Last update 02-Feb-2002


Semafore files with MBSE BBS.

The directory $MBSE_ROOT/sema is the hardcoded semafore directory where all semafore's must be created, tested and removed. When the system is booting, the init script will erase all semafore's just before the BBS is started. This description is valid from MBSE BBS v0.33.19 and newer.
zmh		Purpose: to mark the state of Zone Mail Hour. 
		Created by "mbtask" at the start of Zone Mail Hour.
		Removed by "mbtask" at the end of Zone Mail Hour.

upsalarm	Purpose: Signal that the system is running on battery power.
		Created and removed by UPS software.
		Checked by mbtask to suspend processing.
		Checked by mbfido to stop processing.

upsdown		Purpose: Signal that the system will go down on low battery.
		Created and removed by UPS software.
		Checked by mbtask to go down.
		Checked by several scripts and "mbstat wait".

newnews		Purpose: Signal that there are new articles on the news server.
		Checked by mbtask to start news processing.
		Removed by mbtask as soon as it is detected.

mailout		Purpose: Signal that there is mail posted in the message base.
		Checked by mbtask to start scan the message base.
		Removed by mbtask as soon as it is detected.

mailin		Purpose: Signal that there is new mail in the inbound.
		Checked by mbtask to start the tosser.
		Removed by mbtask as soon as it is detected.

scanout		Purpose: Signal that the outbound must be rescanned.
		Checked by mbtask to check the outbound.
		Removed by mbtask as soon as it is detected.

do_inet		Purpose: Signal that there are node(s) to be called via the
		internet. Usefull for dialup systems to check whether a
		connection to the internet is needed.
		Created and removed by mbtask.

mbtask.last	Purpose: A timestamp created and touched by "mbtask" every
		minute so you can check it is running.
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