Last update 30-Jan-2001


MBSE BBS Setup - File Echo's Setup - Hatch Manager.


Hatch files is nothing more than entering a new file into a file echo. That file is searched for on your system in a specific directory with a certain filemask. This can be for example a new created nodelist or an allfiles listing. Everytime mbfido tic is run it will scan for files defined in this setup. If such a file is found, a special .tic file is written and stored in the mailers inbound directory. When the mbfido starts processing .tic files, that new hatched file will be processed as if it was received form another system. To let this work, you obviously need an existing TIC area.


Hatch Manager Setup.

Mask    The path and filename mask to search for. 
        "?" matches any character, "#" matches digits and "@" matches
        alpha characters. Don't use "*", this doesn't work!
Area    The area to hatch this file in.
Replace The filename to replace, ie. "nodelist.z*"
Magic   The filerequest magic name, ie. "nodelist"
Desc    The description of the file, %12 in the description
        means copy the 12th character of the name in place.
Dupe    Check for duplicates.
Active  If this area is active.
Deleted If this area must be deleted.
Days    The days in the week to scan for this file.
Month   The dates in the month to scan for this file.

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