlen(tmpu->channel)) { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Internal system error"); for (tmpc = channels; tmpc; tmpc = tmpc->next) { if (strcmp(tmpu->channel, tmpc->name) == 0) { if ((strcmp(tmpu->name, tmpc->owner) == 0) || (strcmp(tmpu->nick, tmpc->owner) == 0)) { cmd = strtok(msg, " \0"); cmd = strtok(NULL, "\0"); if ((cmd == NULL) || (strlen(cmd) == 0) || (strlen(cmd) > 54)) { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Topic must be between 1 and 54 characters"); } else { strncpy(tmpc->topic, cmd, 54); snprintf(buf, 200, "Topic set to \"%s\"", cmd); send_all("TOPIC %s %s\r\n", tmpc->name, tmpc->topic); } } else { snprintf(buf, 200, "** You are not the channel owner"); } break; } } } else { snprintf(buf, 200, "** Not in a channel"); } system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); chat_dump(); goto ack; } else { /* * If still here, the command was not recognized. */ cmd = strtok(msg, " \t\r\n\0"); snprintf(buf, 200, "*** \"%s\" :Unknown command", cmd+1); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); goto ack; } } if (strlen(tmpu->channel) == 0) { /* * Trying messages while not in a channel */ snprintf(buf, 200, "** No channel joined. Try /join #channel"); system_msg(tmpu->pid, buf); chat_dump(); goto ack; } else { chat_msg(tmpu->channel, tmpu->nick, msg); send_all("PRIVMSG %s <%s> %s\r\n", tmpu->channel, tmpu->nick, msg); chat_dump(); } goto ack; } } Syslog('c', "Pid %s was not connected to chatserver"); snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,*** ERROR - Not connected to server;"); free(msg); return buf; ack: snprintf(buf, 200, "100:0;"); free(msg); return buf; hangup: snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,Disconnecting;"); free(msg); return buf; } /* * Check for a message for the user. Return the message or signal that * nothing is there to display. */ char *chat_get(char *data) { static char buf[200]; char *pid; usr_list *tmpu; if (IsSema((char *)"upsalarm")) { snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,*** Power failure, running on UPS;"); return buf; } if (s_bbsopen == FALSE) { snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,*** The BBS is closed now;"); return buf; } memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); pid = strtok(data, ","); pid = strtok(NULL, ";"); for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (atoi(pid) == tmpu->pid) { while (tmpu->pointer != buffer_head) { if (tmpu->pointer < MAXMESSAGES) tmpu->pointer++; else tmpu->pointer = 0; if (tmpu->pid == chat_messages[tmpu->pointer].topid) { /* * Message is for us */ snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,0,%s;", clencode(chat_messages[tmpu->pointer].message)); Syslog('c', "%s", buf); return buf; } } snprintf(buf, 200, "100:0;"); return buf; } } snprintf(buf, 200, "100:2,1,*** ERROR - Not connected to server;"); return buf; } /* * Check for sysop present for forced chat */ char *chat_checksysop(char *data) { static char buf[20]; char *pid; usr_list *tmpu; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); pid = strtok(data, ","); pid = strtok(NULL, ";"); if (reg_ispaging(pid)) { Syslog('c', "Check sysopchat for pid %s, user has paged", pid); /* * Now check if sysop is present in the sysop channel */ for (tmpu = users; tmpu; tmpu = tmpu->next) { if (atoi(pid) != tmpu->pid) { if (strlen(tmpu->channel) && (strcasecmp(tmpu->channel, "#sysop") == 0) && tmpu->sysop) { Syslog('c', "Sending ACK on check"); snprintf(buf, 20, "100:1,1;"); reg_sysoptalk(pid); return buf; } } } } snprintf(buf, 20, "100:1,0;"); return buf; }